With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: March roars in like a lion, bringing an early tornado season; Good news for breathers: Chicago coal plants to shut down; Americans belief in global warming rises with the temperature; Controversial Keystone XL pipeline would raise US gas prices; PLUS: Obama says no more free taxpayer money for Big Oil ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): 'Hockey-stick' author's counterstrike in the climate wars; FEMA Admin: ‘We need to forcefully communicate the risk we face’; Billionaire Koch's accuse Obama campaign of intimidation; Arctic ice cap melting faster; $5 a gallon gas?; Shell's pre-emptive strike against enviro groups ... PLUS: How to feed 7 billion of us without ruining the planet ... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • Michael Mann's counterstrike in the climate wars (Op-ed, LA Times)
    To the denial set, these groups and individual scientists are part of a global liberal cabal that is scheming to impose its radical environmentalist agenda on the entire planet via government programs to cut carbon emissions; as proof, denialists point to their own research and studies --- typically funded by fossil fuel interests, performed by non-climatologists and published in non-peer-reviewed journals --- that pick away at the scientific consensus. You wouldn't think such an anti-intellectual and grossly irresponsible movement would have much success in the court of public opinion. You would be horrifyingly wrong....
  • FEMA Administrator On Climate Change: ‘We Need To Forcefully Communicate The Risk We Face’ (Think Progress Green):
    "When I talk about climate resilience, I’m talking about how we need to forcefully communicate the risk we face in not building resilience to climate change at the local level, which might not have been in anyone’s experience previously."

    The administrator stressed the importance of recognizing “total cost of ownership” in decision making that affects our nation’s and our communities’ futures.

  • Koch brothers accuse Obama campaign of intimidation tactics (The Hill's E2 Wire):
    The billionaire activists said Obama’s campaign wants their donor list so it can engage in a smear campaign.
  • VIDEO: Sea Ice Decline – Winter Weather Wild Card (Climate Crock of the Week)
  • Thickest Parts of Arctic Ice Cap Melting Faster (Science Daily):
    A new NASA study revealed that the oldest and thickest Arctic sea ice is disappearing at a faster rate than the younger and thinner ice at the edges of the Arctic Ocean's floating ice cap.
  • Tensions Raise Specter of Gas at $5 a Gallon (NY Times):
    With no clear end to tensions with Iran and Syria and rising demand from countries like China, gas prices are already at record highs for the winter months — averaging $4.32 in California and $3.73 a gallon nationally on Wednesday, according to AAA’s Daily Fuel Gauge Report. As summer approaches, demand for gasoline rises, typically pushing prices up around 20 cents a gallon. And gas prices could rise another 50 cents a gallon or more, analysts say, if the diplomatic and economic standoff over Iran’s nuclear ambitions escalates into military conflict or there is some other major supply disruption.
  • Alliance Seeks Vast Marine Reserves in Antarctic (NYT Green):
    Many fisheries scientists argue that such reserves offer the best hope for restoring ecosystems stressed by overfishing, pollution and global warming. United Nations members meeting in Nagoya, Japan agreed in October 2010 to set aside 10 percent of the world’s oceans as reserves by 2020 under the Convention on Biological Diversity, a target that all agree remains distant.
  • Arctic Ocean drilling: Shell launches preemptive legal strike (LA Times):
    Royal Dutch Shell launched an extraordinary preemptive legal strike Wednesday against opponents of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean, filing suit against more than a dozen environmental organizations likely to challenge its plan for drilling exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea this summer.

    In a petition for declaratory relief filed in U.S. District Court in Anchorage, the oil giant seeks to have the court rule that the U.S. government complied with federal law when it approved Shell’s oil spill response plan for upcoming exploratory well-drilling in the Arctic.

  • Ten Dirty, Ancient Coal Plants In Midwest Being Shuttered (Washington Post)
  • Canada Makes Billions From Tar Sands, Can’t Find $1.5 Million to Fund Key Arctic Climate Research Station (Climate Progress)
  • How to feed 7 billion of us without ruining the planet (Grist)
  • Fukushima: Internal Reports Show Japan leaders feared "devil's chain reaction" (Reuters) [emphasis added]:
    Japan's prime minister ordered workers to remain at the tsunami-crippled Fukushima nuclear plant last March as fears mounted of a "devil's chain reaction" that would force tens of millions of people to flee Tokyo, a new investigative report shows.
    Yukio Edano, then Japan's top government spokesman, told the panel that at the height of tension he feared a "devil's chain reaction" in which the Fukushima Daiichi plant and the nearby Fukushima Daini facility, as well as the Tokai nuclear plant, spiraled out of control, putting the capital at risk.
  • GOP Not Listening to Its Own Scientists on Climate Change (InsideClimate News):
    GOP scientists say their attempts to talk about climate dangers with their party's politicians and their aides have largely fallen on deaf ears.

    A number of prominent U.S. climate scientists who identify themselves as Republican say their attempts in recent years to educate the GOP leadership on the scientific evidence of man-made climate change have been futile. Now, many have given up trying and the few who continue notice very little change after speaking with politicians and their aides.

  • Essential Climate Science Findings: