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(măg-nē'zē-əm, -zhəm) pronunciation
n. (Symbol Mg)
A light, silvery-white, moderately hard metallic element that in ribbon or powder form burns with a brilliant white flame. It is used in structural alloys, pyrotechnics, flash photography, and incendiary bombs. Atomic number 12; atomic weight 24.305; melting point 649°C; boiling point 1,090°C; specific gravity 1.74 (at 20°C); valence 2.


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Chemical element, one of the alkaline earth metals, chemical symbol Mg, atomic number 12. The silvery white metal does not occur free in nature, but compounds such as the sulfate (Epsom salts), oxide (magnesia), and carbonate (magnesite) have long been known. The metal, which burns in air with a bright white light, is used in photographic flash devices, bombs, flares, and pyrotechnics; it is also a component of lightweight alloys for aircraft, spacecraft, cars, machinery, and tools. The compounds, in which it has valence 2, are used as insulators and refractories and in fertilizers, cement, rubber, plastics, foods, and pharmaceuticals (antacids, purgatives, laxatives). Magnesium is an essential element in human nutrition; it is the cofactor in enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism and in chlorophyll.

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A metallic chemical element, Mg, in group 2 of the periodic system, atomic number 12, atomic weight 24.312. Magnesium is silvery white and extremely light in weight. The specific gravity is 1.74, and the density is 1740 kg/m3 (0.063 lb/in.3 or 108.6 lb/ft3). Because of this lightness combined with alloy strength suitable for many structural uses, magnesium has long been known as industry's lightest structural metal. See also Periodic table.

With a density only two-thirds that of aluminum, magnesium is used in countless applications where weight saving is an important consideration. The metal also has, however, many desirable chemical and metallurgical properties which account for its extensive use in a variety of nonstructural applications.

Magnesium is very abundant in nature, occurring in substantial amounts in many rock-forming minerals such as dolomite, magnesite, olivine, and serpentine. In addition, magnesium is also found in sea water, subterranean brines, and salt beds. It is the third most abundant structural metal in the Earth's crust, exceeded only by aluminum and iron.

Some of the properties of magnesium in metallic form are listed in Table 1. Magnesium is very active chemically. It will actually displace hydrogen from boiling water, and a large number of metals can be prepared by thermal reduction of their salts and oxides with magnesium. The metal will combine with most nonmetals and with practically all acids. Magnesium reacts only slightly or not at all with most alkalies and many organic chemicals, including hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alcohols, phenols, amines, esters, and most oils. As a catalyst, magnesium is useful for promoting organic condensation, reduction, addition, and dehalogenation reactions. It has long been used for the synthesis of complex and special organic compounds by the well-known Grignard reaction. Principal alloying ingredients include aluminum, manganese, zirconium, zinc, rare-earth metals, and thorium.

Physical properties of primary magnesium (99.9% pure)



Atomic number


Atomic weight


Atomic volume, cm3/g-atom


Crystal structure

Close-packed hexagonal

Electron arrangement in free atoms

(2) (8) 2

Mass numbers of the isotopes

24, 25, 26

Percent relative abundances of 24Mg, 25Mg, 26Mg

77, 11.5, 11.5

Density, g/cm3 at 20°C


Specific heat, cal/g/°C at 20°C (1 cal = 4.2 joules)


Melting point, °C


Boiling point, °C

1110 ±10

Magnesium compounds are used extensively in industry and agriculture. Table 2 lists the major magnesium compounds and indicates some of their more significant applications.

Principal magnesium compounds and uses



Magnesium carbonte

Refractories, production of other magnesium compounds, water treatment, fertilizers

Magnesium chloride

Cell feed for production of metallic magnesium, oxychloride cement, refrigerating brines, catalyst in organic chemistry, production of other magnesium compounds, flocculating agent, treatment of foliage to prevent fire and resist fire, magnesium melting and welding fluxes

Magnesium hydroxide

Chemical intermediate, alkali, medicinal

Magnesium oxide

Insulation, refractories, oxychloride and oxysulfate cements, fertilizers, rayon-textile processing, water treatment, papermaking, household cleaners, alkali, pharmaceuticals, rubber filler catalyst

Magnesium sulfate

Leather tanning, paper sizing, oxychloride and oxysulfate cements, rayon delustrant, textile dyeing and printing medicinal, fertilizer ingredient, livestock-food additive, ceramics, explosives, match manufacture

An essential mineral; present in all human tissues, especially bone. Involved in the metabolism of ATP. Present in chlorophyll and so in all green plant foods, and therefore generally plentiful in the diet. Deficiency in human beings leads to disturbances of muscle and nervous system; in cattle, to grass tetany. Magnesium-deficient plants are yellow (or chlorosed).

A metallic element essential for life and which has a number of indispensable roles in exercise. Magnesium is an important component of some of the chemicals that aid respiration (the release of energy from food). It also plays a role in the function of nerves, and the contraction of heart and other muscles. Good sources are milk, dairy products, wholegrain cereals, nuts, legumes, and leafy green vegetables, which contain magnesium within their green pigment, chlorophyll. After being absorbed, magnesium is stored in the bones. Excessive intake may cause diarrhoea. A deficiency is rare, but it can lead to neuromuscular problems. High fat diets may reduce magnesium absorption. Not all the fat can be absorbed through the small intestine. Fat remaining in the gut may bind with magnesium to form insoluble soaps which cannot pass through the intestinal wall. The magnesium may be absorbed from the colon after fermentation of the soaps by gut bacteria. However, if these are not functioning properly, serious losses of magnesium may occur. Very high calcium intakes may also interfere with the absorption of magnesium. Magnesium supplements are taken in the belief that they can offer some protection or relief from atherosclerosis, insomnia, premenstrual tension and other menstrual problems, alcoholism, insomnia, heart disorders, and, in children, hyperactivity. Magnesium has been used in some hospitals to reduce the recurrence of a heart attack. The magnesium is given as salts in solution directly into a vein during the first 24 hours after a heart attack.

