Tennessee bill protects teachers who challenge evolution
The state legislature of Tennessee has given legal cover to public school teachers to challenge the science of evolution and climate change, in a move that looks set to deepen a debate about politicisation of the classroom.
Sen. Whitehouse introduces the DISCLOSE Act of 2012
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) on Wednesday introduced the DISCLOSE Act of 2012, legislation that would prevent political donors from hiding their monetary contributions.
‘Zombie’ disease afflicts thousands of Ugandan children
Agnes Apio has to tie up her son Francis before she can leave the house. In his state, he is a danger to himself. Where once he walked and talked like a normal child, now he is only able to drag himself along in the dirt.
Sperm-hunting women prowl Zimbabwe highways
Sensational reports of gangs of beautiful women picking up male travellers to have sex and harvest their sperm in condoms have gripped Zimbabwe.
Brother of suspect who firebombed Dem’s office: ‘His whole reality is different’
The brother of Cedric Steele, who allegedly fire bombed the office of Democratic state senator Wendy Davis in Texas, said that Cedric had a history of mental health problems.
Former Sen. Arlen Specter: ‘Cannibals have taken over’ Congress
Former Sen. Arlen Specter, a Republican who turned Democrat in 2009, said Wednesday that “cannibals” were devouring lawmakers who did not maintain ideological purity.