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white alder

(Wendy Smith)
(ôl'dər) pronunciation
  1. Any of various deciduous shrubs or trees of the genus Alnus, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having alternate simple toothed leaves and tiny fruits in woody, conelike catkins.
  2. The wood of these plants, used in carvings and for making furniture and cabinets.

[Middle English, from Old English alor.]

Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
(click to enlarge)
Alder (Alnus glutinosa) (credit: Earl L. Kubis/Root Resources)
Any of about 30 species of ornamental shrubs and trees in the genus Alnus, of the birch family, found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and western South America on cool, wet sites. Alders are distinguished from birches by their usually stalked winter buds and by cones that remain on the branches after the small, winged nutlets are released. Alders have scaly bark, oval leaves that fall without changing colour, and separate male and female flowers (catkins) borne on the same tree. Some familiar North American alders are the red alder (A. rubra or A. oregona); the white, or Sierra, alder (A. rhombifolia); and the speckled alder (A. rugosa). Alder wood is fine-textured and durable, even under water; it is useful for furniture, cabinetry, and lathe work and in charcoal manufacture and millwork. Alders' spreading root systems and tolerance of moist soils lend them to planting on stream banks for flood and erosion control.

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A deciduous tree, Alnus rubra, which grows from Alaska to northern California and eastern Idaho. It is recognized by its stalked buds, simple leaves, and dry, conelike, ellipsoid fruit. With the big-leaf maple it shares the role of principal hardwood tree in the Pacific Northwest, where most of the commercially important trees are conifers. The wood is used in furniture. See also Fagales.

A moderately light-colored, light-weight hardwood that changes to flesh color or light brown when dried; often stained to simulate cherry, mahogany or walnut; often used as plywood core and crossbanding.

[Old English alor]

A shrub or tree (genus Alnus) of the birch family that has special implications in Celtic tradition. The alder usually grows in wet ground, with small, pendulous catkins. Alders are especially associated with Bran; at Cad Goddeu, ‘The Battle of the Trees’, Gwydion guessed Bran's name from the alder twigs in his hand. The answer to an old Taliesin riddle ‘Why is the alder purple?’ is ‘Because Bran wore purple’. Bran's alder may be a symbol of resurrection. The name for the boy Gwern, son of Matholwch and Branwen, means ‘alder’. The place-name Fernmag (anglicized Farney) means ‘plain of the alder’.

In Ireland the alder was regarded with awe apparently because when cut the wood turns from white to red. At one time the felling of an alder was punishable, and it is still avoided. The alder was thought to have power of divination, especially in the diagnosing of diseases. Alder or yew might be used in the , a rod for measuring corpses and graves in pre-Christian Ireland. The letter F, third consonant in the ogham alphabet, was named for the alder (OIr. fern). Modern Irish fearnóg; Scottish Gaelic feàrna; Manx farney; Welsh gwernen; Corn.gwernen; Breton gwernenn. See also FAIRY TREE.

alder (ôl'dər), name for deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Alnus of the family Betulaceae (birch family), widely distributed, especially in mountainous and moist areas of the north temperate zone and in the Andes. The black alder (A. glutinosa) is an Old World species now naturalized in E North America. Its bark, still used for dyes and tanning, was formerly considered medicinal; its wood is useful chiefly as charcoal. A. rugosa, the speckled alder, forms extensive swamp thickets in Eurasia and North America. The red alder (A. rubra), the largest tree of the genus, is the most important hardwood timber tree in its native region, the Pacific coast of North America. Alder trees are classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Fagales, family Betulaceae.

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Alnus serrulata (tag alder)
Male catkins on right,
mature female catkins left
Johnsonville, South Carolina
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fagales
Family: Betulaceae
Genus: Alnus

About 20–30 species, see text.

Alder is the common name of a genus of flowering plants (Alnus) belonging to the birch family (Family Betulaceae). The genus comprises about 30 species of monoecious trees and shrubs, few reaching large size, distributed throughout the North Temperate Zone and in the Americas along the Andes southwards to Argentina.



The common name alder is derived from an old Germanic root, also found to be the translation of the Old French verne for alder or copse of alders. The generic name Alnus is the equivalent Latin name. Both the Latin and the Germanic words derive from the Proto-Indo-European root el-, meaning "red" or "brown", which is also a root for the English words "elk" and another tree: "elm", a tree distantly related to the alders.


With few exceptions, alders are deciduous (not evergreen), and their leaves are alternate, simple, and serrated. The flowers are catkins with elongate male catkins on the same plant as shorter female catkins, often before leaves appear; they are mainly wind-pollinated, but also visited by bees to a small extent. They differ from the birches (Betula, the other genus in the family) in that the female catkins are woody and do not disintegrate at maturity, opening to release the seeds in a similar manner to many conifer cones.

The largest species are red alder (A. rubra) on the west coast of North America and black alder (A. glutinosa), native to most of Europe and widely introduced elsewhere, both reaching over 30 m. By contrast, the widespread green alder (A. viridis) is rarely more than a 5 m tall shrub.


Alder leaves and sometimes catkins are used as food by numerous butterflies and moths; see List of Lepidoptera that feed on alders.

A. glutinosa and A. viridis are classed as environmental weeds in New Zealand.[1]

Nitrogen fixation

Alder is particularly noted for its important symbiotic relationship with Frankia alni, an actinomycete, filamentous, nitrogen-fixing bacterium. This bacterium is found in root nodules, which may be as large as a human fist, with many small lobes and light brown in appearance. The bacterium absorbs nitrogen from the air and makes it available to the tree. Alder, in turn, provides the bacterium with sugars, which it produces through photosynthesis. As a result of this mutually-beneficial relationship, alder improves the fertility of the soils where it grows, and as a pioneer species, it helps provide additional nitrogen for the successional species which follow.

