We are a nonpartisan political organization for women and men which encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. We do not support or oppose any political party or any candidate.
Supreme Court Rules on Use of Senate MapsA referendum on the state Senate district maps drawn by the Citizens Redistricting Commission has qualified for the November 2012 ballot.
Federal Action on District MapsCourt challenge dismissed: A legal challenge to the congressional maps in federal district court has been dismissed with finality. New district maps precleared: The Citizens Redistricting Commission was informed on January 17 that the U.S. Attorney General does not object to the district maps for four California counties covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. You can view the preclearance submission on the commission’s Web site.
Raquel Beltran, ED of LWV LA, Named Forward Thinker
Facebook Redistricting ReportWe've been using social media as a way of engaging members, partners, and the public in redistricting education since the start of 2011. This report summarizes, analyses, and invites your feedback on our strategy. Initiative and Referendum Study
Follow the MoneyMillions of campaign $$$$$ are flowing everywhere in our elections. Tracking the money path can be challenging because the information is patchy and found in different places. The League of Women Voters can help you find out who is funding political campaigns and how much money is being spent. Read more. The League of Women Voters is working to make it easier to identify the real donors to campaigns by supporting the DISCLOSE Act (AB 1648 - Brownley). Find out about this bill and what you can do to support this important reform.
Lawsuit Defends Voting Rights of Californians Under RealignmentThe League is one of the petitioners in a lawsuit just filed against the California Secretary of State. The suit seeks to clarify that people convicted of certain low-level, nonviolent felonies are entitled to vote. Under "realignment" legislation passed in 2011, these people no longer serve terms in state prison, but instead are sentenced to county jail and/or subject to community supervision. The litigants, represented by the ACLU and other civil rights attorneys, ask that the suit be expedited so that these individuals will be able to vote this year. For more information, read the press release.
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