Letters from Ethan at BuzzFlash.com

Letters from Ethan Archives 2005 | 2004

Mr. Bush, I Thought You Honored the Dixie Chicks. - December 16, 2004

Mr. Bush, You Need a New Test to Find Terrorists - December 13, 2004

Mr. Rumsfeld, Please Resign Today. - December 10, 2004

Mr. Bush, You Are a Liar. | Page 2 - November 2, 2004

Mr. Bush, Are You Worried about the Mess in Iraq? - October 28, 2004

Mr. Cheney, What is So Funny About Opposing Assault Weapons that Kill Innocent People? - October 22, 2004

Mr. Bush, If You're Winning the War on Terror, Why Is There More Terrorism - October 14, 2004

Dear Dick, Why Did You NOT Thank Sen. Edwards? - October 6, 2004

Dear CBS, Can You Explain Your Hypocritical Behavior? - September 28, 2004

Mr. Bush, Could You Win the Election if You Had to Tell the Truth? | Page 2 - September 23, 2004

Mr. Powell, When Compared to Bush’s Policies, What’s So Radical about Putin’s Proposals? - September 16, 2004

Mr. Bush, If Your Ultimate Desire is to Build a Safer World, Why Would You Passively Watch a Ban on Assault Weapons Expire? - September 14, 2004

Mr. Bush, 9/11 Reminded Me of All the Sacrifices. | Page 2 - September 13, 2004

Mr. Cheney, Thanks for Your Decisiveness. | Page 2 - September 8, 2004

Mr. Bush, Are You Ready for Danny Glover? - September 7, 2004

Mr. Powell, Were You Scared of the Athens Protestors? - September 1, 2004

Mr. Bush, When Will You Declare Internet Users Terrorists? - August 27, 2004

Sen. Roberts, Why Do We Need to Break Up the CIA? - August 25, 2004

Mr. Bush, "Harming Our Country and Our People"? - August 18, 2004

Mr. Bush, Why Really Do the Terrorists Hate Us? - August 11, 2004

Mr. Bush, Why Do You Support Oppressive Regimes? - August 6, 2004

Cheney and Dr. King | Response - July 30, 2004

Dictatorship | Page 2 - July 29, 2004