An alder root nodule
Whole root nodule
A sectioned alder root nodule
Sectioned root nodule
Alder root nodules

Use by humans

Alder coat of arms of Grossarl, Austria

The catkins of some alder species have a degree of edibility,[2] and may be rich in protein. Reported to have a bitter and unpleasant taste, they are more useful for survival purposes. The wood of certain alder species is often used to smoke various food items.

Most of the pilings that form the foundation of the Italian city of Venice were made from alder trees.[3]

Alder bark contains the anti-inflammatory salicin, which is metabolized into salicylic acid in the body.[4] Native Americans used red alder bark (Alnus rubra) to treat poison oak, insect bites, and skin irritations. Blackfeet Indians used an infusion made from the bark of red alder to treat lymphatic disorders and tuberculosis. Recent clinical studies have verified that red alder contains betulin and lupeol, compounds shown to be effective against a variety of tumors.[5]

The inner bark of the alder, as well as red osier dogwood, or chokecherry, was also used by Native Americans in their smoking mixtures, known as kinnikinnick, to improve the taste of the bearberry leaf.[6]

Alder is illustrated in the coat of arms for the Austrian town of Grossarl.

Electric guitars, most notably the Fender Stratocaster and Fender Telecaster, have been built with alder bodies since the 1950s. Alder is appreciated for its bright tone, and has been adopted by many electric guitar manufacturers.


The genus is divided into three subgenera:

Subgenus Alnus: Trees with stalked shoot buds, male and female catkins produced in autumn (fall) but stay closed over winter, pollinating in late winter or early spring, about 15–25 species, including:

Speckled alder (Alnus incana subsp. rugosa)—leaves
  • Alnus incana—grey alder, Eurasia
    • Alnus hirsuta (A. incana subsp. hirsuta)—Manchurian alder, northeastern Asia, and central Asia in mountains
    • Alnus oblongifolia (A. incana subsp. oblongifolia)—Arizona alder, southwestern North America
    • Alnus rugosa (A. incana subsp. rugosa)—speckled alder, northeastern North America
    • Alnus tenuifolia (A. incana subsp. tenuifolia)—thinleaf or mountain alder, northwestern North America
  • Alnus japonica—Japanese alder, Japan
  • Alnus jorullensis—Mexican alder, Mexico, Guatemala (one of the few evergreen species)
  • Alnus mandshuricaRussian Far East, China, Korea
  • Alnus matsumuraeHonshū (Japan)
  • Alnus nepalensis—Nepalese alder, eastern Himalaya, southwest China
  • Alnus orientalis—Oriental alder, southern Turkey, northwest Syria, Cyprus
  • Alnus pendula—Japan, Korea
  • Alnus rhombifolia—white alder, interior western North America
  • Alnus rubra—red alder, west coastal North America
Leaves of the tag alder
  • Alnus serrulata—hazel alder, tag alder or smooth alder, eastern North America
  • Alnus sieboldiana—Honshū (Japan)
  • Alnus subcordata—Caucasian alder, Caucasus, Iran
  • Alnus trabeculosa—China, Japan

Subgenus Clethropsis. Trees or shrubs with stalked shoot buds, male and female catkins produced in autumn (fall) and expanding and pollinating then, three species:

  • Alnus formosana—Formosan alder, Taiwan
  • Alnus maritima—seaside alder, east coastal North America, plus disjunct population in Oklahoma
  • Alnus nitida—Himalayan alder, western Himalaya

Subgenus Alnobetula. Shrubs wit shoot buds not stalked, male and female catkins produced in late spring (after leaves appear) and expanding and pollinating then, one to four species:

Green Alder (Alnus viridis)
  • Alnus viridis—green alder, widespread:
    • Alnus viridis subsp. viridis - Eurasia
    • Alnus viridis subsp. maximowiczii (A. maximowiczii) - Japan
    • Alnus viridis subsp. crispa (A. crispa) - northern North America
    • Alnus viridis subsp. sinuata (A. sinuata, Sitka alder or slide alder - western North America, far northeastern Siberia


  1. ^ Clayson, Howell (May 2008). Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. Wellington: Department of Conservation. ISBN 978-0-478-14412-3. 
  2. ^ Plants For A Future (Database)
  3. ^ Kendall, Paul (25 August 2010). "Mythology and Folklore of the Alder". Trees for life. Retrieved 6 August 2011. 
  4. ^ Ewing, Susan. The Great Alaska Nature Factbook. Portland: Alaska Northwest Books, 1996.
  5. ^ Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West, Gregory L. Tilford, ISBN 0-87842-359-1
  6. ^ Staff (2009) "Bearberry" Discovering Lewis and Clark The Lewis and Clark Fort Mandan Foundation

Further reading

  • Chen, Zhiduan and Li, Jianhua (2004). Phylogenetics and Biogeography of Alnus (Betulaceae) Inferred from Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA ITS Region. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 325–335.

External links


Dansk (Danish)
n. - el, elletræ

Nederlands (Dutch)

Français (French)
n. - aulne, aune

Deutsch (German)
n. - Erle

Ελληνική (Greek)
n. - (φυτολ.) σκλήθρα

Italiano (Italian)
ontano, alno, antenato, capo

Português (Portuguese)
n. - amieiro (m) (Bot.)

Русский (Russian)
черная ольха

Español (Spanish)
n. - aliso

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - al

中文(简体)(Chinese (Simplified))

中文(繁體)(Chinese (Traditional))
n. - 赤楊

한국어 (Korean)
n. - 오리나무

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ハンノキ

العربيه (Arabic)
‏(الاسم) نوع أشجار تنمو في ألمناطق ألرطبه‏

עברית (Hebrew)
n. - ‮אלמון, אלנוס (עץ)‬

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