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Travelling on a Student's Budget's Journal

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Sunday, May 27th, 2012
11:37 am - Scotland in late June

Hello everyone,

I have a week off in late June and was planning to spend it around Conwy in Wales. However all the youth hotels and cheap hotels I've found online seemed to be fully booked.

So, I'm thinking of going somewhere else for that week in June. I was thinking of Scotland since I've never been there and would love to discover it.

Would have any recommendations on where to go in Scotland?

Things to know:
-I do not have a driver licence and rely entirely on public transports
-I'll be leaving from London and would prefer to go by train and/or bus
-I would prefer the country rather than a city
-I will most likely spend my time walking and cycling around to explore
-My bicycle is in no way a mountain bike

Those would be my only restrictions. Aside from that I'm open to any suggestions about where to go and what to do in Scotland.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Thursday, February 23rd, 2012
5:29 pm

Hi Everyone,

I am a grad student going to the US Holocaust Museum in Washington DC this May/June for a couple of weeks for research purposes. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a great, cheap place to stay, as well as give me some information on cheap places to eat and city transport?

I've been looking things up online myself but everything I've managed to find are government-sponsored websites which don't tell me too much.

The help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

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Sunday, February 19th, 2012
7:51 pm - Hostels in London near St Pancras station

I want to visit London soon! I would arrive at the St Pancras station so I would love to find a hostel near there. Especially since it would be my very first time travelling alone. I found the hostel Clink 261 which is in walking distance but the reviews seem mixed. Does anyone have experience with this hostel or could reccomend other hostels nearby? Thanks so much in advance for any replies!

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Monday, November 7th, 2011
6:25 pm - studying abroad in france

Hello everyone!

So I’m not sure if anyone would be able to help me with this, but I’m not sure where else to ask. Anyway, I’m planning on studying abroad in Aix-en-Provence, France next semester and I need to find my own housing. Does anyone know of any websites (French or English) that may be able to help me find an affordable apartment during my stay? Do you know of any other livejournal groups/ websites that could help me with this problem?

Thanks so much!

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Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
7:49 am - Exchange in Iowa

Posting this for my sister, who's going to Cedar Falls (?) for student-exchange. She'll be there for 3 weeks. She has packed thermals and layers, because it'll be her first time outside sunny and humid Singapore.

As of now, we're pretty unsure how Iowa is going to be like (I've only been to the east and west coast) and as far as the itinerary is concerned, she's given 3 days free and easy in Chicago.

She hopes to shop there (Forever 21, Wetseal, ya know, teenagers stuff) and apart from that...any other attractions?

Thanks for any help/advice/tips everyone!

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Monday, September 19th, 2011
6:04 pm - NYC Hostels

Does anyone know of any cheap, clean, safe hostels in NYC?

I've been looking around on the internet but everywhere seems to be $40+... I'd rather stay somewhere max $30/night. I'll be in NYC from 31 January until the 9th of February. I'd like to stay somewhere central, but I'm not too fussed, from what I've heard the public transport is pretty good for getting around.

Any help is much appreciated!

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Wednesday, September 14th, 2011
1:06 pm - questions regarding Dublin

A friend and I are going to visit Dublin for a week in October. We want to spend a few days visiting the city, but we also want to do two of these guided bus tours visiting the Wicklow mountains and the tombs in Newgrange/Knowth. We'd also like to spend one day visiting Belfast.

Now my questions:
1. Does anyone here have any good/bad experiences with certain organisations offering such one day-bus tripps?
2. Do you know a cheaper opportunity to get from Dublin to Belfast (and return, of course) than using the train? 46 €/person is unfortunately a little too expensive for us.
3. Do you know any good (and not-too-expensive) vegetarian/vegan restaurants in Dublin?
4. Any insider's tip what we urgently need to see in Dublin?
5. Does anyone have any experiences regarding the luggage controls at the airport in Dublin? We'll be travelling with Ryanair and we'll only have hand luggage so our luggage mustn't exceed a certain weight/measure. How strict are they about these things?

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Tuesday, September 6th, 2011
10:43 pm - Volunteering Abroad?

Hey Guys,
Is anyone on here interested in volunteering abroad?  I spent 2010 in India volunteering and there are two organizations that could use help from international volunteers.  One is the school for deaf and hard of hearing children and the second is a rehabilitation center for street children who get mixed up in begging, drugs, and prostitution.  They used to get a lot of volunteers but many have tapered off as of late.  If anyone would like to do this for 1 to 3 months, please leave a comment for me to get in touch with you and give you more details.  By the way, it's also just a really awesome travel opportunity because you get to live like a local. 

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Thursday, August 4th, 2011
3:03 pm

I'm heading to New York City with my boyfriend the second weekend of September. I want to do touristy stuff, but I'm thinking that a lot of the landmarks in NYC are very tall and I'm TERRIFIED of heights.

So suggestions of things I can see without having to go up very high? Or ways that I can see things that are cool but, again, don't require me to go up high?

To add, what are some NYC must-sees, and what are some good places to eat?

