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LiveJournal for Queenslanders.

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Monday, March 24th, 2014

Subject:Energy Drinks
Posted by:longlongwaytogo.
Time:9:51 pm.
Hi, any energy drink drinkers here? I have an online shopping business that includes energy drinks and I'd love some customers from Queensland. Easy to order online, but I do need to register you personally! If you'd like to try some delicious flavours of energy drink (unlike some other brands...) that don't have all the rubbish in them, please reply and I'll hook you up. Delivery is $8 no matter how much is in your order, and it's delivered in about 3 days.
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Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Subject:Books Now! All Ages Trivia Competition...
Posted by:willxkemp.
Time:3:07 pm.
Doors open at 1pm, and the competition begins at 2pm for the first ever Sirius Gallery All Ages Trivia Afternoon!

There are heaps of prizes up for grabs, from carefully selected bottles of wine, to deli, vegan and meat platters, to a commissioned piece of professional art - your choice of subject and media - to be presented within the month!

Get in quick, as spaces are very limited - Entry is $10, or $5 per head, if you book as a group of 10 or more...

The Bookface Event Posting
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Thursday, November 19th, 2009

Posted by:spiritlove.
Time:7:25 pm.
Hi all,

I have 3x Gold Reserved tickets to the Britney Spears Circus concert this Tuesday 24th Nov at Brisbane Entertainment Centre. I am selling all 3 tickets together for $420 or near offer. Great seats, let me know if you are interested.

I am happy to deliver tickets if you are local, otherwise will express post or give them to you on the night.

Am selling these for much less than the purchase price, a friend is now unable to take these tickets.
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Thursday, October 29th, 2009

Posted by:musicalchaired.
Time:10:14 am.
I know this is a bit left field, but does anyone know of anywhere I can purchase a banjo for $100 or less?
It's for a man who changed his mind more often than his underwear, but "really really" wants one for Xmas.
I'm willing to bet that it'll be collecting dust under the bed by new year, hence why I don't want to spend a large amount of money.
Any leads?

Also wanting Gus and Frank's Fake Live EP.. anyone?
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Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Posted by:lekiki.
Time:3:21 pm.
Hi Guys (again)!

So I've just been offered a job in Melbourne and I need to be down there by the start of november, the only catch is I now need to find someone to fill my room!

The house is a Paddington Cottage right near Given Tce, two bedroom in the other room is my lovely housemate Laura who's a final year OT prac student. The room is on the small side however I have a queen bed, bedside table and wire wardrobe in it with enough room to move.

She's looking to share with a mid 20's female, prefer Professional and must like pets as she has a small dog and cat who are both very affectionate.

The room will be available from the 1st of November rent is $155 bond $660. If you are looking for a room or know anyone who needs a room please get in touch

either angeladoustAThotmailDOTcom or 0424 228 060
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Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Subject:survey results
Posted by:diamanteskies.
Time:6:41 pm.
Hi all!
Some of you took part in a survey I posted here sometime in July/September.
Well, the analysis is all done and as I promised some, I shall share with you my results and findings :)
PLEASE do note that my study is pretty amateur and should not take my findings as proof or concrete evidence in any argument.

read furtherCollapse )
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Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Subject:Australian Prime Minister Vows to Fight Marriage Equality
Posted by:queerunity.
Time:11:27 am.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia has made hypocritical statements regarding same-sex marriage. He maintains his party "respects" same-sex couples, but still vows to fight against their right to marry.

Take action by contacting the Prime Minister and urging him to support marriage rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual couples.

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Posted by:diamanteskies.
Time:4:55 pm.

I am currently an honors student in the University of Queensland and am doing a thesis on Coping Styles, Alcohol use, Self-Injury and Culture..
I would need to survey just 40 more people for my thesis project from a variety of cultural backgrounds.. Since this is an australian forum, responses from people in this forum would be most appropriate. I have gotten ethics approval to seek responses from the general public from the ethic committee of UQ.

This survey will only take less than 10 mins of your time but would be of great help to me..
It is helpful to think of a current problem you are struggling with or one that you often struggle with when answering this survey.
If you would be so kind as to help me out, the link to the survey is : https://surveys.psy.uq.edu.au/ccas.survey

You could also help me by forwarding this link to your friends and family..
If you have any other questions, you can email me at ying.hang@uqconnect.edu.au

thanks so much!

