
Fotki Mobile for iPhone/iPad
Fotki Mobile for iPhone and iPad brings convenience of browsing and uploading photos to Apple iOS devices.

Visit Apple App Store

Fotki Mobile for Android
Fotki Mobile brings convenience of browsing and uploading photos to Android phone.

Official Android Fotki Mobile App

Android Fotki Mobile App by Dynamix

Fotki Desktop for Windows
Makes it simple to batch upload your digital pictures from your Windows powered computer to Fotki.

For Windows

Adobe Lightroom Publishing Service
Fotki Adobe Lightroom Publishing Service makes it simple to publish pictures from Adobe Lightroom to any Fotki album.

For Windows and Mac OS

Picasa plugin
Allows you to upload pictures directly from Picasa desktop application.

For Windows and Mac OS

Handy blogging client for LiveJournal, Blogger, Wordpress.

For Windows

Windows PicaJet Fotki Uploader
Digital photo organizer to upload photos to Fotki preserving image descriptions and tags, optimize picture size and fully automate the uploading process.

For Windows

Fotki recommends

Keep your Java up-to-date
To run Java Applet, Fotki's application for batch upload of photos, install the latest Java software on your computer.
PictureSync is a convenient utility that simplifies annotating and batch uploading your photographs and video clips to online services.

For Windows and Mac OS

FTP Client FileZilla
FTP upload works only for Premium users. Connect to with your Fotki username and password.

For Windows and Mac OS

FTP Client Cyberduck
FTP upload works only for Premium users. Connect to with your Fotki username and password.

For Windows and Mac OS

Upload your photos through Pixelpipe via mobile or desktop to dozens of online services.