Now UPDATED with shocking NOT 'selectively edited' version!...

Wow. This must be one of those videos of Barack Obama during his wild-eyed leftist college days at Harvard that the late Andrew Breitbart had promised to shock the world with this year before --- as so many Rightwingers have told me since the day he died --- he was obviously murdered in order to keep the disturbing truth about Obama's radical past from seeing the light of day!

Thankfully, the folks at BuzzFeed have courageously been able to face down the threat of Obama's thugs in order to help get some of that disturbing truth out to the American people who deserve to know just what kind of a far-Left radical now has his finger on the button!

Now that I've seen this remarkable proof, I understand how Breitbart was totally right! Obama and his leftist friends are just "totalitarian freaks"! What more evidence is needed? In this video, we finally see him, at long last, at his most dangerously radical! As President of the Harvard Law Review (Communist organ, obviously), he is exposed here as posing a menacing threat to all those who don't agree that women and African-Americans should enjoy the same equal rights to tenure at the university as everyone else. Shocking!...

(In all seriousness, it's rather remarkable how the guy in this video from twenty years ago appears to be pretty much the exact same guy now sitting in the Oval Office. I can't imagine I would hold up so well against twenty-year old video. But I'm sure Breitbart would have been able to offer the very same video with a more, um, enlightening context for us all...had he not been murdered to keep him from being able to do so, of course!)

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UPDATE 8:29pm PT: The Breitbarters are yammering that the above video was "selectively edited!!!" Setting aside the hypocrisy of that "outrage", the complete video in question seems to come from a PBS Frontline segment. That shocking segment, plus damning raw video taken for it, is now posted in full below...Sigh...