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1:46 am

This is probably a long shot, but for those who attend(ed) college, did you participate in or apply to Semester At Sea? Do you know anyone who did? If you do, I have some (many) questions. I've been bitten by the bug for this thing, and I really want it. What kind of grades did you have? What about extracurriculars? How long did it take you to get your letter back? How far in advance did you apply? Did you get any scholarships from the program itself? What about from outside sources?

X-posted to [info]ask_me_anything 

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Saturday, July 9th, 2011
12:07 pm - Toronto to Niagara Falls Int'l Airport, NY

Hi all,

I'm looking for the most efficient way to get to Niagara Falls Int'l Airport (IAG), in USA, from Toronto.
I know there's buses that go to the Niagara Falls tourist spot, but is there anything that can take me across the border to the airport? That's where I need to catch my flight to the Caribbean but I dunno how to get there..
Any suggestions?

x-posted to [info]travel_advisory 

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Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
11:14 pm - London August 2012

Hypothetically speaking, if I were thinking about taking a trip to England late August early September 2012, would London still be crazed from the Olympics? I'd dearly love to take another trip out to England, but if it's still going to be insane it might be better to go somewhere else.


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Monday, June 27th, 2011
5:50 pm - Hostels in London?

My friend and I are going to London for a week at the end of August, so I thought it's time to start looking for a hostel. Before I try to search the Internet, I thought I'd ask here for some tips :) We're looking for something not too expensive, in a good location and probably calm-ish too. As in, we don't want to party all night, but rather crash after a long day of sightseeing. I'd be glad for any suggestions. Thanks! :)

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10:23 am - Long Island

Does anybody know any cheep hotels, motels on Long Island? 

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3:13 pm - World Traveler

therippleeffect I randomly stumbled upon this community and it seems pretty amazing. I wish I had found it a year ago but I guess better late then never. So as I was reading through all the posts I honestly feel like I could reply to most of them.  I just finished a world tour and I am just starting to document everywhere I have been, I still have a lot to write but I\ve finished the first few countries!

I did New York, India, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, England, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain and...I think thats it, might have missed a few. But I have also been to Peru and most of the caribbean. I'm more then happy to answer any questions or to help people out. LIving out of a backpack for a year has definitely taught me to budget and still I managed to really enjoy my travels. If you have any questions or want any advice on anything, read my journal or give me a shout!

Hope you enjoy your travels as much as I did :)

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Monday, June 6th, 2011
4:30 pm - Share your experience


Do you really know your city? You remember some remarkable moments about your nearby park, building etc.? Or you have found something interesting while traveling, may be some city’s hidden gems? Tell everyone about it! Just use Toozla to record your story and all Toozla users will be able to listen to it! We have made special stream
for our users to share their experience with others. Try it and tell us, what do you think about it.

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Sunday, May 29th, 2011
1:03 pm - Money in Europe (Milan)

Hi all! I will be traveling to Italy for a summer field school program in less than two weeks, and having never traveled to Europe before, I have a few questions about money.

I was thinking about getting Euros from my local bank before leaving so I don't have to worry about locating ATM's or paying international transaction fees--does this sound like a reasonable idea? Also, how much cash should I take with me? I'll be in Italy about a month, but for the first three weeks I'll be at the program site where food, lodging, etc. is already pre-paid. So really I just need enough money for the bus from Milan to the site, and then enough for 3-4 days of touristy activities in Mialn afterwards.

My second question is about traveler's checks. Do people use those anymore? Should I take some? How do they even work? I really have no idea about traveler's checks, so anything you can tell me beyond what turns up in a google search would be really helpful.


current mood: hopeful

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Friday, May 27th, 2011
9:24 am - Cheap Hostels in Rome

Any recommendations? I have about 3 nights in Rome before my flight to Manila.

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Wednesday, May 25th, 2011
11:17 pm - Europe Trip Next Year

Hey all. Haven't been on here in a while, but I just started a full time job recently and have consistent money coming in, so I'm planning on taking a trip to Europe next summer (probably August).

In a nutshell: I have 16 days, and I'm planning on doing Paris, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna. I've been to Paris before (not recently though - when I was nine!), but I'm new to the other cities. This will be my third trip to Europe, and I have traveled alone before, so I wouldn't say that I'm a newbie, but I would like some advice.

Not necessarily things to do (although those are welcome too!), but more social or cultural things that are specific to these cities. Things that maybe you've learned in your travels or if you live there that you think would be helpful to outsiders. Since I'm going to be by myself and capable of only crude and childlike French and German (although I do plan on brushing up before I go), I'd prefer to keep the surprises to a minimum.


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Wednesday, May 11th, 2011
10:06 pm - Recommendations for Germany

Hi All,

I'll be travelling around in Germany starting next week and was wondering if anyone can recommend some activities/sites? Also, what are good areas for shopping? We'll be visiting Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich and Stuttgart.

In terms of clothing brands, are there any worth taking a look at? Nothing like Hugo Boss, but more in the price range of Spain's Desigual?

Thanks in advance! :)

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