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Watch TYT Network YouTube Clips from March 29

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TYT on Current TV March 29 Highlights

Jack Abramoff on oil subsidies vote and how Congress is broken, lobbyists just taking advantage
Michael Shure talks to reformed lobbyist Jack Abramoff about the influence of industry pressure on the vote to keep oil subsidies. "If I'm an oil lobbyist, I'm basically going to say, this is a tax increase...and will drive gas prices up," Abramoff argues. "It's a very tough gig for the other side." On working now to reduce that influence, Abramoff says, "Congress is the actual problem -- the lobbyists are just taking advantage of it."

Power Panel: George H.W. Bush's tepid Romney endorsement 'looks like a hostage video'
Michael Shure asks the Power Panel -- David Shuster and Craig Crawford -- whether former President George H.W. Bush's lukewarm endorsement of Mitt Romney really matters at all. "Romney's just worn everybody out," Crawford argues. "There's nothing that's going to grab today's voter like a Kenny Rogers lyric," Shure says. Shuster adds, "It looks like one of those hostage videos!"

[WEB EXTRA] War on Women: Rick Perry's anti-abortion battle with feds leaves Texans without cancer screenings
Ana Kasparian adds two new stories to the GOP's extended "War on Women." If the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act -- or even just the individual mandate -- then in most states we'll continue to see "gender rating," in which 92 percent of women pay more for private insurance than men of the same age. In Texas, Gov. Rick Perry is proud to have banned "third tri-semester abortions," whatever those are, and is too busy suing the federal government to care that more than 100,000 low-income women may now be without basic reproductive care, including cancer screenings.

[BLOG] From the show: enhancing the George Zimmerman tape and Jack Abramoff talks `big oil'

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Supreme Court Might Decide Their Second Election

It was a similar crew of conservative justices on the Supreme Court that decided that their long-held beliefs on states' rights were irrelevant and made George W. Bush our next president in 2000. Now, they're back!!! And they might decide yet another presidential election.

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TYT on Current TV March 28 Highlights

Like Bernie Goetz, if Zimmerman can prove 'reasonable' fear of black men, he could be acquitted
Cenk talks to USC law professor Jody David Armour about the Trayvon Martin shooting. Citing the cases of Rodney King and Bernie Goetz -- the vigilante acquitted after the 1986 shooting of four black youth who were running away from him in the New York City subway -- Armour hypothesizes that a fear of black men in hoodies might be found a reasonable justification. "The only question is, does the jury sympathize with the defendant?" Armour says. "If they feel sympathy and empathy with [George Zimmerman], they'll acquit."

Should Romney give back money Marriott made in part from PPV hotel room porn?
In one day, both Arlen Specter and Jay Leno talked about Mitt Romney and porn. But Romney has sat on the board of the Marriott hotel chain, a company that has raked in huge profits from in-room PPV viewing of adult titles. "Just as Mitt Romney is about to run," Cenk points out, he quits the board and Marriott announces a plan to pull porn titles -- within five years -- and donates $1.5 million to Romney's super PAC. (Romney's legal first name "Willard" is actually in honor of the chain's founder, a family friend.) Richard Eskow and Zaid Jilani weigh in on Romney's hypocrisy and whether he should return the Martiott money.

Pennsylvania law may keep doctors from telling patients about dangers of fracking chemicals
Cenk talks to "Mother Jones" reporter Kate Sheppard about a gag order on Pennsylvania doctors that may block them from discussing research about the hazards of fracking, in which chemicals, waters and sand are pumped into shale in order to extract gas. "I guess it's so dangerous that they don't want anyone to find out -- perhaps even including the patients," Cenk says. Pennsylvania officials told Sheppard that it shouldn't prevent doctors from talking to patients who may have been exposed -- but the law is so vaguely written that it's not clear how that may be enforced.

