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(soil) pronunciation
  1. The top layer of the earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter.
  2. A particular kind of earth or ground: sandy soil.
  3. Country; land: native soil.
  4. The agricultural life: a man of the soil.
  5. A place or condition favorable to growth; a breeding ground.

[Middle English, from Anglo-Norman, a piece of ground (influenced in meaning by Latin solum, soil), from Latin solium, seat.]

soil2 (soil) pronunciation

v., soiled, soil·ing, soils.
  1. To make dirty, particularly on the surface.
  2. To disgrace; tarnish: a reputation soiled by scandal.
  3. To corrupt; defile.
  4. To dirty with excrement.
To become dirty, stained, or tarnished.

    1. The state of being soiled.
    2. A stain.
  1. Filth, sewage, or refuse.
  2. Manure, especially human excrement, used as fertilizer.

[Middle English soilen, from Old French souiller, from Vulgar Latin *suculāre (from Late Latin suculus , diminutive of Latin sūs, pig) or from souil, pigsty, wallow (from Latin solium, seat; see soil1).]

soil3 (soil) pronunciation
tr.v., soiled, soil·ing, soils.
  1. To feed (livestock) with soilage.
  2. To purge (livestock) by feeding with green food.

[Origin unknown.]

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The biologically active, porous medium that has developed in the uppermost layer of the Earth's crust. Soil serves as a natural reservoir of water and nutrients, as a medium for the filtration and breakdown of injurious wastes, and as a participant in the cycling of carbon and other elements through the global ecosystem. It has evolved through the weathering of solid materials such as consolidated rocks, sediments, glacial tills, volcanic ash, and organic matter. The bulk of soil consists of mineral particles composed of silicate ions combined with various metal ions. Organic soil content consists of undecomposed or partially decomposed biomass as well as humus, an array of organic compounds derived from broken down biomass.

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If there is anything on Earth that seems simple and ordinary, it is the soil beneath our feet. Other than farmers, people hardly think of it except when tending to their lawns, and even when we do turn our attention to the soil, we tend to view it as little more than a place where grass grows and earthworms crawl. Yet the soil is a complex mixture of minerals and organic material, built up over billions of years, and without it, life on this planet would be impossible. It is home to a vast array of species that continually process it, enriching it as they do. Nor are all soils the same; in fact, there are a great variety of soil environments and a great deal of difference between the soil at the surface and that which lies further down, closer to the bedrock.

How It Works

The Beginnings of Soil Formation

It has taken billions of years to yield the soil as we know it now. Over the course of these mind-boggling stretches of time, the chemical elements on Earth came into existence, and the uniformly rocky surface of the planet gradually gave way to deposits of softer material. This softer matter, the earliest ancestor of soil, became enriched by the presence of minerals from the rocks and, over a longer period, by decaying organic matter.

After its formation from a cloud of hot gas some 4.5 billion years ago, Earth was pelted by meteorites. These meteorites brought with them solid matter along with water, forming the basis for the oceans. There was no atmosphere as such, but by about four billion years ago, volcanic activity had ejected enough carbon dioxide and other substances into the air to form the beginnings of one. The oceans began to cool, making possible the earliest forms of life—that is, molecules of carbon-based matter that were capable of replicating themselves. (For more on these subjects, see Sun, Moon, and Earth and Geologic Time. On the relationship between carbon and life-forms, see Carbon Cycle.)

All of these conditions—Earth itself, an atmosphere, waters, and life-forms—went into the creation of soil. Soil has its origins in the rocks that now lie below Earth's surface, from which the rain washed minerals. For rain to exist, of course, it was necessary to have water on the planet, along with some form of atmosphere into which it could evaporate. Once these conditions had been established (as they were, over hundreds of millions of years) and the rains came down to cool the formerly molten rock of Earth's surface, a process of leaching began.

Leaching is the removal of soil particles that have become dissolved in water, but at that time, of course, there was no soil. There were only rocks and minerals, but these features of the geosphere, along with the chemical elements in the atmosphere and hydrosphere, were enough to set in motion the development of soil. While the atmosphere and hydrosphere supplied the falling rain, with its vital activity of leaching minerals from the rocks, the minerals themselves supplied additional chemical elements necessary to the formation of soil. (The chemical elements are discussed in several places, most notably Biogeo-chemical Cycles. See also Minerals and Rocks.)

The First Plants

Among the elements leached from the rock by the falling rains were potassium, calcium, and magnesium, all of which are essential for the growth of plant life. Thus, the foundation was laid for the first botanical forms, a fact that had several important consequences. First and most obviously, it helped set in motion the formation of the complex biosphere we have around us today. Not only did the simplest algae-like plants serve as forerunners for more complex varieties of plant and animal life to follow, but they also played a major role in the beginnings of an atmosphere breathable by animal life. As the plants absorbed carbon dioxide from their surroundings, there gradually evolved a process whereby the plant received carbon dioxide and, as a result of a chemical reaction, released oxygen.

In addition, plant life meant plant death, and as each plant died, it added just a bit more organic material—and with it nutrients and energy—to the ground. Notice the word ground as opposed to soil, which took a long, long time to form from the original rock and mineral material. Indeed, the processes we are describing here did not take shape over the course of centuries or millennia but over whole eons—the longest phases of geologic time, stretching for half a billion years or more (see Geologic Time). Only around the beginning of the present eon, the Phanerozoic, more than 500 million years ago, did soil as such begin to take shape.

What Is Soil?

As the soil began to form, processes of weathering, erosion, and sedimentation (see the entries Erosion and Sediment and Sedimentation) slowly added to the soil buildup. Today the soil forms a sheath over much of the solid earth; just inches deep or nonexistent in some places, it is many feet deep in others. It separates the planet's surface from its rocky interior and brings together a number of materials that contribute to and preserve life.

Though its origins lie in pulverized rock and decayed organic material, soil looks and feels like neither. Whether brown, red, or black, moist or dry, sandy or claylike, it is usually fairly uniform within a given area, a fact for which the organisms living in it can be thanked. Under the surface of the soil live bacteria, fungi, worms, insects, and other creatures that continually churn through it and process its chemical contents.

A filter for water and a reservoir for air, soil provides a sort of stage on which the drama of an ecosystem (a community of mutually interdependent organisms) is played out. It receives rain and other forms of precipitation, which it filters through its layers, replenishing the groundwater supplies. This natural filtration system, sometimes augmented by a little human ingenuity, is amazingly efficient for leaching out harmful microorganisms and toxins at relatively low levels. (Thus, for instance, septic tank drainage systems process wastewater, with the help of soil, before returning it to the water table.)

By collecting rainwater, soil also gives the rain a place to go and thus helps prevent flooding. Water is not the only substance it stores; soil also collects air, which accounts for a large percentage of its volume. Thus, oxygen is made available to the roots of plants and to the large populations of organisms living underground. The creatures that live in the soil also die there, providing organic material that decays along with a vast collection of dead organisms from aboveground: trees and other plants as well as dead animals—including humans, whose decomposed bodies eventually become part of the soil as well.

Factors That Influence Soil

The processes that formed soil over the eons and that continue to contribute to the soil under our feet today are similar to those by which sedimentary rock is formed. Sedimentary rocks, such as shale and sandstone, have their origins in the deposition, compaction, and cementation of rock that has experienced weathering. Added to this is organic material derived from its ecosystem—for example, fossilized remains of animals.

Both sedimentary rock and soil are made up of sediment, which originates from the weathering, or breakdown, of rock. Weathered remains of rocks ultimately are transported by forces of erosion to what is known as a depositional environment, a location where they are sedimented. (See Sediment and Sedimentation for more about these processes.) The nature of the "parent material," or the rock from which the soil is derived, ranks among five key factors influencing the characteristics of soil in a given environment. The others are climate, living organisms, topography, and time.

Parent Material, Climate, and Organisms

Minerals, such as feldspars and micas, react strongly to natural acids carried by rain and other forms of water; therefore, when these minerals are present in the rock that makes up the parent material, they break apart quite easily into small fragments. On the other hand, a mineral that is harder—for example, quartz—will break into larger pieces of clastic, or rock, sediment. Thus, the parent material itself has a great deal to do with the initial grain of the sediment that will become soil, and this in turn influences such factors as the rate at which water leaches through it.

The release of chemical compounds and elements from minerals in weathering provides plants with the nutrients they need to grow, setting in motion the first of several steps whereby living organisms take root in, and ultimately contribute to, the soil. As the plant dies, it leaves behind material to feed decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi. The latter organisms play a highly significant role in the biogeochemical cycles whereby certain life-sustaining elements are circulated through the various earth systems.

In addition, still-living plants provide food to animals, which, when they die, likewise will become one with the soil. This is achieved through the process of decomposition, aided not only by decomposers but by detritivores as well. The latter, of which earthworms are a great example, are much more complex organisms than the typically single-cell decomposers. Detritivores consume the remains of plant and animal life, which usually contains enzymes and proteins far too complex to benefit the soil in their original state. By feeding on organic remains, detritivores cycle these complex chemicals through their systems, causing them to undergo chemical reactions that result in the breakdown of their components. As a result, simple and usable nutrients are made available to the soil.

Topography and Time

Then there is the matter of topography, or what one might call landscape—the configuration of Earth's surface, including its relief or elevation. Soil at the top of a hill, for instance, is liable to experience considerable leaching and loss of nutrients. On the other hand, if soil is located in a basin area, it is likely to benefit from the vitamins and minerals lost to soils at higher elevations, which lose these nutrients through leaching and erosion.

In addition, topography influences the presence or absence of organic material, which is vital if the soil is to sustain plant life. Organic matter in mountainous areas accounts for only 1% to 6% of the soil composition, while in wet lowland regions it may constitute as much as 90% of soil content. Because erosion tends to bring soil, water, and organic material from the highlands to the lowlands, it is no wonder that lowlands are almost always more fertile than the mountains that surround them.

Finally, time is a factor in determining the quality of soil. As with everything else that either is living or contains living things, soil goes through a progression from immaturity to a peak to old age. In the earth sciences, age often is measured not in years, which is an absolute dating method, but by the relative dating technique of judging layers, beds, or strata of earth materials. (For more about studying rock strata as well as relative dating techniques, see Stratigraphy.)

Real-Life Applications

Layers in the Soil

If you dig down into the dirt of your backyard, you will see a miniature record of your regions's geologic history over the past few million years. Actually, most homes in urban areas and suburbs today have yards made of what is called fill dirt—loose earth that has been moved into place by a backhoe or some other earthmoving mechanism. Even though the mixed quality of fill dirt makes it difficult to discern the individual strata, the soil itself tells a tale of the long ages of time that it took to shape it.

Better than a modern fill-dirt yard, of course, would be a sample taken from an older community. Here, too, however, human activities have intervened: people have dug in their yards and holes have been filled back up, for instance, thus altering the layers of soil from what they would have been in a natural state. To find a sample of soil layers that exists in a fully natural state, it might be necessary to dig in a woodland environment.

In any case, anyone with a shovel and a piece of ground that is reasonably untouched—that is, that has not been plowed up recently—can become an amateur soil scientist. Soil scientists study soil horizons, or layers of soil that lie parallel to the surface of Earth and which have built up over time. These layers are distinguished from one another by color, consistency, and composition. A cross-section combining all or most of the horizons that lie between the surface and bedrock is called a soil profile. The most basic division of layers is between the A, B, and C horizons, which differ in depth, physical and chemical characteristics, and age.


