Archive for February, 2011

Thomas Condemns His Critics As Undermining The Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has reportedly unleashed an attack on his critics for his violations of disclosure laws and alleged conflicts of interest. He warned law students that these critics are “undermining” the Court and endangering the country by weakening core institutions. As one of those critics, I am flabbergasted by Thomas’ remarks which show an implied disregard that seems to have now reached open contempt for certain principles of judicial ethics. There is not a hint of concern for his own conduct and how it has undermined the Supreme Court as an institution. For a prior column, click here

Continue reading ‘Thomas Condemns His Critics As Undermining The Supreme Court’

The Obama Administration Inserts Provision Into UN Security Council Measure To Protect Mercenaries From War Crimes Prosecutions

The recent United Nation Security Council decision to freeze the assets of the Gaddafi family was heralded as a high-point of international cooperation to fight authoritarian abuse. What has gotten less press attention is the role of the United States in drafting the resolution. The Obama Administration insisted on adding a provision that barred the punishment of mercenaries for war crimes committed in the country — out of concern that the same principle could be used against U.S. contractors in places like Iraq.

Continue reading ‘The Obama Administration Inserts Provision Into UN Security Council Measure To Protect Mercenaries From War Crimes Prosecutions’

Canadian Judge Under Fire For Light Rape Sentence and Comments on Victim

Manitoba Justice Robert Dewar is under attack for his sentencing of Kenneth Rhodes, 40, for sexual assault. Dewar gave Rhodes just a two-year conditional sentence to be served at home for raping a 26-year-old woman. Dewar appeared to blame the victim in part for the attack.
Continue reading ‘Canadian Judge Under Fire For Light Rape Sentence and Comments on Victim’

U.S. Site Blames New Zealand Earthquake on . . . Gays

It didn’t take long for religious fanatics in the United States to uncover a nugget of prejudicial hate in the ruins of the recent earthquake in New Zealand. Christchurch Quake is registered in Utah and claims that the earthquake was God’s judgment on the people of New Zealand for allowing “lesbians running loose on the South Island as if they own the place.”
Continue reading ‘U.S. Site Blames New Zealand Earthquake on . . . Gays’

Illinois Man Sends Over $200,000 To Fake Web “Girlfriend”

I am always shocked by folks who fail for Nigerian Internet schemes or web cons. The saddest, however, are the ones (as we have seen) that prey upon people looking for companions. A 48-year-old Naperville man has added himself to that lonely hearts club after giving $200,000 to a fake “girlfriend” whom he only knew over the Internet.
Continue reading ‘Illinois Man Sends Over $200,000 To Fake Web “Girlfriend”’

Watch a Real Reporter At Work

If you want to see a real reporter who asks the tough questions, take a look at Joey, 5, interviewing the Chicago Blackhawks.
Continue reading ‘Watch a Real Reporter At Work’

Big Corporations and Federal Taxes

Submitted by Lawrence Rafferty, (rafflaw), Guest Blogger

With the constant news reports highlighting the economic woes of the State and Federal governments and the important battle in Wisconsin and other states over the claim that workers need to sacrifice a little more to help out their state governments, it is interesting to learn just how much big corporations pay in Federal Taxes. Would it surprise you if I told you that many of our largest corporations pay zero Federal taxes? Continue reading ‘Big Corporations and Federal Taxes’

Do The Rooms Come With Fire Hydrants: Paris Has Luxury Pet Hotel

Submitted by Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

Jet-setting canines have a new stop on the luxury hotel circuit. Hoteliers in Paris have opened a new dogs-only luxury hotel. To cater to their four-legged guests, Devi and Stan Burun, have included a heated pool, masseuse, televisions equipped with DVDs, and a doggie workout room with treadmills and a decor adorned with framed doggie prints.

Continue reading ‘Do The Rooms Come With Fire Hydrants: Paris Has Luxury Pet Hotel’

Applying Trademark Law to Fictional Brands

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Benjamin Arrow, a 3L at Fordham University School of Law, has raised an interesting question in his article for The Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal. Can a use in fiction constitute a “use in commerce” sufficient to reserve priority rights in a trademark?

In 1996, Fox won a preliminary injunction against two Australian breweries for manufacturing a product called “Duff Beer.” Fox is also pursuing lawsuits against other breweries, but what harm could Fox allege?

Continue reading ‘Applying Trademark Law to Fictional Brands’

Lawyers Using Groupon – Ethical?

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

We have previously discussed the law firm with the drive-thru window, here. That notion seems upscale compared to law firms using Goupon. Groupon (group coupon) is a deal-of-the-day website that can determine your computer’s location through it’s IP address and offer you discounts on goods and services in your area. If enough people sign up for the deal, it becomes available. If the predetermined minimum is not reached, no one gets the deal. Groupon makes money by keeping approximately half of the cost of the deal.

Groupon recently turned down a rumored $6 billion buy-out offer from Google.

Continue reading ‘Lawyers Using Groupon – Ethical?’

Three’s The (Ch)Arm

Submitted by Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

Think reality is self-evident. Neuroscientists at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institutet aren’t so sure. Seems recent testing reveals it is quite easy to convince the human mind that it’s body has three arms.

Continue reading ‘Three’s The (Ch)Arm’

Have I The Right?

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Today we have The Honeycombs in glorious STEREO!

Is the Scott Walker Story Just the Tip of the Koch Brothers’ Political Iceberg?

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

Last week I wrote up a post titled Scott Walker: A Fiscally Responsible Governor or a Politician Who Is Playing Favorites?. Judging from the number of comments left at that post, it appears that people are very interested in what’s been going on in the state of Wisconsin. I think many people may believe that as Wisconsin goes—so goes the nation…and probably the life expectancy of labor unions and collective bargaining.

What got a lot of press attention was the story of the prank phone call that Governor Walker received from gonzo journalist Ian Murphy. Murphy pretended to be billionaire industrialist David Koch. He talked to Walker for twenty minutes. Murphy reportedly told the Associated Press he made the prank phone call in order to show how candid Walker would be in a conversation with Koch at a time when Democrats claim the governor was refusing to return their calls.

