"U.S. District Court Denies Breitbart's Attempt to Dismiss Sherrod's Defamation Lawsuit"
(30 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/20/2012 @ 4:47 pm PT...
Meanwhile, as a lawsuit moves forward for a previous smear, Breitbart has teamed with Citizens United to produce an anti-Occupy propaganda film which makes the ludicrous assertion that Occupy is a tool of the Obama administration.
Of course, fact-free Andy wouldn't let a troubling little feature like cooperation between the Obama administration's Dept of Homeland Security and the nationwide crackdown by militarized local police departments get in the way of a good piece of propaganda.
No matter how many times Breitbart is exposed as a fraud, he'll keep coming back so long as right-wing billionaires are there to fund his efforts.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/20/2012 @ 5:43 pm PT...
A couple of minor points.
In addition to denying the motion to dismiss, Legal Times revealed that Judge Richard Leon denied Breitbart's motion to change venue from the D.C. U.S. District Court to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of CA where Breitbart resides.
Leon was nominated to the US District Court in DC by George W. Bush on 09/10/01.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 2/20/2012 @ 5:48 pm PT...
Ernie Canning @ 2:
No matter how many times Breitbart is exposed as a fraud, he'll keep coming back so long as right-wing billionaires are there to fund his efforts.
And as long as otherwise "legitimate" media outlets disgracefully continue to give him a platform to spout his bullshit, as if it isn't actually bullshit.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 2/20/2012 @ 7:53 pm PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/20/2012 @ 8:03 pm PT...
In other words, not that it was advertised anywhere except on someone’s personal Flickr account, but the individual responsible for pooling the talent to develop the ‘open source’ systems on which people will register to vote, cast their votes, and count the votes in local, state, and federal elections – here and overseas – is an Obama supporter whose father attended the University of Hawaii at the same time as Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr; and he is the brother of one of the Obama provocateurs claiming to have an authentic certified copy of a Hawaiian birth certificate bearing a fraudulent debossed HDOH seal matching the one photographed on Obama’s COLB.
OR, to put it another way for Obama supporters: The person responsible for pooling the talent to develop the ‘open source’ systems on which people will register to vote, cast their votes, and count the votes in local, state, and federal elections – here and overseas – is the brother of a well-known ‘birther’ whose alleged birth certificate was included in Jerome Corsi’s book, Where’s the Real Birth Certificate? Having been on both sides of this coin, I would imagine this fact is as unsettling for democrats, as Jeb Bush being governor of Florida during the 2000 election?
At least. But, this problem isn’t isolated to Florida, it’s nationwide…and overseas, too.
And, no one appears to have vetted the people behind the OSDV Foundation. Two nobutties basically just formed a company called “Network, Tool & Die” and then jumped right into the business of playing public advocate for open source election technology, under the OSDV non-profit brand. (Of course, we pay them to steal our votes, though.) If you care to look into them, you will find they are a terrible, terrible, mind-blowing joke.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 2/20/2012 @ 8:07 pm PT...
No matter how many times Breitbart is exposed as a fraud, he'll keep coming back so long as right-wing billionaires are there to fund his efforts.
Wrong. They are all in this together. get your head outta yer butt and look at the writing on the g*ddamn wall. There are no two parties, there is only one. Sucker.
Please. As if you neighbor, although conservative, is any different than you. It's US against the ruling class. Get a f*cking clue.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 2/20/2012 @ 8:24 pm PT...
To me Breitbart seems like a very strange, very sick, very angry man. It's incredible that someone so obviously unwell gets so much air time. He also appears desperate for attention. His provocations help him out in that regard by triggering backlash that provide so many more opportunities to be in front of a camera. And he'll take any camera, thank you very much.
I saw him once on TV years ago, before he'd gained so much notoriety. Didn't know anything about him. I think it was on Bill Maher. What struck me most was how lost he seemed when confronted with common sense and facts. He seemed in way over his head and not too bright.
His main asset, and I believe this to be true of so many of this contagion of self-righteous, hypocritical, right wing crazies flitting thither and yon these days, is that he really believes in the absolute righteousness of his own bullshit. I don't think he's even aware that he's lying. I think for him the gist of what he's saying is always true enough and in his mind always born out by the facts even though it is not. He exists in his own ideological bubble where reality, nuance, and context cannot be tolerated. As Mark Crispin Miller pointed out in Cruel and Unusual:Bush/Cheney's New World Order, these people are part of a projective movement. They see all their own fears everywhere. They have zero self-awareness that this is the case.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 2/20/2012 @ 8:37 pm PT...
Ononymous @6
Two questions--
1. In your life separate from internet blogs does coming into a room and randomly insulting people you don't know work well as a conversation starter?
2. Given any thought to applying for work in the diplomatic corps?
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 2/20/2012 @ 8:47 pm PT...
David @#7, You wrote,
"He seemed in way over his head and not too bright". Exactly right. That is why I christened him 'Notso Breitbart' a year ago.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 2/20/2012 @ 8:47 pm PT...