A gray-white, light metal (64% the weight of aluminum); easily drawn and machined; immune to alkalies.

A metallic element essential for good health. Magnesium is a constituent of coenzymes that play a role in the conversion of ATP to ADP. It also helps muscles and nerves function efficiently. Magnesium is absorbed and stored in the bones. Good dietary sources include milk, dairy products, wholegrain cereals, nuts, legumes, and especially leafy green vegetables. Excessive intakes may cause diarrhoea; a deficiency can result in neuromuscular problems. Serum magnesium levels can fall dramatically after intense activity in heat and during endurance activity (for example, decreases of 20% have been recorded after a marathon). However, this appears to be due to a redistribution of the magnesium in the body. The magnesium lost in sweat represents only a small proportion of the magnesium stored in the body, suggesting that magnesium replacement by supplementation after exercise is probably not necessary.

    Parental concerns

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium (Mg) is an element belonging to the alkaline earth metal group. It participates in over 300 metabolic reactions, is crucial for life and health and is the fourth most common mineral in the body. In the body, it forms ions that have an electric charge of +2. Humans must meet their needs for magnesium from their diet. Magnesium is found mainly in plants and in some drinking water. What is the Purpose of Magnesium?

Magnesium is necessary for many cellular reactions critical to maintaining life. It plays a role in:

  • strengthening bones
  • synthesizing new deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA; genetic >material)
  • synthesizing proteins
  • muscle contraction
  • nerve impulse transmission
  • conversion of nutrients into energy
  • movement of ions across cell membranes
  • regulation of blood glucose (sugar) levels
  • regulation of blood pressure
  • protecting the body against cardiovascular disease
AgeRecommended Dietary Allowance (mg)Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Dietary Supplements (mg)
Children 0–6 mos.30 (AI)Not established
Children 7–12 mos.75 (AI)Not established
Children 1–3 yrs.8065
Children 4–8 yrs.130110
Children 9–13 yrs.240350
Boys 14–18 yrs.410350
Girls 14–18 yrs.360350
Men 19–30 yrs.400350
Women 19–30 yrs.310350
Men 31≤ yrs.420350
Women 31≤ yrs.320350
Pregnant women 18≥ yrs.400350
Pregnant women 19–30 yrs.350350
Pregnant women 31≤ yrs.360350
Breastfeeding women 18≥ yrs.360350
Breastfeeding women 19–30 yrs.310350
Breastfeeding women 31≤ yrs.320350
Food Magnesium (mg)
Cereal, 100% bran, ½ cup 129
Oat bran, ½ cup, dry 96
Halibut, cooked, 3 oz. 90
Almonds, roasted, 1 oz. 80
Cashew nuts, roasted, 1 oz. 75
Spinach, cooked, ½ cup 75
Swiss chard, cooked, ½ cup 75
Beans, lima, cooked, ½ cup 63
Shredded wheat, 2 biscuits 54
Peanuts, roasted, 1 oz. 50
Black-eyed peas, cooked, ½ cup 43
Brown rice, cooked, ½ cup 40
Beans, pinto, cooked, ½ cup 35
AI = Adequate Intake  
mg = milligram  
Columbia Encyclopedia:


magnesium (măgnē'zēəm, -zhəm), metallic chemical element; symbol Mg; at. no. 12; at. wt. 24.3050; m.p. about 648.8°C; b.p. about 1,090°C; sp. gr. 1.738 at 20°C; valence +2. In 1808, Sir Humphry Davy discovered magnesium in its oxide, although it is not certain that he isolated the metal. Pure magnesium was isolated substantially by A. A. B. Bussy in 1828 by chemical reduction of the chloride. Magnesium was first isolated electrolytically by Michael Faraday in 1833.


Magnesium is a ductile, silver-white, chemically active metal with a hexagonal close-packed crystalline structure. It is malleable when heated. Magnesium is one of the alkaline-earth metals in Group 2 of the periodic table. It reacts very slowly with cold water. It is not affected by dry air but tarnishes in moist air, forming a thin protective coating of basic magnesium carbonate, MgCO3·Mg(OH)2. When heated, magnesium powder or ribbon ignites and burns with an intense white light and releases large amounts of heat, forming the oxide, magnesia, MgO. A magnesium fire cannot be extinguished by water, since water reacts with hot magnesium and releases hydrogen. Magnesium reacts with the halogens and with almost all acids. It is a powerful reducing agent and is used to free other metals from their anhydrous halides.


Magnesium forms many compounds. The oxide, hydroxide, chloride, carbonate, and sulfate are commercially important. They are used in ceramics, cosmetics, fertilizers, insulation, leather tanning, and textile processing. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, MgSO4·7H2O), milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2), and citrate of magnesia are used in medicine. Magnesium reacts with organic halides to form the Grignard reagents of organic chemistry.