Continue reading ‘Is the Scott Walker Story Just the Tip of the Koch Brothers’ Political Iceberg?’

Is Free Speech Really Free?


Submitted by Lawrence Rafferty, (rafflaw), Guest Blogger


After a few recent discussions about Free Speech in earlier threads, I came across another example of how limited our Free Speech really is.  At a recent speech by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a former CIA employee, Ray McGovern, attempted to protest her speech about Democracy and Freedom of Speech and how the freedom to disseminate information helped the Egyptians rid themselves of a brutal dictator.  Continue reading ‘Is Free Speech Really Free?’

Birthright Citizenship Was the Original Intent

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA) claims that birthright citizenship “undermines the intention of the Fourteenth Amendment.” Arizona Rep. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills alleged that “if you go back to the original intent of the drafters … it was never intended to bestow citizenship upon aliens.” Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) trots out the old canard that the Citizenship Clause was drafted to “address slavery, not immigration.”

When one looks at the 1866 Senate debate regarding the 14th Amendment, the facts don’t support these claims.

Continue reading ‘Birthright Citizenship Was the Original Intent’

Giles County School Board Obeys Constitution

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

The school board in Giles County, VA, has decided to remove the Ten Commandments posters in all local schools. The Virginia ACLU and the Freedom From Religion Foundation had plaintiffs and threatened lawsuits that the school board would have almost surely lost. The school board decided it could better spend the estimated $300,000 cost of a lawsuit on instruction that wasn’t religious.

Continue reading ‘Giles County School Board Obeys Constitution’


-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Today we present The Crystals in glorious STEREO!

Grappling . . . Grappling . . . I’ll Let You Know: Obama Remains Undecided on Gay Marriage

Some of us have raised objections for the last two years on President Obama’s conflicting positions on gay rights. Now, White House Spokesman Jay Carney was able to nail down concretely the President’s position on gay marriage: he is still “grappling” with it.
Continue reading ‘Grappling . . . Grappling . . . I’ll Let You Know: Obama Remains Undecided on Gay Marriage’

That’s Why They Call It Sue-Shi: Los Angeles Man Sues Over Denial of All-You-Can-Eat Sushi Bar

There is an interesting case in Los Angeles where David Martin found an all-you-can-eat offer at a Sushi restaurant a bit fishy . . . or perhaps not fishy enough. Martin went to the Studio City restaurant to take advantage of the all you can eat deal for $28. However, because he is a diabetic, he proceeded to eat the fish and leave the rice. That led Restaurant owner Jay Oh to cry foul and demand that he either eat the rice with the fish or pay a la carte prices. That led Martin to file suit.

Continue reading ‘That’s Why They Call It Sue-Shi: Los Angeles Man Sues Over Denial of All-You-Can-Eat Sushi Bar’

Former MADD President in Florida Arrested for DUI

In one of the more awkward mug shots, Devra Oberlin, 48, has been arrested for DUI. Nothing strange there. Thousands are arrested under such charges every year. However, Oberlin is the former president of the local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).
Continue reading ‘Former MADD President in Florida Arrested for DUI’

Roger Ailes Accused of Encouraging Judith Regan To Lie To Federal Investigators

Filings in Judith Regan’s pending lawsuit have revealed the identity of the person whom she says encouraged her to lie to federal investigators about her affair with former New York police commissioner, Homeland Security nominee and subsequent convicted felon Bernard Kerick. She previously described the person as a “senior fox executive” but papers revealed that she was referring to Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News.

Continue reading ‘Roger Ailes Accused of Encouraging Judith Regan To Lie To Federal Investigators’

Religiously Redneck: Florida Prisoners Lists Rednecks As His Religion on Booking Form

As Jeff Foxworthy might say, you know you’re a Redneck if you actually write down “Redneck” on your booking form under religion. That stand-up (and line-up) line properly goes to Joshua Lee Joehlin, who has become the first religiously Redneck inmate in Florida.
Continue reading ‘Religiously Redneck: Florida Prisoners Lists Rednecks As His Religion on Booking Form’

Jeff Cox Responds to Criticism in Mother Jones Article

After the posting this morning over the controversy involving former Indiana Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox, I had an opportunity to discuss the allegations with him in detail. Cox makes an interesting free speech case over his treatment and later termination for comments that he made on Twitter and on his blog. I wanted to share some of those details and the concern over a termination based on a lawyer’s statements in his private life.
Continue reading ‘Jeff Cox Responds to Criticism in Mother Jones Article’

Tennessee Legislators Move To Make Adherence to Sharia Law a Felony

State Sen. Bill Ketron, R-Murfreesboro, and state Rep. Judd Matheny, R-Tullahoma, have introduced a bill that would make it a felony to adhere to Sharia law in the state of Tennessee — punishable by 15 years in jail. The facially unconstitutional law would make Tennessee the leading state in the Union in the denial of freedom of religion.

Continue reading ‘Tennessee Legislators Move To Make Adherence to Sharia Law a Felony’

Seventeen Police Officers Arrested in Kickback Scheme

Seventeen police officers and the owners of the Majestic Auto Repair Shop have been arrested in an extortion scheme involving thousands of dollars of kickbacks from towing cases.
Continue reading ‘Seventeen Police Officers Arrested in Kickback Scheme’

A Little Touch of Tripoli? Indiana Deputy Attorney General Calls For Use of Live Fire Against Protesters In Wisconsin

Indiana Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Cox has reportedly been fired after Mother Jones Magazine identified him as the source of a tweet denouncing liberals and calling for the use of live ammunition against teacher protesters in Wisconsin.