At the top is the A horizon, or topsoil, in which humus—unincorporated, often partially decomposed plant residue—is mixed with mineral particles. Technically, humus actually constitutes something called the O horizon, the topmost layer. Examples of humus would be leaves piled on a forest floor, pine straw that covers a bare-dirt area in a yard, or grass residue that has fallen between the blades of grass on a lawn. In each case, the passage of time will make the plant materials one with the soil.

Owing to its high organic content, the soil of the A horizon may be black, or at least much darker than the soil below it. Between the A and B horizons is a noticeable layer called the E horizon, the depth of which is a function of the particulars in its environment, as discussed earlier. In rough terms, topsoil could be less than a foot (0.3 m) deep, or it could extend to a depth of 5 ft. (1.5 m) or more.

In any case, the E horizon, known also as the eluviation or leaching layer, is composed primarily of sand and silt, built up as water has leached down through the soil. The sediment of the E horizon is nutrient-poor, because its valuable mineral content has drained through it to the B horizon. (The E horizon is just one of several layers aside from the principal A, B, and C layers. We will mention only a few of these here, but soil scientists include several other horizons in their classification system.)

Subsoil, Regolith, Bedrock

The appearance and consistency of the soil change dramatically again as we reach the B horizon. No longer is the earth black, even in the most organically rich environments; by this point it is more likely to exhibit shades of brown, since organic material has not reached this far below the surface. Yet subsoil, which is the consistency of clay, is certainly not poor in nutrients; on the contrary, it contains abundant deposits of iron, aluminum oxides, calcium carbonate, and other minerals, leached from the layers above it.

The rock on the C horizon is called regolith, a general term for a layer of weathered material that rests atop bedrock. Neither plant roots nor any other organic material penetrate this deeply, and the deeper one goes, the more rocky the soil. At a certain depth, it makes more sense to say that there is soil among the rocks rather than rocks in the soil.

Beneath the C horizon lies the R horizon, or bedrock. As noted earlier, depths can vary. Bedrock might be only 5-10 ft. deep (1.5-3 m), or it might be half a mile deep (0.8 km) or perhaps even deeper. Whatever the depth, it is here that the solid earth truly becomes solid, and for this reason builders of skyscrapers usually dig down to the bedrock to establish foundations there.

Life Beneath the Surface

The ground beneath our feet—that is, the topmost layer, the A horizon—is full of living things. In fact, there are more creatures below Earth's surface than there are above it. The term creatures in this context includes microorganisms, of which there might be several billion in a sample as small as an acorn. These include decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, which feed on organic matter, turning fresh leaves and other material into humus. In addition, both bacteria and algae convert nitrogen into forms usable by plants in the surrounding environment (see Nitrogen Cycle).


We cannot see bacteria, of course, but almost anyone who has ever dug in the dirt has discovered another type of organism: worms. These slimy creatures might at first seem disgusting, but without them our world could not exist as it does. As they burrow through soils, earthworms mix organic and mineral material, which they make available to plants around them. They also may draw leaves deep into their middens, or burrows, thus furnishing the soil with nutrients from the surface. In addition, earthworms provide the extraordinarily valuable service of aerating the soil, or supplying it with air: by churning up the soil continuously, they expose it to oxygen from the surface and allow air to make its way down below as well.

Nor are these visible, relatively large worms the only ones at work in the soil. Colorless worms called nematodes, which are only slightly larger than microorganisms, also live in the soil, performing the vital function of processing organic material by feeding on dead plants. Some, however, are parasites that live off the roots of such crops as corn or cotton.

Ants and Larger Creatures

Likewise there are "bad" and "good" ants. The former build giant, teeming mounds and hills that rise up like sores on the surface of the ground, and some species have the capacity to sting, causing welts on human victims. But a great number of ant species perform a positive function for the environment: like earthworms, they aerate soil and help bring oxygen and organic material from the surface while circulating soils from below.

In some areas, much larger creatures call the soil home. Among these creatures are moles, who live off earthworms and other morsels to be found beneath the surface, including grubs (insect larvae) and the roots of plants. As with ants and earthworms, by burrowing under the ground, they help loosen the soil, making it more porous and thus receptive both to moisture and air. Other large burrowing creatures include mice, ground squirrels, and prairie dogs. They typically live in dry areas, where they perform the valuable function of aerating sandy, gravelly soil.

Soils and Environments

In discussing our imaginary journey through the depths of the soil, it has been necessary to use vague terms concerning depths: "less than a foot," for instance. The reason is that no solid figures can be given for the depth of the soil in any particular area, unless those figures are obtained by a soil scientist who has studied and measured the soil.

Depth is just one of the ways that the soil may vary from one place to another. Earlier we mentioned five factors that affect the character of the soil: parent material, climate, living organisms, topography, and time. These factors determine all sorts of things about the soil—most of all, its ability to support varied life-forms. Collectively, these five factors constitute the environment in which a soil sample exists.

Poor Soils

A desert environment might be one of immature soil, defined as a sample that has only A and C horizons, with no B horizon between them. On the other hand, the soil in rainforests suffers from just the opposite condition: it has gone beyond maturity and reached old age, when plant growth and water percolation have removed most of its nutrients.

Whether in the desert or in the rainforest, soils near the equator tend to be the "oldest," and this helps explain why few equatorial regions are noted for their agricultural productivity, even though they enjoy otherwise favorable weather for growing crops. Soils there have been leached of nutrients and contain high levels of iron oxides that give them a reddish color. Moreover, red soil is never good for growing crops: the ancient Egyptians referred to the deserts beyond their realm as "the red land," while their own fertile Nile valley was "the black land."


If soil is so poor at the equator, why do equatorial regions such as the Congo or the Amazon River valley in Brazil support the dense, lush rain-forest ecosystems for which they are noted? The answer is that the abundance of organic material at the surface of the soil continually replenishes its nutrient content. The rapid rate of decay common in warm, moist regions further supports the process of renewing minerals in the ground.

This also explains why the clearing of tropical rainforests, an issue that environmentalists called to the world's attention in the 1990s, is a serious problem. When the heavy jungle canopy of tall trees is removed, the heat of the sun and the pounding intensity of monsoon rains fall directly on ground that the canopy would normally protect. With the clearing of trees and other vegetation, the animal life that these plants support also disappears, thus removing organisms whose waste products and bodies would have decayed eventually and enriched the soil. Pounded by heat and water and without vegetation to resupply it, the soil in an exposed rainforest becomes hard and dry.


In deserts the soil typically comes from sandstone or shale parent material, and the lack of abundant rainfall, vegetation, or animal life gives the soil little in the way of organic sustenance. For this reason, the A horizon level is very thin and composed of light-colored earth. Then, of course, there are desert areas made up of sand dunes, where conditions are much worse, but even the best that desertshave to offer is not very good for sustainingabundant plant life.

Only those species that can endure a limitedwater supply—for example, the varieties of cactusthat grow in the American Southwest—are able tosurvive. But lack of water is not the only problem. Desert subsoils often contain heavy deposits ofsalts, and when rain or irrigation adds water to thetopsoil, these salts rise. Thus, watering desert top-soil can make it a worse environment for growth.

Rich Soils

In striking contrast to the barren soil of the deserts and the potentially barren soil of the rainforest is the rich earth that lies beneath some of the world's most fertile crop-producing regions. On the plains of the midwestern United States, Canada, and Russia, the soil is black—always a good sign for growth. Below this rich topsoil is a thick subsoil that helps hold in moisture and nutrients.

The richest variety of soil on Earth is alluvial soil, a youngish sediment of sand, silt, and clay transported by rivers. Large flowing bodies of water, such as the Nile or Mississippi, pull soil along with them as they flow, and with it they bring nutrients from the regions through which they have passed. These nutrients are deposited by the river in the alluvial soil at its delta, the place where it enters a larger body of water—the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, respectively. Hence the delta regions of both rivers are extremely fertile.

Where to Learn More

Bial, Raymond. A Handful of Dirt. New York: Walker, 2000.

Bocknek, Jonathan. The Science of Soil. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens, 1999.

Canadian Soil Information System (Web site). <>.

Gardner, Robert. Science Projects About the Environment and Ecology. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1999.

Scheiderman, Jill S. The Earth Around Us: Maintaining a Livable Planet. New York: W. H. Freeman, 2000.

Snedden, Robert. Rocks and Soil. Illus. Chris Fairclough. Austin, TX: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1999.

Soil Association (Web site). <>.

Soil Science Society of America (Web site). <>.

USDA-NRCS National Soil Survey Center (Web site). <>.

World Soil Resources (Web site). <>.

Finely divided rock-derived material containing an admixture of organic matter and capable of supporting vegetation. Soils are independent natural bodies, each with a unique morphology resulting from a particular combination of climate, living plants and animals, parent rock materials, relief, the groundwaters, and age. Soils support plants, occupy large portions of the Earth's surface, and have shape, area, breadth, width, and depth. Soil, as used here, differs in meaning from the term as used by engineers, where the meaning is unconsolidated rock material. See also Pedology.

Origin and classification

Soil covers most of the land surface as a continuum. Each soil grades into the rock material below and into other soils at its margins, where changes occur in relief, groundwater, vegetation, kinds of rock, or other factors which influence the development of soils. Soils have horizons, or layers, more or less parallel to the surface and differing from those above and below in one or more properties, such as color, texture, structure, consistency, porosity, and reaction (see illustration). The succession of horizons is called the soil profile.

Photograph of a soil profile showing horizons. The dark crescent-shaped spots at the soil surface are the result of plowing. The dark horizon is the principal horizon of accumulation of organic matter that has been washed down from the surface. The thin wavy lines were formed in the same manner. 1 in. = 2.5 cm.
Photograph of a soil profile showing horizons. The dark crescent-shaped spots at the soil surface are the result of plowing. The dark horizon is the principal horizon of accumulation of organic matter that has been washed down from the surface. The thin wavy lines were formed in the same manner. 1 in. = 2.5 cm.

Soil formation proceeds in stages, but these stages may grade indistinctly from one into another. The first stage is the accumulation of unconsolidated rock fragments, the parent material. Parent material may be accumulated by deposition of rock fragments moved by glaciers, wind, gravity, or water, or it may accumulate more or less in place from physical and chemical weathering of hard rocks. The second stage is the formation of horizons. This stage may follow or go on simultaneously with the accumulation of parent material. Soil horizons are a result of dominance of one or more processes over others, producing a layer which differs from the layers above and below. See also Weathering processes.

Systems of soil classification are influenced by concepts prevalent at the time a system is developed. The earliest classifications were based on relative suitability for different crops, such as rice soils, wheat soils, and vineyard soils. Over the years, many systems of classification have been attempted but none has been found markedly superior. Two bases for classification have been tried. One basis has been the presumed genesis of the soil; climate and native vegetation were given major emphasis. The other basis has been the observable or measurable properties of the soil.

The Soil Survey staff of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the land-grant colleges adopted the current classification scheme in 1965. This system differs from earlier systems in that it may be applied to either cultivated or virgin soils. Previous systems have been based on virgin profiles, and cultivated soils were classified on the presumed characteristics or genesis of the virgin soils. The new system has six categories, based on both physical and chemical properties. These categories are the order, suborder, great group, subgroup, family, and series, in decreasing rank. The orders and the general nature of the included soils are given in the table. The suborder narrows the ranges in soil moisture and temperature regimes, kinds of horizons, and composition, according to which of these is most important. The taxa (classes) in the great group category group soils that have the same kinds of horizons in the same sequence and have similar moisture and temperature regimes. The great groups are divided into subgroups that show the central properties of the great group, intergrade subgroups that show properties of more than one great group, and other subgroups for soils with atypical properties that are not characteristic of any great group. The families are defined largely on the basis of physical and mineralogic properties of importance to plant growth. The soil series is a group of soils having horizons similar in differentiating characteristics and arrangement in the soil profile, except for texture of the surface portion, and developed in a particular type of parent material.