Natural Occurrence

Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element in the earth's crust but does not occur uncombined in nature. It is found in abundance in the minerals brucite, magnesite, dolomite, and carnalite. It is also found (as the silicate) in asbestos, meerschaum, serpentine, and talc. Magnesium chloride is found in seawater, brines, and salt wells. Mineral waters often contain salts of magnesium; the magnesium ion imparts a bitter flavor. Magnesium is a constituent of the chlorophyll in green plants and is necessary in the diet of animals and humans.

Commercial Preparation

Two methods of producing magnesium commercially are used. The principal method is the electrolysis of fused magnesium chloride, which is used in the extraction of magnesium from seawater (the principal source) and from dolomite. In recovery from seawater, the magnesium is precipitated as magnesium hydroxide by treatment with lime (calcium oxide) obtained from oyster shells. The hydroxide is collected and treated with hydrochloric acid to form the chloride. The chloride is fused and electrolyzed, forming magnesium metal and chlorine gas. The molten metal is cast into ingots for further processing; the chlorine gas is made into hydrochloric acid and is reused to form magnesium chloride. About 1 lb of magnesium is recovered from each 100 gal of seawater; the oceans are a virtually inexhaustible source of this metal. A second method of magnesium production, called the ferrosilicon process, involves the reduction of magnesium oxide (prepared by calcining dolomite) with an iron-silicon alloy.


Magnesium is a commercially important metal with many uses. It is only two thirds as dense as aluminum. It is easily machined, cast, forged, and welded. It is used extensively in alloys, chiefly with aluminum and zinc, and with manganese. Magnesium alloys were used as early as 1910 in Germany. Early structural uses of magnesium alloys were in aircraft fuselages, engine parts, and wheels. They are now also used in jet-engine parts, rockets and missiles, luggage frames, portable power tools, and cameras and optical instruments. Duralumin and magnalium are alloys of magnesium. The metal is also used in pyrotechnics, especially in incendiary bombs, signals, and flares, and as a fuse for thermite. It is used in photographic flashbulbs and is added to some rocket and missile fuels. It is used in the preparation of malleable cast iron. An important use is in preventing the corrosion of iron and steel, as in pipelines and ship bottoms. For this purpose a magnesium plate is connected electrically to the iron. The rapid oxidation of the magnesium prevents the slower oxidation and corrosion of the iron.

Cosmic Lexicon:



An element with atomic number 12; symbol: Mg. Magnesium is contained in the minerals olivine and pyroxene, and is very abundant in the mantles of the inner planets.

symbol: Mg; a metallic element — an alkaline earth metal — of group 2 of the IUPAC periodic table; atomic number 12; relative atomic mass 24.305. It occurs naturally only in the combined state and is a mixture of stable nuclides of mass 24, 25, and 26. Magnesium is one of the most abundant elements of the Earth's crust (2.1%) and an essential component of all living material. It forms a divalent cation, Mg2+, which is a component of chlorophyll, occurs in bone, and is an essential cofactor for many enzymes, including the majority of enzymes utilizing ATP. It is a major biological cation, the fourth most abundant cation in the human, much of it being in the skeleton; the range in normal human plasma is 0.8 — 1.2 mmol L−1. An excretion mechanism in the kidney is partly regulated by parathyroid hormone. See also magnesium-28.

Previous:magic spot, magainin, madder
Next:magnesium porphyrin, magnesium-28, magnet

A chemical element, atomic number 12, atomic weight 24.312, symbol Mg. See Table 6. Its salts are essential in nutrition, being required for the activity of many enzymes, especially those concerned with oxidative phosphorylation. It is found in the intra- and extracellular fluids and is excreted in urine and feces.

  • m. ammonium phosphate (MAP) — a common constituent of urinary calculi. See urolithiasis.
  • blood m. — level of magnesium in the blood.
  • m. carbonate, m. hydroxide, m. oxide, m. phosphate, m. trisilicate — compounds used as antacids.
  • m. chloride — used as a source of magnesium in the treatment of hypomagnesemia in cattle, and as a chemical defibrillator in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • m. citrate — a mild cathartic.
  • m. gluconate — a magnesium replenisher.
  • m. nutritional deficiency — is most important in the part that it plays in lactation tetany in ruminants. It also causes deformities of the limbs and nervous signs of tremor and convulsions in pigs. See also lactation tetany (1).
  • m. salicylate — the magnesium salt of salicylic acid used as an antiarthritic.
  • m. silicate — talcum powder; capable of causing starch granulomatous peritonitis if introduced into the peritoneal cavity, so it has been superseded by other compounds for use on surgeon's gloves.
  • m. sulfate — Epsom salts; used as an electrolyte replenisher, cathartic and local anti-inflammatory.
  • m. sulfate–chloral hydrate mixture — see chloral hydrate and magnesium sulfate.


An elemental metal with an atomic weight of 24.32. Magnesium is an essential nutritional substance. Deficiency produces irritability of the nervous system and trophic disturbances.