Continue reading ‘A Little Touch of Tripoli? Indiana Deputy Attorney General Calls For Use of Live Fire Against Protesters In Wisconsin’

Obama Administration Refuses To Defend The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

For two years, some of us have been criticizing President Obama for his Administration’s opposition to same-sex marriage and the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy in federal courts. The Justice Department has now announced that it has decided to reverse its position and refuse to further defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Continue reading ‘Obama Administration Refuses To Defend The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)’

Delaware Supreme Court Overturns Ruling That Movie Announcement to Turn Off Cellphones Was Racist

There is an interesting case out of Delaware where the Supreme Court overturned a decision by the state Human Relations Commission that the manager of a Dover cinema, David Stewart, was racist for asking people in a largely black movie audience to turn off their cellphones and refrain from talking during the movie. What is most interesting is the individual who appears to have helped organize the complaint to the Human Relations Commission. The decision also overturned the $80,000 fine against the Carmike 14 Theater. The case is Boggerty v. Stewart, 2011 Del. LEXIS 108 (Feb. 17, 2011)
Continue reading ‘Delaware Supreme Court Overturns Ruling That Movie Announcement to Turn Off Cellphones Was Racist’

House Overwhelmingly Rejects Ron Paul’s Effort To End Afghan War and To Save $116 Billion Annually

We have been discussing the failure of President Obama and both parties to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while our cities and states continue to sell off property and shutdown vital programs due to a lack of money (here and here and here and here and here). Rep. Ron Paul again showed his mettle this month and again called for an end to the Afghan war. In legislation proposed with Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, Paul sought to withdraw funding for the war at a savings of more than $116 billion a year by ending the war in Afghanistan.
Continue reading ‘House Overwhelmingly Rejects Ron Paul’s Effort To End Afghan War and To Save $116 Billion Annually’

Every Teacher in Providence Given Pink Slip Due To Expected Budget Shortfalls

We just saw how Michigan has responded to budget shortfalls by ordering the closure of half of Detroit’s school – pushing the class size to 60 students. Now, Supt. Tom Brady has gone one better: issuing pink slips to all of the teachers in the school system in anticipation of dire budget cuts. I have previously noted the disconnect in these stories as Congress and President Obama continue to gush billions in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. An effort by Ron Paul to force a pull out of the war to save $100 billion a year was roundly rejected this week.

Continue reading ‘Every Teacher in Providence Given Pink Slip Due To Expected Budget Shortfalls’

And You Thought You Were A Good Father?

I thought that I was a good father until I saw this clip of what a father did after 80 hours of snow-shoveling in Lake Tahoe.
Continue reading ‘And You Thought You Were A Good Father?’

Citizens of Utah Demand Recall of Wisconsin Senators

It appears that the people of Utah feel deeply about representation in Wisconsin. A Utah based group calling itself the American Recall Coalition has filed to campaign for the recall of Democratic senators who remain in hiding to stop legislation curtailing labor rules for teachers. It turns out that beyond a few pending matters in Salt Lake, the people of Utah are primarily concerned about matters in Madison.

Continue reading ‘Citizens of Utah Demand Recall of Wisconsin Senators’

The Sharia Shag Cut: Male Hairdressers Ordered To Stop Cutting Women’s Hair

The hardline Islamic government in Gaza has implemented another edict under Sharia law. This time male hairdressers were told that they would be arrested if they continued to cut women’s hair.

Continue reading ‘The Sharia Shag Cut: Male Hairdressers Ordered To Stop Cutting Women’s Hair’

Colorado Boy Arrested For Inappropriate Stick Drawing

We have yet another example of mindless school policies leading to an equally mindless arrest. An eleven-year-old Arvada Colorado boy was arrested for drawing an inappropriate stick figure — even though his therapist had told him to draw such pictures as a way to managing his emotions.

Continue reading ‘Colorado Boy Arrested For Inappropriate Stick Drawing’

Arizona Aims To Make Colt The Official State Gun

We recently saw how Utah was moving toward the establishment of the M1911 as the first official state gun. Now, Arizona is aiming to beat Utah to the prize by naming the Colt single-action Army revolver as its official state gun.

Continue reading ‘Arizona Aims To Make Colt The Official State Gun’

City Stops Payment of Legal Fees for Accused Police Officers

Mayor William Lantigua of Lawrence. Massachusetts has announced that the city will no longer pay legal bills for police officers, including the bills for officers currently in court in nine brutality cases pending in U.S. District Court.
Continue reading ‘City Stops Payment of Legal Fees for Accused Police Officers’

Illinois To End Funding of Alcohol and Drug Programs While Michigan Orders Detroit To Close Half of Its Schools

As we continue to spend billions every week in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, states continue to cut basic programs for lack of funding. The latest is Illinois, which just cut all funding for drug and alcohol abuse treatment in the state and Michigan which has ordered Detroit to close half of its schools (driving class size to 60 students). What is striking is the lack of any connection drawn between these states which are short hundreds of millions of dollars in their budgets and the expenditures of billions each week in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Continue reading ‘Illinois To End Funding of Alcohol and Drug Programs While Michigan Orders Detroit To Close Half of Its Schools’

Karzai Moves to Take Over (and Shutdown) Women’s Shelters

Afghan women and public interest groups are opposing an effort of Afghan President Hamid Karzai to take over all of the shelters for abused and battered women. You may recall Karzai’s earlier feminist agenda when he initially support the legalization of rape. The new move is viewed as a way for the government to satisfy hardliners in blocking access to some women to shelters. The government is also expected to close some shelters entirely.

