On Ben's left shoulder, we have Courtney: exciting, but risky. On his right, Lindzi: amazing qualities, warm and funny. What's a Bachelor to do?
We saw a perfect mix of compelling dialogue and intense action last night, and more screen time for characters we've wanted to see.
It's going to be tough. Your muscles will ache, you will get plenty of bumps and bruises, and you may even cry (this actually sounds really awful). But I can't tell you how excited I am to see your face when the music stops and we have completed our first official dance together.
Instead of ignoring a character's irritating attributes, sometimes shows just turn right into the skid. When the narrative acknowledges flaws, those same flaws can become endearing parts of what make a character great.
We've always been attacked by the closed-minded on both sides who refuse to understand that although the world itself is not yet "post-racial," popular culture has been so for years.
Huggies says it set out to "celebrate" dad. Instead it insulted them. Do "real men" change diapers?
Hunger Games stands out from the pack because it has evocative themes that touch upon our deepest concerns about humanity. I'd go as far to say that Hunger Games is a darkly mature series with teenager characters.
As game technology has increased and censorship decreased, so has its ability to tell a story. Now, game developers are tapping into the great conversations of Western civilization. The role of religion in games can't be ignored.
¡Q'Viva! The Chosen is a historic media moment in time: the first seamlessly bilingual show that presents entertainment and information to a general audience, not simply to a target audience.
Much of what angers the women on The Bachelor about Courtney is a sense of brutal injustice. But what these girls fail to realize is that the rules that govern them on The Bachelor are as arbitrary as Ben's middle-part haircut.
Few made-for-television movies have arrived with the amount of fanfare, anticipation and attendant hyperbole as has HBO's political docudrama Game Change. Almost as soon as the HBO production was announced, critics began taking potshots at it.
With so many places for life to exist, we may be closer to finding E.T. than ever before. Imagine what we'd glean from that encounter. How much more we'll come to know -- not only about life in the cosmos but also about ourselves.
Conservatives may be upset with various details that they believe HBO got wrong in the Sarah Palin portrayal in Game Change, but one detail that the network got right was its portrayal of McCain as a cynical man devoid of common sense and sincerity.
One of the questions I get most about my Jeopardy experience is, "What's Alex Trebek like, and why doesn't he have a mustache anymore?" I confess that I struggle to answer both questions with any degree of certainty.
I would wholeheartedly encourage Kirk Cameron and his ilk to, as publicly as possible, keep lying, judging, proselytizing, and misrepresenting. I want them to continue flaunting and exposing the sheer ugliness of conservative Christianity. And we, in turn, will continue to respond.
The politics of celebrity -- the sexy candidate phenomenon -- leapt from the big screen to the campaign trail. Many seem to presume that a charismatic candidate is automatically capable of being a great leader. That's a formula for success in Hollywood, but is it right for American politics?
Women's friendships can be some the most abiding and intimate relationships they will ever forge. So where are all the nuanced, honest depictions of female friendships on TV?
There is no other contemporary politician in the United States who reveals more about the sound and fury of the far right than Sarah Palin. Palin is nearly as important to our time as U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy was to the 1950s.
Chances are you've seen the finely-coiffed Ben Flajnik lately, gracing the pages of every celebrity rag in publication. Want the skinny (dip) on his favorite haunts in the city? Yours truly investigates.
Ilene Kleinbaum, 2012.13.03