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Hate Mail to: Cornmotherne at yahoo dot com


April 30, 2009

Pastimes Of The Late Capitalist Middling Classes | # | When the Revolution Comes, Fake Science — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 8:33 pm

Sometimes, people just get fat from eating more than they should. It happens quite a bit. Really, look around. I saw a cartoon years ago where a character was reminiscing something to the effect of:

"You’re born, you go on a few diets, and you die."

I’d call that fairly accurate.


Reading THIS advice column today, I was struck not by the shallowness of the letter writers, but by the curious need people have to turn every fault into a psychological "problem." Gaining forty pounds is grounds for hauling someone off to counseling, and nagging them to work out? No wonder the poor chap in the first letter is depressed, if in fact he is. Living in that sort of an environment being micro-managed by your partner would be well… depressing The way doctors hand out anti-depressants, and slap diagnosis’ on people without much thought, he might do well to seek another opinion. I wonder at who’s urging he sought the diagnosis in the first place? Wonder, wonder, wonder. Worse, it seems to be commonly accepted that so long as one argues their actions are for the good of the other, any and all behaviour is excusable. She’s repulsed by her fat husband…but it is because he’s sick and needs "help." I reckon if he lost forty pounds there would suddenly be some other failing in need of "help."


People being people, they are going to want to control others. I get that. What I don’t understand is how it became socially acceptable to do so. It is the normalest thing in the world to fuck something up, and want to blame it on someone else. We all think that way at some point. We don’t however all act on those urges. At least, we didn’t used to.


People get fat, they leave their socks on the floor, they drink too much. Human beings-oh man, are we ever irritating. So incredibly irritating. That doesn’t make us sick, or in need of therapy-for our own good. Imagine the arrogance of telling your parter what they need to do…for their own good. Rather like reducing them to the role of a small child. Incredible, really. Why would anyone want to be in a relationship like that?


Again, I could care less about the individuals penning off these letters for advice-rather I find it fascinating that it has become completely acceptable to impose one’s nonsense on another person. Maybe it started with the horrendous practise of "interventions."  Anyone can become a "therapist." Really, they don’t screen for being personally fucked-up. Just pay the tuition and you too can have a diploma-mill certificate qualifying you to offer helpful advice based on something you saw on daytime television. Here, have some Kool-Aid.


I’d really prefer a world where people could just be honest enough to admit they don’t like their parter any longer, rather than try to justify the dislike by pathologizing everyday life. Trying to impose a bogus psychological label on another human being seems a whole hell of a lot more shallow than saying you’re not attracted to fat people. But then, you wouldn’t get points for being such a good martyr, and suffering because they won’t get "help."

I cannot imagine how exhausting it must be to have that sort of a relationship. All that time and energy put into finding faults and agonising over them, and newspaper columns, television shows and the like making it seem respectable to do so. People are sleeping in the streets, eating from dumpsters and dying of treatable illnesses…and the middling classes (or what’s left anyway) are consumed with rubbish like this? Late Capitalism-fun, fun, fun.









Celebrate America | # | Uncategorized, Canada — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 7:04 pm

…with a Canadian rock band.


Don’t give me no hand-me-down world…


This is almost as pathetic as the time I was in Erie, PA in the late 90’s and the whole town was excited because Jethro Tull was playing a concert there. Yeah, everyone was like, "Suck it, Buffalo-we’ve got Jethro Tull!"


I’m afraid The Guess Who, and Grand Funk feel a bit like that.  Maybe worse. Glad to see they’re still sporting long hair. Glad to see they still have hair.

Food Lifeboat | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 4:25 pm

Still some information here worth noting-I think I’ve posted this before. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to stock-up a bit extra if you are headed to the market this week.


The site is Australian, so don’t feel too bad if you can’t locate any Vegemite. I think it is safe to say you can survive a pandemic without it.


I have a pretty extensive food storage system at home anyway, but I’m still stocking up a bit extra on dog food and bottled water. I’m not a panic-driven sort of person, but hey, it is always a good idea to have supplies on hand. I live way out in the country, so I’ve grown used to long time spans between trips to town for supplies.