You mean to say that the judge gave no other reason than the technicality of being too late???
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/21/2012 @ 3:31 am PT...
Isis @10 wrote:
You mean to say that the judge gave no other reason than the technicality of being too late???
First, Isis, the time requirements contained in the Federal Rules of Court are not "technical." The failure to comply with the rules constitutes a waiver. Breitbart is represented by able counsel who are well aware of the time requirements.
Second, there was more than one motion to dismiss. The article Brad linked to provides a substantive reason.
Breitbert filed his motion under the D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act, which provides that if a defendant can show the claim at issue arises from an act in furtherance of the right to free speech - and if the it is also related to an issue of public concern-he can file a special motion to dismiss.
"But in a terse decision, U.S. District Judge Richard Leon tossed the motion, pointing out that the D.C. law that the motion was based on did not take affect until more than a month after Sherrod filed her defamation suit."
In other words, by its express terms the D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act does not apply retroactively to the Sherrod lawsuit.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 5:43 am PT...
Public figures get less protection than the rest of us. Sherrod wasn't one until after the edited tape was shown. I think she has a good case, but can she collect, and how much from this sack o' crap?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 7:32 am PT...
Ms. Sherrod is a personal hero of mine. She didn't lie back and take it, and she maintained her dignity throughout. And the story Breitbart butchered is actually a pretty inspirational story of personal growth.
I hope she gets every dime Breitbart's got, plus some more. I wish she could reach through Breitbart to the bastard funders of the bastard.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 9:25 am PT...
David, the time for rage is long past due. I know when it's time to give anyone who cares...a big ol smack across the lips. You think a Mother doesn't know?
Don't turn it into a negative thing. We are all adults here.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 9:36 am PT...
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 10:05 am PT...
BroadButt may have had a bad week but not bad enough ... even though Alec Baldwin did call him "a festering boil on the anus of civil discourse."
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Eddie Torres
said on 2/21/2012 @ 10:24 am PT...
David Lasagna @ #7 said:
"I saw him once on TV years ago, before he'd gained so much notoriety. Didn't know anything about him. I think it was on Bill Maher. What struck me most was how lost he seemed when confronted with common sense and facts."
I've seen Breitbart on Maher a few times too.
When confronted with facts, I think most of Breitbart's facial expressions are some variation on the theme of, "Where's my bourbon?"
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 11:02 am PT...
BrainFart is getting what he deserves. Slowly but surely. Good on Judge Leon. So far.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 11:28 am PT...
To the birther..... Ononymous. Quit insulting people with that bullschitt. If republicans thought for one minute that Obama was not qualified he would have been long gone.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 12:35 pm PT...
Dear Maggie:
I wasn't talking to you, partisan. I was talking to the adults.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 12:39 pm PT...
For anyone who loves free and fair elections more than the DNC, the story might interest you.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 12:43 pm PT...
"If republicans thought for one minute that Obama was not qualified he would have been long gone."
It is interesting to see the kiddies put their faith in republicans...only when it makes their heads feel better, that is. Selective trust. Funny thing, that.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 2/21/2012 @ 2:49 pm PT...
Ononymous @14
1. You're not my mother.
2. As far as I know you're not Bradblog's mother.
3. You tell us to get our heads outta our butts. You call us suckers. You tell us to get a fucking clue. I object, question your style and tone, and finish with a mild joke at your expense. And you respond with "Don't turn it into a negative thing."?
You're fucking kidding me.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 2/21/2012 @ 3:15 pm PT...
Ononymous (and those who responded to him/her):
As I've been travelling, I haven't been able to respond as quickly as usual to comments. So, as several have traded cracks back and forth, I'm not gonna delete anything for the moment.
BUT, Onymous, we have very few rules for commenting here at The BRAD BLOG, one of them is no personal attacks against other commenters. You may attack public figures, or me (or Ernie, etc.) as we have a bully pulpit here as authors, but other commenters are off limits.
You have violated that rule now several times here in this thread. Attack others' ideas or opinions all you like, but no personal attacks, or your comments will be deleted and/or you will eventually be banned. Okay? Thanks!
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2012 @ 5:32 pm PT...
I think I have been burned once more than you guys. Get burned by your own, you'll see my anger isn't directed at you. Not a bit.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2012 @ 2:57 pm PT...
On&on, explicitly: STFU. Your link leads to a pile o' crap, your Obama's garden.
For the purpose of delegitimizing Barry Soetoro consider that a mixed-parentage baby born in 1961 was an 'outcast' (unwanted) by the regressive social mores of the time. (See also that J. Edgar Hoover was of mixed-parentage and President Warren G. Harding was of mixed-greatgrandparentage.)