[BLOG] From the show: Obama's individual mandate flip-flop and what doctors can't say about `fracking'

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Watch TYT Network YouTube Clips from March 28

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Watch TYT Network YouTube Clips from March 27

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TYT on Current TV March 27 Highlights

Overturning 'Obamacare' would be judicial activism, and Republicans hate that! Wait a second...
If you listen to Republicans, a decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the Affordable Care Act would be Armageddon. After a tough day of questioning by Justice Antonin Scalia and others, Cenk considers whether it's time for health care advocates to head down to the fallout shelter. "Scalia was always going to vote the Republican way," Cenk says. But overturning a major piece of Congressional legislation -- for the first time in 75 years -- smacks of "judicial activism." Republicans hate that. Right? Wait. We've got a few clips that shake that foundation.

92 percent of donations from securities and investment industry goes to GOP candidates
"I wonder who the banks are with," Cenk muses before plowing through some damning figures from Open Secret about which party gets the bulk -- 92 percent! -- of donations from the securities and investment industry. And Mitt Romney's three biggest donors are Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Credit Suisse. "Of course, Romney's going to take this money."

Power Panel: If 69 percent of Americans disapprove of war in Afghanistan, why are we still there?
Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Think Progress' Faiz Shakir and Huffington Post's Arthur Delaney -- why, if 69 percent of Americans disapprove of the war in Afghanistan, we still don't have a quick, clear exit strategy. "I don't see that same kind of activism and courage around Afghanistan" as with the war in Iraq, Shakir says. "It's because President Obama wants to stay in Afghanistan," Cenk says. Delaney adds, "If [Obama] were to change course in an election year, the Republican presidential candidates would heap criticism on it and it wouldn't be worth it."

[WEB EXTRA] Cenk: 'God bless Rev. Sharpton' for being an advocate for Trayvon Martin and still hosting his show
Bill O'Reilly and CNN's Howard Kurtz are united in their criticism of Rev. Al Sharpton's Trayvon Martin coverage on MSNBC. Kurtz asks, "How on Earth can Sharpton go there and be an activist and stand with the parents and ask people to contribute money and go with the parents to the justice department and then do a show?" Easy, Cenk says -- and even easier if you follow Fox News' model, like in 2009 when they had four anchors hosting Tea Party events. "We all obviously have opinions," Cenk says. "What's important is that you not do propaganda for one party or another... You should be advocating for your own ideas and your own philosophy. In this case, God bless Rev. Sharpton. He's bringing to light an issue that needed that light, that needed that attention. This is a terrific thing that he is doing. And MSNBC is supporting him... We're not supposed to be neutral robots -- that's for CNN. We're supposed to care about the issues. Rev. Sharpton cares deeply about this issue, and I agree with him."

[BLOG] From the show: Trayvon Martin's social media used in smear and dissecting the individual mandate

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Watch TYT Network YouTube Clips from March 26

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TYT on Current TV March 26 Highlights

Coordinated defense of George Zimmerman begins in Trayvon Martin shooting case
Through a series of coordinated leaks and appearances, the defense of George Zimmerman has gone into high gear in the case of Trayvon Martin's shooting. Cenk says, "Zimmerman did kill Martin -- that one they can't cover up, because Trayvon Martin is actually dead." But friends and police sources have raised questions about Zimmerman's alleged injuries, Martin's suspension from school and Zimmerman's fears for his safety.

Cenk and Power Panel weigh in on Shaima Alawadi, a Muslim woman brutally killed in San Diego
Cenk and his Power Panel -- Tricia Rose and Dean Obeidallah -- discuss Shaima Alawadi, a San Diego mother who was found beaten to death in her home next to a note that called her a terrorist. "When Muslims do it, it's a worldwide global jihad," Cenk says. "When it's done to a Muslim, it's just one person." Obeidallah says that a lack of Muslim voices in the media makes it even more challenging to overcome bias in America. Rose adds, "There are college campuses where young Arab Americans, Muslim Americans and African Americans are joining together" in solidarity for both Alawadi and Trayvon Martin.