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shiny grey solid

Spectral lines of Magnesium
General properties
Name, symbol, number magnesium, Mg, 12
Pronunciation /mæɡˈnziəm/, mag-NEE-zee-əm
Element category alkaline earth metal
Group, period, block 23, s
Standard atomic weight 24.3050(6)
Electron configuration [Ne] 3s2
Electrons per shell 2, 8, 2 (Image)
Physical properties
Phase solid
Density (near r.t.) 1.738 g·cm−3
Liquid density at m.p. 1.584 g·cm−3
Melting point 923 K, 650 °C, 1202 °F
Boiling point 1363 K, 1091 °C, 1994 °F
Heat of fusion 8.48 kJ·mol−1
Heat of vaporization 128 kJ·mol−1
Molar heat capacity 24.869 J·mol−1·K−1
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 701 773 861 971 1132 1361
Atomic properties
Oxidation states 2, 1 [1]
(strongly basic oxide)
Electronegativity 1.31 (Pauling scale)
Ionization energies
1st: 737.7 kJ·mol−1
2nd: 1450.7 kJ·mol−1
3rd: 7732.7 kJ·mol−1
Atomic radius 160 pm
Covalent radius 141±7 pm
Van der Waals radius 173 pm
Crystal structure hexagonal
Magnetic ordering paramagnetic
Electrical resistivity (20 °C) 43.9 nΩ·m
Thermal conductivity 156 W·m−1·K−1
Thermal expansion (25 °C) 24.8 µm·m−1·K−1
Speed of sound (thin rod) (r.t.) (annealed)
4940 m·s−1
Young's modulus 45 GPa
Shear modulus 17 GPa
Bulk modulus 45 GPa
Poisson ratio 0.290
Mohs hardness 2.5
Brinell hardness 260 MPa
CAS registry number 7439-95-4
Most stable isotopes
Main article: Isotopes of magnesium
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
24Mg 78.99% 24Mg is stable with 12 neutrons
25Mg 10% 25Mg is stable with 13 neutrons
26Mg 11.01% 26Mg is stable with 14 neutrons
· r

Magnesium (play /mæɡˈnziəm/ mag-NEE-zee-əm) is a chemical element with the symbol Mg, atomic number 12, and common oxidation number +2. It is an alkaline earth metal and the eighth most abundant element in the Earth's crust [2] and ninth in the known universe as a whole.[3][4] Magnesium is the fourth most common element in the Earth as a whole (behind iron, oxygen and silicon), making up 13% of the planet's mass and a large fraction of planet's mantle. The relative abundance of magnesium is related to the fact that it is easily built up in supernova stars from a sequential addition of three helium nuclei to carbon (which in turn is made from three helium nuclei). Due to magnesium ion's high solubility in water, it is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater.[5]

The free element (metal) is not found naturally on Earth, as it is highly reactive (though once produced, it is coated in a thin layer of oxide [see passivation], which partly masks this reactivity). The free metal burns with a characteristic brilliant white light, making it a useful ingredient in flares. The metal is now mainly obtained by electrolysis of magnesium salts obtained from brine. Commercially, the chief use for the metal is as an alloying agent to make aluminium-magnesium alloys, sometimes called "magnalium" or "magnelium". Since magnesium is less dense than aluminium, these alloys are prized for their relative lightness and strength.

Magnesium ions are sour to the taste, and in low concentrations help to impart a natural tartness to fresh mineral waters. Magnesium is the eleventh most abundant element by mass in the human body; its ions are essential to all living cells, where they play a major role in manipulating important biological polyphosphate compounds like ATP, DNA, and RNA. Hundreds of enzymes thus require magnesium ions to function. Magnesium is also the metallic ion at the center of chlorophyll, and is thus a common additive to fertilizers.[6] Magnesium compounds are used medicinally as common laxatives, antacids (e.g., milk of magnesia), and in a number of situations where stabilization of abnormal nerve excitation and blood vessel spasm is required (e.g., to treat eclampsia).


Origin and characteristics

Physical and chemical properties

Elemental magnesium is a fairly strong, silvery-white, light-weight metal (two thirds the density of aluminium). It tarnishes slightly when exposed to air, although unlike the alkali metals, storage in an oxygen-free environment is unnecessary because magnesium is protected by a thin layer of oxide that is fairly impermeable and difficult to remove. Like its lower periodic table group neighbor calcium, magnesium reacts with water at room temperature, though it reacts much more slowly than calcium. When submerged in water, hydrogen bubbles will almost unnoticeably begin to form on the surface of the metal, though if powdered it will react much more rapidly. The reaction will occur faster with higher temperatures (see precautions). Magnesium's ability to react with water can be harnessed to produce energy and run a magnesium-based engine. Magnesium also reacts exothermically with most acids, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl). As with aluminium, zinc and many other metals, the reaction with hydrochloric acid produces the chloride of the metal and releases hydrogen gas.

Magnesium is a highly flammable metal, but while it is easy to ignite when powdered or shaved into thin strips, it is difficult to ignite in mass or bulk. Once ignited, it is difficult to extinguish, being able to burn in nitrogen (forming magnesium nitride), carbon dioxide (forming magnesium oxide and carbon) and water (forming magnesium oxide and hydrogen). This property was used in incendiary weapons used in the firebombing of cities in World War II, the only practical civil defense being to smother a burning flare under dry sand to exclude the atmosphere. On burning in air, magnesium produces a brilliant white light which includes strong ultraviolet. Thus magnesium powder (flash powder) was used as a source of illumination in the early days of photography. Later, magnesium ribbon was used in electrically ignited flash bulbs. Magnesium powder is used in the manufacture of fireworks and marine flares where a brilliant white light is required. Flame temperatures of magnesium and magnesium alloys can reach 3,100 °C (3,370 K; 5,610 °F),[7] although flame height above the burning metal is usually less than 300 mm (12 in).[8] Magnesium may be used as an ignition source for thermite, an otherwise difficult to ignite mixture of aluminium and iron oxide powder.