Obama's biographic profile features close lifelong fostering by CIA 'handlers' including his Valerie-Plame-like mother, and her Mata-Hari-like mother and James-Bond-like father --- all three tacitly-admitted by CIA reply and records to be vested-and-paid employees (i.e., 'agents'). It seems Obama, at birth, was adopted (legally?) into CIA guardianship or custody or aegis or human experimentation, and ultimately made (into) a 'success' ingrained with CIA duplicitous or bi-polarity (psychological) indoctrination, the proposed and MK ULTRA-pursued fabulous 'Manchurian candidate'.
All that 'commotion' (CIA) attending specially and specifically at the time and place of Obama's birth, goes in a way to explain the (curious? mysterious?) obscurity of documents and records in the 'blessed event' ... and perhaps its provenance: There is (Agency) rumor-grade 'chatter' which avers that Ann Dunham (Obama's mother) and her father (Stanley) were traveling (on 'assignment'?) in Cuba during 1960 Thanksgiving weekend (college break) when she got pregnant. (Nov. 23 or 24, per vidi, not Nov. 4,'60, and Obama born Aug. 4,'61, was about 2 weeks early, or 'precocious' if you like.)
Who (American?) travels to Cuba in 1960! on assignment or not, with his 18-year-old daughter in-tow or not? Check out Obama's 'furniture-salesman' [wink,wink] grandfather's 1940-1970 world-traveler itinerary in places and times when NObody from 'here' was allowed to go 'there' per Official Diplomatic sanction.
With my one addition, (exact date of pregnancy), all of Barry Soetoro's 'biographic profile' I noted here is from the book-length evidence compilation by Wayne Madsen, and three essential chapters of it are available here: Lew Rockwell reprint; and in original manuscript at Madsen's website (subscription req'd.) Wayne Madsen Report .com, here.
Seeing rabid (and purportedly) anti-Obama screeds and screamers citing piffle-y nattering about 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate custodian's cousin's neighbor's former-employer's drunken deprecations --- and to no effect --- as a basis of delegitimizing Obama in Chief Executive tenure, appears to some as being planned and directed to fail, on purpose, by calculated faint half-measures.
Alleging that Obama was not rightly elected and more 'installed' (by CIA connivance, subtrefuge, persuasion, coercion, extortive threat, blackmail, black ops, and the black arts including black-box ballot-tally rigging) in the theatre, and imagery theatrics, of politics, goes much broader in context and longer in ways to explain Obama's emergent 'inner self' acting (or not acting) the opposite of, and in defiance of, and defeating his stated aims, goals, and teleprompter promises.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2012 @ 4:00 pm PT...
"Shirley Sherrod is a racist bigot," hate-speech's Lars Larson did (verbatim) broadcast on 'his' radio programming, about July 20, 2010. Also repeated, (verbatim), broadcast by Larson, July 23, 2010; again in September, 2010; and again a year (anniversary?) later, July 20something, 2011.
You can look him up, and (I believe) you can access (or subpoena) archived recordings of his programming.
Breitbart has many times been on-air with Larson, and promoted, as "my very intelligent friend" by Larson, sharing in all defamations and rightfully prosecuted co-conspiring with Breitbart.
Larson, the radio station of his programming, the owner (Paul Allen), and the sponsors, were sued for defamation and slander in Portland, OR, in the interest of Pat Harrington, chair of Parkrose School Board, filed in May 1995 or '96, (as I remember). (See also: Brad suffers Larson. BTW, Brad, since your encounter with him Larson has grown sicker hate-filled talking and stupider FOX-lockstep walking.)
In the previous defamation lawsuit, Larson paid $20,ooo to have his name removed from the list of defendants, and later --- about 3 years of 'judicial' process, put-off, and posturing --- an out-of-court settlement of $180,ooo (reportedly) was paid to plaintif.
Against Sherrod, Larson is a repeat offender. Sherrod's case might reach prosecution to attach Larson with Breitbart by association, aiding and abetting, and furtherance for false defamation and libelous public broadcast offenses violating F.C.C. license regulations.
There's money behind Breitbart and there's money behind Larson --- sue charges against all the deepest pockets there are.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 2/23/2012 @ 2:38 pm PT...
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 2/23/2012 @ 8:18 pm PT...
There seems to be a turd floating in the soup of this thread... But we won't name any names or anything...
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 2/27/2012 @ 9:51 am PT...
Sometimes, justice can be sweet.
Let me also bring up the recent attempts on Breitbart's blog to discredit Keith Olbermann's contention that there have been no rapes at Occupy. Although I disagree with Olberman, what Breitbart did was reprehensible. To counter the claim, the editors posted a blog that showed a police report from a rape in OH at an Occupy encampment. Although they blocked out the rape victim's identity, in the police narrative that they also posted, they failed to block out the name of the victim's school. It also gave information about the program the victim was enrolled in. I found this reprehensible and repeated told them so on the forum. I told them they should take down the post. They ignored my continued protest. Then they simply shut me out of the forum. Andrew Breitbart is a skilled provocateur but a very ugly-hearted man. And that goes for his editors and authors. Thanks for letting me rant.