Continue reading ‘Karzai Moves to Take Over (and Shutdown) Women’s Shelters’

Texas Tech Freezes Faculty Salaries While Giving Its Football Coach a $500,000 Year Pay Increase

Texas Tech University seems to be sending a rather curious message about its priorities. Faculty members are objecting after the administration froze faculty salaries for the entire university but then gave Texas Tech football coach Tommy Tuberville a $500,000 a year raise.
Continue reading ‘Texas Tech Freezes Faculty Salaries While Giving Its Football Coach a $500,000 Year Pay Increase’

FSU: The S is For (Semi-)Sober

I just saw this on Reddit and thought it was a bit of a curious sales pitch for Florida State University. I note that they do not give the same assurance of “mostly sober” for their faculty.
Continue reading ‘FSU: The S is For (Semi-)Sober’

Dallas Officer Suspended Over Facebook Postings

Dallas Police Sr. Cpl. Cat Lafitte has become the latest victim of the enticement of Facebook. Lafitte reportedly posted an assortment of shocking comments on her accounts, including bragging about cutting a hospital worker’s face when he tried to get her to stop screaming profanities into her cellphone.
Continue reading ‘Dallas Officer Suspended Over Facebook Postings’

Birkhead Threatens Legal Action Against Anna Nicole Smith Opera

Larry Birkhead, the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s only surviving child Dannielynn (and therefore the heir to her large estate), is threatening legal action against the Royal Opera House over its opera “Anna Nicole.” Birkhead is insisting that the portrayal of Smith is not flattering or respectful — leading to some interesting questions of how (even if Anna Nicole were living) such an opera would defame a former stripper and reality television star who courted controversy in her life.
Continue reading ‘Birkhead Threatens Legal Action Against Anna Nicole Smith Opera’

Scientists (Again) Criticize Obama Administration Over Claims of Recovery of Gulf After BP Spill

Remember when Obama energy advisor Carol Browner assured the public that the oil from the BP spill has miraculously disappeared after criticism of Obama’s opening up the pristine areas of Eastern coast to exploration? Well, the Administration is still at odds with scientists who insist that the damage is devastating.
Continue reading ‘Scientists (Again) Criticize Obama Administration Over Claims of Recovery of Gulf After BP Spill’

Meet Your Greatest Nightmare: New York Data Reveals Most Dangerous Breeds

Dog bites are the bread and butter of thousands of lawyers. One of the greatest secrets of the personal injury lawyers, however, is that a large portion of the bite business comes not from big dogs but little lap dogs. The secret is now out. New York health officials have released the 2010 data showing that the Chihuahua and Shih Tzu are two of the top five menacing breeds in the city.
Continue reading ‘Meet Your Greatest Nightmare: New York Data Reveals Most Dangerous Breeds’

Judge Disallows Padilla Torture Suit Because He Was Tortured?

Submitted by Lawrence Rafferty, (rafflaw), Guest Blogger


You may have missed this story in the corporate media.   It is an issue that is near and dear to my heart.  It seems that a Federal Judge has dismissed a case brought by Jose Padilla and others against Donald Rumsfeld and other Bush administration officials, for a very interesting reason.  Continue reading ‘Judge Disallows Padilla Torture Suit Because He Was Tortured?’

Jury Tampering and the First Amendment

Mike Appleton (guest blogger)

A Florida circuit judge has issued  an administrative order virtually certain to result in a court battle pitting the right of free speech against the duty of courts to protect the integrity of jury deliberations.  The order prohibits “the dissemination of all leaflets and other materials to summoned jurors, as well as approaching a summoned juror for the purpose of displaying a sign to, or engaging in oral protest, education or counseling with information tending to influence summoned jurors on any matter, question, cause, or proceeding which may be pending, or which may be brought, before him or her as such juror… .”

Continue reading ‘Jury Tampering and the First Amendment’

Scott Walker: A Fiscally Responsible Governor or a Politician Who Is Playing Favorites?

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

There’s been a lot going on in Wisconsin in the past week. I hope most Americans are aware of the reason why so many Wisconsinites have converged on the state capital to hold demonstrations.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a Republican, claims that the state is in financial trouble. He’s asking teachers, plow drivers, janitors, nurses, garbage collectors, and other public sector workers to contribute more to their pensions and to pay a larger amount of their health premiums. It appears many of those workers are willing to negotiate with the governor and to consider having more money taken out of their paychecks for their pensions and health insurance. What those employees are not willing to do is relinquish their right to collective bargaining.

Continue reading ‘Scott Walker: A Fiscally Responsible Governor or a Politician Who Is Playing Favorites?’

Politics of Contraband: Jerks Smuggle Jerky to Finance 34 Mile Trip

Submitted by Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

Steve Martin’s character, Navin Johnson, has nothing on two West Virginia residents hell-bent to rescue a relative with car trouble. Hearing the plea for help, but without sufficient funds to finance the 34 mile trip from Somerset, PA to New Stanton, PA, cousins Michael Allen Graham, 37, and John Edward Barry, 35,  got  resourceful. Believing they could “live off the land,” so to speak, the Milton, WVa duo began an alleged shoplifting spree at gas stations and auto parts stores in the general direction of the disabled motorist.

Continue reading ‘Politics of Contraband: Jerks Smuggle Jerky to Finance 34 Mile Trip’

Religion Grapples With Sportsmanship In Iowa

Submitted by Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger
One hundred twelve pound Cassie Herkelman is a historic figure in Iowa high school sports. Though Iowa has allowed girls to compete against boys in wrestling for two decades, Cassie is the first to win a match in Iowa’s legendary state wrestling tourney. The problem, for some, is that she won by forfeit.

Continue reading ‘Religion Grapples With Sportsmanship In Iowa’

Forget About Obama, Was Washington Constitutional?

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

The Constitution’s text on the issue states “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.” The problem arises due to a pesky comma. Does the clause “at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” refer only to “a Citizen of the United States” or to both clauses including “a natural born Citizen?” It turns out that according to accepted rules of grammar in 1787, the pesky comma means that “at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” refers to both antecedent clauses.

Continue reading ‘Forget About Obama, Was Washington Constitutional?’

Battle of the Kung Fu Pandas

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

DreamWorks has been hit with a copyright infringement lawsuit. Jayme Gordon filed his lawsuit in federal court in Boston claiming that DreamWorks is infringing on his copyrights on the idea of a chunky panda with kung fu prowess, as well as several other animal characters.

The complaint alleges striking similarities between Gordon’s work and DreamWorks’ Kung Fu Panda. The image at left is from the complaint and lends credence to that allegation.

