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Foreclosing on God: When Banks Seize Churches Did Taxpayer Bailout Money Fund Heartland Institute’s Climate Change Denial Projects? Limbaugh May Get Fitting New Sponsors: Websites That Arrange Adulterous Relationships & Match Sugar Daddies With Younger Women The Tax Hypocrisy of the Wall Street Journal The Unbearable Heaviness of Being Newt GingrichHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- How Do You Clean Up After a Nuclear Disaster?
- Powder Keg in Afghanistan: "Taliban vows revenge for killings by U.S. soldier"
- Student Anger Over Education Cuts Puts Heat on Lawmakers
- Saudi Who Left Florida Before 9/11 Considered Bin Laden a "Hero," Informant Told FBI in '04
- Fukushima Residents Plagued by Health Fears of Nuclear Threat in their Midst
- Billionaire Romney Backer: The Ultrawealthy Have an "Insufficient Influence" Over Politics
- A Closer Look at Judge's Interracial Comment
- France's Sarkozy Defies Europe With Protectionist Push
- Arizona and Kansas Pursue Laws Letting Doctors Hide Information from Women
- Gas Spike Takes $5 Billion from the 99 Percent and Gives It to Big Oil
- To Woo South, Romney Needs More Than a Twang
- Undead Laws: "Ag-Gag Bills" Are Back to Keep Factory Farm Abuse a Secret
- US Military Unveils (and Downplays) Non-Lethal Heat Ray Weapon
- What Does the Kony Viral Video Say About Us?
- A Right-Wing Plot to Wound Romney and Plague Obama?
- Rush Limbaugh Attacked President Obama For "Targeting" Joseph Kony’s "Christian" LRA
- The Danger of the Current Arguments on Contraception
- Top 10 Prices We Want Newt to Lower With His Magic Wand
- Outlawing Occupy: H.R. 347 Makes Free Speech a Felony
- McCain Slams "Game Change" Movie ... And Hasn't Even Seen It Yet
- Santorum, Romney Tied in Illinois
- Cutting Through Sarah Palin's Indignation Hoopla
- Today On The Trail: 10 Things You Need to Know Today
- Banks Repaid Bailout With Other Government Cash
- Store Clerk Demands "A-mer-i-can" ID
- Prisons Rethink Isolation, Saving Money, Lives and Sanity
- Recall Walker Efforts Rejuvenated as 35-60,000 Protesters Descend on Wisconsin’s Capitol
- How Public Sector Layoffs Are Holding Back the Recovery
- Why Can't You Smoke Pot? Because Lobbyists Are Getting Rich Off of the War on Drugs
- Stumped at the Pump
- American Is Held After Shooting at Least 16 Civilians in Afghanistan
- US Electoral Registration: Subject to Grave Errors
- The Border Wall: The Last Stand at Making the US a White Gated Community
- 'SNL': Rush Limbaugh Talks New Sponsors in Cold Open (VIDEO)
- Santorum, Romney Trade Wins
- New Federal Statistics Reveal Harsh Discipline for Minority Students
- EPA Puts Greenhouse Gas Rules for Oil Refineries on Backburner
- What If the "Broken Windows" Theory Were Applied to Wall Street?
- Burma’s Turn
- Heroic Activists in Louisiana Fight Back Against Corporate Greed - A small group of activists in the Gulf are pushing back against predators who try to profit from disasters
- Congressman Lincoln Davis Fights Back Against Suppression Tactics That Prevented Him From Voting in Tennessee
- Senate Republicans Advance Conspiracy Theory in New Ad, Citing Only Themselves
- Rush and the Right: The "Clown" GOP Leaders Fear
- In "Open Government Data," What's Really Open?