Top 5 oil companies made $1 trillion in profits in last 10 years -- so why do they get taxpayer subsidies?
The White House and Democrats have put forward a bill to stop subsidies to oil companies -- which seems especially sensible given that from 2001 to 2011, the top five companies made $1 trillion in profits. "Karl Rove and his to give away taxpayer money to the richest people in the world -- and this is a perfect example of it," Cenk says. It's a good investment, too -- for every $1 spent lobbying, oil companies made about $30 worth of tax breaks.

[BLOG] From the show: George Zimmerman gets defenders and Democrats fight back on tax breaks

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TYT on Current TV March 23 Highlights

Gun advocate to Cenk: 'If you jump on top of me. count on it, I'm gonna shoot you' (Part 1)
Cenk interviews Larry Pratt, executive director of the Gun Owners of America, who says that George Zimmerman's self-defense claim in the Trayvon Martin shooting has reportedly been corroborated by one witness. "Martin passed from becoming a victim to becoming an aggressor," Pratty says. Cenk says, "Even if those are the facts of the case, that's nuts," and Pratt answers, "If you jump on top of me, and you start beating the tar out of me, and I can get my hand on my gun -- count on it, I'm gonna shoot you." (Part 1 of 2.)

Gun advocate to Cenk: 'Martin should have run away' (Part 2)
Cenk interviews Larry Pratt, executive director of the Gun Owners of America, about the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman. Pratt contends that Zimmerman was attacked by Martin and acted in self-defense. "[Martin] should have run away," Pratt says. "He had his stalker on the ground. Once Martin had neutralized the threat, that's when he should have taken off to get out of there. He doubled down, and he started to really beat the tar out of the guy." Cenk says, "Funny how the kid with no gun is the one who, in your mind, gave up all his rights. But Zimmerman, the freak stalker who called the police 49 times on black males, called this guy a coon, chased him down with a gun -- he has all the rights in the world." (Part 2 of 2)

Cenk takes on Ryan's budget fail and Zimmerman defenders & other stories you missed on 'TYT' this wee
Wait a second. You love TYT, but you missed all this on Current TV? This week Cenk took on Rep. Paul Ryan's disastrous budget plan, missed the mark on Illinois by a mile and told a gun advocate who defended George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin that he was nuts. Watch "The Young Turks" every weeknight at 7/6c only on Current TV.

[WEB EXTRA] 'There's a consequence for killing a black child': Million Hoodies March for Trayvon Martin in Los Angeles
Jayar Jackson heads to Los Angeles' Leimart Park for a Million Hoodie March in support of justice for Trayvon Martin, where attendees recall the murder of Emmit Till and other civil rights struggles. "There's a consequence for killing a black child," one man tells Jayar. Another woman says, "Some of the things that have been catalysts in civil rights organizing have been situations like this."

[BLOG] From the show: a closer look at ` Stand Your Ground' laws and how `Mad Men' lives up to real-life 60s office culture e-young-turks/blog/from-the -show-a-closer-look-at-stan d-your-ground-laws-and-how- mad-men-lives-up-to-real-li fe-60s-office-culture

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Watch TYT Network YouTube Clips from March 22

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TYT on Current TV March 22 Highlights

Bank of America's phony mortgages are as fraudulent as fake Prada purses -- and they get away with it
Matt Taibbi talks to Cenk about his recent "Rolling Stone" article, "Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail." Taibbi says, "It's no different than here on the streets of New York where you see people selling fake Prada bags or phony blue jeans. What they were doing is selling phony mortgages... It was a giant fraud scheme. The fraud on Wall Street -- they think it's some kind of abstraction, it's bankers ripping off other bankers, it's some kind of insider trading scheme where it's a victimless crime. That's not true -- it's bankers ripping off old people and retirees." But, as Cenk points out, "There's never any consequences. They're in essence too big to comply. They turn to government and go, what are you going to do about it."

