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Let's Stop Fighting in Afghanistan and Wage a War on Big Oil Trayvon Martin Shooting Shows That Racism Hasn't Stopped Rearing Its Ugly Head Geraldo Rivera: Gun's Don't Kill People; Hoodies Do "Shoot to Kill" May Soon Be Replacing "In God We Trust" as US Motto Corporate Goliaths: Have They Now Become Unstoppable?Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- NYT: 69 percent — think that the United States should not be at war in Afghanistan.
- Trayvon Martin Shooting Shows That Racism Hasn't Stopped Rearing Its Ugly Head - Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Bird Flu Studies Getting Another Round Of Scrutiny By Panel
- The Trayvon Effect: Americans as Tragedy Addicts
- How Ronald Reagan Broke the Air Traffic Controllers Union--And Why That Fight Still Matters
- US Sues AT&T; Over Hearing-Impaired Call Service Fraud
- William Astore: Speaking Truth to Power
- Rick Santorum says cursing at reporter shows he's 'real Republican'
- Nearly three in four Americans think police should arrest George Zimmerman after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
- Panera Workers Vote for Representation by Bakery Workers Union
- Emmett Till in Sanford
- Strauss-Kahn charged in alleged prostitution ring in France
- Why Germany is phasing out nuclear power
- Canada in hot seat at nuclear summit for uranium use
- Women workers are attacking low pay and bias from many angles, assailing wage laws that exclude them, suing over outright discrimination, and trying to organize unions.
- US Plans No Charges Over Deadly November Strike in Pakistan
- Arab League Meets in Iraq with Divisions Over Syria
- The Ostroy Report: What Trayvon's Death Means for America
- Why Obama Isn't Backing Gay Marriage
- Redistricting battle pits Chamber of Commerce, governor vs. moderates
- The Outsourced Party Who speaks for the Republican party? The answer is that everyone does — and therefore, no one does.
- Gay Marriage Effort Attracts a Novel Group of Donors
- Glenn Greenwald: Obama Takes Bush’s Secrecy Games One Step Further
- Women Have Been Fighting Misinformation and Oppression of Their Bodies for Decades
- Trump Trashes Paul Ryan’s Budget: ‘Suicidal,’ ‘Big Mistake,’ ‘Dangerous Plan For Mitt Romney’
- Paul Krugman: Lobbyists, Guns and Money
- Israel Visit Not Likely In The Cards For President Obama
- Supreme Court Kicks Off Historic Case On Health Care Law
- Calls for justice rage on a month after Trayvon Martin's killing
- Michelle Alexander: The Age of Obama as a Racial Nightmare
- Marshall Brain: Robotic Nation
- Senate Dems to set tax day vote on ‘Buffett Rule' legislation
- Five Things to Watch in Health Law Oral Arguments
- Arab League Meets in Iraq with Divisions Over Syria
- Battle Over Obama Health Law Reaches High Court
- Murder Incorporated: Guns, the NRA and the Politics of Violence on the Mexican Border by BuzzFlash Editor Mark Karlin
- Shit Rick Santorum says (and spreads like a raging infectious diarrhea)
- When men were free
- Israeli Peace Marchers Protest Iran War Talk in Tel Aviv
- Wisconsin Lawmaker Says Women Should Stay in Abusive Marriages
- Fannie and Freddie: Slashing Mortgages Is Good Business
- Loan Forgiveness Good for the Economy, and Maybe Fannie and Freddie Mac Too
- FLASHBACK: Two Years Ago, GOP Predicted ‘Armageddon’ If Health Reform Became Law
- Pistol was the trigger: Trayvon Martin is just another notch for the gun lobby
- Republican Party: All for None and None for All
- VIDEO: Per Zimmerman’s friend, Trayvon Martin’s killer didn’t use a racial slur, see, it was a “term of endearment”
- California Muslim Mother Beaten To Death, Left With Note Saying ‘Go Back To Your Country’
- Why the Racist History of the Charter School Movement Is Never Discussed
- For Martin’s Case, a Long Route to National Attention
- 3 More Words And Phrases Democrats Must Start Universally Using — And — A Call To Action
- Is Walmart Really Going Organic and Local?