Magnesium compounds are typically white crystals. Most are soluble in water, providing the sour-tasting magnesium ion Mg2+. Small amounts of dissolved magnesium ion contribute to the tartness and taste of natural waters. Magnesium ion in large amounts is an ionic laxative, and magnesium sulfate (common name: Epsom salt) is sometimes used for this purpose. So-called "milk of magnesia" is a water suspension of one of the few insoluble magnesium compounds, magnesium hydroxide. The undissolved particles give rise to its appearance and name. Milk of magnesia is a mild base commonly used as an antacid, which has some laxative side effect.


Magnesium has three stable isotopes: 24Mg, 25Mg and 26Mg. All are present in significant amounts (see table of isotopes above). About 79% of Mg is 24Mg. The isotope 28Mg is radioactive and in the 1950s to 1970s was made commercially by several nuclear power plants for use in scientific experiments. This isotope has a relatively short half-life (21 hours) and so its use was limited by shipping times.

26Mg has found application in isotopic geology, similar to that of aluminium. 26Mg is a radiogenic daughter product of 26Al, which has a half-life of 717,000 years. Large enrichments of stable 26Mg have been observed in the Ca-Al-rich inclusions of some carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. The anomalous abundance of 26Mg is attributed to the decay of its parent 26Al in the inclusions. Therefore, the meteorite must have formed in the solar nebula before the 26Al had decayed. Hence, these fragments are among the oldest objects in the solar system and have preserved information about its early history.

It is conventional to plot 26Mg/24Mg against an Al/Mg ratio. In an isochron dating plot, the Al/Mg ratio plotted is27Al/24Mg. The slope of the isochron has no age significance, but indicates the initial 26Al/27Al ratio in the sample at the time when the systems were separated from a common reservoir.


Stable forms of magnesium are produced in stars. It is made from fusing helium and neon, in the so-called alpha process. Creation requires temperatures above 600 megakelvins and masses greater than 3 solar masses.


Country 2010 production
China 650,000
Russia 40,000
Israel 30,000
Kazakhstan 20,000
Brazil 16,000
Ukraine 2,000
Serbia 2,000

Although magnesium is found in over 60 minerals, only dolomite, magnesite, brucite, carnallite, talc, and olivine are of commercial importance.

The Mg2+ cation is the second most abundant cation in seawater (occurring at about 12% of the mass of sodium there), which makes seawater and sea-salt an attractive commercial source of Mg. To extract the magnesium, calcium hydroxide is added to seawater to form magnesium hydroxide precipitate.

MgCl2 + Ca(OH)2Mg(OH)2 + CaCl2

Magnesium hydroxide (brucite) is insoluble in water so it can be filtered out, and reacted with hydrochloric acid to obtain concentrated magnesium chloride.

Mg(OH)2 + 2 HCl → MgCl2 + 2 H2O

From magnesium chloride, electrolysis produces magnesium.

In the United States, magnesium is principally obtained by electrolysis of fused magnesium chloride from brines, wells, and sea water. At the cathode, the Mg2+ ion is reduced by two electrons to magnesium metal:

Mg2+ + 2 e
→ Mg

At the anode, each pair of Cl ions is oxidized to chlorine gas, releasing two electrons to complete the circuit:

2 ClCl2 (g) + 2 e

The United States has traditionally been the major world supplier of this metal, supplying 45% of world production even as recently as 1995. Today, the US market share is at 7%, with a single domestic producer left, US Magnesium, a Renco Group company in Utah born from now-defunct Magcorp.[10]

As of 2005, China has taken over as the dominant supplier, pegged at 60% world market share, which increased from 4% in 1995. Unlike the above-described electrolytic process, China is almost completely reliant on a different method of obtaining the metal from its ores, the silicothermic Pidgeon process (the reduction of the oxide at high temperatures with silicon).[citation needed]


Sir Humphry Davy

The name magnesium originates from the Greek word for a district in Thessaly called Magnesia. It is related to magnetite and manganese, which also originated from this area, and required differentiation as separate substances. See manganese for this history.

Magnesium is the seventh most abundant element in the Earth's crust by mass or molarity.[2] It is found in large deposits of magnesite, dolomite, and other minerals, and in mineral waters, where magnesium ion is soluble. In 1618, a farmer at Epsom in England attempted to give his cows water from a well there. The cows refused to drink because of the water's bitter taste, but the farmer noticed that the water seemed to heal scratches and rashes. The substance became known as Epsom salts and its fame spread; it was eventually recognized to be hydrated magnesium sulfate, MgSO4.

