Blue America Welcomes Tammy Baldwin
Every time I see Wisconsin Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on TV, I forget she's a politician. She doesn't come across as one. She comes across as a friend or a neighbor who you turn to for good advice, someone who respects all points of view and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Is she too nice to be in the polarized Senate? Her House colleagues think she's just right. And I suspect China doesn't either. Last week she even introduced a bill with Wisconsin Republican freshman Reid Ribble to shield American manufacturers from unfair trade practices in low wage Asian countries. "American manufacturers deserve our full support in combating China's relentless pattern of international trade law violations," Baldwin said. "The simple fact is China cheats."
And Wisconsin senior Senator Herb Kohl, who is retiring and has endorsed Tammy as his replacement, telling voters in his state that Tammy has strong convictions, a strong personality and "a tremendous drive to achieve things... she's going to be a model senator, a standard of what we look for... the highest and best kind of public servant."
Tammy is best known in Congress as one of the most dedicated and persistent fighters for economic justice. This month she got a great deal of press coverage when she introduced the Buffett Rule in the House. But on a day to day basis, she was working behind the scenes pushing legislative solutions for real people with real problems, usually efforts that didn't get noticed by the public. One of her colleagues on the House Energy & Commerce Committee told me that during the debate over health care reform she would never let up on a provision to allow young adults to stay on their parents' health insurance policies until they turn 26. I asked her what made her come up with that and what kind of push back she got from the Republicans on the committee?
Health care has always been a very personal issue for me. I was raised by my grandparents-- my mother was too young to raise me when I was born-- and they were there to take care of me. As a young child, I came down with a serious illness. Something like spinal meningitis. Though I made a full recovery, I had to spend three months in the hospital and many more after that in recovery care. But my grandparents, who had always relied on their family health insurance-- a good plan for the time-- came to soon learn that granddaughters are not considered dependents. Wife, yes. Daughter, yes. But no coverage for me, they were forced to pay out of pocket. And then to top it off, I was a child with a pre-existing condition.
So, I’m proud to have worked to ensure that more young people have access to insurance and affordable care. This includes the amendment I offered in committee to expand coverage for young adults, and also the work we did to eliminate pre-existing conditions for children, and soon adults. It also means that I’m a target. Let me tell you: the health insurance giants aren’t too fond of you when you take stances like these.
And the three corporate lobbyists masquerading as Republican candidates, Neumann, Thompson and Fitzgerald, have an entirely different vision than Tammy's. It's dark and it's based on Ayn Rand's Law of the Jungle politics. Only the strong survive. When I asked Tammy if her progressive vision is something that will work outside of Madison, in places like Waukesha and Ozaukee counties, she didn't miss a beat.
I’ve fought for Wisconsin values and the middle class, and these just aren’t issues in Madison. I’ve had constituents in Beloit who’ve suffered as manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas to places like China.
I traveled much of the state over the summer during our state senate recalls and as I went from Ozaukee county to Eau Claire and all across Wisconsin people told me about the same struggles they were facing: making ends meet, finding work, and taking care of their children. So, this fight-- this campaign-- is about their struggle. I’m fighting so that they can have a little extra at the end of each month to save for their daughter’s college fund. And to make it easier for that the single dad in Appleton to find meaningful work so he can quit that second job and stay home with his son a few more hours each day. That’s something that resonates and people can relate to whether I’m in Dane County or Waukesha County.
If Tammy wins in November, she will be the first woman ever elected to the United States Senate from Wisconsin. And she'll be the first openly LGBT senator ever... from anywhere. Blue America has only found three candidates this cycle we're enthusiastic enough about to endorse for the Senate: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Tammy Baldwin. What a team! Please consider contributing what you can at the Blue America ActBlue Senate page. And please join us for a live discussion with Tammy at 1pm today (CST) in the comments section below.
Hi everyone -- excited to get this chat started! Greetings from Wisconsin!
Actually we don't start the chat til 1pm (CST) when this page gets move to the front of Crooks and Liars.
