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New Book By David Ray Griffin - World for 9-11 Truth

New Book By David Ray Griffin

In his tenth book on 9/11, David Ray Griffin continues to report the facts and marshal the evidence that the mainstream media continue to ignore. Griffin now explains how the government got away with its crime against democracy. Continue Reading

Lupe Fiasco Talks 9/11 Conspiracy at New York Protest - World for 9-11 Truth

Lupe Fiasco Talks 9/11 Conspiracy at New York Protest

(BET) Lupe Fiasco has been known to espouse some controversial views about American society and government, and over the weekend he put his money where his mouth is by attending a large protest rally in downtown New York. Dubbed "Occupy Wall Street," the protesters say they were inspired by recent revolutions in the Arab world to use "mass occupation to restore democracy in America." Continue Reading

Roseanne Barr on 9/11: “We Know” - World for 9-11 Truth

Roseanne Barr on 9/11: “We Know”

Reporter Luke Rudkowski speaks with television star and activist Roseanne Barr. Continue Reading

NEW 9/11 Explosive Documentary Film: The Experts Speak Out - World for 9-11 Truth

NEW 9/11 Explosive Documentary Film: The Experts Speak Out

Join 23-year architect Richard Gage, AIA, in this feature length documentary with cutting-edge 9/11 evidence from more than 50 top experts in their fields -- high-rise architects, structural engineers, physicists, chemical engineers, firefighters, metallurgists, explosives experts, controlled demolition technicians, and more. Continue Reading

France: 58% Doubt the Official 9/11 Version, Only 14% Know About Building 7 - World for 9-11 Truth

France: 58% Doubt the Official 9/11 Version, Only 14% Know About Building 7

Ten years after, how do the French perceive the events of September 11, 2001? This survey is very revealing about their opinions. Continue Reading

FAKE New Building 7 Video - World for 9-11 Truth

FAKE New Building 7 Video

A new FAKE short Building 7 video showing very clear explosions appeared on the Web recently and is going viral, so we have decided to warn you about it. Continue Reading

500,000 Views for New 9/11 Mini-Documentary on Building 7 in 4 Weeks - World for 9-11 Truth

500,000 Views for New 9/11 Mini-Documentary on Building 7 in 4 Weeks

In less than one month, this important video narrated by American actor Ed Asner and produced by AE911Truth got over 500,000 views on YouTube. This group of over 1,500 professionals are calling for a real scientific investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. Continue Reading

Will Canada Arrest Dick Cheney Over War Crimes? - World for 9-11 Truth

Will Canada Arrest Dick Cheney Over War Crimes?

Dick Cheney is coming to Vancouver on September 26 to promote his new book, but Vancouver lawyer Gail Davidson has other plans for one of the most controversial figures of the modern era. Continue Reading

Building 7 Collapse: NIST Reality Check - World for 9-11 Truth

Building 7 Collapse: NIST Reality Check

Video: Let's all take a moment to compare the NIST official model Building 7's collapse to... reality. What is your verdict? Continue Reading

One Million Viewers for Remember Building 7 on France 3 - World for 9-11 Truth

One Million Viewers for Remember Building 7 on France 3

Remember Building 7 continues to educate millions of people on both sides of the Atlantic. France’s second largest public channel did the campaign justice in one of the most unbiased pieces ever done by a mainstream news outlet. Continue Reading

Remembrance and Solidarity on September 11, 2011 - World for 9-11 Truth

Remembrance and Solidarity on September 11, 2011

The 10th Anniversary of September 11, 2001 is a moment to reflect on why we continue to fight for a proper investigation into the tragic events of that day. Continue Reading

Support the Troops, Support a New 9/11 Investigation - World for 9-11 Truth

Support the Troops, Support a New 9/11 Investigation

Ten years after 9/11, thousands of soldiers have died in the 9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and hundreds of thousands of innocent people have died in the process. Today, soldiers are speaking up. But are we listening? Continue Reading

9/11 Toronto Hearings: Click to Watch Live Through September 11 - World for 9-11 Truth

9/11 Toronto Hearings: Click to Watch Live Through September 11

 The Toronto Hearings Live The International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, also known at the Toronto Hearings are currently being  held at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, through September 11.  Get a free copy of the Toronto Hearings DVD and Final Report with a donation to the 10th Anniversary Campaign led by 9/11 [...] Continue Reading

Top 5 Reasons to Unite Behind Remember Building 7′s Campaign - World for 9-11 Truth

Top 5 Reasons to Unite Behind Remember Building 7′s Campaign

From September 1 to 11, Remember Building 7 has the ambitious goal to raise $1 million to fund the largest 9/11 awareness campaign ever created in 10 years. Continue Reading

After 10 Years, 75% of New Yorkers Never Saw Footage of WTC Building 7 - World for 9-11 Truth

After 10 Years, 75% of New Yorkers Never Saw Footage of WTC Building 7

A Sienna Poll (PDF) published earlier this year found that 3 out of 4 New Yorkers have never seen any footage of Building 7's destruction. Continue Reading

Obama, Bush, Bloomberg to Bar 9/11 First Responders From Ground Zero On the 10th Anniversary - World for 9-11 Truth

Obama, Bush, Bloomberg to Bar 9/11 First Responders From Ground Zero On the 10th Anniversary

If 9/11 first responders are not allowed on the site this year, it will be yet another huge slap in the face to all Americans from a political system that has failed them far too many times. Continue Reading

A Message from 9/11 Family Member: Support The 10th Anniversary Campaign - World for 9-11 Truth

A Message from 9/11 Family Member: Support The 10th Anniversary Campaign

"I am writing you directly because today is the start of the fundraising drive for the 10th Anniversary Campaign, and we need your support to make this campaign the size that it needs to be to generate overwhelming public demand for a new 9/11 investigation." Continue Reading

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