The metal itself was first produced by Sir Humphry Davy in England in 1808 using electrolysis of a mixture of magnesia and mercury oxide.[11] Antoine Bussy prepared it in coherent form in 1831. Davy's first suggestion for a name was magnium, but the name magnesium is now used.[citation needed]


As metal

An unusual application of magnesium as an illumination source while wakeskating in 1931

Magnesium is the third most commonly used structural metal, following iron and aluminium. It has been called the lightest useful metal by The Periodic Table of Videos.[12]

The main applications of magnesium are, in order: component of aluminium alloys, in die-casting (alloyed with zinc),[13] to remove sulfur in the production of iron and steel, the production of titanium in the Kroll process.[14]

Magnesium, in its purest form, can be compared with aluminium, and is strong and light, so it is used in several high volume part manufacturing applications, including automotive and truck components. Specialty, high-grade car wheels of magnesium alloy are called "mag wheels", although the term is often more broadly misapplied to include aluminum wheels. In 1957, a Chevrolet Corvette SS, designed for racing, was constructed with magnesium body panels. An earlier Mercedes-Benz race car model, the Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR, had a body made from Elektron, a magnesium alloy; these cars ran (with successes) at Le Mans, the Mille Miglia, and other world-class race events in 1955 (though one was involved in the single worst accident in auto racing history, in terms of human casualties, at the Le Mans race.) Porsche's all-out quest to decrease the weight of their race cars led to the use of magnesium frames in the famous 917/053 that won Le Mans in 1971, and still holds the absolute distance record. The 917/30 Can-Am car also featured a magnesium frame, helping it to make the most of its prodigious 1100–1500 hp. Volkswagen Group has used magnesium in its engine components for many years. For a long time, Porsche used magnesium alloy for its engine blocks due to the weight advantage. There is renewed interest in magnesium engine blocks, as featured in the 2006 BMW 325i and 330i models. The BMW engine uses an aluminium alloy insert for the cylinder walls and cooling jackets surrounded by a high-temperature magnesium alloy AJ62A. The application of magnesium AE44 alloy in the 2006 Corvette Z06 engine cradle has advanced the technology of designing robust automotive parts in magnesium. Both these alloys are recent developments in high-temperature low creep magnesium alloys. Mitsubishi Motors also uses magnesium (branded magnesium alloy) for its paddle shifters. The general strategy for such alloys is to form intermetallic precipitates at the grain boundaries, for example by adding mischmetal or calcium.[15] New alloy development and lower costs, which are becoming competitive to aluminium, will further the number of automotive applications.[citation needed]

Products made of magnesium: firestarter and shavings, sharpener, magnesium ribbon

The second application field of magnesium is electronic devices. Because of low weight, good mechanical and electrical properties, magnesium is widely used for manufacturing of mobile phones, laptop computers, cameras, and other electronic components.

Historically, magnesium was one of the main aerospace construction metals and was used for German military aircraft as early as World War I and extensively for German aircraft in World War II. The Germans coined the name 'Elektron' for magnesium alloy. The term is still used today. Because of perceived hazards with magnesium parts in the event of fire, the application of magnesium in the commercial aerospace industry was generally restricted to engine related components. Currently the use of magnesium alloys in aerospace is increasing, mostly driven by the increasing importance of fuel economy and the need to reduce weight.[citation needed] The development and testing of new magnesium alloys continues, notably Elektron 21, which has successfully undergone extensive aerospace testing for suitability in engine, internal and airframe components. The European Community runs three R&D magnesium projects in the Aerospace priority of Six Framework Program.

Niche uses of the metal

Magnesium, being available and relatively nontoxic, has variety of uses:

  • Magnesium is flammable, burning at a temperature of approximately 3,100 °C (3,370 K; 5,610 °F),[7] and the autoignition temperature of magnesium ribbon is approximately 473 °C (746 K; 883 °F).[16] It produces intense, bright, white light when it burns. Magnesium's high burning temperature makes it a useful tool for starting emergency fires during outdoor recreation. Other uses include flash photography, flares, pyrotechnics and fireworks sparklers.
    Magnesium firestarter (in left hand), used with a pocket knife and flint to create sparks that ignite the shavings

In magnesium compounds

The magnesium ion is necessary for all life (see magnesium in biology), so magnesium salts are frequently included in various foods, fertilizers (magnesium is a component of chlorophyll), and culture media.

Magnesium compounds, primarily magnesium oxide (MgO), are used as refractory a material in furnace linings for producing iron, steel, nonferrous metals, glass and cement. Magnesium oxide and other magnesium compounds are also used in the agricultural, chemical, and construction industries.

Magnesium reacted with an alkyl halide gives a Gringard reagent, which is a very useful tool for preparing alcohols.

Niche and illustrative uses of magnesium compounds

Biological role

Because of the important interaction between phosphate and magnesium ions, magnesium ions are essential to the basic nucleic acid chemistry of life, and thus are essential to all cells of all known living organisms. Over 300 enzymes require the presence of magnesium ions for their catalytic action, including all enzymes utilizing or synthesizing ATP, or those that use other nucleotides to synthesize DNA and RNA. ATP exists in cells normally as a chelate of ATP and a magnesium ion.

Plants have an additional use for magnesium in that chlorophylls are magnesium-centered porphyrins. Magnesium deficiency in plants causes late-season yellowing between leaf veins, especially in older leaves, and can be corrected by applying Epsom salts (which is rapidly leached), or else crushed dolomitic limestone to the soil.

Examples of food sources of magnesium

Magnesium is a vital component of a healthy human diet. Human magnesium deficiency (including conditions that show few overt symptoms) is relatively rare[17] although only 32% of the United States meet the RDA-DRI;[18] low levels of magnesium in the body has been associated with the development of a number of human illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, and osteoporosis.[19]

Adult human bodies contain about 24 grams of magnesium, with 60% in the skeleton, 39% intracellular (20% in skeletal muscle), and 1% extracellular. Serum levels are typically 0.7–1.0 mmol/L or 1.8–2.4 mEq/L. Serum magnesium levels may appear normal even in cases of underlying intracellular deficiency, although no known mechanism maintains a homeostatic level in the blood other than renal excretion of high blood levels.

