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FoxNews.com Readers Make Racist Attacks On Obama Over Texas Voter ID Challenge

FoxNews.com has a report today about the Justice Department challenging a Texas voter ID law. The report is reasonably balanced but one of our readers found some very disturbing comments about our president.

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Santorum: I Should Have Called Obama “Snobbish,” Not A Snob

On The Huckabee show this weekend (3/10 and 3/11), host Mike Huckabee made a blatant ploy to rehabilitate Rick Santorum's image with women and to offset the heat he took for calling President Obama “a snob.” Huckabee’s first question to Santorum was about the “snob” comment and asked if there was “anything out there that you would love to walk back.” Yes, there was. Instead of calling President Obama “a snob,” Santorum wished he had used the word “snobbish.”

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Limbaugh Advertising Backlash Could Impact Hannity

A recent memo reveals that 98 major corporations have decided that they do not want to advertise on radio programs "deemed to be offensive or controversial" and specifically names Sean Hannity's show as one of the examples.

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Sally Kohn Destroys Hannity's "Obama Race Tape"

There's nothing I love more (politically speaking) than a feisty liberal standing up to and demolishing right-wing attacks. It's even more delicious if the feisty liberal is standing up to a right-wing bully like Sean Hannity. In a discussion last week (3/9/12), Hannity hosted Fox News contributor and former student of Derrick Bell, Sally Kohn, to defend President Obama in Hannity's "race tape." The video has been widely ridiculed but Hannity is sticking to his racial guns that Obama's warm introduction of a tenured Harvard Law professor and a hug in 1990 proves that Obama shares what Hannity describes as Bell's anti-white radicalism. Kohn demolished every bit of Hannity's argument as "much ado about hugging" and finished him off by saying, “You and I have hugged, that doesn’t mean we agree on everything!" 

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Hannity Buddy Thanks God For Slavery

Since he's so concerned about President Obama's "radical associations," we’d like to hear Hannity’s explanation for sitting on the advisory board of a charity run by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. We’ve got a video showing African American Peterson thanking God and the white man for slavery and comparing slave ships to riding coach in an airplane: “It’s a tough ride. But you’re happy when you get to your destination.” UPDATED.

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Another Fox News Sunday Without Democrats

Once again, the guest lineup on Fox News Sunday consisted of Republicans, only. Today the roster included Newt Gingrich and Sen. John McCain. There was a Democrat on the panel, Evan Bayh was squeezed between Republican Dana Perino, Republican Chip Saltsman and journalist Liz Marlantes. This week is just the latest in a growing list of Fox News Sunday programs without a Democratic guest. You can see our informal list after the jump.

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Fox & Friends Promotes Effort To "Rescue" Unconstitutional Public Cross

The quote, When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross,” could describe one of the most popular themes on Fox & Friends, a morning propaganda show that never wastes an opportunity to denigrate those evil Jesus haters who oppose this Christian symbol being placed on government land other than a cemetery. Fox & Friends has done many segments regarding cross disputes and in each and every one, only one side, the Christian side is represented. As Roger Ailes is very concerned about evil secularists who are "threatening to cut America off from its Judeo-Christian roots," it isn't surprising that this meme is a consistent feature on the "morning happy-talk show that Ailes uses as one of his primary vehicles to inject his venom into the media bloodstream." It also plays to the popular meme of Christian victimization which,as Jon Stewart says, is the "true genius of Fox News." This morning's Fox & Friends revolved around whether a court decision, which ruled that the placement of a Christian cross on public land is unconstitutional, is "another example of the war on religious freedom."  Funny, the issue of religious freedom was never invoked when Fox "News" was aiding all those who opposed the so called "Ground Zero Mosque."

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Birther Trump Attacks George Will’s Credibility

Donald Trump was back on Fox News and once again treated like a respectable pundit despite a discredited record of birtherism and lies. That’s bad enough. But he had the audacity to make personal attacks on conservative pundit George Will – and host Greta Van Susteren didn’t seem to mind, much less point out the irony of Trump criticizing anyone else’s track record or credibility.

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Brad Stine Wants Married Women To Have Lots Of Babies!

Fox is the mouthpiece for the GOP and patriarchal Christian right who want to take Americaback to the "good old days" when women knew their place and were happy to make cookies and lots of babies. Thus, it's not surprising that Fox & Friends,America's flagship show for old school family values, would discuss a Washington Post article in which a columnist had the audacity to criticize the "smug fecundity" of sainted GOP politicians. And who better to assist Fox & Friends them in their support for breeding patriarchal Republicans and their smear of he WAPO columnist than polymath and former "," Brad Stine, a Christian "comedian" who is also leader of a macho Christian men's group who "give thanks" to a very macho God for their testosterone. And we gals should be thankful for guys like Stine who will wean us of our evil, family destroying birth control ways in order to save heterosexual marriage and the nuclear family from evil liberals who are out to destroy the foundations of our Christian society.

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Hannity Doubles Down On Using 1990 Breitbart Video To Make Racial Attacks On Obama

Sean Hannity's race-based attacks on President Obama – over a hug he gave to a “radical” Harvard law professor in 1990 – has been widely ridiculed, including a devastating send up by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. Hannity's own colleague, Geraldo Rivera, called it a “sign of desperation.” But segregation-supporting Hannity isn't giving up on his efforts. In fact, last night, he spent most of his Fox News show doubling (or was it tripling?) down on his efforts to “prove” President Obama is a racist.

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