- Canadian Government Targeting Opponents of New Oil Sands Pipeline
- Insect Experts Issue "Urgent" Warning on Using Biotech Seeds
- How Public Sector Layoffs Are Holding Back the Recovery
- Scalia Rewrites History, Claims 5-4 Bush v. Gore Decision "Wasn’t Even Close"
- "I'm Getting Arrested" App Aims to Help Drivers
- One Year After Disaster at Fukushima Nuclear Plant, Town Remains Frozen in Time
- GOP War on Voting Targets Swing States
- Obama Plans Big Effort to Build Support Among Women
- Cuomo and Corbett Ignore Health Concerns from Gas Fracking
- Greg Palast: The Fukushima story you didn't hear on CNN
- Doonesbury Comic - Next Week's Abortion-Law Comic Strips Pulled by Several Papers
- Centrist Women Tell of Disenchantment With GOP
- Fast for Fair Food: Farmworkers Fast so "Our Children Won't Have To"
- February Jobs Report: Beware Austerity
- Minnesota Officials Propose Third Way on Voter ID That Prevents Fraud Without Disenfranchising Voters
- Deficits Push New York Cities and Counties to Desperation
- Rick Santorum Wins Kansas Caucus
- The Dirty War on WikiLeaks
- American Indian Movement to Join Protest Suncor Oil Spill Contamination Today
- Senate Democratic Women Punctuate Birth Control Fight in Letter to John Boehner
- 10 Myths About Iran - And Why They're Dead Wrong
- Politicians Won’t Return Ponzi Payoffs
- Mitt Romney Loves Grits [Video]
- Fox Attacks Wages of Working-Class Maids
- Israel’s Tragedy of "Victories"
- UN Says 145 "Presumed Dead" in Afghan Avalanche
- Team Obama Returns to Campuses
- Why You Should Feel Awkward About the "Kony2012" Video
- Glenn Greenwald: Dennis Kucinich and “Wackiness”
- There Will Be Paranoia ... As long as there are dispossessed white people, there will be conspiracies
- The Self-Destruction of Limbaugh, Murdoch and Beck
- What the Frack is in That Water? (InfoGraphic)
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn Bundled Away from Cambridge University Protesters
- Man Refuses to Vote After Finding Veteran’s ID No Good at Polls
- Obama’s OSHA: Improved, But Still Weak
- A Field of Hawks
- Israel in the New York Times Corrections Box
- Romney's Republican Death March
- 98 Major Advertisers Dump Rush Limbaugh, Other Right-Wing Hosts
- Politicians Won’t Return Ponzi Payoffs
- Welcome to the 1 Percent Recovery
- Confusion Surrounds Federal Review of Southern Leg of Keystone XL
- Haitian Workers Demand Living Wage
- Fall of the GOP: Fear and Loathing in Conservative America
- Mitt Romney’s Math Mojo Means He’s Likely to Win the GOP Nomination
- Sealing Loose Lips: Charting Obama’s Crackdown on Leaks
- Raising Taxes on Rich Does Not Slow Jobs Growth
- Rush Limbaugh Scandal Proves Contagious for Talk-Radio Advertisers Ninety-eight major advertisers—including Ford and Geico—will no longer air spots on Premiere Networks’ ‘offensive’ programs. Insiders say the loss will rock right-wing talk radio.
- Casino Capitalism: As Gambling Spreads, Metaphor Becomes Reality
- The Problem With the Environment Is Not Too Many People
- Waffle House Executive Pushes Georgia Anti-Picketing Law That Would Put Founding Fathers in Jail
- Kaptur Defeats Kucinich 94% to 4% on 100% Unverifiable E-Vote Systems in Toledo, OH? But really? 94% to 3.7% over Kucinich? 22,269 votes to just 870 votes? Those are Saddam Hussein-like numbers. Are they even plausible?
- Women's Rights Are Human Rights
- Was Sarah Palin's Image Hurt by Tina Fey? You Betcha!
- Ground zero for the Christian right’s rise: The GOP race moves to Kansas, where religious conservatives have remade the Republican Party in their image
- Students Silently Protest Professor Who Defended Limbaugh, Ridiculed Fluke
- A Look Back in History As We Await the Next Occupy Movement
- Mark Weisbrot: Jeffrey Sachs' Reform Candidacy for World Bank President
- The Strange Sticking Power of Rick Santorum
- What the War over Contraception is Really About: Control over Women's Bodies
- Economy Continued Strong Jobs Growth in February
- What Really Killed Andrew Breitbart? The Likely Cause of Death the Mainstream Media Ignored
- The Kazakhstan Massacre: Killing Hope to Benefit US Geopolitical Interests
- Obama Has Accomplished a Great Deal -- And This Should be Recognized. So Argues a Writer in the Washington Monthly.
- A Sex Ed 101 Curriculum for Conservatives
- Foreclosing on God: When Banks Seize Churches -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Did Taxpayer Bailout Money Fund Heartland Institute’s Climate Change Denial Projects? -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Paul Krugman: Ignorance is Strength
- Kansas Republicans Look to Profit Off Abortion Taxes
- Wisconsin Election Officials Recommend Recall Election Date: June 12
- The Redacted Romney
- Insect Experts Issue "Urgent" Warning on Using GM Seeds
- During Factory Visit, Obama Hails Jobs Report
- A Tough Day for Republican Spinners
- Legislatively, John Boehner is on a Losing Streak
- In 53 Seconds, Utah Legislature Rushes to Strip Women of Rights
- Gov. Chris Christie Calls Veteran An 'Idiot' In Shouting Match
- This Is a Recovery Worth Getting Excited About
- Lakota Indians Cancel Treaties with US Government
- When Women Used Lysol as Birth Control
- Kucinich: Targeted Killings ‘An Assault On The Constitution’
