<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español | Portugués | Italiano | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands March 14, 2012 | Issue #67

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An Authentic Journalist Speaks from a Free Egypt

“Let me tell you a story about media and revolution.”

By Namees Arnous
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

April 7, 2011

First, I would like to thank the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism. Working professionally as a journalist, I think the media is a very important tool in society.

Namees Arnous
Let me tell you a story about media and revolution. Here in Egypt, we have many “independent” channels and newspapers, but it was during the revolution that we saw who was real and who was fake. On January 25, the Egyptian media adopted the line of the Mubarak regime. There was no credibility, neutrality, or professionalism. They promoted lies to smear the demonstrators, saying that we had been paid by foreign countries like the United States, Israel, or Iran. “Wow,” I thought. “What a joke. As if we are in Tahrir Square demonstrating for a KFC meal!”

That’s how Egyptian TV was at that time, whether it was government-owned or “independent.” I was working for one of those channels, called EL Mehwar TV, which was strongly participating in the media farce. When I wrote on my Facebook page to tell readers that what was happening on EL Mehwar’s screens was fake and a lie, everybody working at the channel—even my friends—wrote on my wall to call me a traitor and say that I was paid to be in Tahrir Square. After that, I decided that I had to resign.

After the revolution everything changed, and it will continue to change. The most important thing I’m working to change here is the media. I want an authentic media that will support people with real information, not lies. To accomplish this I am interested in the power of using videos to tell stories. It is a part of my job as a TV reporter. So the opportunity to study with the viral video group at the School of Authentic Journalism comes at the perfect time.

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There, I know I will meet a wonderful group of people from all over the world. It will be great for us to communicate and share our experiences with each other, about journalism and life. After seeing how friendly Al Giordano and Greg Berger were in Cairo, I know that I will have a good time in Mexico, without feeling lonely or far away from my home and friends.

Finally, please remember this: “Journalism isn’t just a job, it’s a passion.”

Namees Arnous

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The Narco News Bulletin: Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America