Soil orders



General nature


in name

of soils



Gray to brown surface horizons, medium to high

 base supply, with horizons of clay

 accumulation; usually moist, but may be dry

 during summer



Pedogenic horizons, low in organic matter, and

 usually dry



Pedogenic horizons lacking



Organic (peats and mucks)



Usually moist, with pedogenic horizons of

 alteration of parent materials but not of




Nearly black organic-rich surface horizons and

 high base supply



Residual accumulations of inactive clays, free

 oxides, kaolin, and quartz; mostly tropical



Accumulations of amorphous materials in

 subsurface horizons



Usually moist, with horizons of clay

 accumulation and a low supply of bases



High content of swelling clays and wide deep

 cracks during some season


Soil surveys include those researches necessary (1) to determine the important characteristics of soils, (2) to classify them into defined series and other units, (3) to establish and map the boundaries between kinds of soil, and (4) to correlate and predict adaptability of soils to various crops, grasses, and trees; behavior and productivity of soils under different management systems; and yields of adapted crops on soils under defined sets of management practices. Although the primary purpose of soil surveys has been to aid in agricultural interpretations, many other purposes have become important, ranging from suburban planning, rural zoning, and highway location, to tax assessment and location of pipelines and radio transmitters. This has happened because the soil properties important to the growth of plants are also important to its engineering uses.

Two kinds of soil maps are made. The common map is a detailed soil map, on which soil boundaries are plotted from direct observations throughout the surveyed area. Reconnaissance soil maps are made by plotting soil boundaries from observations made at intervals. The maps show soil and other differences that are of significance for present or foreseeable uses.

Physical properties

Physical properties of soil have critical importance to growth of plants and to the stability of cultural structures such as roads and buildings. Such properties commonly are considered to be: size and size distribution of primary particles and of secondary particles, or aggregates, and the consequent size, distribution, quantity, and continuity of pores; the relative stability of the soil matrix against disruptive forces, both natural and cultural; color and textural properties, which affect absorption and radiation of energy; and the conductivity of the soil for water, gases, and heat. These usually would be considered as fixed properties of the soil matrix, but actually some are not fixed because of influence of water content. The additional property, water content—and its inverse, gas content—ordinarily is transient and is not thought of as a property in the same way as the others. However, water is an important constituent, despite its transient nature, and the degree to which it occupies the pore space generally dominates the dynamic properties of soil. Additionally, the properties listed above suggest a macroscopic homogeneity for soil which it may not necessarily have. In a broad sense, a soil may consist of layers or horizons of roughly homogeneous soil materials of various types that impart dynamic properties which are highly dependent upon the nature of the layering. Thus, a discussion of dynamic soil properties must include a description of the intrinsic properties of small increments as well as properties it imparts to the system.

From a physical point of view it is primarily the dynamic properties of soil which affect plant growth and the strength of soil beneath roads and buildings. While these depend upon the chemical and mineralogical properties of particles, particle coatings, and other factors discussed above, water content usually is the dominant factor. Water content depends upon flow and retention properties, so that the relationship between water content and retentive forces associated with the matrix becomes a key physical property of a soil. See also Erosion; Ground-water hydrology; Soil mechanics.


  1. To make dirty: befoul, begrime, besmirch, besoil, black, blacken, defile, dirty, smudge, smutch, sully. See clean/dirty.
  2. To contaminate the reputation of: befoul, besmear, besmirch, bespatter, blacken, cloud, denigrate, dirty, smear, smudge, smut, spatter, stain, sully, taint, tarnish. Idioms: give a black eye to, slingthrowmud on. See attack/defend, clean/dirty.
  3. To make morally impure: contaminate, corrupt, defile, infect, pollute, taint. See clean/dirty.


Definition: dirty
Antonyms: clean, keep clean


Definition: make dirty
Antonyms: clean

The naturally occurring, unconsolidated, upper layer of the ground consisting of weathered rock which supplies mineral particles, together with humus; the most common medium for plant growth. The five major factors affecting the formation of a soil are: climate, relief, parent material, vegetation, and time.

1. Sediments or other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the physical and chemical disintegration of rocks; may or may not contain organic matter.
2. Same as sewage.


A general term describing the organic-rich surface layer that forms naturally on the top of most bedrock types as a result of the weathering of the parent material, the addition of water-borne, air-borne, and anthropogenically introduced extraneous material, and the build-up of organic matter through colonization by plants. The study of soils is known as pedology. See also soil profile.

Soil is a mixture of weathered rocks and minerals, organic matter, water, and air in varying proportions. Soils differ significantly from place to place because the original parent material differed in chemical composition, depth, and texture (from coarse sand to fine clay), and because each soil shows the effects of environmental factors including climate, vegetation, macro-and microorganisms, the relief of the land, and time since the soil began forming. The result of these factors is a dynamic, living soil with complex structure and multiple layers (horizons). Soils have regional patterns, and also differ substantially over short distances. These differences have shaped local and regional land use patterns throughout history. Because of this, historians have studied soil for clues about how people lived and for explanations of historical events and patterns.

Soil Classification and Mapping

The basis of the modern understanding of soil formation is attributed largely to work in the 1870s by the Russian V. V. Dokuchaev and colleagues. The Russians classified soil based on the presumed genesis of the soils and described the broadest soil categories. Simultaneously but separately, soil scientists in the United States were mapping and classifying soils based on measurable characteristics and focused on the lowest and most specific level of the taxonomy—the soil series. The Russian concepts did not reach the United States until K. D. Glinka translated them into German in 1914, and the American C. F. Marbut incorporated Glinka's ideas into his work. The U.S. system of soil classification that eventually developed considers the genetic origins of soils but defines categories by measurable soil features. Soils are divided into 12 soil orders based on soil characteristics that indicate major soil-forming processes. For example, Andisols is an order defined by the presence of specific minerals that indicate the soils' volcanic origin. At the other end of the taxonomic hierarchy, over 19,000 soil series are recognized in the United States. Research data and land management information are typically associated with the soil series.

Some U.S. soils were mapped as early as 1886, but the official program to map and publish soil surveys started in 1899 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Division of Soils, led by Milton Whitney. The effort was accelerated in 1953 when the Secretary of Agriculture created the National Cooperative Soil Survey, a collaborative effort of states, local governments, and universities led by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. As of 2000, mapping was complete for 76 percent of the contiguous United States, including 94 percent of private lands.

Soil Fertility

Ancient writings demonstrate awareness of the positive effect of manure and certain crops on soil productivity. Modern agricultural chemistry began in eighteenth-century England, France, and Germany, and was dominated by scientists from these countries through the nineteenth century. In the 1840s, the German scientist Justus von Liebig identified essential plant nutrients and the importance of supplying all of them in soil, but this led to a concept of soil as a more or less static storage bin of nutrients and failed to reflect the dynamic nature of soil in relation to plants.

In 1862, state agricultural colleges were established by the Morrill Act, and the USDA was created. The Hatch Act of 1888 created experiment stations associated with the colleges. These developments led to the expansion of research plots that established the value of fertilizer in crop production and defined the variations in soil management requirements across the country.

Soil fertility can change because agriculture and other human activities affect erosion rates, soil organic matter levels, pH, nutrient levels, and other soil characteristics. An example of this is the change in distribution of soil nutrients across the country. In the early twentieth century, animal feed was typically grown locally and manure was spread on fields, returning many of the nutrients originally taken from the soil with the crop. Since farms became larger and more specialized toward the end of the twentieth century, feed is commonly grown far from the animals and manure cannot be returned to the land where the feed was grown. Thus, nutrients are concentrated near animal lots and can be a pollution problem, while soil fertility may be adversely affected where feed crops are grown.

Technology and Soil Management

Soil characteristics influence human activity, and conversely, human land use changes soil characteristics. Many technologies have changed how people use soil and have changed the quality of U.S. soils. The plow is one of these technologies. In 1794, Thomas Jefferson calculated the shape of the plow that offered the least resistance. Charles Newbold patented the cast iron plow in 1796. John Deere's steel plow, invented in 1837, made it possible for settlers to penetrate the dense mesh of roots in the rich prairies, and led to extensive plowing. Aeration of soil by plowing leads to organic matter decomposition, and within decades as much as 50 percent of the original soil organic matter was lost from agricultural lands. Until about 1950, plowing and other land use activities accounted for more annual carbon dioxide emissions than that emitted by the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel emissions have grown exponentially since then, while net emissions from land use held steady and have declined recently.

Soil drainage systems expanded rapidly across the country in the early twentieth century in response to technological advances and government support. Drainage made it possible to farm rich lands in the Midwest that were previously too wet to support crops, and it allowed the use of irrigation in arid lands where irrigated soils quickly became saline when salts were not flushed away. The extensive drainage systems radically changed the flow of water through soil and altered the ability of land to control floodwater and to filter contaminants out of water.

A third critical soil technology was the development of manufactured fertilizers. During World War I (1914– 1918), the German chemist Fritz Haber developed a process to form ammonia fertilizer. Nitrogen is commonly the most limiting nutrient for intensive crop production. Phosphorus, another important limiting nutrient in some soils, became readily available as fertilizer in the 1930s. The use of these and other manufactured fertilizers made it possible to grow profitable crops on previously undesirable lands, and made farmers less dependent on crop rotations and nitrogen-fixing plants to maintain soil productivity.

A fourth technology was the development of herbicides beginning after World War II (1939–1945), combined with the refinement of"no-till" farm machinery in the 1970s. No-till is a method of crop farming that eliminates plowing and leaves plant residue from the previous crop on the soil surface. This residue protects the soil and can dramatically reduce erosion rates. The system also requires less fuel and labor than conventional tillage and thus allows a single farmer to manage more acres. The result has been a substantial reduction in erosion rates around the country and an increase in the amount of organic matter stored in the soil. The organic matter and associated biological activity improve productivity and reflect the sequestration of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the soil.

Erosion and Conservation

Soil degradation can take many forms, including loss of organic matter, poor biological activity, contamination with pollutants, compaction, and salinization. The most prominent form of land degradation is erosion by wind or water. Erosion is a natural process that is accelerated by over grazing and cultivation. In Conquest of the Land Through 7,000 Years (1999), W. C. Lowdermilk attributed the loss of numerous civilizations to unsustainable agricultural practices that caused erosion, resulting in silting of irrigation systems and loss of land productivity.

The first English colonists in America faced heavily forested lands but gradually cleared the land of trees and planted tobacco, cotton, and grain year after year in the same fields. In the eighteenth century there were references to worn-out land, and by 1800 much farm acreage along the coast had been abandoned. In 1748 Jared Eliot, a Connecticut minister and physician, published a book of essays documenting his observation of the connection between muddy water running from bare, sloping fields and the loss of fertility. John Taylor, a gentleman farmer of Virginia, wrote and was widely read after the Revolution (1775–1783) on the need to care for the soil. Perhaps the best known of this group of pre–Civil War (1861– 1865) reformers was Edmund Ruffin of Virginia. Clean-cultivated row crops, corn and cotton, according to Ruffin, were the greatest direct cause of erosion. He urged liming the soil and planting clover or cowpeas as a cover crop. His writings and demonstrations were credited with restoring fertility and stopping erosion on large areas of Southern land.

After the Civil War farmers moved west, subjecting vast areas to erosion, although interest in the problem seemed to decline. In 1927, Hugh Hammond Bennett of the U.S. Department of Agriculture urged, in Soil Erosion: A National Menace, that the situation should be of concern to the entire nation. In 1929, congress appropriated funds for soil erosion research.

