Sexual predators in the military are unafraid, because they know an unwritten code shields them. In her ignorance, Liz Trotta shone a bright light on this ugly, damaging truth.
Given that some of the people the Koch brothers want to put on CATO's board are firmly in the neocon camp, one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to see that a Koch-controlled CATO Institute is one big win for unbridled militarism and one big setback for those advocating small government and individual liberty.
A year ago almost no one had heard of the pipeline. Even four months ago, a poll of 300 "energy insiders" still found 97 percent predicting it would get its permit. But it didn't -- TransCanada can of course re-apply, but that will be another battle, down the road.
For the same reasons that Sarah Palin is a riveting figure in American politics, the HBO movie Game Change is an astonishingly smart look at her and the world that put her in the position of John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election.
I recently returned from several days in South Sudan -- specifically Yida refugee camp, where I encountered bone-chilling stories of the nightmare unfolding in the Southern Kordofan.
Do men and women working for the federal government have different perceptions of their jobs and work environments?
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer is determined to advance his own career at the expense of middle-class Americans -- so much so that he's ignoring political common sense and the desires of most Americans, including most Republicans.
Trees and plants help cool the city, which reduces the need for energy-hogging air conditioners while also providing valuable ecosystem services like reduced water runoff, filtration, and habitats for city critters.
D.C. is an edtech hotspot with a rich mixture of great universities, incubators, venture capital, and talent. Companies like Learn Zillion are improving schools and cities.
Experienced cooks may not find much new in these tips. But for those who find the array of cooking oils in the grocery store to be mystifying, if not confounding, these tips may help.
If the school reformers truly believe that teachers are the key to the success of children --- and I agree, they certainly are one of the keys --- then the reformers must reconsider the mindless application of the deadly algorithm.
How hard is it to say that women who advocate for insurance coverage for contraceptives should be heard and shouldn't be called prostitutes for stating their position on the topic? Is it really worth compromising basic decency to stay in the good graces of Rush Limbaugh?
If you want to sign legislation that makes abortions difficult for the women of Virginia to obtain, just admit to it. But don't pick and choose who has a "right to know" what and when and why.
What's worse: to be persecuted and indicted for trying to expose an act of wrongdoing -- or to be ignored for doing so?
Detachment works as a powerful character study and a searing indictment of the institutional disinterest in education that allows seemingly dedicated educators to eventually become as much a problem as a solution.
Not many people outside of the business of food know the meaninglessness of gender that food industry workers experience. Gender is insignificant when tickets are piling up and you wish you had another arm to get through the night.
Patricia McGuire, 2012. 8.03
Georgiana Bloom, 2012. 8.03
Patricia McGuire, 2012. 6.03
Gillian Clark, 2012. 6.03