Continue reading ‘Battle of the Kung Fu Pandas’

These Boots Are Made For Walkin’

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

These Boots Are Made For Walkin’

For your listening enjoyment, we offer Nancy Sinatra in glorious STEREO! Start walkin’.

Ethics and The Supreme Court

Submitted By Lawrence Rafferty, (rafflaw) Guest Blogger


Professor Turley has recently discussed the ethical problems raised by Supreme Court Justices Scalia and Thomas by their attendance and participation in fund raisers for conservative groups.  In addition, Justice Thomas’ wife has also come under criticism for working for a lobbying group that benefitted from the Citizen United decision.  With all of the potential conflicts of interest that these Supreme Court Justices are involved in, it looks like someone is finally attempting to rein in the Justices and make them subject to the Judicial Conference’s Code of Conduct which all other Federal Judges have to adhere to. Continue reading ‘Ethics and The Supreme Court’

The Right’s War on Women Continues…at the State Level

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

On the National Level

In late January, I wrote a post titled Rape Redefined and Brought to You by the US House of Representatives in which I talked about members of Congress—mostly Republicans—who were attempting to “redefine” what the only REAL kind of rape is—that would be “forcible rape.” (I wasn’t aware there was any other kind of rape.) These Congressmen were proposing legislation that would no longer consider the following types of sexual assault as rape: The rapes of women with limited mental capacity and rapes in which women were drugged or given excessive amounts of alcohol.

Continue reading ‘The Right’s War on Women Continues…at the State Level’

Using Lara Logan

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

The Right is on a crusade to show that Islam is evil. The use of the attack on Lara Logan to further that agenda is despicable. The assault was almost certainly perpetrated by pro-Mubarak thugs who were sent out to rough up journalists and protestors. Now the Mubarak supporters here in the U.S. are using the attack on Lara Logan to further their own political agenda.

Continue reading ‘Using Lara Logan’

$315 Million For “Boobs and Woo”?

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

The Huffington Post (HuffPo) was recently acquired by AOL for $315 million, $300 million of it in cash. That’s a lot of money for what’s been called “the Journal of Boobs and Woo.” The boobs are OK, the woo is not. In a recent David Kirby article, The Autism-Vaccine Debate: Why It Won’t Go Away, HuffPo keeps up the woo part. The short answer: because opportunists like Kirby have teamed with believers in the cult of pseudoscience to keep this manufactured controversy alive whenever it starts to fade.

In the article, Kirby defends the irresponsible and dishonest Andrew Wakefield.

Continue reading ‘$315 Million For “Boobs and Woo”?’

Short Fat Fannie

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Short Fat Fannie

Break out the headphones/earbuds, today we have Larry Williams in glorious STEREO! Get up and dance.

Chicago Woman Accused of Fatally Hitting Man After Driving While Updating Her Facebook Account

A wrongful death lawsuit in Chicago has alleged another case of distracted driving . . . this time involving a driver, Araceli Beas, who is accused of updating her Facebook account on her cellphone just before she hit and killed pedestrian Raymond Veloz.
Continue reading ‘Chicago Woman Accused of Fatally Hitting Man After Driving While Updating Her Facebook Account’

Hastings Law Professor Subject To Mistaken Drug Raid

Hastings Law Professor Clark Freshman has acquired some real-life material for his next class. Narcotics police raided his home on January 11th in the belief that he had an illegal marijuana growing operation. They found only a rather ticked off law professor.
Continue reading ‘Hastings Law Professor Subject To Mistaken Drug Raid’

Meet Harvey Updyke: ‘Bama Tide Fan and Alleged Tree Killer

Harvey A. Updyke, 62, reportedly really really likes the Alabama Crimson Tide . . . and does not think much of trees. Police arrested Updyke in the poisoning of the historic oak “Toomer’s” trees at Auburn where victories have long been celebrated by students and faculty.
Continue reading ‘Meet Harvey Updyke: ‘Bama Tide Fan and Alleged Tree Killer’

Wisconsin Man Charged With Child Porn After Altering Video of School Song To Look Like Kids Were Listening To Sexual Lyrics

Evan Emory, 21, is the focus of a curious case of pornography in Wisconsin. Emory convinced a first-grade teacher at Ravenna’s Beechnau Elementary School to allow him to come into her class and sing two kid-themed songs. He videotaped the songs and then went home and substituted sexual lyrics to make it look like the kids were listening to provocative songs. He now faces a potential sentence of twenty years for the crime.
Continue reading ‘Wisconsin Man Charged With Child Porn After Altering Video of School Song To Look Like Kids Were Listening To Sexual Lyrics’

Iraq Demands $1 Billion And An Apology From U.S. For Damage To Baghdad

In an example of unparalleled hubris, Iraqi officials are demanding that the United States apologize and pay $1 billion for the damage done to the city. Officials are complaining that the blast walls installed by the U.S. to protect the public are ugly and that Humvees and vehicles have caused damage in patrolling the city and fighting insurgents.

Continue reading ‘Iraq Demands $1 Billion And An Apology From U.S. For Damage To Baghdad’

Congresswomen Moves To Stop Military From Spending $100 Million in NASCAR Endorsements

Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minnesota, has come up with an easy way to say $100 million: end military sponsorships of NASCAR. Most people might be a bit surprised to learn that we are spending $100 million for NASCAR endorsements, but that cost is quite modest when you consider that the military is willing to spend almost $500,000 for a flyover of a closed football stadium.
Continue reading ‘Congresswomen Moves To Stop Military From Spending $100 Million in NASCAR Endorsements’

David Schoen Responds To Criticism Over Lawsuit Against Jimmy Carter

I previously posted a critical account of the lawsuit filed against former President Jimmy Carter by David Schoen of Montgomery, Alabama and Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of Ramat Gan, Israel. I view the filing as not just meritless but a direct threat to free speech in the misuse of common law and consumer protection laws. This morning, I received an email from David Schoen and I felt (with his approval) he has a right to be heard in full on the issue.