The depression of the early 1930s led to programs to encourage conservation. The Soil Erosion Service and the Civilian Conservation Corps began soil conservation programs in 1933 with work relief funds. The Dust Bowl dust storms of 1934 and 1935 influenced Congress in 1935 to establish the Soil Conservation Service (SCS). Within a few years the service was giving technical assistance to farmers who were organized into soil conservation districts. These districts, governed by local committees, worked with the SCS to determine the practices to be adopted, including contour cultivation, strip farming, terracing, drainage, and, later, installing small water facilities. By 1973, more than 90 percent of the nation's farmland was included in soil conservation districts. The SCS was renamed the Natural Resources Conservation Service in 1994.

According to USDA Natural Resources Inventory data, erosion rates declined significantly during the 1980s, largely due to widespread adoption of reduced tillage practices. In the mid-1990s, erosion rates leveled off to about 1.9 billion tons of soil per year.


Brady, Nyle C. The Nature and Properties of Soils. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2001.

Helms, Douglas. "Soil and Southern History." Agricultural History 74, no. 4 (2000): 723–758.

History of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Available at

Lowdermilk, W. C. Conquest of the Land Through 7,000 Years. Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 99. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1999.

Simms, D. Harper. The Soil Conservation Service. New York: Praeger, 1970.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Yearbook (1938, 1957, 1958).

soil, surface layer of the earth, composed of fine rock material disintegrated by geological processes; and humus, the organic remains of decomposed vegetation. In agriculture, soil is the medium that supports crop plants, both physically and biologically. Soil may be from a few inches to several feet thick.

Components and Structure

The inorganic fraction of soil may include various sizes and shapes of rocks and minerals; in order of increasing size these are termed clay, silt, sand, gravel, and stone. Coarser soils have lower capacity to retain organic plant nutrients, gases, and water, which are essential for plants. Soils with higher clay content, which tend to retain these substances, are therefore usually better suited for agriculture. In most soils, clay and organic particles aggregate into plates, blocks, prisms, or granules. The arrangement of particles, known as soil structure, largely determines the soil's pore space and density, which translates into its capacity to hold air and water. Organic matter consists of decomposed plant and animal material and living plant roots. Microorganisms, living in the organic portion of soil, perform the essential function of decomposing plant and animal matter, releasing nutrients to be used by growing plants.

Besides organic matter, soil is largely composed of elements and compounds of silicon, aluminum, iron, oxygen, and, in smaller quantities, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Factors determining the nature of soil are vegetation type, climate, and parent rock material; geographic relief and the geological age of the developing soil are also factors. Acidic soils occur in humid regions because alkaline minerals are leached downward: alkaline soils occur in dry regions because alkaline salts remain concentrated near the surface. Geologically young soils resemble their parent material more than older soils, which have been altered over time by climate and vegetation. For advice and information on soils, consult state agricultural experiment stations and their publications.

Undisturbed soils tend to form layers, called horizons, roughly parallel to the surface. The Russian system of soil classification, from which most others derive, is based on the distinctive horizons of the soil profile. The A horizon, the surface layer, contains most of the humus. The B horizon contains inorganic compounds formed by decomposition of organic material, a process known as mineralization; the material is brought to the B layer by the downward leaching action of water. The lowest soil layer, the C horizon, represents the weathered mineral parent substance.

Soil Fertility and Conservation

Soil fertility-the ability to support plant growth-depends on various factors, including the soil's structure or texture; its chemical composition, esp. its content of plant nutrients; its supply of water; and its temperature. Agriculture necessarily lowers soil fertility by removing soil nutrients incorporated in the harvested crops. Cultivation, especially with heavy machinery, can degrade soil structure. Agricultural soils are also vulnerable to mismanagement. Exposure of soils to wind and rain during cultivation encourages erosion of the fertile surface. Excessive cropping or grazing can depress soil-nutrient levels and degrade soil structure.

Soil conservation techniques have been developed to address the range of soil management issues. Various methods of cultivation conserve soil fertility (see cover crop; rotation of crops). Minimum-tillage systems, often entailing herbicide use, avoid erosion and maintain soil structure. Soil fertility and agricultural productivity can also be improved, restored, and maintained by the correct use of fertilizer, either organic, such as manure, or inorganic, and other soil amendments. Organic matter can be added to improve soil structure. Soil acidity can be decreased by addition of calcium carbonate or increased by addition of sulfuric acid.


See F. R. Steiner, Soil Conservation in the United States (1990); M. Alexander, Introduction to Soil Microbiology (2d ed. 1991); E. J. Plaster, Soil Science and Management (2d ed. 1991); publications of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service.

Cosmic Lexicon:



(see Regolith) The upper layers of sediment on Earth that support plant growth.

The thin layer of weathered rock particles and organic matter, containing water and tiny air spaces, that covers the earth and provides support and nutrients for plants.

Word Tutor:



IN BRIEF: To make or become dirty. Also: Dirt in which plants grow.

pronunciation No mud can soil us but the mud we throw. — James Lowell (1819-1891). is a free vocabulary and spelling program where you only pay for results!

Material on the surface of the Earth on which plants can grow. (See topsoil.)

  • Soil is produced by the weathering of rocks.
  • The earth, origin of all plant growth and the basis of all animal agriculture. Its characteristics of chemical composition, physical structure, especially porosity and water retaining capacity, its humus content, pH and salinity exert enormous effects on its productivity.

    • s. analysis — an essential activity in densely farmed farms. Measures the soil content of total and available amounts of each of the important soil minerals.
    • s. contaminated herbage — either from dust storms or in loose soil by hoof movement may contribute to dental attrition in sheep, or sand colic in horses.
    • s. eating — a form of pica; caused by salt deficiency.
    • s. fumigants — are used to prepare fields for planting and may cause poisoning in animals grazing them or eating crops harvested from them. See methyl bromide.
    • s. type — includes clay, sand, loam.
    Random House Word Menu:

    categories related to 'soil'

    Random House Word Menu by Stephen Glazier
    For a list of words related to soil, see:

      See crossword solutions for the clue Soil.
    This is a diagram and related photograph of soil layers from bedrock to soil.
    A represents soil; B represents laterite, a regolith; C represents saprolite, a less-weathered regolith; the bottommost layer represents bedrock
    Loess field in Germany
    Surface-water-gley developed in glacial till, Northern Ireland

    Soil is a natural body consisting of layers (soil horizons) of primarily mineral constituents of variable thicknesses, which differ from the parent materials in their texture, structure, consistence, color, chemical, biological and other physical characteristics.[1] In engineering, soil is referred to as regolith, or loose rock material. Strictly speaking, soil is the depth of regolith that influences and has been influenced by plant roots.

    Soil is composed of particles of broken rock that have been altered by chemical and mechanical processes that include weathering and erosion. Soil is altered from its parent rock due to interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and the biosphere.[2] It is a mixture of mineral and organic constituents that are in solid, gaseous and aqueous states.[3][4] Soil is commonly referred to as earth or dirt; technically, the term dirt should be restricted to displaced soil.[5]

    Soil forms a structure that is filled with pore spaces, and can be thought of as a mixture of solids, water and air (gas).[6] Accordingly, soils are often treated as a three state system.[7] Most soils have a density between 1 and 2 g/cm³.[8] Little of the soil of planet Earth is older than the Tertiary and most no older than the Pleistocene.[9]

    Darkened topsoil and reddish subsoil layers are typical in some regions.

    On a volume basis a good quality soil is one that is 45% minerals, 25% water, 25% air, and 5% organic material, both live and dead. The mineral and organic components are considered a constant with the percentages of water and air the only variable parameters where the increase in one is balanced by the reduction in the other.

    A soil profile consists of two or more layers called horizons that differ in one or more properties such as texture, structure, color, porosity, consistence, and reaction. The horizons differ greatly in thickness and generally lack sharp boundaries. Most soil profiles include three master horizons A, B and C. The A and B horizons are called the solum or “true soil” as most of the chemical and biological activity that has altered the soil takes place in these two profiles.[10]


    History of the study of soil

    The history of the study of soil is intimately tied to our urgent need to provide food for ourselves and forage for our animals. Throughout history, civilizations have prospered or declined as a function of availability and productivity of soils.

    The Greek historian Xenophon (450-355 B.C.) is credited with being the first to expound upon the merits of green-manuring crops, "But then whatever weeds are upon the ground, being turned into earth, enrich the soil as much a dung."[11]

    Columella’s Husbandry, circa 60 A.D. was used by 15 generations (450 years) of those encompassed by the Roman Empire until its collapse. From the fall of Rome to the French Revolution, knowledge of soil and agriculture was passed on from parent to child and as a result, crop yields were low. During the Dark Ages for Europe, Yahya Ibn_al-'Awwam’s handbook guided the people of North Africa, Spain and the Middle East with its emphasis on irrigation, a translation of which was finally carried to the southwest of the United States.

    Jethro Tull, an English gentleman, introduced in 1701 an improved grain drill that systemized the planting of seed and invented a horse-drawn weed hoe, the two of which allowed fields once choked with weeds to be brought back to production and seed to be used more economically. Tull, however, also introduced the mistaken idea that manure introduced weed seeds, and that fields should be plowed in order to pulverize the soil and so release the locked up nutrients. His ideas were taken up and carried to their extremes in the 20th century, when farmers repeatedly plowed fields far beyond what was necessary to control weeds. During a period of drought, the repeated plowing resulted in the Dust Bowl in the prairie region of the Central United States and Canada.

    The "two-course system" of a year of wheat followed by a year of fallow was replaced in the 18th century by the Norfolk four-course system, in which wheat was grown in the first year, turnips the second, followed by barley, with clover and ryegrass together, in the third. The taller barley was harvested in the third year while the clover and ryegrass were grazed or cut for feed in the fourth. The turnips fed cattle and sheep in the winter. The fodder crops produced large supplies of animal manure, which returned nutrients to the soil.[12]

    Experiments into what made plants grow first led to the idea that the ash left behind when plant matter was burnt was the essential element and overlooked the role of nitrogen, which is not left on the ground after combustion. Jan Baptist van Helmont thought he had proved water to be the essential element from his famous experiment with a willow tree grown in carefully controlled conditions in which only water was added, which after five years of growth was removed and weighed, roots and all, and found to weigh 165 pounds. The oven-dried soil, originally 200 pounds, was again dried and weighed and found to have lost only two ounces, which van Helmont reasonably explained as experimental error and assumed that the soil had in fact lost nothing. As rain water was the only thing added by the experimenter, he concluded that water was the essential element in plant life. In fact the two ounces lost from the soil were the minerals taken up by the willow tree during its growth.

    John Woodward experimented with various types of water ranging from clean to muddy and found muddy water the best, and so he concluded earthy matter was the essential element. Others concluded it was humus in the soil that passed some essence to the growing plant.

    The French chemist Antonine Lavoisier showed that plants and animals must “combust” oxygen internally to live and was able to deduce that most of the 165-pound weight of Van Helmont’s willow tree derived from air. The chemical basis of nutrients delivered to the soil in manure was emphasized and in the mid-19th century chemical fertilizers were used, but the dynamic interaction of soil and its life forms awaited discovery.

    It was known that nitrogen was essential for growth and in 1880 the presence of Rhizobium bacteria in the roots of legumes explained the increase of nitrogen in soils so cultivated. The importance of life forms in soil was finally recognized.