Tammy, welcome to Blue America. We're inspired by your service and really greatful you could make the time to speak with us today. You have a reputation for not playing footsie with corporate lobbyists and not doing the whole Pay-for-play thing that is so prevalent in Washington on both sides of the aisle. Many people admire you for that
and understand how that gives you the kind of independence your career is marked by. But how hard is it to run a campaign in a big state like Wisconsin with so many media markets when your opponents are being bankrolled by every corporate special interest from Wall Street to Big Oil to drone manufacturers?
Great question. We’ve already seen how the special interests are putting Wisconsin’s Senate seat at the top of their list. Just last week, the US Chamber of Commerce launched the first negative attack campaign – using false claims to distort my record. Luckily, Politifact has already come out judging their ad as based on “false” and “mostly false” claims. And we’re reaching out to the local Chamber of Commerce associations across the state who I have good relationships with, to denounce this move by the national organization. We both know how the US Chamber of Commerce is quite a misnomer: these days acting on behalf of the multi-national corporations that support corporate interests and offshoring our jobs.
My campaign is gearing up to respond to every attack: we’ve got the facts on our side, and we won’t let their lies go unanswered. I already have an amazing grassroots base across the state that is getting the word out about these lies, and we’ll keep building it. We’ll come back at their millionaire and billionaire donors with thousands – tens of thousands – of small dollar donors. And with boots on the ground, the support of the people and by being right on the issues.
... to Blue America. It's an exciting time to be a woman in politics isn't it?
Any thoughts on this bizarre GOP assault on birth control?
You know -- the GOP is very good at trying to use women's health as a wedge. Just recently, the NRSC went on the attack, buying radio ads here in Wisconsin against me, falsely claiming that I am "forc[ing] the Catholic Church to pay for medical procedures that violate the church’s core beliefs." Nothing could be further from the truth.
Wisconsin has already required insurance companies to cover birth control for several years now. All women deserve access to comprehensive preventative care and comprehensive health care generally.
Have you gotten any feedback from constituents on this? How are they taking it?
Lots of comments and frustrations about the all-male panel on women's health held last week in DC. Nearly 98% of all women use birth control, for a number of personal reasons. It's 2012.
Thanks for all you do, Tammy. Hopefully you'll take up the mantle of Bill Proxmire.
"Someday somebody related to some of these sufferers, these victims, these collaterally damaged souls, may try to kill you. And I have to tell you, I think you’ll have it coming." - Christopher Cooper
Where in WI?
and all around Milw from Whitefish Bay to Bay View. Dad was a real estate investor with First Wisconsin in the early 70's when the condo market collapsed in FL. Stepdad was the polar opposite. Worked 45 years at Froedert Malt Co. retired on a great union pension with good medical which was nice because he got pulmonary fibrosis from working the barely mixers. The company didn't have enough filters until OSHA made them do it. As we graduated HS (1973) there were lots of jobs in the multiple manufacturing industries in the area and college (Oshkosh) was very affordable on a middle class budget. Oh the days.
"Someday somebody related to some of these sufferers, these victims, these collaterally damaged souls, may try to kill you. And I have to tell you, I think you’ll have it coming." - Christopher Cooper
Everyone says you've been super-serving your constituents for years and that seems to be borne out by your popularity not just in Dane County but in Green, Sauk and Rock as well. Now that you're campaigning in very different places-- from Bayfield, La Crosse and Superior to Wausau, Sheboygan and Oshkosh-- what are you hearing from the voters that's different from what your Madison constituents have been telling you?
It goes back to this economic struggle that the middle class of Wisconsin (no matter their county of residence) is facing. Wisconsin is the only state in the nation where we’ve had 6 straight months of job loss. The manufacturing industry that built much of this state, from Kenosha to Wausau, has in many cases moved overseas. Bad trade policies, and currency manipulation by foreign actors like China has led companies to offshore their plants.
But at the same time, I see the ingenuity of Wisconsin and our hard-working attitude – we’re some of the hardest working people around – leading us back to prosperity. I’ve seen the amazing work done at our Technical Colleges to train people in new, emerging industries. I’ve traveled to places like Rothschild where the local paper mill there has partnered with the energy company to not only produce greener paper but also energy (electricity and steam) using the biomass waste product from the mill.