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Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Posted by:willxkemp.
Time:9:53 am.
Mood: optimistic.
At this point, a hypothetical question, but, depending on the answer(s) - so, depending on you - soon to not be hypothetical:

(okay, really a series of questions)

1 are you looking for space in which to exhibit your work?

2 how much would you be willing to pay, as a weekly rental rate, for such a space?

3 would you maybe just like to clear an overflow of old pieces from your home/studio, and could use some extra storage space?

4 if yes to 3, how much could you afford for said storage space?

5 what kind of work is it? What media? More than one?

6 is the work difficult to categorise? Hard to pin down a pigeonhole for? (if so, so much the better ;) )

7 how much space do you feel you could fill, on a weekly, daily, or even hourly basis?

8 does, for instance, roughly 2.3 sqm sound like a fair standard space? (keep in mind that size applies to both wall and floor space, and that the dimensions are fairly fixed.)

9 and does, then, $10 - $20 sound like a reasonable weekly rate for such a standard space? What sort of deposit would you be willing to pay to secure a space?

10 would you rather pay a commission, to an established 'reputable' gallery, or a reasonable rental fee to an emerging venue, after which all income from the sale of your work is entirely yours?

11 would you be interested in displaying work in an artist-run initiative that gives you, financially and aesthetically, as much guidance or autonomy as you require? As you request?

12 how important is a gallery's location to you? Does it HAVE to be in the city or Valley to be taken seriously? What matters most about where and how a gallery is to be found?

13 what sort of demographic (sorry, I don't like that word much either) is your work most likely to appeal to? Who's it, if anyone, 'aimed' at?

14 lastly - how close to ready do you feel you are to exhibiting? Got work ready to go? Keen to discuss rates and deposits?

Know anyone else that's likely to be interested? If so, please, pass this message along!

Responses to all questions can be made either via direct comment, or by email to hermes.kemp@gmail.com - please include the phrase


in the subject line of all related emails.

Thank you!


(X-Posted several places, in the interest of developing new local business ;) )
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Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Subject:Random Project - Any Help Is Appreciated! :-)
Posted by:trashcan_blues.
Time:6:04 pm.
Mood: creative.
Alrighty, so I'm doing these books one for my brother, and one for my son that travel together. I'm looking for people all over Australia to represent their city and put something about their city including a postcard/state map postcard or something like that to "introduce" your section... then write something like random facts, what it's like living in that part of Australia. Things to see, things to do, fun facts, common misconceptions - pretty much like an "idiots guide to your city"... you can draw, add photos, do whatever on your pages...

I'm making these for my son when he gets much MUCH older, and one for my brother since he'd love to visit Australia one day (since I'm from America). I was wondering if anyone was interested in helping me out with these notebooks. So pretty much after you write in it you send it to another Australian address until it's gone through all the Australian states. Let me know if you would like to help, or email me at sara.ringham@gmail.com! Thanks for listening everyone! <3
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Thursday, November 13th, 2008

Subject:Making a move,
Posted by:justallyplease.
Time:2:07 pm.
Mood: curious.
Hi there !

I'm actually moving to Mackay soon, from Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.

Just wondering if anyone on here can tell me much about Mackay ?

I'm moving with my family and have taken a liking to North Mackay State High School.

Thanks !
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Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

Posted by:babywocket.
Time:10:41 am.

Hi all, I thought some of you might be interested in this, particularly as a way of meeting new people in the Brisbane area:

Makers Group – Carindale library

Are you a maker? Do you paint, craft, make models, build robots, grow your own veges, keep chooks, make your own clothes, sculpt, write stories, illustrate or do anything else creative or home grown?

Come and join fellow Makers at the Carindale library every second Tuesday from 12-4pm, starting September 2nd.

Each week a volunteer from the group will hold an informal workshop on a favorite maker project. The first workshop will be Coptic Binding and Book Making with Renee Dillon, a local artist.

Book a place or just show up.  Absolutely everyone is welcome!

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Monday, January 28th, 2008

Subject:The Knittee Committee QLD
Posted by:a_lil_spaz.
Time:12:27 am.
Mood: cheerful.
Shameless promotion time again!

Require a break? Feeling unsatisfied in your humdrum weekly routine? Feeling artsy fartsy? Chill out with The Knittee Committee!

We go to cafes, libraries, homes, colleges and other places of suitability to chill out and learn and teach knitting.