    Crop rotation, mechanization, chemical and natural fertilizers led to a doubling of wheat yields in western Europe between 1800 to 1900.[13]

    Soil forming factors

    Soil formation, or pedogenesis, is the combined effect of physical, chemical, biological, and anthropogenic processes on soil parent material. Soil genesis involves processes that develop layers or horizons in the soil profile. These processes involve additions, losses, transformations and translocations of material that compose the soil. Minerals derived from weathered rocks undergo changes that cause the formation of secondary minerals and other compounds that are variably soluble in water. These constituents are moved (translocated) from one area of the soil to other areas by water and animal activity. The alteration and movement of materials within soil causes the formation of distinctive soil horizons.

    How the soil "life" cycle proceeds is influenced by at least five classic soil forming factors that are dynamically intertwined in shaping the way soil is developed: parent material, climate, topography, organisms and the passage of time. When reordered to climate, relief, organisms, parent material and time they form the acronym CROPT.[14] An example of soil development would begin with the weathering of lava flow bedrock which would produce the purely mineral-based parent material from which soils form. Soil development would start from bare rock of recent flows in warm regions under heavy and very frequent rainfall. In such climates, plants become established very quickly on basaltic lava, even though there is very little organic material. The plants are supported by the porous rock as it is filled with nutrient-bearing water that carries dissolved minerals from rocks and guano. Crevasses and pockets, local topography of the rocks, would hold fine materials and harbor plant roots. The developing plant roots themselves are associated with mycorrhizal fungi[15] that gradually break up the porous lava, and by these means organic matter and a finer mineral soil accumulate with time.

    Parent material

    The material from which soil forms is called parent material. It includes: weathered primary bedrock; secondary material transported from other locations, namely colluvium and alluvium; deposits that are already present but mixed or altered in other ways—old soil formations, organic material; and anthropogenic materials, such as landfill or mine waste.[16]

    Soils that develop from their underlying parent rocks are called “residual soils”, and have the same general chemistry as their parent rocks. The soils found on mesas, plateaus and plains are residual soils but few other soils are residual.

    Most soils derive from transported parent materials that have been moved many miles by wind, water and gravity.[17]. Aeolian processes are capable of moving fine sand and silt many hundreds of miles forming loess soils, common in the Midwest of North America and in Central Asia Clay is seldom moved by wind as it forms stable aggregates.

    Cumulose parent material includes peats and mucks and may develop in place from plant residues that have been preserved by the low oxygen content of a high water table.

    Weathering is the first stage in the transforming of parent material into soil material. In soils forming from bedrock, a thick layer of weathered material called saprolite may form. Saprolite is the result of weathering processes that include: hydrolysis (the division of a mineral into acid and base pairs by the splitting of intervening water molecules), chelation from organic compounds, hydration (the solution of minerals in water with resulting cation, anion pairs), and physical processes that include freezing and thawing.[16] The mineralogical and chemical composition of the primary bedrock material, its physical features, including grain size and degree of consolidation, plus the rate and type of weathering, transforms the parent material into the different mineral components of soils. Texture, pH and mineral constituents are inherited by a soil from its parent material.


    Soil formation greatly depends on the climate, and soils show the distinctive characteristics of the climate zones in which they form.[18] Temperature and moisture affect the rate of weathering and leaching. Wind moves sand and smaller particles, especially in arid regions where there is little plant cover. The type and amount of precipitation influence soil formation by affecting the movement of ions and particles through the soil, and aid in the development of different soil profiles. The effectiveness of water in weathering parent rock material depends on seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations. Cycles of freezing and thawing constitute an effective mechanism that breaks up rocks and other consolidated materials. Temperature and precipitation rates affect vegetation cover, biological activity, and the rates of chemical reactions in the soil.


    The topography or relief characterized by the inclination of the surface determines the rate of precipitation runoff and rate of formation and erosion of the surface soil profiles. Steep slopes allow rapid runoff and erosion of the top soil profiles and little mineral deposition in lower profiles. Depressions allow the accumulation of water, minerals and organic matter and in the extreme, the resulting soils will be saline marshes or peat bogs. Intermediate topography affords the best conditions for the formation of an agriculturally productive soil.


    Plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and humans affect soil formation (see soil biomantle and stonelayer). Animals and micro-organisms mix soils as they form burrows and pores, allowing moisture and gases to move about. In the same way, plant roots open channels in soils. Plants with deep taproots can penetrate many meters through the different soil layers to bring up nutrients from deeper in the profile. Plants with fibrous roots that spread out near the soil surface have roots that are easily decomposed, adding organic matter. Micro-organisms, including fungi and bacteria, effect chemical exchanges between roots and soil and act as a reserve of nutrients. Humans can impact soil formation by removing vegetation cover with erosion as the result. They can also mix the different soil layers, restarting the soil formation process as less weathered material is mixed with the more developed upper layers. Some soils may contain up to one million species of microbes per gram, most of those species being unknown, making soil the most abundant ecosystem on Earth.[19]

    Vegetation impacts soils in numerous ways. It can prevent erosion caused by excessive rain and the resulting surface runoff. Plants shade soils, keeping them cooler and slowing evaporation of soil moisture, or conversely, by way of transpiration, plants can cause soils to lose moisture. Plants can form new chemicals that can break down or build up soil particles. The type and amount of vegetation depends on climate, land form topography, soil characteristics, and biological factors. Soil factors such as density, depth, chemistry, pH, temperature and moisture greatly affect the type of plants that can grow in a given location. Dead plants and dropped leaves and stems fall to the surface of the soil and decompose. There, organisms feed on them and mix the organic material with the upper soil layers; these added organic compounds become part of the soil formation process.


    Time is a factor in the interactions of all the above. Over time, soils evolve features dependent on the other forming factors. Soil formation is a time-responsive process that is dependent on how the other factors interplay with each other. Soil is always changing. It takes about 800 to 1000 years for a 2.5 cm thick layer of fertile soil to be formed in nature. For example, recently deposited material from a flood exhibits no soil development because there has not been enough time for soil-forming activities. The original soil surface is buried, and the formation process must begin anew for this deposit. The long periods over which change occurs and its multiple influences mean that simple soils are rare, resulting in the formation of soil horizons. While soil can achieve relative stability of its properties for extended periods, the soil life cycle ultimately ends in soil conditions that leave it vulnerable to erosion. Despite the inevitability of soil retrogression and degradation, most soil cycles are long and productive.

    Soil-forming factors continue to affect soils during their existence, even on “stable” landscapes that are long-enduring, some for millions of years. Materials are deposited on top and materials are blown or washed from the surface. With additions, removals and alterations, soils are always subject to new conditions. Whether these are slow or rapid changes depend on climate, landscape position and biological activity.

    Physical Properties of Soils

    The physical properties of soils are its texture, structure, density, porosity, consistency, temperature and color. These determine the availability of oxygen in the soil and ability of water to infiltrate and be held in the soil. Soil texture, characterized by the different soil particles, called soil "separates" sand, silt and clay is the relative proportion of those three. Larger soil structures are created from the separates when iron oxides, carbonates, clay and silica with the organic constituent humus, coat particles and cause them to adhere into relatively stable secondary structures called "peds". Soil density, particularly bulk density, is a measure of the soil compaction. Soil porosity consists of the part of the volume occupied by air and water. Consistency is the ability of soil to stick together. Soil temperature and color are self defining.


    Soil types by clay, silt and sand composition as used by the USDA
    Iron rich soil near Paint Pots in Kootenay National Park of Canada.

    The mineral components of soil consist of a mixture of sand, silt and clay. In the illustrated textural classification triangle the only soil that does not exhibit one of those predominately is called "loam." While even pure sand, silt or clay may be considered a soil, from the perspective of food production a loam soil with a small amount of organic material is considered ideal. The mineral constituents of a loam soil might be 40% sand, 40% silt and the balance 20% clay by weight. Soil texture affects soil behavior, including the retention capacity for nutrients and water.[20]

    Sand and silt are the products of physical weathering, while clay is the product of chemical weathering. Silt is finely powdered parent material. Clay on the other hand is a product of chemical weathering and forms as a secondary mineral from dissolved minerals that precipitate out of solution. It is the specific surface area of soil particles and unbalanced ionic charges in the soil particle that determine their role in the cation exchange potential of soil hence its fertility. Sand is least active followed by silt; clay is the most active. Sand has its greatest benefit to soil by resisting compaction. Silt, with its higher specific surface area, is more chemically active than sand and the clay content, with its very high specific surface area and generally large number of negative charges, gives clay its great retention capacity for nutrients and water. Clay soils resist wind and water erosion better than silty and sandy soils, as the particles are bonded to each other.

    Sand is the most stable of the mineral components of soil; it consists of rock fragments, primarily quartz particles, ranging in size from 2.0 mm to 0.05 mm. Sand is largely inert but plays an important part in holding open soil. Silt ranges in size from 0.05 mm to 0.002 mm. Silt is mineralogically like sand but is more active than sand due to its larger surface area. Clay is the most important component of mineral soil due to its net negative charge and ability to hold cations. Clay cannot be resolved by optical microscopes; it ranges in size from 0.002 mm or less.[21] In medium-textured soils, clay is often washed downward through the soil profile and accumulates in the subsoil. Components larger than 2.0 mm are classed as rock and gravel and are removed before determining the percentages of the remaining components and the texture class of the soil but are included in the name. For example, a sandy loam soil with 20% gravel would be called gravely sandy loam.

    When the organic component of a soil is substantial, the soil is called organic soil rather than mineral soil. The limits are as follows:

    1. Mineral fraction is 0% clay and organic matter is 20% or more.
    2. Mineral fraction is 0% to 50% clay and organic matter is between 20% to 30%.
    3. Mineral fraction is 50% or more clay and organic matter 30% or more.[22]


    Soil structure is the aggregation of the sand, silt, and clay soil components into larger units. It is caused by the adhesion of those particles into larger aggregates (peds) by organic substances, iron oxides, carbonates, clays and silica, and by the breakage of the aggregates due to expansion and contraction from freezing and thawing, wetting and drying cycles of the soil. These peds evolve into units that may have various shapes, sizes and degrees of development.[23] A soil clod is not a ped but rather a mass of soil that results from tillage. The soil structure affects aeration, water movement, resistance to erosion and plant root growth.

    Soil structure often gives clues to texture, organic matter content, biological activity, past soil evolution, human use, and chemical and mineralogical conditions under which the soil formed. While texture, defined by the mineral component of a soil, is an innate property of the soil and does not change with agricultural activities, soil structure can be improved or destroyed by our choice and timing of farming practices.

    Soil Structural Classes:[24]

    1. Types: Shape and arrangement of peds
    a. Platy: Peds are flattened one atop the other 1-10 mm thick.
    Found in the A-horizon of forest soils and lake sedimentation.
    b. Prismatic and Columnar: Prismlike peds are long in the
    vertical dimension, 10-100 mm wide. Prismatic peds have flat
    tops, columnar peds have rounded tops. Tend to form in the B-
    horizon in high sodium soil where clay has accumulated.
    c. Angular and subangular: Blocky peds are imperfect cubes,
    5-50 mm, angular have sharp edges, subangular have rounded
    edges. Tend to form in the B-horizon where clay has
    accumulated and indicate poor water penetration.
    d. Granular and Crumb: Spheroid peds of polyhedrons, 1-10 mm,
    often found in the A-horizon in the presence of organic
    material. Crumb peds are more porous and are considered ideal.
    2.Classes: Size of peds whose ranges depend upon the above type
    a. Very fine or very thin: <1 mm platy and spherical; <5 mm
    blocky; <10 mm prismlike.
    b. Fine or thin: 1-2 mm platy, and spherical; 5-10 mm blocky;
    10-20 mm prismlike.
    c. Medium: 2-5 mm platy, granular; 10-20 mm blocky; 20-50
    d. Coarse or thick: 5-10 mm platy, granular; 20-50 mm blocky;
    50-100 mm prismlike.
    e. Very coarse or very thick: >10 mm platy, granular; >50 mm
    blocky; >100 mm prismlike.
    3. Grades: Is a measure of the degree of cementation within the
    peds that results in their strength and stability.
    a. Weak: Weak cementation allows peds to fall apart into the
    three constituents of sand, silt and clay.
    b. Moderate: Peds are not distinct in undisturbed soil but when
    removed they break into aggregates, some broken aggregates and
    little unaggregated material. This is considered ideal.
    c. Strong:Peds are distinct before removed from the profile and
    do not break apart easily.
    d. Structureless: Soil is entirely cemented together in one
    great mass such as slabs of clay or no cementation at all such
    as with sand.