Tammy, I read an interview with David Koch this morning where he's basically saying he intends to spend a LOT more money in Wisconsin than he and his various operations have so far. Even if he was talking primarily about bolstering Scott Walker, my guess is that all that right-wing money and the propaganda it buys is damaging for everyone. How does one overcome the kinds of limitless funds these billionaires seem to be willing to spend to get what they want politically? And once you get into the Senate, do you think-- realistically-- that there will be anything you can do to put an end to this kind of thing? It's undermining the basic premises of a one-man-one-vote democracy.
It's about people standing up to power. Wisconsin is getting good at that. Yes, the Koch brothers are spending -- and spending hard -- here, but there's also a voice of the people being heard. And we're not quiet.
The first step is disclosure -- whether that's the DISCLOSE Act or another vehicle, we need transparency here.
But ultimately, we have to overturn Citizens United. I'm aware that takes more than just an act of Congress.
While Tammy is answering questions, I want to take a moment to remind everyone that Blue America has a special page for our Senate candidates. So don't look for Tammy on the regular Blue America page we use for people running for the House. This is the page for contributions for The Senate: Blue America Senate Page. There's a reason there are only 3 candidates it on-- we only found three candidates we thought were good enough for a Blue America endorsement.
Thanks for coming on today. I'm having some cable modem problems so I was late to say hi.
Howie refers to you as one of the nicest people in politics and your reputation indicates that you are also very committed to serving your constituents and the country according to your principles.
Who do you see as a model in the Senate for your kind of politics?
Now that I'm running, I'm making a lot of great new friends and am incredibly grateful for folks' support. But one Senator with whom I go back to his House days is Sherrod Brown. We served on Committee (House Energy and Commerce Committee) together then and today we're both fighting for the return of American manufacturing and good paying jobs for working families.
Not to mention, he's a great guy.
When you take a seat in the Senate, I believe you'll be the first woman from Wisconsin to have ever done so. And you'll also be the first openly gay person to have ever been elected to the U.S. Senate from any state. I know most people in Madison don't think about that kind of thing-- or perhaps they cheer it as a positive step-- but what about in other parts of the state? Have you run up against any prejudice since you've been campaigning for the Senate statewide?
I’ve always been upfront and honest about who I am, and people respect that integrity. But truth be told, it doesn’t really come up much when you’re knocking doors or meeting with voters at events. This election isn’t about me – it’s about the people in Wisconsin and across the country who are hurting and want someone who is going to fight for them. I’ve taken on the big banks on Wall Street, the Bush Administration and the big insurance companies. And I’ll keep taking on those fights – for Wisconsin, and for the middle class. And that’s why I’m running for Senate.
Tammy you are a Champ. Thanks for doing what you can do to get Election Integrity back into this country. Signing onto legislation that will Audit the Fed and hopefully ultimately end the private faction of the Fed. I know you have done this and I appreciate it. I also hope you continue to investigate and bring about the truth of this war on Terrorism and a lot of these FBI set up patsies. We have solutions to our problems and I continue to hope you will find ways of bringing them about. Thanks for your service and best of luck in your race.
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Did you consider running at all for Governor in this race? Who do you support if anyone for Governor to take on The Koch Brother hack Walker? I wish Feingold or some real progressive would run. Peace.
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
I'm excited to see a strong field of candidates stepping forward to run. I think at this point, I can make a big difference for Wisconsin in the US Senate.
Truth be told, I've always enjoyed my work -- legislating, building coalitions, and representing the people of this great state -- and that's what I'll continue to focus on.
I think this election is a watershed for America.
Will the right wing Tea bagger extremists' somehow win again - dooming us to a corporate fascist state that could take future generation decades to undo; or will enough people have the common sense to critically analyze who, and what the GOP is - American fascism.
Why not start using the "F" word (fascism) to describe these extremists?
