Sean Hannity makes a living dishing it out --- perhaps I should say shoveling it --- but he seems to have trouble taking it in return.

If you missed his "EXCLUSIVE!" Fox "News" interview last night with two young Breitbart rubes, featuring the shocking, unedited version of the video of Barack Obama in his 1991 Harvard days that the late Andrew Breitbart had long promised would help destroy the President, well, you didn't miss much. Not much more than a "smoking hug" and the latest embarrassing moment from the Rightwing's current collective nervous breakdown, anyway.

I happened to catch it though. And I enjoyed it so much, I tweeted mercifully about it while watching. For example, as it ended, I observed...

An hour or so later, one of Sean's nutty followers tweeted in clever reply...

Oh, snap! That, in turn, led our friend Sean to help her out with this tweet, in which he was very very mean to me...

"Dumb lib"?! A personal attack from the always courteous Sean Hannity who makes his shameful living, in no small part, by condemning his political opponents for making personal attacks?! I am shocked! No less shocked when I saw that damning video yesterday revealing the truth about the terrifying radical background of our dangerously Marxist President!

Having been thoroughly taken to task by Sean, I had nothing left but to tweet in response:

After which, Sean appears to have blocked me on Twitter. Can you believe it?! Now I will no longer be able to enjoy his informative and insightful thoughts via my personal Twitter feed! I must have hurt his feelings.

Why does all of this matter? In truth, it doesn't. Not in the least. But it just seems like --- after someone's very long day yesterday --- someone may need a nice hug...

Still love ya, Sean!