    The forces that result from swelling and shrinkage initially tend to act horizontally, causing vertically oriented prismatic peds. Clayey soil will induce horizontal cracks reducing columns to blocky peds. Roots, rodents, worms and freezing further break the peds into a spherical shape.

    Plant roots extend into voids and remove water causing the open space to shrink, further reinforcing physical aggregation. At the same time roots, fungal hyphea and earthworms create microscopic tunnels that break up peds. Plant roots, bacteria and fungi exude sticky polysaccharides that bind soil into small peds. The addition of the raw organic matter that bacteria and fungi feed upon encourages the formation of desirable soil structure.

    Polyvalent cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+ and Al3+ have the ability to infiltrate negatively charged plates of clay and hold them together and so neutralize them overall thereby allowing them to gather together or flocculate. On the other hand, monovalent ions such as sodium tend to destroy peds by displacing the polyvalent cations leaving a net negative charge on the layers that compose clay; this allows them to push apart and so prevents the flocculation of clay particles into random assemblages. As a result, the clay disperses and settles into voids between peds causing them to close. In this way the soil is made impenetrable to air and water. Such sodic soil tends to form columnar structures near the surface.[25]


    Density is the weight per unit volume of an object. Particle density is the density of the mineral particles that make up a soil i.e. excluding pore space and organic material. Particle density averages approximately 2.65 g/cc (165 lbm/ft3. Soil bulk density, a dry weight, includes air space and organic materials of the soil volume. A high bulk density indicates either compaction of the soil or high sand content. The bulk density of cultivated loam is about 1.1 to 1.4 g/cc (for comparison water is 1.0 g/cc).[26] A lower bulk density by itself does not indicate suitability for plant growth due to the influence of soil texture and structure.

    Table: Representative bulk densities of soils. The percentage pore space was calculated using 2.7 g/cc for particle density except for the peat soil, which is estimated.[27]

    Soil treatment and identification Bulk density g/cc Pore space %
    Tilled surface soil of a cotton field 1.3 51
    Trafficked inter-rows where wheels passed surface 1.67 37
    Traffic pan at 25 cm deep 1.7 36
    Undisturbed soil below traffic pan, clay loam 1.5 43
    Rocky silt loam soil under aspen forest 1.62 40
    Loamy sand surface soil 1.5 43
    Decomposed peat 0.55 65


    Pore space is that part of the bulk volume not occupied by either mineral or organic matter but is open space occupied by either air or water. The air space is needed to supply oxygen to organisms decomposing organic matter, humus and plant roots. Pore space allows the movement and storage of water and dissolved nutrients.

    There are four categories of pores:

    1. Coarse pores: 0.2 mm -200 microns
    2. Medium pores: 200-20 microns
    3. Fine pores: 20-2 microns
    4. Very fine pores: < 2 microns

    When pore space is less than 30 microns, the forces of attraction that hold water in place are greater than those acting to drain the water. At that point, soil becomes water logged and it cannot breathe. For a growing plant, pore size is of greater importance than total pore space. A medium textured loam provides the ideal balance of pore sizes. Having large pore spaces that allow rapid air and water movement is superior to total percentage pore space.[28]


    Consistency is the ability of soil to stick together and resist fragmentation. It is of use in predicting cultivation problems and engineering of foundations. Consistency is measured at three moisture conditions: air-dry, moist and wet. The measures of consistency border on subjective as they employ the "feel" of the soil in those states. A soil's resistance to fragmentation and crumbling is made in the dry state by rubbing the sample. Its resistance to shearing forces is made in the moist state by thumb and finger pressure. Finally, a soils plasticity is measured in the wet state by molding with the hand.

    The terms used to describe soil in those three moisture states and a last state of no agricultural value are as follows:

    1. Consistency of Dry Soil: loose, soft, hard, extremely hard.
    2. Consistency of Moist Soil: loose, friable, firm, extremely firm.
    3. Consistency of Wet Soil: non-sticky, sticky or non-plastic, plastic
    4. Consistency of Cemented Soil: weakly cemented, indurated (cemented)

    Soil consistency is useful in estimating the ability of soil to support buildings and roads. More precise measures of soil strength are often made prior to construction.


    Soil temperature regulates germination, root growth and availability of nutrients. Soil temperatures range from permafrost at a few inches below the surface to 38 C (100 F) in Hawaii on a warm day. The color of the ground cover and insulating ability have a strong influence on soil temperature. Snow cover and heavy mulching will reflect light and slow the warming of the soil, but at the same time reduce the fluctuations in the surface temperature.

    Below 50 cm (20 in) soil temperature seldom changes and can be approximated by adding 1.8 C (2 F) degrees to the mean annual air temperature

    Most often soil temperatures must be accepted and agricultural activities adapted to them.

    1. To maximize germination and growth by timing of planting.
    2. To optimize use of anhydrous ammonia by applying to soil below 10 C (50 F).
    3. To prevent heaving and thawing of frosts from damaging shallow rooted crops.
    4. To prevent damage to soil tilth by freezing of saturated soils.
    5. To improve uptake of phosphorus by plants.

    Otherwise soil temperatures can be raised by drying soils or using clear plastic mulches. Organic mulches slow the warming of the soil


    In general, color is determined by organic matter content, drainage conditions, and the degree of oxidation. Soil color, while easily discerned, has little use in predicting soil characteristics. It is of use in distinguishing boundaries, as an indication of wetness and waterlogged conditions, and as a qualitative means of measuring organic and salt contents of soils.

    Soil color is often the first impression one has when viewing soil. Striking colors and contrasting patterns are especially noticeable. The Red River (Mississippi watershed) carries sediment eroded from extensive reddish soils like Port Silt Loam in Oklahoma. The Yellow River in China carries yellow sediment from eroding loess soils. Mollisols in the Great Plains are darkened and enriched by organic matter. Podsols in boreal forests have highly contrasting layers due to acidity and leaching.

    Soil color is primarily influenced by soil mineralogy. Many soil colors are due to various iron minerals. The development and distribution of color in a soil profile result from chemical and biological weathering, especially redox reactions. As the primary minerals in soil parent material weather, the elements combine into new and colorful compounds. Iron forms secondary minerals with a yellow or red color, organic matter decomposes into black and brown compounds, and manganese, sulfur and nitrogen can form black mineral deposits. These pigments can produce various color patterns within a soil. Aerobic conditions produce uniform or gradual color changes, while reducing environments (anaerobic) result in disrupted color flow with complex, mottled patterns and points of color concentration.[29]


    Soil resistivity is a measure of a soil's ability to retard the conduction of an electric current. The electrical resistivity of soil can affect the rate of galvanic corrosion of metallic structures in contact with the soil. Higher moisture content or increased electrolyte concentration can lower the resistivity and increase the conductivity thereby increasing the rate of corrosion.[30][31] Soil resistivity values typically range from about 2 to 1000 Ω·m, but more extreme values are not unusual.[32]

    Soil horizons

    Horizontal layers of the soil, whose physical features, composition and age are distinct from the ones above and beneath, are referred to as soil horizons. The naming of horizons is based on the type of material of which they are composed; these materials reflect the duration of specific processes in soil formation. They are labeled using a short hand notation of letters and numbers.[33] They are described and classified by their color, size, texture, structure, consistency, root quantity, pH, voids, boundary characteristics, and presence of nodules or concretions.[34] Few soil profiles have all the major horizons; soils may have few or many horizons.

    The exposure of parent material to favorable conditions produces mineral soils that are marginally suitable for plant growth. Plant growth often results in the accumulation of organic residues. The accumulated organic layer called the O horizon produces a more active soil due to the effect of the organisms that live within it. Biological organisms colonize and break down organic materials, making available nutrients upon which other plants and animals can live. After sufficient time, humus is deposited in a distinctive organic surface layer called the A horizon.


    Soil is classified into categories in order to understand relationships between different soils and to determine the usefulness of a soil for a particular use. One of the first classification systems was developed by the Russian scientist Dokuchaev around 1880. It was modified a number of times by American and European researchers, and developed into the system commonly used until the 1960s. It was based on the idea that soils have a particular morphology based on the materials and factors that form them. In the 1960s, a different classification system began to emerge, that focused on soil morphology instead of parental materials and soil-forming factors. Since then it has undergone further modifications. The World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB)[35] aims to establish an international reference base for soil classification.

    USDA Soil Taxonomy

    In the United States, soil orders are the highest hierarchical level of soil classification in the USDA Soil Taxonomy classification system. Names of the orders end with the suffix -sol. There are 12 soil orders in Soil Taxonomy:[36]

    • Entisol - recently formed soils that lack well-developed horizons. Commonly found on unconsolidated sediments like sand, some have an A horizon on top of bedrock.
    • Vertisol - inverted soils. They tend to swell when wet and shrink upon drying, often forming deep cracks that surface layers can fall into.
    • Inceptisol - young soils. They have subsurface horizon formation but show little eluviation and illuviation.
    • Aridisol - dry soils forming under desert conditions. They include nearly 20% of soils on Earth. Soil formation is slow, and accumulated organic matter is scarce. They may have subsurface zones (calcic horizons) where calcium carbonates have accumulated from percolating water. Many aridiso soils have well-developed Bt horizons showing clay movement from past periods of greater moisture.
    • Mollisol - soft soils with very thick A horizons.
    • Spodosol - soils produced by podsolization. They are typical soils of coniferous and deciduous forests in cooler climates.
    • Alfisol - soils with aluminium and iron. They have horizons of clay accumulation, and form where there is enough moisture and warmth for at least three months of plant growth.
    • Ultisol - soils that are heavily leached.
    • Oxisol - soil with heavy oxide content.
    • Histosol - organic soils.
    • Andisols - volcanic soils, which tend to be high in glass content.
    • Gelisols - permafrost soils.

    Organic matter

    The organic soil matter includes all the dead plant material and all creatures live and dead. The living component of an acre of soil may contain 900 pounds of earthworms, 2400 pounds of fungi, 1500 pounds of bacteria, 133 pounds of protozoa, 890 pounds of arthropods and algae.[37]

    Most living things in soils, including plants, insects, bacteria and fungi, are dependent on organic matter for nutrients and energy. Soils have varying organic compounds in varying degrees of decomposition. Organic matter holds soils open, allowing the infiltration air and water and may hold as much twice its weight in water. Many soils, including desert and rocky-gravel soils, have no or little organic matter. Soils that are all organic matter, such as peat (histosols), are infertile.[38] In its earliest stage of decomposition the original organic material is often called raw organic matter. The final stage of decomposition is called humus.


    Humus refers to organic matter that has been decomposed by bacteria, fungi and protozoa to the final point where it is resistant to further breakdown. Humus usually constitutes only 5 percent of the soil or less by volume but it is an essential source of nutrients and adds important textural qualities to soil critical to plant growth. Humus also hold bits of un-decomposed organic matter which feed arthropods and worms that further improve the soil. Humus has high cation exchange capacity that on a dry weight basis is many times greater than clay colloids and acts as a buffer against changes in pH.