- Hey, America, Check Out The Subliminal Messages Rick Santorum Is Using To Scare The Crap Out Of You
- Gloria Steinem, In Pro-Obama Video: This Election Is A 'Turning Point'
- The 7 Types Of Republican Idiots
- Are the GOP Justices Political Hacks?
- Saturday: Occupy marchers protest against New York police
- Seven Ways Citizens Are Using Humor and Creativity to Protest Injustice
- Our One Percent Media
- Melissa Harris-Perry on Growing Up Black
- Is PBS Trying to Hide Some of Public TV's Best Work?
- Wisconsin Lawmaker: If You Are Being Beaten, Just Remember the Things You Love About Your Husband
- Lawyer: Federal hate crime charge against Trayvon shooter a 'challenge'
- Romney roundly defeated in Louisiana
- Mitt Romney: George W. Bush And Henry Paulson Saved Country From Depression
- Codes of Silence and Child Abuse Cover-Ups: The Sick Underbelly of Institutions in the US
- Reproductive Rights and the Long Hand of Slave Breeding
- The Republican Budget, Explained
- 23 States With "Stand Your Ground" Laws Like Florida
- Wells Fargo and Other Megabanks Don't Care About Your Business -- So Move Your Money!
- Jobs Act: the Dumbest "Bipartisan" Move Since Repealing Glass-Steagall
- Racial Etiquette: The Racial Customs and Rules of Racial Behavior in Jim Crow America
- West Coast "Green" Jobs Data Shows Promise
- Rick Santorum appears to have picked up supporters from Newt Gingrich in Louisiana victory
- Groups Attempt to Influence Supreme Court on Healthcare
- 'Big Government' Isn't the Problem, Big Money Is
- The Healthcare Battle Will Be a Proxy Fight of Divisions in American Politics
- Democrat hits road to fight oil speculators
- Tragedies, Crimes and Trayvon Martin
- The Wisconsin Story: Scott Walker's Unprecedented Assault on Unions and Democracy And the June 5th Recall Vote
- 'Obamacare' Reclaimed: Barack Obama Campaign Launches Merchandise Line
- Afghans: US paid $50,000 per shooting spree death
- Birthers want proof that Mitt Romney was born in America
- Brooklyn Art Students Join National Surge of College Activists
- California Republicans get behind Mitt Romney
- Leader of Mali coup received officer training from AFRICOM
- Loan Forgiveness Good for the Economy, and Maybe Fannie and Freddie Mac Too
- 7 to 9 Year Old Looked Suspicious Enough for Zimmerman to Call 911
- Heroes of Science and Secularism: A Series
- Israel ♥ Iran: Over 1,000 Israelis March in First Significant Protest Against War with Iran
- "Shoot to Kill" May Soon Be Replacing "In God We Trust" as US Motto -- Mark Karlin, Editor for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Atheists holding Reason Rally in Washington, D.C., this weekend
- Cheney Has Heart Transplant, Took Long Time to Find a Heartless Heart for Him
- If Zimmerman Were Black and Trayvon Martin a White Teenage Athlete, Zimmerman's Ass Would Be in Jail -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The GOP Slice of the One Percenter Pie (Chart)
- Corporate Goliaths: Have They Now Become Unstoppable? -- Jane Stillwater for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The NRA and Florida Legislators Gave George Zimmerman a License to Murder Trayvon Martin -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- FDR’s Call for an End to Selfishness Echoes in Today’s Debates
- CHARTS: Just How Big is Walmart?