Knitters of all experiences, ages, genders, species welcome (providing you can hold knitting needles really). Having a pattern and equipment of your own would be a good idea for meetings, but we cool to just chill out if you don't have any current projects. Eat, drink and be merry, that sort of thing.

Visit us at our online branches:
Details of our meetings are published as soon as they are planned, the next one being Saturday the 2nd of February. Friend us to find out more!

x-posted in some Brisbane groups :)
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Thursday, October 25th, 2007

Subject:Sharehouse available
Posted by:a_lil_spaz.
Time:4:08 pm.
Mood: calm.
I'm looking for housemates to fill a Chapel Hill fortress! Three busy but friendly former college kids of 20-21 years old have:

- Two rooms available now - One upstairs with built in wardrobe and potentially a bedframe, one downstairs with large mirror, wardrobe and bedframe (an ensemble).
- One room available from December 11th - Upstairs with built in wardrobe, unfurnished at this stage.

The Fortress is furnished and has a royal feel to it: large kitchen, pool, outside party area and extremely close to shopping facilities and bus stops for the city, more shopping centres and the University of Queensland.

Rent is $110 per week per person but will go down if we get more than one new person. The whole place is $440 a week, and we split it equally.

If you are interested or know someone who is looking to move please reply back to this blog or contact me via my LiveJournal page.
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Sunday, October 14th, 2007

Subject:Just making it that little bit easier...
Posted by:willxkemp.
Time:7:35 pm.
Mood: hopeful.
Folks, if you've not enrolled to vote, or aren't sure about your details, you can check them or update them here.

Why would you want to do that? If you're asking, you haven't heard this yet.

yes, actually, Virginia, your vote can make a difference. Please, don't waste it.

I'll let you decide for yourself what 'wasting it' would mean.

X-Posted a few places.
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Subject:new here
Posted by:vunadiwai.
Time:8:50 am.
Hey all. Came across this comm, joined it and am now wondering if any of the members are actve on LJ still? Obviously I live in Cairns, love LJ (well I live for my flist) and play in the Supernatural fandom. I have other interests to obviously :P Looking to make friends in the area, if nothing else than to bitch about the weather together :P
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Monday, August 6th, 2007

Posted by:longlongwaytogo.
Time:3:45 pm.
Hi everyone! I'm not in Queensland, but two weeks ago I came back from a really enjoyable holiday there. I'm quite jealous of your winter weather, though it amused me to hear the locals complaining about how cold it was, and wearing jumpers. I honestly do love  Queensland, it has a great 'feel' to it.
I wanted to show you this... it's on a community that I run, but I just thought it was a fantastic idea, and I wished I could go myself. It's mentioned in detail in the comments to this entry
It's a thing that goes on in Toowoomba, in the RSL.
It's a cinema that is run at the back half of the Toowoomba RSL but can only get just enough people to attend to break even. It's a 1950's style bar/lounge area, and has small entree food served before the movie. All drinks are served in real glass, tea and coffee cups. Real popcorn is  made in an old fashioned popcorn maker and the owner stands up the front in a suit to introduce the evenings entertainment. He always gets his films from the Australian Film Library and he 'tweaks' it himself, on 75(??)mm films.
I really am very jealous. Hope you don't mind the 'pimping', I'm not at all related to this venture at all, I just thought it sounded fantastic.
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Thursday, July 12th, 2007

Posted by:qball_evans.
Time:12:26 am.
Mood: cold.
Ello ello.
I'm a fellow QLDer, Cairns to be exact.
Just on the lookout for fellow QLDers, any FNQers hanging around?

I don't see any mention of the State Of Origin on this community, maybe I should be looking in the football_boof_heads community?

Anyone interested in saying G'day pop over to my Journal. ;-D
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Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Subject:Car Sharing Comes to Queensland
Posted by:aclimateaffair.
Time:12:59 am.
Recently I interviewed Emma Rose, founder of GWhiz car share in on Planet Radio 88fm, Brisbane's environmental radio station. We had a really fun interview and car sharing rocks! If you'd like to listen, you can download the podcast here.

Subscribe to A Climate Affair, Australia's top environmental podcast using Itunes, Livejournal feed or Subscribe in a reader
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Sunday, May 13th, 2007

Subject:University of Queensland Confessional
Posted by:wilderbowl.
Time:7:29 am.
University of Queensland students might find this interesting:


Access is restricted to University of Queensland students only, sorry Queenslanders.
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LiveJournal for Queenslanders.

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