Don’t forget to re-stock your first aid kit as well.  

April 28, 2009

That’s How To Write A Headline | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:14 am

US Aircraft and Elite navy SEALS Defeat Three Somalis in a Lifeboat.


The article is pretty good too. 

April 27, 2009

Cubby Hole | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:25 am

I just had to explain what a cubby hole is to a 48 year old. How anyone could have gone through school and not heard of a "cubby", or "cubby hole", is beyond me.


What I wonder is where he kept his lunchbox and windbreaker?


Anyone else not familiar with cubby holes?  

April 25, 2009

The Alberta Coastline | # | Canada — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:38 am

Oh, THIS is funny.


The real tip off was that none of the birds were coated in tar.  

We’re All Going To Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | # | As Seen From the Armchair — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:31 am

I’ve been waiting years to do a headline with that many exclamation marks.


Anyone remember the last swine flu panic? I could go Google it, but I think it was around 1976-and we were all going to catch it and die. Maybe this is serious, I don’t know. I’d be a hell of a lot more concerned about keeling over from breathing the polluted air in Mexico City, than catching swine flu.


I also wonder if it would be so upsetting if it were cocker spaniel flu, or hamster flu, or turtle flu. Swine just sounds bad. You filthy swine. See what I mean?


Aren’t the dirty birdies going to be so jealous the pigs infected the humans first?

April 22, 2009

And Right On Cue… | # | Uncategorized, Dannypants — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 11:08 pm

Standing in line at the supermarket, the cashier is making small talk with Danny about "Why aren’t you at pre-school today?"  Danny explains he’s homeschooled, which was greeted with a snort-not even a comment.


There’s a bias here that only fundie nutcases homeschool, and that the children are all unable to read and count to ten. 


Without prompting, Danny points to the plastic stick for dividing grocery orders and asks:

"Mama? What’s American Express? It says, American Express."


No snort from the cashier that time. I waited until we were outside to double over in laughter.  

One Less Thing To Worry About | # | Dannypants — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 11:01 pm

Danny:  Don’t worry mama, when you’re dead and we get your life insurance I’ll teach papa how to make cookies.





how To Rid Your Library Of Old People | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:59 am

Pipe in music.


Well why not, they’ve already installed coffee kiosks-what’s a bit of music as well? I understand that books are not the primary draw at libraries these days, but for heaven’s sake-they ought to at least remain quiet.


I feel slightly ill just thinking about it. 

Protecting People From Themselves | # | They Hate Us For Our Freedom — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:00 am

I went to high school in the years before the hysteria over sex education came into vogue. As a consequence, we all took our seats in health class one day to watch a film about human sexuality-in the elderly.


If the purpose of showing a room full of teens a film of a couple of semi-nude octogenarian was to put us off sexual contact of any type-it worked. At least for a few days. Imagine granny and grandad and some heavy petting. I suppose they wanted to drive home the point that old people do it-but who the hell would actually want to watch it? Anyway, this was shown in a public school and to the best of my knowledge no one said a word about it.


My, look how the times have changed! Now a State lawmaker in Massachusetts (Where else? And I say that as someone who lived there for a decade) wants to protect the over-sixty set from being exploited-by themselves. Oh just click the link and soak in the absurdity for yourself.

Thanks, Raymond! | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 1:47 am

Guess what CD I’ll be waking the family up to?


I have the best friends. 

April 21, 2009

I Do Not Look Like Chevy Chase | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 3:52 am

-But THIS site says I do.  I guess I should just be thankful it didn’t say I look like Iggy Pop. I mean, I know I’m not looking my best these days, but really.


Kind of a fun way to waste time.  

April 19, 2009

Nose Maggots | # | Police State — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 3:34 am

Not only does inhaling Smarties mimic smoking (oh no, the horrors!) the youngsters face an increased risk of nose maggots.


That ought to scare those Smarties huffing youngins straight.


When I was a kid, we used to blow the powdered sugar out of licorice snaps in a plume-probably looked like a roach. We also used to rub sour cherry jellys on our faces as lipstick and blush. Still, I think the risk of nose maggots would have been enough to put me off both those activities.