Continue reading ‘David Schoen Responds To Criticism Over Lawsuit Against Jimmy Carter’

Widener Law Professor Suspended For Using Dean In Hypotheticals

There is a rather considerable controversy over academic freedom out of Widener School of Law where professor Lawrence Connell has been suspended after using Dean Linda Ammons in hypotheticals in class. Two students filed complaints alleging that his use of Ammons (who is black) was violent, racist and sexist. The school is demanding that he retract the statements.
Continue reading ‘Widener Law Professor Suspended For Using Dean In Hypotheticals’

Horn-O-Plenty: Inmate Found With 30 Items During Cavity Search

In Sarasota County, Florida, Neil Lansing, 34, proved a virtual Cornucopia during a cavity search during booking. Officers removed everything short of his lawyer in their routine search.

Continue reading ‘Horn-O-Plenty: Inmate Found With 30 Items During Cavity Search’

A Basis for Damages or Sanctions? Jimmy Carter Sued Over His Book on Palestine

Former President Jimmy Carter has been named in a disturbing and clearly frivolous lawsuit over his representations on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in his 2006 book “Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid.” The five plaintiffs are seeking $5 million, but, in my view, should be held for Rule 11 sanctions in filing a vexatious and frivolous lawsuit. There is certainly a basis for the court to conclude that the lawsuit is a case, to paraphrase the book, “sanctions, not damages.”
Continue reading ‘A Basis for Damages or Sanctions? Jimmy Carter Sued Over His Book on Palestine’

Cross To Behr: Owner Refuses Order To Take Down Atheist-Converting Lighted Crosses

We previously followed the controversy over the nuisance created by a man who erected giant lighted crosses to convert or deter atheists, but succeeded in primarily blocking the sleep of his neighbor. Now, Carl Behr is refusing to take down the crosses by citing his duty to a higher law.
Continue reading ‘Cross To Behr: Owner Refuses Order To Take Down Atheist-Converting Lighted Crosses’

Dallas Commissioner Tells Complaining Citizens “All You Are White. Go To Hell”

The Dallas County Commissioner’s Court meeting this week became the scene of a racially charged incident after citizens confronted Commissioner John Wiley Price. Price, who is black, responded by telling the citizens “All of you are white. Go to hell!”

Continue reading ‘Dallas Commissioner Tells Complaining Citizens “All You Are White. Go To Hell”’

Throwing a Curveball: The Source Used To Justify Iraq War Admits He Made The Whole Thing Up

Curveball has finally admitted that he made the entire thing up. If you recall, we went to war in Iraq based on the claim that Saddam Hussein had developed biological weapons. That account was based on the statements of Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who our foreign allies warned was unreliable and clearly lying. However, President Bush and his aides were set upon invading Iraqi and relied on Curveball before the United Nations. He has now come out publicly to admit he fabricated the entire thing and could not believe the Americans relied upon his stories to launch a major war.
Continue reading ‘Throwing a Curveball: The Source Used To Justify Iraq War Admits He Made The Whole Thing Up’

Former Prosecutor Required To Register As Sex Offender

Former Franklin County District Attorney John Pilati has added another ignoble precedent to his record. Pilati has just completed a sentence for civil rights violations involving prisoners. Since these allegations include fondling men as they provided urinary drug tests, he must now register as a sex offender according to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in the decision below.

Continue reading ‘Former Prosecutor Required To Register As Sex Offender’

Teacher Suspended For Writing Critical Comments on Her Personal Blog

After just posting the story of a tenth-grade student suspended for a posting on Facebook, this story appeared of yet another teacher suspended for her own postings on a blog. Natalie Munroe taught at the Central Bucks East High School near Philadelphia as an English teacher — until students discovered a comment on a February 8th blog.

Continue reading ‘Teacher Suspended For Writing Critical Comments on Her Personal Blog’

High School Student Suspended For Insulting Teacher on Facebook

We have yet another case of a student being punished for remarks made on Facebook. Tenth-grader Donny Tobolski described one of his teachers as a “fat ass who should stop eating fast food, and is a douche bag.” He was promptly suspended.

Continue reading ‘High School Student Suspended For Insulting Teacher on Facebook’

Iranian Legislators Call For The Execution of Protest Leaders

After previously heralding the Egyptian protests as a triumph for democracy, the Iranian government has made it clear that such demonstrations are best viewed from afar. After cracking down on tens of thousands of protesters yesterday, Iranian legislators are calling for the leaders of the protests to be executed. This followed the announcement that the government will be opening special courts to punish journalists.

Continue reading ‘Iranian Legislators Call For The Execution of Protest Leaders’

D.C. Commissioner Opposes New Wal-Mart On Grounds That Her Constituents Cannot Resist Shoplifting

Many local activists and politicians oppose the arrival of a Wal-Mart on the ground that it destroys small businesses, threatens historic sites, or introduces only minimum wage jobs. Brenda Speaks, a Ward 4 ANC commissioner in Washington, D.C., has a more novel argument against a store in the Capitol: her constituents (and particularly young people) will not be able to resist shoplifting and the store will generate as many plea deals as shoppings deals.
Continue reading ‘D.C. Commissioner Opposes New Wal-Mart On Grounds That Her Constituents Cannot Resist Shoplifting’

Coulter Courts? Iran Creates A New Media Court To Jail Journalists

Ann Coulter may have finally found a country with that perfect mix of robust conservative values and restrictions on the free press . Only days after Ann Coulter was met with thunderous applause at CPAC after proclaiming “I think there should be more jailed journalists,” Iranian officials have announced the creation of a new court for media crimes. It is not clear whether the Iranians will name the new tribunals “Coulter courts” but they should be a real crowd pleaser for those who wildly applauded at CPAC.
Continue reading ‘Coulter Courts? Iran Creates A New Media Court To Jail Journalists’

Sherrod Sues Breitbart Over Misleading Video

Former USDA employee Shirley Sherrod has sued blogger Andrew Breitbart over the use of an edited video that made her falsely appear to be a racist. The case could prove quite burdensome for Breitbart, but will present Sherrod with some challenges as well.
Continue reading ‘Sherrod Sues Breitbart Over Misleading Video’

Fouling the Green: Tiger Woods Fined For Spitting

I was struck this morning by a quote from Ewen Murray, a commentator for Britain’s Sky Sports, that he saw Tiger Woods commit “one of the ugliest things you will ever see on a golf course.” While I do not golf, I had to find out what transgression Woods committed with images of those past call girls dancing in my imagination. It turns out that it was not some Splendor in the Grass but spitting. Woods has been charged and fined for spitting on the green at the Dubai Desert Classic.

