With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: EXPOSED: Right-wing Heartland Institute's plot to undermine US science education; REVEALED: Climate change deniers recommend super-rich sugar daddies to buy the media; BUSTED: Monsanto convicted of poisoning; FIGHTING BACK: 'Pitchfork Rebellion' in OR; PLUS: Mysterious exploding pig foam --- No, it's not 'santorum', but it's close! ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): 166 wolves killed as hunting season ends; State Dept. agreement on short-term climate pollutants; Arctic drilling blowout on Alaska's North Slope; Federal funds flow to clean-energy firms with administration ties; Sierra Club backlash on taking industry cash; Climate change to increased risk of storm surges ... PLUS: Air pollution linked to heart disease: Five deadly air pollutants on five continents ... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • Wolf season ending in most of Montana; 166 killed (Billings Gazette):
    Hunters in Montana had shot more than 160 gray wolves as the season came to a close across most of the state Wednesday — a sharp increase from the last hunt in 2009 but still short of the state's 220-animal quota.

    In portions of the Bitterroot Mountains near the Idaho border, state wildlife commissioners are considering an extension to the season in response to complaints about declining elk numbers.

  • Can Sec. Clinton's Agreement on Short-Term Climate Pollutants Help Close the Looming Emissions Gap? (Climate Progress):
    A new plan to tackle short-lived pollutants may help bridge the gap between current emission reduction pledges and what is actually needed by 2020 to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2° Celsius.
    At the State Department this morning, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced a six-country initiative designed to reduce pollutants like methane, black carbon (soot), and hydroflurocarbons (HFCs) that help speed up global warming. These pollutants are often called “climate forcers” because they push temperatures up much more quickly than carbon dioxide.
  • Arctic Drilling Blowout on Alaska's North Slope (Anchorage Daily News):
    NO INJURIES: Drilling mud and gas blasted from diverter; crew on way to regain control
    Drilling mud and methane gas shot from the well through a diverter pipe, but none of the 76 workers on the rig were injured, no oil was spilled and the gas didn't ignite, the officials said.
  • Federal funds flow to clean-energy firms with Obama administration ties (Washington Post):
    [S]everal players in venture capital, which was providing financial backing to start-up clean-tech companies...moved into the Energy Department at a time when the agency was seeking outside expertise in the field. At the same time, their industry had a huge stake in decisions about which companies would receive government loans, grants and support.
    White House officials stress that staffers and advisers with venture capital ties did not make funding decisions related to these companies.
  • Sierra Club: Answering for Taking a Driller’s Cash (NY Times):
    The recent disclosure of the Sierra Club’s secret acceptance of $26 million in donations from people associated with a natural gas company has revived an uncomfortable debate among environmental groups about corporate donations and transparency.
  • EPA Proposal Cuts Water Infrastructure Funds, Increases Air, Water Pollution Grants (Bloomberg)
  • Obama Again Proposes More Focused Mine Cleanups (Charleston Gazette)
  • Palisades Nuclear Plant Downgraded By NRC Over Safety Concerns (Huffington Post Green)
  • Study Links Climate Change To Increased Risk of Storm Surges (Boston Globe):
    Studies of climate change and its impact on coastal communities usually focus on rising sea level. Now, scientists from MIT and Princeton University have developed a method to examine how multiple effects of climate change --- including the combination of sea-level rise and stronger hurricanes --- will affect storm surges that wash over sea walls and inundate communities, damaging buildings and infrastructure.
  • Debate Intensifies Over Effort To Ban Controversial Chemical Found in Baby Food (Bangor Daily News)
  • Hearts and air pollution: Five deadly air pollutants on five continents (Environmental Health News):
    Around the world, breathing a variety of air pollutants – in some cases for a single day – increases the chance that people will suffer heart attacks, according to a new analysis published Tuesday. For the first time, scientists analyzed previous studies from five continents to verify and quantify the links between air pollution and heart health. They found that short-term exposure – less than seven days – to all major air pollutants except ozone was associated with an increase in heart attacks.
  • Special Report: PEAK EVERYTHING (Bloomberg News) [emphasis added]:
    By 2030, The Global Middle Class Is Expected To Grow By Two-Thirds.

    That's 3 Billion More Shoppers. They'll All Want Access To Goods, Including Water, Wheat, Coffee and Oil. Is There Enough for Everybody?

  • Essential Climate Science Findings: