Conservatives have spent generations accusing liberals of moral relativism and "anything goes" indulgence in their feelings or whims. But is a belief -- no matter how ennobled by the protective mantle of institutional religion, historical longevity or broad popularity -- any less arbitrary of a foundation for the giving or taking away of people's rights? In order to be a legitimate basis for public policy, does the assertion of a belief need to be paired with an empirical argument about the impact of the proposed policy that the belief is being cited to justify?
Violence against women is an iceberg under the surface of society. Every day millions around the world live in fear.
This is a story about high infant and maternal mortality among indigenous women and their newborns. Part of this story is about how young women living in desperate situations learn to deal with those situations by helping others.
As I join my colleagues to celebrate International Women's Day at this year's WIE Symposium in London, I laud the advancement of women over the past few decades, but know that we have much to do in order to achieve gender equality in our societies in the UK and the US.
We knew this was coming. The Colts will part ways with the face of their franchise for the last fourteen years, their iconic star Peyton Manning.
As well as recognising the achievements of women, let's use International Women's Day to encourage more men across the world to join the fight for true equality. After all, the result if we succeed is not just a better world for women but a better world for everyone.
When it comes down to it, aren't we mostly debating an arbitrary line that's been drawn in the sand with what is and what isn't acceptable in animal research?
The equivalent of 0.000351% of the population of the United States (or just 35 of every 10 million Americans) has given 96% of the money determining who stays and who goes in the Republican primary.
Access to leadership roles is not my entitlement as a woman. It is my responsibility as a global citizen to show up, to have a voice, to contribute my time and talents in service to society.
Forget whether or not Sarah Palin suffered through some sort of psychological breakdown during the 2008 campaign, the bigger issue is how can the U.S. best select its leaders when celebrity packs more electoral caché than experience or political courage?
Not many in the current debate realize that the Bible contains a book that celebrates non-reproductive sex and features substances used by ancient women for birth control.
I'm not suggesting that anyone purchase an inferior product just because it was made in the U.S.A. But if it's a tossup between two products of comparable price and quality, one American and one not, buy American. Here's why.
Republican women may have flirted with Rick Santorum, but they're now less interested in going all the way. In the early contests, Santorum did better with women than with men. Now, his early strength with women has become a weakness.
At 76, years old, Bettye Jones never imagined she could be denied her right to vote. Active in the Civil Rights movement, she worked in support of voting rights. But now, because of Wisconsin's voter ID law, Jones is uncertain as to whether she will ever be able to cast a ballot again.
In a society where burned out on Match or e-Harmony and you are constantly inundated with social networking, I think single folks have lost the art of communicating in a less tech-savvy way.
"Stop right there," I said. "You cannot study all those things. How would that look to the admissions committees at the colleges where you're applying to four years from now? They want to see that you have just one passion, two at the most. Top candidates choose something they love in third grade and stick with it."
The world thinks about the online world in terms of a network layer (The Internet) and a software layer (The Web). It's no longer so simple. I propose that we refer to the new network layer -- the sum of the wired Internet and the mobile data infrastructure for cellular and Wi-Fi -- as the Hypernet.
Eric Bolling, host of Fox New's The Five has uncovered a liberal conspiracy of a scope and magnitude unimaginable by an average mind.
My prediction: the legalization of online gaming is imminent; probably a late-game play with a few ticks left on the 2012 clock. This critical outcome will create a highly regulated industry that will operate in the open and, generate critical tax revenues at a time when they are needed most.
Considering how much the opening act of the film stresses the impact of having children on social relationships among adults, it's dispiriting to see the kids pretty much disappear after the first act.
Although it may be true that if something is not broken fixing it may not be necessary, the decision-making system in Japan would benefit from reform. Even so, needed change is not happening at a pace that will permit Japan to sustain itself in the future.
Congress must not let the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act expire at the end of the year. Today 12 million Americans are on the verge of losing their homes because they owe more money than their home is worth.
Every candidate had something they could claim as a positive on Super Tuesday. The contest for the nomination isn't over -- which is good news for voters in remaining states wanting to help pick their party's nominee.
Some feel that God is the ultimate cause of disease. Others don't know what to believe and ponder the "cosmic roll of the dice." "There has to be a purpose to all this happening," one woman told me. "There has to be."
Joseph Kony, the leader of the Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army, has managed to systematically terrorize and manipulate central Africans in order to stay in power for 26 years.
Small business owners are scared. Which is why we're still not hiring and still not overly optimistic. What are we so scared about? I can name 8 things right off the bat.
When a person's religious beliefs cause him to deny the evidence of science, or for whom public policy morphs into a battle with the devil, shouldn't that be a subject for discussion and debate?