Intracellular magnesium is correlated with intracellular potassium. Magnesium is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, with more absorbed when status is lower. In humans, magnesium appears to facilitate calcium absorption[citation needed]. Low and high protein intake inhibit magnesium absorption, and other factors such as phosphate, phytate, and fat affect absorption. Absorbed dietary magnesium is largely excreted through the urine, although most magnesium "administered orally" is excreted through the feces.[20] Magnesium status may be assessed roughly through serum and erythrocyte Mg concentrations and urinary and fecal excretion, but intravenous magnesium loading tests are likely the most accurate and practical in most people.[21] In these tests, magnesium is injected intravenously; a retention of 20% or more indicates deficiency.[22] Other nutrient deficiencies are identified through biomarkers, but none are established for magnesium.[23]

Spices, nuts, cereals, coffee, cocoa, tea, and vegetables are rich sources of magnesium. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are also rich in magnesium as they contain chlorophyll. Observations of reduced dietary magnesium intake in modern Western countries compared to earlier generations may be related to food refining and modern fertilizers that contain no magnesium.[20]

Numerous magnesium dietary supplements are available. Magnesium oxide, one of the most common because it has high magnesium content per weight, has been reported to be the least bioavailable.[24][25] Magnesium citrate has been reported as more bioavailable than oxide or amino-acid chelate (glycinate) forms.[26]

Excess magnesium in the blood is freely filtered at the kidneys, and for this reason it is difficult to overdose on magnesium from dietary sources alone.[19] With supplements, overdose is possible, however, particularly in people with poor renal function; occasionally, with use of high cathartic doses of magnesium salts, severe hypermagnesemia has been reported to occur even without renal dysfunction.[27] Alcoholism can produce a magnesium deficiency, which is easily reversed by oral or parenteral administration, depending on the degree of deficiency.[28]

Detection in biological fluids

Magnesium concentrations in plasma or serum may be measured to monitor for efficacy and safety in those receiving the drug therapeutically, to confirm the diagnosis in potential poisoning victims or to assist in the forensic investigation in a case of fatal overdosage. The newborn children of mothers who received parenteral magnesium sulfate during labor may exhibit toxicity at serum magnesium levels that were considered appropriate for the mothers.[29]

Magnesium in treatment-resistant depression

There has been some speculation that magnesium deficiency can lead to depression. Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) magnesium has been found low in treatment-resistant suicidal depression and in patients that have attempted suicide. Brain magnesium has been found low in TRD using phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, an accurate means for measuring brain magnesium. Blood and CSF magnesium do not appear well-correlated with major depression.[30] Magnesium chloride in relatively small doses was found to be as effective in the treatment of depressed elderly type 2 diabetics with hypomagnesemia as imipramine 50 mg daily.[31]

Safety precautions

The magnesium-bodied Honda RA302 of Jo Schlesser crashes and burns during the 1968 French Grand Prix. Schlesser was killed. The magnesium car body did not cause the fire or the death, but it greatly hindered attempts to douse the fire with water.

[citation needed]

Magnesium metal and its alloys are explosive hazards; they are highly flammable in their pure form when molten or in powder or ribbon form. Burning or molten magnesium metal reacts violently with water. When working with powdered magnesium, safety glasses with welding eye protection are employed, because the bright white light produced by burning magnesium contains ultraviolet light that can permanently damage the retinas of the eyes.[32]

Magnesium is capable of reducing water to the highly flammable hydrogen gas:[33]

Mg (s) + 2 H2O (l) → Mg(OH)2 (s) + H2 (g)

As a result, water cannot be used to extinguish magnesium fires; the hydrogen gas produced will only intensify the fire. Dry sand is an effective smothering agent but is usable only on relatively level and flat surfaces.

Magnesium also reacts with carbon dioxide to form magnesium oxide and carbon:

2 Mg (s) + CO2 → 2 MgO (s) + C (s)

Hence, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers cannot be used for extinguishing magnesium fires either.[34]

Burning magnesium is usually quenched by using a Class D dry chemical fire extinguisher, or by covering the fire with sand or magnesium foundry flux to remove its air source.