Anyone know if the nose maggot thing is really true? Not that I’m going to be snorting Smarties or anything, just seems a bit over-the-top. 

April 15, 2009

Great Headline | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:45 am



Nothing to worry about folks, move along now. Just ignore the long tube hanging from the helicopter… 

Just You Wait | # | Dannypants — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 1:52 am

Danny has a little boom box that plays CD’s and his father has supplied him with all manner of recordings with which to annoy the living shit out of me all day. I don’t care for Australian folk music, and I’m not really a fan of Half Japanese-but all day long I’m listening to either Waltzing Matilda or No More Beatlemania (Once Was Enough!). I’m ready to claw my goddamed eardrums out.


But I have twenty bucks and an Internet connection-and that’s enough for a Carpenter’s boxed set. I’ll have to impose a "weekends only" rule for playing it-starting bright and early Saturday morning.


April 14, 2009

Legalise What? | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:26 am

Today was the monthly call-in radio show with our Governor. An elderly man called in, from my tiny town to scold Heineman for not legalising meth.


I think he probably didn’t know what it is. He was headed in the right direction talking about the failures of prohibition, etc. and at first it sounded like he was going to talk about tea-then he veered off into meth territory.


I had no idea I live in such a progressive town. 



Actual Phone Conversation | # | Uncategorized — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 2:03 am

Surgical Nurse: So just go ahead and take your regular medications the day before surgery.

Me: Even the arthritis drugs? I mean, I don’t want to bleed to death on the table.

Surgical Nurse: Oh, it’s OK, the doctor said she’ll just take a smaller biopsy.

Me: Well, if it means I have to come back to remove something…

Surgical Nurse: Well, she doesn’t do that kind of surgery.

Me: (teasing) How many of her patients have bled to death on the table?

Surgical Nurse: (sounding shocked and upset) None! She’s NEVER lost a patient in surgery.*

Me: Really? That’s pretty good…how many died in the recovery room?

Surgical Nurse: (still flustered and not sure if I’m serious or not) None! They have cameras on the scope and can see what’s going on. This is a very safe procedure and she’s done it it numerous times.

Me: Really? That’s awesome! Hey, do I get a souvenir video like when you have the ultrasound of your unborn baby at twenty weeks?

Surgical Nurse: No.

Me: Awww, that’s too bad.



And here’s where the conversation goes so positively Nebraskan that I could reach through the phone and just hug her for being a good old Huskerdoodle. You see, Nebraskans pride themselves on being helpful-doesn’t matter how. Need to borrow a truck? Sure. Need help cleaning up after a tornado? Absolutely. Need advice about dentists, mechanics, and so on? They’ll try to be helpful, because that’s what their mamas taught them to do:


Surgical Nurse: Well, I guess we could make you a copy of the biopsy pictures-but they’re just pictures, not video.


* I still don’t believe that, but good for her if it is actually true.







April 13, 2009

Hamlet With Dinosaurs | # | Dannypants — J.S. (not the Watergate felon) Magruder @ 1:24 am

You know those plastic dinosaurs that come fifty to a bag? Yeah, my four year old was staging Hamlet with them. Hamlet was played by a Stegasaurus. I had nothing to do with it, didn’t suggest it, or in any way prompt that little performance. Being Easter and all, I guess I should be thankful he wasn’t doing a Paleo Passion play.


We took Danny to see his first movie in a cinema today. He enjoyed the experience, even if Monsters Vs. Aliens was kind of lame. I think he was expecting it to be like Godzilla Vs. King Kong (which he’s seen) and this was kind of a letdown.


As we were watching 40 minutes worth of previews, I had a fraction of a second where I thought I might actually be losing my hearing and/or mind. Did you know they made a new children’s movie called "Up?" No really, they did. I can’t help but think that might lead to some really uncomfortable mix-ups down the road when people accidentially come home on movie night only to discover they rented the wrong movie.


Anyway, hope everyone had a nice Easter.



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