Touch-Screen Vote-Flipping 2008
(2008 General Election Version)
Links to The BRAD BLOG's coverage on touch-screen vote-flipping and related failures follow, along with our recommended list of steps to take should you find your vote flipping on one of these wholly unverifiable voting machines...
Recent ES&S iVotronic Failures as covered by The BRAD BLOG:
- 10/18/08: ES&S Vote-Flipping Seen in 2 WV Counties
- 10/21/08: Election Filmmaker Sees Own Vote Flipped From Dem in TN
- 10/22/08: Candidate Names Missing on Final Review Screens in SC
- 10/22/08: Votes Reportedly Flip R to D in Decatur Cty, TN
- 10/23/08: Vote Flips 5 Times From D to R in Another WV County
- 10/24/08: Straight-Party Votes Flip D to R in TX
- 10/25/08: Screen Blanks Out, Another Obama Vote Lost in TN
- 10/26/08: 'AWOL' DNC Claims They're On it, Just Can't Tell Us What They're Doing
- 10/27/08: ES&S Vote-Flipping Now Seen in 6 WV Counties
- 10/27/08: ES&S VP Given 'Award of Merit' By WV SoS
- 10/27/08: VIDEOS: Watch the Votes Flip in WV, Clerk Tries, But Can't Fix Prob
- 10/29/08: Votes Flip D to R in 7 TX Counties on Diebold & Hart Machines Too
- 10/30/08: Vote-Flipping Diebold Machine Removed, Quarantined in CO
- 11/2/08: Obama's Attny Responds to BRAD BLOG Critique of 'Protection' Efforts
- 11/3/08: EXCLUSIVE: Obama Database Reveals Startling, Unacted-Upon Machine Probs in NV
And since the DNC and Obama campaign refuse to take any steps to assure your vote may actually be counted accurately on one of these machines...
What to do if it happens to you:
- Call poll supervisors to observe the problem.
- Fill out a problem report.
- Refuse to vote on that machine.
- Request that the machine be taken out of service.
- Get a serial number of the machine if possible (may be difficult in many cases).
- Tell other voters in line which machine it was and that they should NOT vote on that machine!
- Report it to county/town election office.
- Report it to the Secretary of State.
- Call local reporters and tell them the story.
- Call voter problem hotlines (eg. 866-MYVOTE1 and 866-OUR-VOTE) and report it.
- Contact bloggers and Election Integrity websites.
- Raise holy hell.
REMINDER: Please bring a video camera/cell phone camera when you go to vote so you can document these problems on video tape, and then upload them to VideoTheVote.org and YouTube!
(Thanks to VelvetRevolution.us and TrueVote.us for help in compiling these recommendations!)