Van Wert County, Ohio
Board of Elections
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Linda S. Stutz, Director     Brenda Weaver, Deputy Director
  Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
120 E. Main Street               Van Wert, Ohio 45891               (419) 238-4192

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Email Our Office

Van Wert County

Copyright © 2012
Van Wert County
Board of Elections


Our mission is to assure the voters of Van Wert County maximum public access to the election process. To provide the voters with courteous, accurate, honest and efficient voter services.

Election Board Members:

Jeanne Zeigler, Chairperson 
Pam Bockey-Smith 
Larry Stetler 
Peg Waltz        

The Election Board meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 9:00 AM.  Meetings are open to the public.
Phone 419 238-4192          Fax 419 238-7145          Email Us