Potřebujeme vaši zpětnou vazbu!

All feedback is read by the StatCounter management and developers to improve the service. Unfortunately we can't reply to everyone!  If you actually require support please visit the support section.

Děkujeme vám.

Thank you for your feedback!

3 kroky stačí:

  • Zaregistrujte si účet
  • Upravte si vaše počítadlo nebo zvolte neviditelné sledování
  • Vložte kód na vaše stránky

You'll be able to immediately see stats on the next visitors who come to your site; realtime, no delays!

Guided Installation:

Citace uživatelů

I noticed how the frequency of hits reported by StatCounter closely followed customer phone enquiries, peaking at the start of the week. In some cases I could match customers to the detailed paths they took through the site, and could see which business areas customers were most interested in.
— Deirdre McGowan, Lawyer, marycowhey.com

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