- David Duke Voters Crawl Out of the Swamp to Give Santorum Louisiana Win
- Terrorism Info Center Will Retain Americans’ Data Up to Five Years
- Americans Want the Supreme Court to Open Up; Here's Why It Won't
- Earth Sends Climate Warning by Busting World Heat Records: First decade of 21st Century warmest on record; US locations break 7,000 temperature records in March
- In Mexico’s War on Drugs, Veterans Struggle With PTSD
- The Bright Side of the War on Women
- The Court Battle Over Health Care is a Struggle for a Future Vision for America: 6 Things You Need to Know
- Why Leaving Goldman Sachs Breaks the Rules of the Game
- The 23 States That Have Sweeping Self-Defense Laws Just Like Florida’s
- Today on the Trail: Obama campaign embraces the term "Obamacare"; Gingrich says Obama makes people think he is a Muslim; report details nepotism in Congress, and more.
- Ridiculous Ways States Are Trying to Fix Their Broken Budgets
- Today's Washington DC Reason Rally Marks Turning Point for Secular Movement
- Gov. Walker (R-Koch) Gets a Bailout for a New Ad from Corporate-Funded Group
- Lawsuit Alleges Financial Fraud at Trinity Broadcasting Network Ministry
- Newt Gingrich Condemns President Obama’s Thoughtful Words About Trayvon Martin, Calls Them "Appalling" (AUDIO)
- Why Germany is Phasing Out Nuclear Power
- GOP Congressman to Women: Give Your Money to Democrats
- Did the Founders Hate Government?
- Texas Reporter Fired After Shocking Interview on Transvaginal Sonograms
- Why Do We Protest the NATO Summit?
- So, Is Dimock's Water Really Safe to Drink?
- It's Past Time to Protect Children Not Guns
- The Shifting Strategies of Empire
- Privatization Threatens Open Government
- The Sarah Palin/Neocon Alliance
- US Chamber of Commerce: "We’re the Old School Super PAC"
- Staff Sergeant Robert Bales Formally Charged in Afghanistan Massacre
- Upcoming Budget Cuts
- Taking a Mother's Child Away
- To PBS, With (Tough) Love
- Last Ditch Attempt to Save a Little Bit of Investor Protection in the United States
- A Single Hedge-Fund Hustler Makes More Than 85,000 Teachers: Why Are Our Priorities So Messed Up?
- “October Baby”: The abortion war hits theaters - An outrageous premise fuels a viral-marketed pro-life drama aimed at Christian viewers
- An Open Letter to the American People – America is Dying
- 400 Chernobyls: Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulses and Nuclear Armageddon
- French PATRIOT Act: New Laws Pushed by Nicolas Sarkozy After Toulouse Massacre Go Too Far
- Gay Marriage Effort Attracts a Novel Group of Donors
- Idiot FOX Quote of the Day: Geraldo Rivera, "You Can't Rehabilitate the Hoodie."
- Santorum on Target for Louisiana Primary Win
- Sanford City Commissioner Concerned George Zimmerman Will Flee Country
- NBA Players Union calls for arrest, resignations in Trayvon Martin case
- Documents show NYPD infiltrated liberal groups
- ALEC, the NRA, and the Murder of Trayvon Martin -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- William Rivers Pitt | The Finger of Fate Upon You
- Trayvon Martin and the End of Excuses
- Will Obama Come Out in Support of Gay Marriage Before the Election?
- Let the Lizard Brain Bigots in Mississippi Start Their Own Country, on Mars -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Thousands in Philly Join Million Hoodie March
- Miami Heat, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade don hoodies for Trayvon Martin
- Is the US Headed for Martial Law?
- Daily Caller: Obama Commented on Trayvon Martin Because Black Panthers Told Him To. What's the name of this right wing publication again? The Daily Dumpster?
