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“Happening Now” Drops Pretense At Objectivity When James Rosen Reads Right Wing Tweets To Defend Limbaugh

The Fox “News” Channel is having an existential crisis, questioning everything it holds dear.  The Rush Limbaugh maelstrom continues to spiral out of control despite the non-apology apology issued by Limbaugh over the weekend.  More advertisers have dropped Limbaugh, some knowing full well he had already issued his non-apology; Peter Gabriel has demanded his music be removed from Rush’s show; at least one station has dropped his show entirely; and it’s creating a major, but amusing, distraction among the GOP presidential candidates, as they straddle the line between not appearing to condone Limbaugh’s unhinged attacks on Sandra Fluke and not offending the Ditto God.  This new and unfamiliar climate creates a massive problem for an entity like Fox “News” and every single one of its personalities.  If the previously untouchable Rush Limbaugh was forced to issue a non-apology apology—and even that didn’t staunched the bleeding!!!—then everybody at Fox “News” has to be wondering how safe they are.  Consequently, Fox “News” must do everything in its power to tamp this story down.  Case in point: Today James Rosen whitewashed the Limbaugh story on the supposedly objective “Happening Now,” part of Fox’s non-opinion block of shows.

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Chris Wallace Mauls Santorum

Chris Wallace was surprisingly aggressive during his 15-minute interview with Rick Santorum yesterday. I’m sure some will point to it as proof that he’s tough on Republicans. I say, not so fast. It just so happens that, as Fox’s Mike Huckabee noted this morning, Republicans are beginning to unite behind Mitt Romney and Politico reported that “High-profile Republicans are beginning to call for the curtain to fall on the brutal and brutish presidential primary.” But if Santorum does lose his insurgency this week, many may point to this devastating interview as one of the reasons.

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Fox News' Fr. Jonathan Morris Tells Slut Shaming Lie About Sandra Fluke

In clear proof that women have not come a long way, baby, Georgetown law school student, Sandra Fluke got herself the equivalent of a big "scarlet letter" for daring to speak openly about women's reproductive health rights. Rush Limbaugh and the right wing Inquisition (including Fox's "America Live") immediately attacked her in the most vile and personal way.  Limbaugh's misognyistic smear set in motion a plethora of equally misognyistic smears. Truth became a casualty in the smearfest which consisted of verbiage regarding how Fluke should "keep her legs together." Her complaint about Georgetown health insurance for law school students morphed into the lie that she was asking the government to pay for "her" birth control. While it's no surprise that Limbaugh would attack her in this way, one would expect better from a Catholic priest even considering the Catholic Church's arguably misogynistic theology. One would hope that the rhetoric of a priest, who supports the "family values" agenda of the religious and GOP right, would be a little more circumspect than Limbaugh's. Abandon hope. Yesterday, during his Fox & Friends weekly sermonette, Father Jonathan Morris got down in the fetid slime that Limbaugh left behind. Methinks Roger Ailes' personal priest needs to review his 10 Commandments - particularly the one about "false witness."

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The Very First “Fox And Friends First” On Fox News – A Review

Today was the exciting launch of the new Fox “News” morning show “Fox and Friends First,” which is really a return to an old name that Fox “News” retired in 2008 when Fox and Friends was expanded to 3 hours.  No matter how unoriginal the name might be, NewsHounds readers are more interested in the on-air product.  For a longer review, keep reading.  However, if you want a capsule review Twitter-style: “Fox and Friends First” is the blondest and leggiest show Fox “News” has ever produced. Based on this alone: ‘Merkin men seem to be the target audience."

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Forbes On Fox Runs Defense For Santorum’s “College” Comments

On Saturday’s Forbes on Fox, there was a discussion about college that was a blatant attempt to justify Republican Rick Santorum’s widely-panned sneer that President Obama is “a snob” for wanting Americans to go to college. Not only did Fox suggest that Santorum’s was right to say that not all Americans should go to college (while failing to note Obama never said otherwise) but host David Asman even sanitized Santorum’s remarks and adopted his false version of what Obama has said.

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NewsHounds Will Be Offline Tonight Between 9 and 10 PM PT Tonight

Our host needs to do some maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Fox & Friends & Fr. Jonathan Morris Shill For Cardinal Dolan Re HHS Mandate

As the media arm for the US Council of Catholic Bishops and its newly red hatted head, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Fox News channel has provided almost total support for the bishop's opposition to the HHS contraceptive mandate. The "opinion" on Fox & Friends, as articulated by Fox host and NY Diocesan litigator, Peter Johnson, Jr., has been a point by point recitation of the bishop's talking points. Megyn Kelly's official "news" has also been, for the most part, with the bishops and reinforced by two visits from self-proclaimed Catholic spokesman and blowhard bigot, Bill Donohue. And to give the bishop's position that extra special Catholic imprimatur, Fox has employed its only official clergyperson, Catholic Fr. Jonathan Morris, who has pledged to die in support of the right of the Catholic Church and its pals in the GOP, to devote two of his regular Fox & Friends Sunday sermons about how this isn't about birth control but religious liberty. Fr. Morris, who went on Roman holiday as part of Cardinal Dolan's entourage, is a loyal foot soldier in the army of world oldest all men's club. As such, he took Dolan's message, about this "assault on religious liberty" to his Fox flock on this morning's Fox & Friends.

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Pat Buchanan Jokes About Obama’s Low Approval: Even The Kenyans Were Saying He Was Born In The United States

Pat Buchanan apparently knew he was in sympathetic company for a racial joke Friday night (3/2/12) on Hannity. In a discussion about the upcoming presidential election, Buchanan quipped, “Obama was so low in the polls (a few months ago) even the Kenyans were saying he was born in the United States.” 

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Jon Stewart Shows How Fox News & The RNC Are Joined At Hip, Separated At Birth

The less than six degrees of separation between Fox News and the RNC is no secret. Check out Jon Stewart's amusing exposé of how Fox frames its agitprop based on RNC "pundit prep" documents. The best part of the piece is about how wall of genius Steve Doocy actually reveals the RNC agenda - thus earning him a withering glance from Gretchen Carlson's "laser eyes."

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Limbaugh Has Apologized But What About O’Reilly?

Whatever you think of Rush Limbaugh’s apology to Sandra Fluke, at least he said, “I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke... I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.” I encourage you to read his entire statement because it’s more of a CYA than any kind of graciousness. But what about Bill O’Reilly? He didn’t come right out and call Fluke a slut as Limbaugh did; he “merely” implied it.

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