    Humic acids and fulvic acids are important constituents of humus that originate from decomposed foliage, stems and roots. After death, these plant residues begin to decay, resulting finally in the formation of humus. Humus formation involves changes within the soil and plant residue. There is a reduction of water soluble constituents including cellulose and hemicellulose; as the residues are deposited and break down, humin, lignin and lignin complexes accumulate within the soil; as microorganisms live and feed on decaying plant matter, an increase in these proteins occurs.

    Lignin is resistant to breakdown and accumulates within the soil; it also chemically reacts with amino acids which add to its resistance to decomposition, including enzymatic decomposition by microbes. Fats and waxes from plant matter have some resistance to decomposition and persist in soils for a while. Clay soils often have higher organic contents that persist longer than soils without clay. Proteins normally decompose readily, but when bound to clay particles they become more resistant to decomposition. Clay particles also absorb enzymes that would break down proteins. The addition of organic matter to clay soils can render the organic matter and any added nutrients inaccessible to plants and microbes for many years, since they can bind strongly to the clay. High soil tannin (polyphenol) content from plants can cause nitrogen to be sequestered in proteins or cause nitrogen immobilization, also making nitrogen unavailable to plants.[39][40]

    Humus formation is a process dependent on the amount of plant material added each year and the type of base soil; both are affected by climate and the type of organisms present. Soils with humus can vary in nitrogen content but have 3 to 6 percent nitrogen typically; humus, as a reserve of nitrogen and phosphorus, is a vital component affecting soil fertility.[38] Humus also absorbs water, acting as a moisture reserve, that plants can utilize; it also expands and shrinks between dry and wet states, providing pore spaces. Humus is less stable than the soil's mineral constituents, because it is affected by microbial decomposition, and over time its concentration decreases without the addition of new organic matter. However, humus may persist over centuries if not millennia.

    Climate and organics

    The production and accumulation or degradation of organic matter and humus is greatly dependent on climate conditions. Temperature and soil moisture are the major factors in the formation or degradation of organic matter, they along with topography, determine the formation of organic soils. Soils high in organic matter tend to form under wet or cold conditions where decomposer activity is impeded by low temperature[41] or excess moisture.[42]

    Soil solutions

    Soils retain water that can dissolve a range of molecules and ions. These solutions exchange gases with the soil atmosphere, contain dissolved sugars, fulvic acids and other organic acids, plant nutrients such as nitrate, ammonium, potassium, phosphate, sulfate and calcium, and micronutrients such as zinc, iron and copper. These nutrients are exchanged with the mineral and humic component, that retains them in its ionic state, by adsorption. Some arid soils have sodium solutions that greatly impact plant growth. Soil pH can affect the type and amount of anions and cations that soil solutions contain and that be exchanged between the soil substrate and biological organisms.[43]

    In nature

    Biogeography is the study of special variations in biological communities. Soils determine which plants can grow in which environments. Soil scientists survey soils in the hope of understanding the parameters that determine what vegetation can and will grow in a particular location.

    Geologists also have a particular interest in the patterns of soil on the surface of the earth. Soil texture, color and chemistry often reflect the underlying geologic parent material, and soil types often change at geologic unit boundaries. Buried paleosols mark previous land surfaces and record climatic conditions from previous eras. Geologists use this paleopedological record to understand the ecological relationships that existed in the past. According to the theory of biorhexistasy, prolonged conditions conducive to forming deep, weathered soils result in increasing ocean salinity and the formation of limestone.

    Geologists use soil profile features to establish the duration of surface stability in the context of geologic faults or slope stability. An offset subsoil horizon indicates rupture during soil formation and the degree of subsequent subsoil formation is relied upon to establish time since rupture occurred.

    A homeowner tests soil to apply only the nutrients needed.
    Due to their thermal mass, rammed earth walls fit in with environmental sustainability aspirations.
    A homeowner sifts soil made from his compost bin in background. Composting is an excellent way to recycle organic wastes.

    Soil examined in shovel test pits is used by archaeologists for relative dating based on stratigraphy (as opposed to absolute dating). What is considered most typical is to use soil profile features to determine the maximum reasonable pit depth than needs to be examined for archaeological evidence in the interest of cultural resources management.

    Soils altered or formed by humans (anthropic and anthropogenic soils) are also of interest to archaeologists, such as terra preta soils.


    Soil is used in agriculture, where it serves as the anchor and primary nutrient base for plants; however, as demonstrated by hydroponics, it is not essential to plant growth if the soil-contained nutrients could be dissolved in a solution. The types of soil and available moisture determine the species of plants that can be cultivated.

    Soil material is a critical component in the mining and construction industries. Soil serves as a foundation for most construction projects. The movement of massive volumes of soil can be involved in surface mining, road building and dam construction. Earth sheltering is the architectural practice of using soil for external thermal mass against building walls.

    Soil resources are critical to the environment, as well as to food and fiber production. Soil provides minerals and water to plants. Soil absorbs rainwater and releases it later, thus preventing floods and drought. Soil cleans the water as it percolates through it. Soil is the habitat for many organisms: the major part of known and unknown biodiversity is in the soil, in the form of invertebrates (earthworms, woodlice, millipedes, centipedes, snails, slugs, mites, springtails, enchytraeids, nematodes, protists), bacteria, archaea, fungi and algae; and most organisms living above ground have part of them (plants) or spend part of their life cycle (insects) belowground. Above-ground and below-ground biodiversities are tightly interconnected,[44][45] making soil protection of paramount importance for any restoration or conservation plan.

    The biological component of soil is an extremely important carbon sink since about 57% of the biotic content is carbon. Even on desert crusts, cyanobacteria lichens and mosses capture and sequester a significant amount of carbon by photosynthesis. Poor farming and grazing methods have degraded soils and released much of this sequestered carbon to the atmosphere. Restoring the world's soils could offset some of the huge increase in greenhouse gases causing global warming while improving crop yields and reducing water needs.[46][47][48]

    Waste management often has a soil component. Septic drain fields treat septic tank effluent using aerobic soil processes. Landfills use soil for daily cover. Land application of wastewater relies on soil biology to aerobically treat BOD.

    Organic soils, especially peat, serve as a significant fuel resource; but wide areas of peat production, such as sphagnum bogs, are now protected because of patrimonial interest.

    Both animals and humans in many cultures occasionally consume soil. It has been shown that some monkeys consume soil, together with their preferred food (tree foliage and fruits), in order to alleviate tannin toxicity.[49][1]

    Soils filter and purify water and affect its chemistry. Rain water and pooled water from ponds, lakes and rivers percolate through the soil horizons and the upper rock strata, thus becoming groundwater. Pests (viruses) and pollutants, such as persistent organic pollutants (chlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls), oils (hydrocarbons), heavy metals (lead, zinc, cadmium), and excess nutrients (nitrates, sulfates, phosphates) are filtered out by the soil.[50] Soil organisms metabolize them or immobilize them in their biomass and necromass,[51] thereby incorporating them into stable humus.[52] The physical integrity of soil is also a prerequisite for avoiding landslides in rugged landscapes.[53]


    Land degradation[54] is a human-induced or natural process which impairs the capacity of land to function. Soils are the critical component in land degradation when it involves acidification, contamination, desertification, erosion or salination.

    While soil acidification of alkaline soils is beneficial, it degrades land when soil acidity lowers crop productivity and increases soil vulnerability to contamination and erosion. Soils are often initially acid because their parent materials were acid and initially low in the basic cations (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium). Acidification occurs when these elements are removed from the soil profile by normal rainfall, or the harvesting of forest or agricultural crops. Soil acidification is accelerated by the use of acid-forming nitrogenous fertilizers and by the effects of acid precipitation.

    Soil contamination at low levels is often within soil capacity to treat and assimilate. Many waste treatment processes rely on this treatment capacity. Exceeding treatment capacity can damage soil biota and limit soil function. Derelict soils occur where industrial contamination or other development activity damages the soil to such a degree that the land cannot be used safely or productively. Remediation of derelict soil uses principles of geology, physics, chemistry and biology to degrade, attenuate, isolate or remove soil contaminants to restore soil functions and values. Techniques include leaching, air sparging, chemical amendments, phytoremediation, bioremediation and natural attenuation.

    Desertification is an environmental process of ecosystem degradation in arid and semi-arid regions, often caused by human activity. It is a common misconception that droughts cause desertification. Droughts are common in arid and semiarid lands. Well-managed lands can recover from drought when the rains return. Soil management tools include maintaining soil nutrient and organic matter levels, reduced tillage and increased cover. These practices help to control erosion and maintain productivity during periods when moisture is available. Continued land abuse during droughts, however, increases land degradation. Increased population and livestock pressure on marginal lands accelerates desertification.

    Soil erosional loss is caused by wind, water, ice and movement in response to gravity. Although the processes may be simultaneous, erosion is distinguished from weathering. Erosion is an intrinsic natural process, but in many places it is increased by human land use. Poor land use practices including deforestation, overgrazing and improper construction activity. Improved management can limit erosion by using techniques like limiting disturbance during construction, avoiding construction during erosion prone periods, intercepting runoff, terrace-building, use of erosion-suppressing cover materials, and planting trees or other soil binding plants.

    A serious and long-running water erosion problem occurs in China, on the middle reaches of the Yellow River and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. From the Yellow River, over 1.6-billion tons of sediment flow each year into the ocean. The sediment originates primarily from water erosion (gully erosion) in the Loess Plateau region of northwest China.

    Soil piping is a particular form of soil erosion that occurs below the soil surface. It is associated with levee and dam failure, as well as sink hole formation. Turbulent flow removes soil starting from the mouth of the seep flow and subsoil erosion advances upgradient.[55] The term sand boil is used to describe the appearance of the discharging end of an active soil pipe.[56]

    Soil salination is the accumulation of free salts to such an extent that it leads to degradation of soils and vegetation. Consequences include corrosion damage, reduced plant growth, erosion due to loss of plant cover and soil structure, and water quality problems due to sedimentation. Salination occurs due to a combination of natural and human caused processes. Arid conditions favor salt accumulation. This is especially apparent when soil parent material is saline. Irrigation of arid lands is especially problematic.[57] All irrigation water has some level of salinity. Irrigation, especially when it involves leakage from canals and overirrigation in the field, often raises the underlying water table. Rapid salination occurs when the land surface is within the capillary fringe of saline groundwater. Soil salinity control involves watertable control and flushing with higher levels of applied water in combination with tile drainage or another form of subsurface drainage.[58][59]

    Soil salinity models like SWAP,[60] DrainMod-S,[61] UnSatChem,[62] SaltMod[63][64] and SahysMod[65] are used to assess the cause of soil salination and to optimize the reclamation of irrigated saline soils.


    Soils that contain high levels of particular clays, such as smectites, are often very fertile. For example, the smectite-rich clays of Thailand's Central Plains are among the most productive in the world.

    Many farmers in tropical areas, however, struggle to retain organic matter in the soils they work. In recent years, for example, productivity has declined in the low-clay soils of northern Thailand. Farmers initially responded by adding organic matter from termite mounds, but this was unsustainable in the long-term. Scientists experimented with adding bentonite, one of the smectite family of clays, to the soil. In field trials, conducted by scientists from the International Water Management Institute in cooperation with Khon Kaen University and local farmers, this had the effect of helping retain water and nutrients. Supplementing the farmer's usual practice with a single application of 200kg bentonite per rai (6.26 rai = 1 hectare) resulted in an average yield increase of 73%. More work showed that applying bentonite to degraded sandy soils reduced the risk of crop failure during drought years.