- Judge Overturns EPA Ruling Against Arch Coal Mine
- Brazil may shift jurisdiction of Chevron case, which would potentially favor the oil company
- Even the Jebster Bush Says the License to Murder in Florida Doesn't Cover Stalking and Killing
- Trayvon Martin A ‘Little Thug Ghetto Monkey.’ Fox News Readers Set New High Water Mark For Racism
- Paul Krugman | Paranoia Strikes Deeper
- Where Angels Fear to Tread: Evangelicals are swooping on long-ignored regions
- High School Students Walk Out in Protest of Trayvon Martin Shooting
- Geraldo Rivera: My Own Son Ashamed of Me for Hoodie Comment
- Senate Moves Insider Trading Bill to Obama's Desk
- Afghanistan and the Roman Empire
- At Gun Range, Santorum Aims At Target And Is Urged To "Pretend It's Obama"
- Obama Pledges Approval of Keystone Pipeline's Southern Leg
- Wall Street’s Killer Day on Capitol Hill
- Official: No Sign French Shooting Suspect Had al-Qaida Ties
- Somalia Pirates: EU Approves Attacks on Land Bases
- Facebook Speaks Out Against Employers Asking for Passwords
- 10 Reasons The Rest Of The World Thinks The US Is Nuts
- Romney Celebrates Health Care Reform Anniversary By Lying About It
- Trayvon Shooter's 911 Calls: Potholes, Piles of Trash—and Black Men
- Warming-Fueled Texas Drought Cost Farmers $7.6 Billion: ‘No One Alive Has Seen Single-Year Drought Damage To This Extent’
- Documents Show NYPD Infiltrated Liberal Political Groups
- Mitt Romney's Campaign Thinks Rick Santorum Is a Secret Double Agent
- Breaking Down the Mortgage Settlement: How Far Does $26 Billion Go?
- Minorities Who Wear Hoodies Just Asking to be Shot, Says Geraldo Rivera
- After Palin, Expect a More Intense VP Vetting Process
- Special Report: Intel Shows Iran Nuclear Threat Not Imminent
- Dennis Kucinich to Visit Washington State Again. Is a Run for Office On the Way?
- Hashtags Are The New Lawn Signs: Why Twitter Won’t Predict The 2012 Cycle
- Pat Robertson: Manning Deserves to Get Hurt After Tebow Trade
- Fracking: Corruption a Part of Pennsylvania’s Heritage
- Predators on the Border, Hawks Across the Border and a Homeland of Drones
- Florida Governor Appoints New Prosecutor in Investigation in Killing of Trayvon Martin
- Romney or Robot: The Quiz
- Obama Nominates Dartmouth President Jim Yong Kim to Lead World Bank
- Santorum: "We might as well have four more years of President Obama than ‘Etch a Sketch’ Mitt Romney"
- US Inches Toward Goal of Energy Independence
- Sanford Police Chief Steps Aside In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Shooting
- Can We Escape The Global Energy Spiral?
- Republicans Must Get Over Their False Equivalency Attacks -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- College Expels George Zimmerman Following Trayvon Martin Shooting
- Pres. Obama To Heckler: ‘You Can Hold Your Own Rally. You’re Being Rude’
- Obama’s Creepy Executive Order: Permanent War Economy
- Oil Prices Spike Exacerbated By Wall Street Speculation, Federal Reserve Study Finds
- Walking While Black: Trayvon Martin's Fatal Short-Cut
- Insider Trading Ban for Lawmakers Clears Congress
- Injured Occupy Protester Scott Olsen Files Claim Against Oakland
- Bob McDonnell, Virginia Governor: 'War On Women' Is 'Political Theater'
- Fox News Literally Scares Woman To Death (Exclusive Interview With Son)
- Right-Wing Group Uses Trayvon Martin Shooting to Attack Planned Parenthood
- You Can’t Occupy This: "The government says the anti-protest bill was just a small tweak of the existing law. Don’t believe it."
- Jobless Claims Fall to Four Year Low
- Rick Santorum Tries New Strategy to Catch Up with Mitt Romney
- The GOP Body Count -- Pat Weller for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Makers of Pink Slime to Sponsor Limbaugh
- Ode To The “Etch-a-Sketch” Candidate