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relocat's Journal

Created on 2004-12-27 17:15:08 (#5568669), last updated 2011-04-30

18 comments received

Basic Info
Name:The Relocation Operation
Location:United States
Posting Access:All Members, Moderated
Stuck somewhere that you do not want to be? Planning a move? Or do you just want to get away for a while?

This community was created to give people a place to discuss all aspects of moving, everything from moving across town to moving across the country. I would also like this to be a place where people can help each other out. Moving and trip planning can be a very stressful step. I hope after the community grows that this will become a good resource for us LJers to help each other out. I encourage everything from helping each other fing jobs or apartments in a new city, to helping each other by offering transportation or a place to crash for a night along the way.

I am very much open to suggestions. Feel free to e-mail me with any ideas you may have.

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