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After Newt Gingrich's extremely long, lie packed speech on Super Tuesday the panel covering election night at MSNBC actually did some fact checking on one of Gingrich's lies, that President Obama said he only cares about gas prices because it will harm his chances of being reelected.

Newt Makes False Claim About Obama On Gas Prices:

Speaking at his victory party Tuesday night after winning his home state of Georgia, Newt Gingrich falsely claimed President Obama was "worried about higher gas prices because it will make it harder for [him] to get re-elected."

Here's Newt's full comment:

The president was right the other day. He's so nervous about gasoline prices and energy, that he's done two major speeches. I thought today, in one of the most shallow and self-serving comments by a president I've heard in a long time, he was candid in his press conference. He said, you know, I'm really worried about higher gas prices because it will make it harder for me to get re-elected. I did not make this up. It was just nice to know that the president once again has managed to take the pain of the american people and turn it into his own personal problem.

But President Obama didn't say that.

Here's what he really said at today's White House press briefing, directed at Fox News reporter Ed Henry, who asked the president if he actually wants gas prices to go even higher so he can "wean" the American people off fossil fuels.

Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States, going into reelection, wants gas prices to go up even higher? … Is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense?

Karoli posted President Obama and Ed Henry's little exchange from earlier here -- Fox News' Ed Henry Smacked Down By President Obama During Presidential News Conference.

Mike's Blog Round Up

Happy Hump Day! Let's start with some Republican talking points. Add yours in comments. I'm guessing the C&L crowd can come up with some really good ones! And if that doesn't float your boat, how about some award winning photography to start your day?

Mad Mike's America: Joe Conservative: Your Daughter Walks Into a Bar

The Imperfect Blog: The Santorum Shield: Condoms Inspired by Senator Rick

Perrspectives: Remember When Ronald Reagan Sent a Cake, a Bible and U.S. Arms to Iran? Mitt Romney Doesn't

MadKane: Political Spam of the Day

Round up by Swimgirl. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars.com.

Open Thread

Not a war on women? Ya think?

Open thread below....

C&L Late Night Music Club With 10cc

Crossposted from Late Nite Music Club
Genre: art rock
Title: The Wall Street Shuffle
Artist: 10cc

hat tip: Schmoochie

New York streets have given us some pretty memorable songs. Bleeker Street. 52nd Street. 10th Avenue Freeze-out. And, of course, The Wall Street Shuffle, by the iconic British art rock band, 10cc. Enjoy.

So what are you listening to tonight down on your street?

The Very Best of 10cc
The Very Best of 10cc
Artist: 10cc
Price: $9.19
(As of 03/07/12 01:45 am details)

Tea Party Report: Super Tuesday

Tea party reporter, Susie Sampson, files about Super Tuesday!

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Stephen Colbert had a field day with Rush Limbaugh and his advertisers dropping one by one after making the horrible nasty remarks about Sandra Fluke on his radio show over the course of three days. I liked his little montage of Limbaugh's offensive remarks that he did not feel the need to apologize for since it laid bare just how hollow that apology was, and the "takes one to know one" comment as far as just who exactly is a prostitute here, since Limbaugh only "apologized" once it looked like it might start costing him money.

Like a lot of others before him have already done, Colbert hit him for obviously not understanding how birth control pills work since he claimed it costs women more money if they have more sex and said "Rush knows what he's talking about because every time he's had sex with a woman, he's had to slip her a pill first." Ouch.

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum weren't spared either after both of their really lame responses to Limbaugh's ugliness. You know, it's really just astounding that in a year when the GOP looked like they couldn't possibly find another group of people to alienate, offend and turn off to the point that they might not ever vote for any of them again, they managed to find another two... almost all women and everyone who likes having sex and doesn't want to be having a child every year or so in the process.

I grew up going to Catholic schools and remember all too well just how many huge families there were in my parish decades ago. I went to grade school with kids that had ten, twelve, thirteen, sixteen and seventeen children in their families because their parents actually listened to the church's advice on using birth control. If Limbaugh and Santorum and their ilk are stupid enough to think they can shame anyone into going back to those times, they're out of their minds.