- So much for Republicans labeling college professors as “elite, liberal”
- Rage Against the Machine to Rush Limbaugh: 'Stop Using Our Music in Your Right-Wing Clown Show'
- When They Say "It's Not About Birth Control," You Know... It's About Birth Control
- "Republican presidential hopefuls have met the enemy ... it's themselves"
- Five Insane Conspiracy Theories Limbaugh's Advertisers Have Sponsored
- Republicans Suffer Among Female Voters
- The Misinformation Machine
- Former New Jersey Governor Goes Undercover as Homeless Man
- South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Resigns After Spending Campaign Money On Playstation, iPads
- 1 in 3 Americans Can’t Keep Up With Their Medical Bills
- Invisible Children’s Military Disconnect
- Rich-Poor Gap Widest in Republican-Leaning States, Census Shows
- A Not-Quite Confirmation of a Memo Approving Killing
- Andrew Breitbart, Derrick Bell and the Attack on Black Intellectuals
- Why Obama's Healthcare Law Is Constitutional
- House Republicans Riven by Internal Battle over Spending
- GOP Field Tries To Eat Its Veggies In The Heart Of Red Meat Country
- February Jobs Report: Unemployment Holds amid Solid Hiring
- Arizona Senate Approves Lying to Women to Prevent Abortions
- Rights Groups, Law Experts Reject Obama's 'Assassination' Program
- Wisconsin Voter ID Law Unconstitutional
- How a $1,000 Test Could Destroy the Health-Insurance Industry
- How to Honor Rush Limbaugh on International Women’s Day
- Whistleblower Claims Bank of America Intentionally Blocked Homeowners from Getting Federal Mortgage Help
- Indefinite Detention Targeted In Democratic Bill On Handling Terrorist Suspects
- Stop Kony, Yes. But Don’t Stop Asking Questions
- Catholic Church Cuts Homeless Shelter Contribution Because New Director Supports Choice, Gay Marriage
- Japan Foresaw Possible Fukushima Meltdown From Day One: Documents
- Senate Rejects GOP Measure to Build Keystone Oil Pipeline
- Israel Ex-Spy Chief Urges Caution on Iran Strike
- Santorum Appears on Extremist Talk Show – Love Fest Ensues
- Justice Department Threatens to Sue Apple, Publishers over E-book Prices
- Limbaugh May Get Fitting New Sponsors: Websites That Arrange Adulterous Relationships & Match Sugar Daddies With Younger Women -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Tax Hypocrisy of the Wall Street Journal -- Gerald E. Scorse for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Let's Face It: Rush Limbaugh is a Misogynist -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Solving War Crimes With Wristbands: The Arrogance of 'Kony 2012'
- Insane Sex Laws Inspired by Republicans
- Inside That New Anti-Occupy Bill
- Republican Lawmaker Now Supports Obama, Says GOP Presidential Candidates ‘Would Take Women Back Decades’
- Rush Limbaugh Closes First Hour With Dead Air
- Ron Paul's Pointless Internet Presidency
- Tea Party Legislators Thank Judge for Racist Email
- Not Even a Fig Leaf: The Blatant Self-Dealing of Chairman McKeon
- Syrian Minister Appears to Defect and Join Opposition
- House Set to Vote on Jobs Bill Aimed at Small Businesses
- After Wisconsin Voters Revolt Against GOP Lawmakers, GOP Lawmakers Approve Amendment Preventing Recall Elections
- That's Enough Politeness – Women Need to Rise Up in Anger
- 'Explosive' Growth Of 'Patriot Movement' And Militias Continues
- Removes Offensive Attacks On Sandra Fluke From Transcript Archives
- Springtime for Occupy: Movement's Plans For Coming Weeks and Months
- Judge Blocks Report on UC Davis Pepper-Spraying Attack
- Teenager Petitions to Change R Rating for Documentary about Bullying
- CAUGHT ON TAPE: Limbaugh’s 70 Sexist Smears
- Rush Limbaugh, Meet Your Decades-Earlier Reflection – Father Charles Coughlin
- Soldier Suicides, Mental Health Woes Soar Since Start of Iraq War
- Limbaugh Widens His Attacks Against Women
- Dennis Kucinich: Conscience of the Congress
- VA Governor Signs Ultrasound Abortion Bill
- Obama Unveils "Clean" Vehicle Initiative
- Sen. Carl Levin Says Limbaugh Should Be Dropped from Armed Forces Network
- Arizona House Votes To Repeal Gun-Free School Zones
- Limbaugh Gains New, Jerk-Oriented Advertising Opportunities
- Rove: Palin Endorsement “Not Worth Snot” For Gingrich
- The Movement Against Citizens United Continues to Build
- Sandra Fluke on Her Role in the Contraception Controversy: 'I Would Do This Again'
- Bachmann: Federal Government Could Force A One-Child Policy
- Vermont Voters Back Grassroots Campaign to Abolish Corporate Personhood
- How Republicans Are Trying to Force You to Pay for Others' Religious Beliefs
- Pat Robertson Says Marijuana Use Should be Legal...wait, what?
- Despite Risks, Undocumented Immigrants Stage "Coming Out of the Shadows" Week
- Iowa Moves to Keep Its Factory Farms Shielded From View
- What America Lost When Dennis Kucinich Lost
- 200 Marchers Carry on Selma-Montgomery Journey
- Delegate Count: Bain Leads Adelsons, Koch Brothers
- The Unbearable Heaviness of Being Newt Gingrich - Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Embattled scientists publish study linking diesel exhaust and cancer
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - What Romney Wants, What He Really, Really Wants
- Delegate Count: Bain Leads Adelsons, Koch Brothers
- The GOP's Timothy Leary