Back in March, Blake Mycoskie, Founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS,
stopped by our offices to share the story of TOMS, the impact his revolutionary one-for-one model has had on the world, and explain why the One Day without Shoes campaign plays such an integral part in his company's mission.
Last year, more than 1,000 AOLers went barefoot and due to the amazing employee response we received, we decided to increase our impact and help spread the word not just to employees, but to our clients and consumers as well. In order to do this, we launched the 100,000 Voices Challenge on AOL Impact, a social media campaign aimed to spread the word by reaching 100,000 people with the One Day Without Shoes (ODWS). You can learn more about the 100,000 challenge by visiting our ODWS page on
AOL Impact, and also be entered to win a $50 TOMS gift card *
We are excited to announce that we blew past our initial goal of 100,000, and were able to reach over 1,000,000 people (and still growing) with the ODWS message! We were able to do this by leveraging all of our best-in-class assets to spread the word. Here's how we did it:
We donated a TOMS One Day Without Shoes mail sign in page that ran from April 7th to April 9th. The sign in page reaches an average of 10 million impressions a day**
Our about.me team encouraged consumers to change their profile pages to help raise awareness and blogged about the event.
AOL Advertising offered up a Style Your Sole party to the agency who was able to best evangelize their employees to share the word.
MapQuest donated advertising space on top of every map today to raise awareness about the campaign.
AOL Artists around the world are pledging to go barefoot with AOL as well. Check out AOL Artists' Tumblr for updates on which artists are going barefoot and to see them in action.
Inside AOL offices, AOLers are celebrating barefoot with activations like TOMS themed pedicures and foot massages.
We shared the campaign in taxicab spots that ran in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston (check out the video below).
We encourage you to join us in who are kicking off their shoes today to spread awareness – you may just have a big impact on a child's life.
*Contest ends 11: 59PM ET on 4/10
**Internal AOL data
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