I'll be happy to see Limbaugh off the air because this kind of trash really should not be allowed to be broadcast across our airways, but if they want to let him keep talking, the Republicans are just asking for a world of pain from this.

Romney Wins Virginia, Vermont; Gingrich Wins Georgia

Ohio is still too close to call.

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Kirk Cameron, the man who believes the banana legitimizes creationism continues his assault on the Gay community during a Piers Morgan interview on CNN:

During a new interview with Piers Morgan the "Growing Pains" heartthrob who transitioned from a "teen-idol-atheist in Hollywood and became a devoted follower of Jesus Christ in the middle of [his] career" explained that he believes homosexuality is "unnatural... I think that it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization."

On the issue of marriage equality Cameron remarked, "Marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve -- one man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don't think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't."

When asked what he would do if one of his six kids told him, "Dad, bad news, I'm gay," Cameron responded, "I'd sit down and I'd have a heart to heart with them, just like you'd do with your kids."

Morgan shot back, "I'd say, 'That's great, son! As long as you're happy.' What would you say?"

Cameron offered, "I wouldn't say 'That's great, son, as long as you're happy.' There are all sorts of issues we need to wrestle through in our life... Just because you feel one way doesn't mean we should act on everything we feel."

What great advice by Kirk. Hey there, son. For all things in life just act on what I tell you and what I believe in, OK? Thank the stars that recent polling shows fighting against gay marriage is a big time loser. Kirk really plays nasty with a smile on his face.

This came out a couple of days ago, but since Super Tuesday is upon us I was wondering if any cracker jack reporter has asked Mitt Romney lately if he supported the amounts of his own money the Mormon Church spent in California alone, trying to defeat gay marriage? I think it's pretty relevant considering he gives so much money to the Mormon Church and he's always attacking what the government spends. I won't even get into their polygamist marriage history and how that ties into this debate.

(h/t Heather at Video Cafe for the video. Don't forget to check VC all day long for all their awesome videos.)

Super Tuesday Poll Results

The first polls close at 7pm EST.

NY Fed: 1 in 4 Borrowers Carrying Past Due Student Loan Balance

I can't find any breakdown in this LA Times piece, but I have to wonder: How many of these loans are from the shell game run by for-profit colleges? Because they're almost designed to have students default, much like mortgage derivatives. And in the meantime (watch above video), Republicans want to push through rate increases that will make it even more likely. Hmm... maybe this is not an accident:

Reporting from Washington— Some experts have called the nation's soaring college debt load a "ticking time bomb" — a looming crisis threatening young adults, their families and the broader economy.

A new report raises even more alarms: It's likely that as many as 1 in 4 borrowers was carrying a past-due student loan balance in the third quarter, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said Monday.

That's a much higher delinquency rate than previously thought. By a more conventional measure, the New York Fed said, 5.4 million of 37 million borrowers with student loan balances had at least one past-due student loan account — a 14.6% rate.

Many educators are concerned about the increasing financial squeeze on college students and their families and the repercussions for the nation's economy.

W. Norton Grubb, a professor at UC Berkeley's School of Education, is worried that rising debt levels are forcing some students to drop out. Only 40% to 50% of those enrolling at universities such as the California State University schools end up completing their degrees, he said.

Such figures have helped bolster a long-held belief by scholars that America's declining or stagnant college graduation rates have become an Achilles' heel in the competitive global economy.

The New York Fed report concluded that "student loan debt is not just a concern for the young. Parents and the federal government shoulder a substantial part of the post-secondary education bill."

[...] The New York Fed said the past-due balances on student loans amounted to $85 billion, or about 10% of the total owed. The same 10% rate applies on average to other types of consumer delinquent debt, such as mortgages and credit cards.

But Fed researchers said delinquency figures for student loans understate the magnitude of the problem. That's because the calculations don't take into account that federally guaranteed loans, which make up the bulk of student debt, typically don't require repayment while borrowers are still in school and for six months after graduation.