Many people assume an addict only refers to someone who is an alcoholic, chain smoker or drug user with a "hard" habit. But in Unhooked: How To Quit Anything [Skyhorse Publishing, $14.95], a book I co-authored with the addiction specialist who helped me quit my long-term addictions to cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana, I show how you can also get hooked on such "soft" habits as Facebook, over-exercising, drinking too much diet soda or eating too much ice cream. Regardless of what kind of habit you want to break, here are ways I recommend to begin the process. Remember, when you get rid of a toxic habit in your life you are leaving room for something beautiful to take its place.
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This comment has not yet been postedI gave them up for Lent, it's been weeks since I have had an Oreo.........I stay away from the cookie aisle when shopping.
They should be regulated by the FDA!! Oreos should be considered a “controlled substance”
Worse than crack addiction!!! I love birthday cakes, the butter cream icing, and yellow cake with pineapple filling………
The Ghouls at Oreo came out with a “100 year anniversary” cookie with birthday cake filling!!!
I won’t “crack” under the pressure!!!!
My Grandchildren are limited to Famous Amos Chocolate Chip…….There was never an Oreo cookie left when they visited in the past.
And just so you all know I tried to quit many times on my own and using methods like the ones in this article and failed miserably. When I trusted God to run my life and follow a tried and tested program 100% I have been drug free, alcohol free, and smoke free for over 15 years.
I think it's awesome that you were able to get clean with God's help, but making a blanket statement that people can't beat their addictions without God is false.
The fact is that many people are able to get clean without God's help. Were your statement true, then there would be no athiest recovering adicts.
Nicole Elmore.
Entrepreneur. Artist. Writer. Business Woman. Friend. Designer. President and CEO of Elmore Marketing.
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2. Start using drugs.
3. Once hooked, refer back to this article.
4. Repeat.
I smoked cigarettes for more than 30 years and kicked the habit as soon as I wanted to do it. No ifs, buts or any lame excuse that will make me change my mind to try one last time..
So whenever someone offers me cigarettes, I politely decline to accept. I just say I'd already stopped smoking.
To such an answer, the usual following question was "since when did you stop?"
And my usual answer was, "3 hours ago/"
I know that a laughter will ensue so I add another short sentence, "and 10 more years.' So more laughter."
But it's the truth. I kicked the habit more than about 15 years ago and never did have a craving to smoke again. It's the same with drinking spirits or liquor. whereas before I used to have 1 too many at any given time when I wanted to be out of my mind, I was able to control myself gradually even in drinking sessions so that my friends were really surprised to hear me say I have enough after 2 or 3 shots of whiskey or gin.
Or maybe the lines in Desiderata which said that we must "Heed the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth" had a deep impact on my way of thinking.
Obviously making conditional promises to God is crude, to say the least. But it worked, if for no other reason than it made me think twice before breaking this sacred pact.
(And, if you believe in the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect in reincarnation, there are karmic issues that follow a person.)
So sure, eventually it comes down to saying Yes or No, but it is so much more complex than that. That's a bit like saying, all you need to do to start the car is turn the key, or not.
sounds to me like you're not an addict. you should be grateful.