Continue reading ‘Fouling the Green: Tiger Woods Fined For Spitting’

Family Sues National Forest Service Over Fatal Bear Attack

As a general matter, wild animals are not the basis for tort liability absent possession and control by a third party. However, the family of Sam Ives, 11, are suing the U.S. Forest Service after the boy was killed by a bear in 2007 in a the Timpanooke Recreation Area in Utah.
Continue reading ‘Family Sues National Forest Service Over Fatal Bear Attack’

Taco Belle? San Antonio Beauty Queen Sues Over Effort To Strip Her of Crown

Domonique Ramirez, 17, has filed a novel legal action to keep her crown as Miss San Antonio after pageant officials accused her of excessive consumption of tacos and insubordination.
Continue reading ‘Taco Belle? San Antonio Beauty Queen Sues Over Effort To Strip Her of Crown’

Man Reportedly Dies After Being Left 16 Hours in Texas Emergency Room Without Care

We have yet another citizen left to die in a waiting room in the United States. Witnesses say that a man was left for 16 hours to sit in the emergency room in the University Hospital in San Antonio until other patients informed the nurse that he had stopped breathing.
Continue reading ‘Man Reportedly Dies After Being Left 16 Hours in Texas Emergency Room Without Care’

Canadian Woman Found With Undeclared Raspberries and Strip Searches and Barred From Country

Loretta Van Beek insists she is not a Canadian raspberry mule. Indeed, she is suing the United States government after she was questioned for hours and strip searched at the border. Van Beek, 46, had failed to declare a few raspberries discovered by our border police, who became suspicious that she was living illegally in the United States. Illegals are known to be partial to raspberries.
Continue reading ‘Canadian Woman Found With Undeclared Raspberries and Strip Searches and Barred From Country’

The Right’s War on Women

Submitted by Lawrence Rafferty, (rafflaw), Guest Blogger

I don’t think Barry Goldwater would recognize Conservatism or his Republican Party if he was alive today. Conservatism used to mean belief in safe and sound economic spending and freedom for all from governments getting too large and too restrictive on personal freedoms. Recently we have seen Republicans offer up a brand new and dangerous definition of rape in an attempt to restrict abortions and to restrict government money being used to pay for them. Now we are seeing another Republican attempt to restrict the use of contraceptives under the guise of ending the alleged use of Federal funds to pay for abortions.

Continue reading ‘The Right’s War on Women’

JEOPARDY! Challenge

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Just a reminder for those who may have forgotten. The JEOPARDY! Challenge is this coming week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Check your local listings for time and channel.

This is a history making event. You won’t want to miss it. You can watch the NOVA episode “Smartest Machine on Earth”, here.

None Dare Call It Welfare

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Suzanne Mettler, professor at Cornell, has written an article in Perspectives on Politics that highlights the public ignorance regarding the benefits people receive from the state. Different government programs operate indirectly have made the extent of the US welfare state invisible. These government social programs are rarely stigmatized by equating them to welfare. Welfare, it’s not just for the poor.

The table, below the fold, is amazing.

Continue reading ‘None Dare Call It Welfare’

DNA Spray – It’s Hard Out There For a Crook

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

And it’s getting more difficult with the introduction of DNA spray. DNA spray is an invisible mist dispensed from devices placed in high crime areas. The mist is harmless and visible under UV light and sticks to clothing and the crevasses of the skin. Even after three-a-day showers, the DNA will remain on an offender for weeks. DNA spray provides a unique signature that, after forensic analysis, can irrefutably place the person at the scene of a crime.

The system is popular in Europe and will be coming to the U.S. soon.

Continue reading ‘DNA Spray – It’s Hard Out There For a Crook’

The Mighty Quinn

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

The Mighty Quinn

Today we again present Manfred Mann in glorious STEREO!

Mississippi Sons of Confederate Veterans Propose License Plate to Honor Civil War General Who Was Once a Member of the Ku Klux Klan

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

The Mississippi Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has come up with an idea for celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War—known to some as the “War between the States.” The veterans group has proposed that the state of Mississippi issue a series of specialty license plates commemorating the war. These specialty plates, planned for the years 2011 through 2015, would each have a different design.

What has some people upset is the specialty license plate slated for the year 2014, which would honor General Nathan Bedford Forrest.  Forrest, a native of Tennessee, is considered by some to have been a military genius. Others feel differently about Forrest who is “reviled” by some for allegedly having lead a massacre of Black Union troops at Fort Pillow in his home state in 1864. It should be noted that Forrest also served as the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Continue reading ‘Mississippi Sons of Confederate Veterans Propose License Plate to Honor Civil War General Who Was Once a Member of the Ku Klux Klan’

The NRA Claims That the Government is to Blame For Tucson Shootings

Submitted by Lawrence Rafferty, (rafflaw) Guest Blogger


You may recall that after the horrible Tucson shooting massacre, I wrote a piece for this blog suggesting that it might be a good time to consider banning deadly weapons and the high-capacity magazines of the type that the alleged killer used on that fateful day.  It was a difficult issue, but I thought then and still think now that it is an important issue that needs to be discussed by not only us, but by the American public through their Representatives and Senators  in Congress.  With that prior posting in mind, I was shocked to read a story earlier this week about the president of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, who blamed the shootings on government policies in a recent speech to the CPAC conference on Thursday, February 10thContinue reading ‘The NRA Claims That the Government is to Blame For Tucson Shootings’

You Pays Your Money And You … What?