See also


  1. ^ Bernath, P. F., Black, J. H., & Brault, J. W. (1985). "The spectrum of magnesium hydride". Astrophysical Journal 298: 375. Bibcode 1985ApJ...298..375B. doi:10.1086/163620. 
  2. ^ a b (PDF) Abundance and form of the most abundant elements in Earth's continental crust. Retrieved 2008-02-15. 
  3. ^ Housecroft, C. E.; Sharpe, A. G. (2008). Inorganic Chemistry (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. pp. 305–306. ISBN 978-0131755536. 
  4. ^ Ash, Russell (2005). The Top 10 of Everything 2006: The Ultimate Book of Lists. Dk Pub. ISBN 0756613213. 
  5. ^ Anthoni, J Floor (2006). "The chemical composition of seawater". 
  6. ^ "Magnesium in health". 
  7. ^ a b Dreizin, Edward L.; Berman, Charles H. and Vicenzi, Edward P. (2000). "Condensed-phase modifications in magnesium particle combustion in air". Scripta Materialia 122: 30–42. doi:10.1016/S0010-2180(00)00101-2. 
  8. ^ DOE Handbook – Primer on Spontaneous Heating and Pyrophoricity. U.S. Department of Energy. December 1994. p. 20. DOE-HDBK-1081-94. Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  9. ^ "Minerals Information". USGS. Retrieved 2011-01-04. 
  10. ^ Vardi, Nathan (February 22, 2007). "Man With Many Enemies". Retrieved 2006-06-26. 
  11. ^ Davy, H. (1808) "Electro-chemical researches on the decomposition of the earths; with observations on the metals obtained from the alkaline earths, and on the amalgam procured from ammonia," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. 98, pages 333–370.
  12. ^ "Magnesium Video – The Periodic Table of Videos – University of Nottingham". Retrieved 2011-02-23. 
  13. ^ a b Baker, Hugh D. R.; Avedesian, Michael (1999). Magnesium and magnesium alloys. Materials Park, OH: Materials Information Society. p. 4. ISBN 0-87170-657-1. 
  14. ^ Ketil Amundsen, Terje Kr. Aune, Per Bakke, Hans R. Eklund, Johanna Ö. Haagensen, Carlos Nicolas, Christian Rosenkilde, Sia Van den Bremt, Oddmund Wallevik “Magnesium” in Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 2002, Wiley-VCH. doi: 10.1002/14356007.a15_559
  15. ^ Luo, Alan A. and Powell, Bob R. (2001) (PDF). Tensile and Compressive Creep of Magnesium-Aluminum-Calcium Based Alloys. Materials & Processes Laboratory, General Motors Research & Development Center. Archived from the original on 2007-09-28.$FILE/01-481X-137F.pdf. Retrieved 2007-08-21. 
  16. ^ "MAGNESIUM (POWDER)". International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). IPCS INCHEM. April 2000. Retrieved 2011-12-21. 
  17. ^ "Magnesium". 2009-07-13. Retrieved 2011-11-04. 
  18. ^ "Lack Energy? Maybe It's Your Magnesium Level". United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2008-09-18.  Last paragraph
  19. ^ a b University of Maryland Medical Center. Magnesium
  20. ^ a b Wester PO (1987). "Magnesium". Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 45 (5 Suppl): 1305–12. PMID 3578120. 
  21. ^ Arnaud MJ (2008). "Update on the assessment of magnesium status". Br. J. Nutr. 99 Suppl 3: S24–36. doi:10.1017/S000711450800682X. PMID 18598586. 
  22. ^ Rob PM, Dick K, Bley N et al (1999). "Can one really measure magnesium deficiency using the short-term magnesium loading test?". J. Intern. Med. 246 (4): 373–378. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2796.1999.00580.x. PMID 10583708. 
  23. ^ Franz KB (2004). "A functional biological marker is needed for diagnosing magnesium deficiency". J Am Coll Nutr 23 (6): 738S–41S. PMID 15637224. 
  24. ^ Firoz M, Graber M (2001). "Bioavailability of US commercial magnesium preparations". Magnes Res 14 (4): 257–62. PMID 11794633. 
  25. ^ Lindberg JS, Zobitz MM, Poindexter JR, Pak CY (1990). "Magnesium bioavailability from magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide". J Am Coll Nutr 9 (1): 48–55. PMID 2407766. 
  26. ^ Walker AF, Marakis G, Christie S, Byng M (2003). "Mg citrate found more bioavailable than other Mg preparations in a randomised, double-blind study". Magnes Res 16 (3): 183–91. PMID 14596323. 
  27. ^ Kontani M, Hara A, Ohta S, Ikeda T (2005). "Hypermagnesemia induced by massive cathartic ingestion in an elderly woman without pre-existing renal dysfunction". Intern. Med. 44 (5): 448–452. doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.44.448. PMID 15942092. 
  28. ^ Giannini, A. J. (1997). Drugs of Abuse (Second ed.). Los Angeles: Physicians Management Information Co.. ISBN 0874894999. 
  29. ^ R. Baselt, Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man, 8th edition, Biomedical Publications, Foster City, CA, 2008, ISBN 0962652377 pp. 875–877.
  30. ^ Eby Ga, 3rd; Eby, KL (2010). "Magnesium for treatment-resistant depression: a review and hypothesis". Medical hypotheses 74 (4): 649–660. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2009.10.051. PMID 19944540. 
  31. ^ Barragán-Rodríguez, L; Rodríguez-Morán, M; Guerrero-Romero, F (2008). "Efficacy and safety of oral magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression in the elderly with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, equivalent trial". Magnesium research : official organ of the International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium 21 (4): 218–23. PMID 19271419. 
  32. ^ "Science Safety: Chapter 8". Government of Manitoba. Retrieved 2007-08-21. 
  33. ^ "Chemistry : Periodic Table : magnesium : chemical reaction data". Retrieved 2006-06-26. 
  34. ^ "Demo Lab: Reaction Of Magnesium Metal With Carbon Dioxide". Retrieved 2006-06-26. 

External links




Dansk (Danish)
n. - magnesium (kemisk betegnelse)

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n. - magnésium

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n. - (χημ.) μαγνήσιο

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n. - magnésio (m)

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n. - magnesio

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n. - magnesium

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n. - 鎂

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n. - 마그네슘

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n. - マグネシウム

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‏(الاسم) مغنسيوم‏

עברית (Hebrew)
n. - ‮מגנזיום (GM, מספר אטומי 21)‬




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