LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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March 9, 2012
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AP / Cleveland Plain Dealer

Kucinich: ‘Defeat Doesn’t Have Power Over Me’

This week on Truthdig Radio: Dennis Kucinich on life after Congress; Media Matters on Rush Limbaugh; "Heist" director Frances Causey and former CIA interrogator Glenn Carle.
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Culture or Neurons?

What accounts for our species' self-consciousness and awareness of our mortality, for our impulses to create art, to cling to our memories of childhood, to believe in a deity?
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AP / Charlie Neibergall

Dennis Kucinich: Conscience of the Congress

He was sanguine Tuesday night when I spoke with him by phone about his gerrymandered eviction from the U.S. House of Representatives.



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‘Left, Right & Center’: Where Are the Good New Jobs?

Good jobs news is one thing, but where are the good new jobs? The answer to that question may well be worth at least the amount of our nation’s deficit.

Posted on Mar 9, 2012 READ MORE
Anonymous Gets Revenge for LulzSec Arrests

You didn’t think Anonymous would stand idly by after the arrests of several members of the hacker collective’s extended network, did you? Well, it didn’t. On Friday, news broke that AntiSec, an Anonymous spinoff group, had struck at two companies in retaliation for the LulzSec bust that happened earlier in the week.

Posted on Mar 9, 2012 READ MORE  |  3 COMMENTS
Greece Set for Second Bailout

Having pulled off the biggest debt restructuring deal ever, Greece is on track for yet another bailout. Meanwhile, the Greek government is also preparing to make yet another round of austerity cuts, which may involve lowering the nation’s minimum wage.

Posted on Mar 9, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT
Kucinich: ‘Defeat Doesn’t Have Power Over Me’

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Dennis Kucinich on life after Congress; Eric Boehlert of Media Matters on Rush Limbaugh; Frances Causey, director of the new documentary “Heist,” and former CIA interrogator Glenn Carle, who tells us about his struggle with institutionalized torture.

Posted on Mar 9, 2012 READ MORE  |  7 COMMENTS

Rush Limbaugh’s mea culpa—however insincere—is significant because it is evidence that America may be setting some basic standards for political discourse.

Posted on Mar 9, 2012 READ MORE  |  14 COMMENTS

Unless Ron Paul somehow wins the nomination, it looks as if a vote for the Republican presidential candidate this fall will be a vote for war with Iran.

Posted on Mar 9, 2012 READ MORE  |  19 COMMENTS
Truthdigger of the Week: Rep. Dennis Kucinich

Since he first entered elected office more than 40 years ago, Dennis Kucinich has proved time and again to be an indefatigable fighter and principled politician—a rare creature indeed—who never forgot where he came from or those for whom he was responsible.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  7 COMMENTS
Culture or Neurons?

What accounts for our species’ self-consciousness and awareness of our mortality, for our impulses to create art, to cling to our memories of childhood, to believe in a deity? Two new books suggest distinct approaches to such elemental questions.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  10 COMMENTS
Campaigning Dems Register Higher on the Obamameter

Whatever President Obama is doing to reinstate closer ties with some high-profile members of his party is working, at least when it comes to congressional Democrats looking to extend their stays on Capitol Hill. So what’s his winning strategy?

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  4 COMMENTS
Banks Pay Bupkis for Roles in Crisis

Bank of America: $11.9 billion; JPMorgan: $5.44 billion; Wells Fargo: $4.35 billion. These are the fines the banks have paid so far in settlements to the government for wrongdoing amid the financial crisis.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  2 COMMENTS
Bin Laden’s Widows Charged in Pakistan

What will become of Osama bin Laden’s wives? The three widows, all of whom were with the former al-Qaida leader when American troops stormed his Pakistan compound and killed him last spring, have been charged with illegally entering that country and may be obliged to stay there for longer than they may have expected.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  19 COMMENTS
A Look at the New ‘Anti-Occupy’ Bill

The radical corners of the Internet have been ringing loudly over a piece of legislation passed with near unanimous support last week that protesters are calling the “anti-Occupy” bill. The new law mostly updates a set of rules already in place, however.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  18 COMMENTS
Public-Sector Banks: From Black Sheep to Global Leaders

Conventional wisdom holds that government bureaucrats are bad businesspeople. But around the world, the many countries with strong public banking sectors generally have strong, stable economies.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  17 COMMENTS
Dead Americans, Dead Goats, and Half a Million Gunmen on the Loose

Since May 2007, 76 NATO soldiers have been killed and an undisclosed number wounded in 46 recorded “deliberate attacks” by members of the Afghan National Security Force. These figures suggest more than a recent “trend of Afghan treachery.”

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  25 COMMENTS
Dennis Kucinich: Conscience of the Congress

He was sanguine Tuesday night when I spoke with him by phone about his gerrymandered eviction from the U.S. House of Representatives.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  50 COMMENTS

Unlike his irresponsible critics on the right, Obama cannot ignore the potential costs of another Mideast war, which could wreck fragile economies both here and abroad, increase the peril to U.S. troops in Afghanistan as well as throughout the region, and perhaps escalate into a global conflict of unpredictable scope.

Posted on Mar 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  27 COMMENTS
It’s About Sex and the ’60s

Mitt Romney clearly has no idea what his party stands for and is running against. To put it in Rick Santorum’s words, “It comes down to sex. That’s what it’s all about.”

Posted on Mar 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  20 COMMENTS
The Bipartisan Nuclear Bailout

Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing: They’re going to force nuclear power on the public, despite the astronomically high risks, both financial and environmental.

Posted on Mar 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  13 COMMENTS
Romney: Winning Votes, Not Love

Mitt Romney is grinding his way to the Republican presidential nomination not by winning hearts but by imposing his will on a party that keeps resisting him.

Posted on Mar 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  4 COMMENTS
Everyone Loses in a War With Iran

On Super Tuesday, the most important matter facing the country was not who will win the Republican presidential nomination but whether Israel will drag the United States into a war with Iran.

Posted on Mar 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  40 COMMENTS
Netanyahu Takes a Joke at His Own Expense

Employing the time-honored strategy of reappropriation, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a spoof video, based on his speech at Tuesday’s AIPAC session, in which his words about Iran’s alleged plans for its nuclear program are intercut with footage of a cartoon classic and mixed to a lively techno beat.

Posted on Mar 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  5 COMMENTS
War’s Biggest Earners

On the heels of a report on the world’s 100 leading arms manufacturers comes a detailed look at the Top 10, which made a combined $230 billion off war and other conflict in 2010.

Posted on Mar 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  6 COMMENTS
Peter Gabriel to Rush Limbaugh: Don’t Use My Tunes

Next time Rush Limbaugh wants to play the bully, he might need to play something other than Peter Gabriel’s music for a soundtrack. The musician’s reps posted a statement on Gabriel’s Facebook page noting that he was “appalled” to hear that Limbaugh had spun the tune “Sledgehammer” while besmirching Sandra Fluke’s honor last week.

Posted on Mar 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  4 COMMENTS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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