Submited by Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

NBA star Le Bron James did what lots of professional players would love to do – he confronted a loud mouth fan during a game on Friday night. James, who recently departed his hometown team in Cleveland to a storm of criticism, was playing an away game in Auburn Hills Michigan against the Detroit Pistons. The Pistons, perennial bad boys of the NBA since the days of notorious  Bill Laimbeer and kooky Dennis Rodman, are in a hopeless downward spiral this season, while James’ team, the Miami Heat, are favorites to win the Eastern Division.

Continue reading ‘You Pays Your Money And You … What?’

Comedy Duo Entertains CPAC

Submitted by Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

First it was Hope and Crosby, then Rowan and Martin, and now the straight-laced conservative crowd at CPAC (The Conservative Political Action Conference) has its own custom-made comedic duo. Facing a chorus of boos and cheers former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld teamed up once again with straight man (and former VP) Dick Cheney for CPAC’s  ”Defender of the Constitution Award”  to entertain the assembled horde of Brooks Brothers clad “real men” — and a few women, too. Rumsfeld was not fazed by a few jeers at the mention of his name, and Dick Cheney was positively giddy when attendees yelled, “”Where Bin Laden at?” and “Show us the shackles Dick.” Cheney quipped in reply,” Alright, sit down and shut up.” What a card? Predictably those few dissidents (probably illegal immigrants) were drowned out by the ringing, obligatory chorus of “U.S.A,” U.S.A.”!  Good enough for a hockey game; good enough for the CPAC patriots. (Oops, hockey’s Canadian– make that football, damnit)  Boy, was Samuel Johnson ever right.

Continue reading ‘Comedy Duo Entertains CPAC’

Faith Healers Given Probation

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

We have previously discussed the death of Kent Schaible, here and here. Kent Schaible, 2, died of bacterial pneumonia because his parents Herbert and Catherine Schaible, a fundamentalist Christian couple, believed in faith healing and declined to get medical attention for their child in Philadelphia. They were convicted of involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment.

Common Pleas Court Judge Carolyn Engel Temin sentenced them to 10 years of probation. Continue reading ‘Faith Healers Given Probation’

No Break for Police Caught on Red Light Cameras

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

In Baltimore, Montgomery County, Maryland, there’s a growing number of cameras set up to catch speeders and red light runners. They work well. They work regardless of the type of vehicle. The cameras can’t detect if the vehicle has flashing lights and a siren, so police have been getting snapped. There’s no “officer courtesy”, where a brother officer would be given a break.

The fine for going through a red light is $75 and speeding is $40. The police are crying foul.

Continue reading ‘No Break for Police Caught on Red Light Cameras’

Doo Wah Ditty Ditty

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Doo Wah Ditty Ditty (Extended Version In Full Stereo)

Today we have Manfred Mann in glorious STEREO!

Gingrich Calls For Elimination of The Environmental Protection Agency

In a further example of the rush to the bottom in our political system, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told the Conservative Political Action Conference that he intends to scrap the EPA which he claims has waged a “war on American energy.”

Continue reading ‘Gingrich Calls For Elimination of The Environmental Protection Agency’

New Jersey Judge Accused of Allowing Police Officer to Serve As Prosecutor And Denying Counsel to Defendant

Linden Municipal Court Judge Louis DiLeo has been accused of an extraordinary act of misconduct in New Jersey. Wendell Kirkland alleges that DiLeo convicted him of burglary without the use of a prosecutor and even allowed a police officer to question him as if he were the prosecutor.
Continue reading ‘New Jersey Judge Accused of Allowing Police Officer to Serve As Prosecutor And Denying Counsel to Defendant’

Ole Miss Takes The Prize: Mississippians Purchase 82 Gallons of Soft Drinks Per Capita Each Year

Mississippi may be low on educational and employment studies, but it is number one in a recent survey of the most unhealthy states with the surprising record of having each citizen on average buying 82 gallons of soft drinks annually.

Continue reading ‘Ole Miss Takes The Prize: Mississippians Purchase 82 Gallons of Soft Drinks Per Capita Each Year’

Lincoln, The Great Colonizer? New Book Details Plans By Lincoln To Ship Freed Slaves To English Colonies

Author Phillip W. Magness has long harbored the view that Lincoln biographers had sanitized the history of “The Great Emancipator” to fit his modern popular image. Certainly, civil libertarians have long questioned Lincoln preeminence as a voice of freedom given his denial of habeas corpus and violations of constitutional rights and powers. Now, Magness is about to publish a book entitled “Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement,” revealing research showing that Lincoln actively explored and planned for the relocation of freed slaves to British colonies.
Continue reading ‘Lincoln, The Great Colonizer? New Book Details Plans By Lincoln To Ship Freed Slaves To English Colonies’

Iran Heralds Egyptian Protests . . . And Then Blocks Coverage in Iran

Iran has internationally heralded the protests in Egypt as a popular and justified uprising. However, like China, it has now blocked the BBC coverage of the protests to avoid any Iranian getting any ideas about freedom. Iran previously celebrated democratic freedom by arresting, beating, and in some cases executing protesters.

Continue reading ‘Iran Heralds Egyptian Protests . . . And Then Blocks Coverage in Iran’

Three Priests and a Teacher Arrested in Philadelphia for Allegedly Raping Boys

Four men, including three Catholic priests, were arrested in Philadelphia for allegedly raping and assaulting boys. Most notably, a former official in the Philadelphia Archdiocese was also arrested for his role in facilitating the abuse by failing to stop the priests — a charge that could be replicated in other cases involving the Church.
Continue reading ‘Three Priests and a Teacher Arrested in Philadelphia for Allegedly Raping Boys’

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