    In 2008, three years after the initial trials, IWMI scientists conducted a survey among 250 farmers in northeast Thailand, half who had applying bentonite to their fields and half who had not. The average output for those using the clay addition was 18% higher than for non-clay users. Using the clay had enabled some farmers to switch to growing vegetables, which need more fertile soil. This helped to increase their income. The researchers estimated that 200 farmers in northeast Thailand and 400 in Cambodia had adopted the use of clays, and that a further 20,000 farmers were introduced to the new technique.[66]

    If the soil is too high in clay, adding gypsum, washed river sand and organic matter will balance the composition. Adding organic matter to soil that is depleted in nutrients and too high in sand will boost the quality.[67]

    See also


    1. ^ Birkeland, Peter W. Soils and Geomorphology, 3rd Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
    2. ^ Chesworth, Edited by Ward (2008), Encyclopedia of soil science, Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer, xxiv, ISBN 1402039948 
    3. ^ Voroney, R. P., 2006. The Soil Habitat in Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry, Eldor A. Paul ed. ISBN=0125468075
    4. ^ James A. Danoff-Burg, Columbia University. The Terrestrial Influence: Geology and Soils
    5. ^ Janet Raloff. Dirt Is Not Soil. ScienceNews July 17th, 2008)
    6. ^ Taylor, S. A., and G. L. Ashcroft. 1972. Physical Edaphology
    7. ^ McCarty, David. 1982. Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations
    8. ^
    9. ^ Buol, S. W.; Hole, F. D. and McCracken, R. J. (1973), Soil Genesis and Classification (First ed.), Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, ISBN 0-8138-1460-X .
    10. ^ Soil: 1957 yearbook of agriculture (1957). Alfred Sefferud. ed. The United States Department of Agriculture. pp. 17. 
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    12. ^ Norfolk four-course system, Encyclopædia Britannica online.
    13. ^ Soil: 1957 yearbook of agriculture (1957). Alfred Sefferud. ed. The United States Department of Agriculture. pp. 1–4. 
    14. ^ Michael E. Ritter. Factors Affecting Soil Development, Soil Systems, The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, October 1, 2009, retrieved January 3, 2012.
    15. ^ Van Schöll, Laura; Smits, Mark M. & Hoffland, Ellis (2006), "Ectomycorrhizal weathering of the soil minerals muscovite and hornblende", New Phytologist 171 (4): 805–814, doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01790.x, PMID 16918551 
    16. ^ a b H.B. Milford, A.J.E. McGaw and K.J. Nixon, Soil Data Entry Handbook for the NSW Soil and Land Information System (SALIS), 3rd ed., New South Wales Department of Land and Water Conservation Resource Information Systems Group, Parramatta, 2001, pdf pp. 30–32.
    17. ^ NASA (broken link)
    18. ^ Gove Hambidge, "Climate and Man—A Summary", in Erwin Raisz, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Climate And Man, Part One, Yearbook of Agriculture 1941, Repr. Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific, 2004, ISBN 978-1-4102-1538-3, pp. 1–66, p. 27.
    19. ^ Copley, Jon (August 25, 2005). "Millions of bacterial species revealed underfoot". New Scientist. Retrieved 19 April 2010. 
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    36. ^ University of Virginia
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    42. ^ Minayeva, T. Yu.; Trofimov S. Ya., Chichagova O.A., Dorofeyeva E.I., Sirin A.A., Glushkov I.V., Mikhailov N.D. & Kromer B. (2008), "Carbon accumulation in soils of forest and bog ecosystems of southern Valdai in the Holocene", Biology Bulletin 35 (5): 524–532, doi:10.1134/S1062359008050142 
    43. ^ Dan (2000), Ecology and management of forest soils, New York: John Wiley, pp. 88–92, ISBN 0471194263, 
    44. ^ Ponge, Jean-François (2003), "Humus forms in terrestrial ecosystems: a framework to biodiversity", Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35 (7): 935–945, doi:10.1016/S0038-0717(03)00149-4 
    45. ^ De Deyn, Gerlinde B.; Van der Putten Wim H. (2005), "Linking aboveground and belowground diversity", Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20 (11): 625–633, doi:10.1016/j.tree.2005.08.009, PMID 16701446 
    46. ^ Open Atmos. Sci. J. (2008), vol. 2, pp. 217-231, Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim?
    47. ^ r> Lal, 2004, Soil Carbon Sequestration Impacts on Global Climate Change and Food Security
    48. ^ Blakeslee, Thomas 2010 Greening Deserts for Carbon Credits
    49. ^ Setz, EZF; Enzweiler J, Solferini VN, Amendola MP, Berton RS (1999), "Geophagy in the golden-faced saki monkey (Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala) in the Central Amazon", Journal of Zoology 247: 91–103, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1999.tb00196.x 
    50. ^ Kohne, John Maximilian; Koehne Sigrid, Simunek Jirka (2009), "A review of model applications for structured soils: a) Water flow and tracer transport", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 104 (1–4): 4–35, doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2008.10.002, PMID 19012994 
    51. ^ Diplock, EE; Mardlin DP, Killham KS, Paton GI (2009), "Predicting bioremediation of hydrocarbons: laboratory to field scale", Environmental Pollution 157 (6): 1831–1840, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2009.01.022, PMID 19232804 
    52. ^ Moeckel, Claudia; Nizzetto Luca, Di Guardo Antonio, Steinnes Eiliv, Freppaz Michele, Filippa Gianluca, Camporini Paolo, Benner Jessica, Jones Kevin C. (2008), "Persistent organic pollutants in boreal and montane soil profiles: distribution, evidence of processes and implications for global cycling", Environmental Science and Technology 42 (22): 8374–8380, doi:10.1021/es801703k, PMID 19068820 
    53. ^ Rezaei, Khalil; Guest Bernard, Friedrich Anke, Fayazi Farajollah, Nakhaei Mohamad, Aghda Seyed Mahmoud Fatemi, Beitollahi Ali (2009), "Soil and sediment quality and composition as factors in the distribution of damage at the December 26, 2003, Bam area earthquake in SE Iran (M (s)=6.6)", Journal of Soils and Sediments 9: 23–32, doi:10.1007/s11368-008-0046-9 
    54. ^ Johnson, D.L.; Ambrose, S.H.; Bassett, T.J.; Bowen, M.L.; Crummey, D.E.; Isaacson, J.S.; Johnson, D.N.; Lamb, P. et al (1997). "Meanings of environmental terms". Journal of Environmental Quality 26: 581–589. doi:10.2134/jeq1997.00472425002600030002x. 
    55. ^ Jones, J. A. A. (1976), "Soil piping and stream channel initiation", Water Resources Research 7 (3): 602–610, Bibcode 1971WRR.....7..602J, doi:10.1029/WR007i003p00602. 
    56. ^ Dooley, Alan (June 2006). "Sandboils 101: Corps has experience dealing with common flood danger". Engineer Update. US Army Corps of Engineers. Archived from the original on 2008-04-18. Retrieved 2008-05-14. 
    57. ^ ILRI (1989), Effectiveness and Social/Environmental Impacts of Irrigation Projects: a Review, In: Annual Report 1988 of the International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 18–34, 
    58. ^ Drainage Manual: A Guide to Integrating Plant, Soil, and Water Relationships for Drainage of Irrigated Lands, Interior Dept., Bureau of Reclamation, 1993, ISBN 0-16-061623-9 
    59. ^ "Free articles and software on drainage of waterlogged land and soil salinity control". Retrieved 2010-07-28. 
    60. ^ SWAP model
    61. ^ DrainMod-S model
    62. ^ UnSatChem model
    63. ^ ILRI (1997), SaltMod: a tool for interweaving of irrigation and drainage for salinity control, In: W.B.Snellen (ed.), Towards integration of irrigation, and drainage management. Special report of the International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 41–43, 
    64. ^ SaltMod, an agro-hydro-soil salinity model, 
    65. ^ SahysMod, a spatial agro-hydro-soil salinity cum groundwater model, 
    66. ^ Improving soils and boosting yields in Thailand Success stories, Issue 2, 2010, IWMI
    67. ^

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    Dansk (Danish)
    n. - jord, jordbund, muldjord, dyrkningsjord, grund

    v. tr. - snavse, svine, tilsmudse
    v. intr. - blive snavset, tage imod snavs
    n. - snavs, plet, smuds, tilsmudsning, gødning, møg, latrin, spildevand, kloakvand

    v. tr. - grønfodre

    Nederlands (Dutch)
    bevlekken, vuilmaken, morsen, aarde, grond, bodem, grondgebied

    Français (French)
    n. - terre, sol

    v. tr. - (lit, fig) salir
    v. intr. - salir
    n. - déchets

    v. tr. - nourrir (du bétail) avec des déchets, purger (du bétail) avec des plantes fourragères

    Deutsch (German)
    n. - Boden, Erde, Schmutz

    v. - beschmutzen
    n. - Schmutz

    v. - mit Grünfutter füttern

    Ελληνική (Greek)
    n. - έδαφος, χώμα, γη, ρύπος, κοπριά, κόπρανα, λύμα, έδαφος θεμελίωσης, (μτφ.) πρόσφορο έδαφος
    v. - λερώνω/-ομαι, (μτφ.) σπιλώνω υπόληψη

    Italiano (Italian)
    imbrattare, sporcare, terra, terreno, suolo

    Português (Portuguese)
    n. - terra (f), país (m), solo (m), nódoa (f)
    v. - macular, manchar, borrar

    Русский (Russian)
    почва, земля, страна, грязь, пятно, нечистоты, отбросы, навоз, пачкать, покрывать пятнами, порочить, осквернять, валяться в грязи, унавоживать, давать скоту зеленый корм

    Español (Spanish)
    n. - tierra, tierra negra, tierra vegetal

    v. tr. - ensuciar, manchar
    v. intr. - ensuciarse
    n. - abono, estiércol

    v. tr. - abonar, estercolar

    Svenska (Swedish)
    n. - smuts, botten, grund, mark, jordmån, avloppsvatten, dynga
    v. - smutsa ner, solka ner, fodra med grönfoder

    中文(简体)(Chinese (Simplified))
    1. 土壤, 国土, 土地

    2. 弄脏, 污辱, 变脏, 被弄脏, 污斑, 堕落, 污物, 粪便, 肥料

    3. 用青饲料喂

    中文(繁體)(Chinese (Traditional))
    v. tr. - 用青飼料喂

    n. - 土壤, 國土, 土地

    v. tr. - 弄髒, 污辱
    v. intr. - 變髒, 被弄髒
    n. - 汙斑, 墮落, 汙物, 糞便, 肥料

    한국어 (Korean)
    n. - (표면의) 흙

    v. tr. - 더럽히다, 손상시키다, ~에 똥 거름을 주다
    v. intr. - 얼룩지다, 타락하다
    n. - 오물, 더럽히기, 거름

    v. tr. - (마소에) 꼴을 베어 먹이다, (가축에게) 갓 벤 풀을 먹여 살찌우다

    日本語 (Japanese)
    n. - 土, 土壌, 国, 農業, 汚れ, 汚物
    v. - 汚す

    العربيه (Arabic)
    ‏(الاسم) لطخه, نفايه, أرض أو تربه (فعل) يشوه ألسمعه يلوث أو يوسخ‏

    עברית (Hebrew)
    n. - ‮פני הקרקע, אדמה, קרקע‬
    v. tr. - ‮לכלך, זיהם‬
    v. intr. - ‮התלכלך, הזדהם‬
    n. - ‮לכלוך, צואה‬
    v. tr. - ‮הזין (בהמות) במספוא, טיהר מעי בהמות ע"י האכלתן בעשב טרי‬




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