Republicans have no trouble getting people to believe lies about democrats. Why not accurately describe what today's GOP really is - a corporate fascist anti American organization - and let the American people know that complete corporate fascist control of our country is at steak.
We need to have a debate that accurately describes what's taking place in our country today.
And don't let the GOP MSM which is part of their propaganda arm intimidate you or other liberals into playing nice.
I am sick of their lies and big $$$$$$$$ propaganda machine's always setting a false narrative.
These GOP fascists' have got to be identified for who/what they are - and stopped!
They are evil, and they will completely destroy everything that made America great.
P.S. It's the U.S. Chamber of
CommerceFascism. Call them what they are, and when their media supporters ask you why - it will offer us a teachable moment about how horrible a decisionCitizen'sFascists' United was; and it will also give us an opportunity to expose the real "Activist" Judges - conservatives!We need to begin that debate also.
If I were a psychopath, I would join the republican party, and get in on the gravy train taking the Teabircher morons to the cleaners.
We were really proud that you introduced legislation a few weeks ago to institute, in effect, the Buffett rule. And I know a whole range of economic justice issues is what you've been spending most of your career in politics on. But I want to go off on a tangent from there. Can there ever really be economic justice if we just say, as a society, "oh, lets; just look forward and forget about what these fine bankers may or may not have done in the past?" Doesn't "Justice" imply punishment for the corrupt and criminal? Do voters you meet in Wisconsin ever ask why the banksters who pillaged the economy haven't been prosecuted?
I worked for months to make the recent settlement with the big 5 mortgage banks as strong as it could be for the people. I led a fight -- with support from online organizers across the country -- against blanket immunity, and we were successful in that effort. Thanks for all that supported our resolution!
Don't know if you've heard, but when the deal was announced, here in Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker decided to use millions of the settlement funds, intended for families that were defrauded and abused by these Wall Street mortgage banks, to plug a hole in his budget.
In the Senate, I'll continue to stand up to these powerful special interests and work to ensure their actions are fully investigated and any wrongdoing punished.
Thanks for the shout-out about my introduction of the Buffett Rule. Bottom line, people think there's two sets of rules in our tax laws. One for the rich and powerful. And another for the rest of us. It's time we restore basic fairness in America.
At a time when so many are struggling, everyone has to do their part.
You can help by clicking here and pledging your support for the Buffett Rule:
I saw that you're a member of the Future of American Media Caucus. Is there a chance we're ever going to get back anything that remotely resembles the Fairness Doctrine? Or is there another answer to that problems inherent in corporate ownership of the media?
This is an incredibly complicated topic. Journalism has been in decline for years now and there is much we can do. Newsrooms across America are shrinking, there's more and more media consolidation at every turn.
Two battles I've been fighting lately: protecting community media and standing up for public television/radio.
On protecting community media, as cable companies transition into statewide franchises (rather than local franchises), much financial support has dried up for Public Education and Government (PEG) channels. We rely on these to keep informed about things in our own communities.
As for public TV/radio -- we're all aware of the attacks that have been launched against these providers. I'm sure we can expect them over and over again in upcoming budget debates. It's just another GOP distraction from the real issues at hand.
to Tammy's campaign here. As a progressive, she isn't getting the big corporate bucks, for obvious reasons. She'll need our help to win this.
And speaking of Houses caucuses-- we just think of you as a member of the Progressive Caucus-- but I noticed that you're also a member of the Food Safety Caucus. Are there issues that have come up there that you want to deal with when you get to the Senate. There are a lot of folks in the political blogosphere who are very concerned about GMOs for example.
Hello Congresswoman Baldwin. I am concerned about how the far right is hurting the middle class and the poor to the detriment to the nation at large. Recalling Gov. Scott Walker is important in this regard as it will signal that the people are tired of being jerked around like this. If the recall does goes through and Gov. Walker is ultimately removed, how do you think this will play out on the national level?
I know you have a primary election there today and I promised your staff we wouldn't keep you more than an hour so that you could go vote. Thanks very much for spending the time and answering the questions. We hope to talk with you again and celebrate a victory with you in November
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