Welcome to StatCounter - Visitor Analysis for Your Website
- Použijte StatCounter pro monitorování skutečné lidské aktivity v reálném čase
- StatCounter může být používán 100% zdarma - nepotřebujete platební kartu
- Straightforward install process - add a few lines of code to your site
Quick Tour: Projects
- Track multiple websites from the same account
- Grant project access to co-workers or clients
- Optional public stats
Quick Tour: Email Reports
- Set up automated email reports
- Weekly, monthly or daily delivery
- CC interested parties
- Unlimited recipients
Quick Tour: Exit Links
- Track the external links that your visitors are clicking (demo)
- Track file downloads from your site, e.g. pdfs, spreadsheets
- No extra setup required
Quick Tour: Counter
- Create an optional custom counter and display it on your site
- Show pageloads or
unique visits - Link back to your public stats (optional)
Detailní funkce
Poznejte vše kolem StatCounteru.Vyzkoušejte si živé demo
Než se zaregistrujete.Zaregistrujte se nyní!
Je to snadné a zdarma.3 kroky stačí:
- Zaregistrujte si účet
- Upravte si vaše počítadlo nebo zvolte neviditelné sledování
- Vložte kód na vaše stránky
You'll be able to immediately see stats on the next visitors who come to your site; realtime, no delays!
Guided Installation:
Citace uživatelů
I noticed how the frequency of hits reported by StatCounter closely followed customer phone enquiries, peaking at the start of the week. In some cases I could match customers to the detailed paths they took through the site, and could see which business areas customers were most interested in.
— Deirdre McGowan, Lawyer, marycowhey.com