One Shining Moment 2012

Happy Birthday, Obamacare!

Today is the second birthday of Obamacare aka the Affordable Care Act!

Since it's the legislation's special day, I wanted to go over a few of the supremely awesome things it's allowed to happen since President Obama signed it:

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Workers Stand Up to Verizon Wireless' Corporate Greed

While over 45,000 Verizon Wireless workers helped make the company tens of billions and profits – and paid its top executives $238 million in salaries and bonuses the past few years – when it comes to repaying the workers Verizon simply cries broke. Workers across Missouri went out front and center as part of a National Day of Action happening in over 100 cities around the country. Despite the rainy weather, workers were energetic and enthusiastic handing out flyers to Verizon customers, holding signs and banners and engaging with passersby.

“We came out here today to show our support for the thousands of Verizon employees in Missouri and all over the country,” said J.T. Eals, a call center worker in Kansas City. “Corporations have been squeezing the life out of the middle class, and after all these workers helped Verizon rake in tens of billion in profits the company is trying to cry broke and send their jobs overseas.”

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A Champion Has Been Crowned

Your #TigerBloodTourney Final

Hartzler’s Confusion


Your Elite Eight

Tony Messenger, Eli Yokley, Mary Still, Jennifer Haro, Sarah Felts, Caitlin Legacki, Kim English and Claire McCaskill. 

Tiger Blood Tourney - Full Bracket - 2012 - Round Three

Round three results below the jump.

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Fact: Drilling Does Not Reduce Gas Prices

Republicans like to run around shrieking about how if we'd just drill, baby, drill gas prices would magically go down.  Overnight.

But that's totally false.  Check out the graph above that shows that there is absolutely NO correlation between increases in drilling and gas prices.  I know, it's soooo hard to believe.  No correlation.  At all.  None.  Zilch.

From Think Progress and the Associated Press:

U.S. oil production is back to the same level it was in March 2003, when gas cost $2.10 per gallon when adjusted for inflation. But that’s not what prices are now.

That’s because oil is a global commodity and U.S. production has only a tiny influence on supply. Factors far beyond the control of a nation or a president dictate the price of gasoline.

When you put the inflation-adjusted price of gas on the same chart as U.S. oil production since 1976, the numbers sometimes go in the same direction, sometimes in opposite directions. If drilling for more oil meant lower prices, the lines on the chart would consistently go in opposite directions. A basic statistical measure of correlation found no link between the two, and outside statistical experts confirmed those calculations.

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