Michael Jackson's attorney thinks police are 'trying to cover something up' in Trayvon Martin shooting
Cenk talks to noted defense lawyer Tom Mesereau, who represented Michael Jackson, about the Trayvon Martin case. "A young life was lost, there's no reason for that life to be lost, and they should have investigated thoroughly from the opening bell," Mesereau says. Mesereau explains that even a "Stand Your Ground" law has to be considered along with whether George Zimmerman's use of force was reasonable, necessary and objective. "It sounds like they're trying to cover something up," Mesereau says of local police.

Dennis Kucinich declines to endorse Ohio rival Marcy Kaptur in general election
Rep. Dennis Kucinich joins Cenk to talk about the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama's challenges in getting millions back to work and his loss in the Ohio primary to Rep. Marcy Kaptur after redistricting left the state with two fewer seats. "I've lost before," Kucinich says. "I probably have more defeats registered than most members of Congress... My problems are minimal compared to the fact that you've 10 million Americans out of work... I'm going to continue in every way that I can not just to be a voice but to be someone who proposes ways that we can move this country ahead." Cenk asks whether Democrats should now support Kaptur in November's general election. "I'm not going to talk about that campaign at all," Kucinich says. "There are some things that need to be resolved."

[BLOG] From the show: Dennis Kucinich warns against the Keystone Pipeline and the public takes to the streets to Trayvon Martin e-young-turks/blog/from-the -show-dennis-kucinich-warns -against-the-keystone-pipel ine-and-the-public-takes-to -the-streets-to-trayvon-mar tin

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Watch TYT Network YouTube Clips from March 21

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TYT on Current TV March 21 Highlights

Paul Ryan's GOP balanced budget plan is a disaster that would create $4.3 trillion debt in 10 years
The GOP's so-called budget whiz, Paul Ryan, has a new plan to balance the budget -- and it's a disaster. Cenk translates Ryan's speech into reality: "I want to help the poor by taking all the money away from the poor!" The plan includes $5.3 trillion in cuts and would actually devastate Medicare and Medicaid. "See how he's helping you?" And the proposal even includes tax cuts for the wealthy of $4.3 trillion. "It creates a $4 trillion deficit" over 10 years, Cenk points out. "His intention and the intention of the entire Republican party is to steal from the middle class and give it to the rich."

Callista Gingrich scares us too
Jayar Jackson reminds Cenk exactly why Callista Gingrich has the lowest approval rating of all GOP candidates' wives, with 18 percent favorable/44 percent unfavorable. "Is it because he's married to Newt Gingrich?" Jayar asks. "It might be because we're scared of her."

TYT and stand with Million Hoodie March, call for justice in Trayvon Martin shooting
Cenk and editor in chief Michael Skolnik both don hoodies to talk about the Million Hoodie March in New York to demand justice for the shooting of Trayvon Martin. "I'm not going to be quiet, so I spoke up and I spoke out and I challenged my white friends to do the same," Skolnik says.

[BLOG] From the show: Paul Ryan's disastrous budget plan and the Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin

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Watch TYT Network YouTube Clips from March 20

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TYT on Current TV March 20 Highlights

In 911 call, does George Zimmerman call Trayvon Martin a 'f**ing coon'?
Online audiences have highlighted a section of 911 tape in the Trayvon Martin case that appears to include George Zimmerman saying, as he pursues Martin, "f*ing coon." Cenk plays the unedited tape and asks viewers to decide for themselves what word they hear Zimmerman saying. "It's possible he said goons," Cenk says, "but it certainly sounds like coons. And if he said that, it is central to the case of showing there was bias."

Santorum, if you don't understand this is a secular country, you should get out of the race
Rick Santorum's pastor is adamant that America is a Christian nation. Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Cheryl Contee and Rebecca Schoenkopf -- whether that makes Santorum a Jesus freak who isn't fit to be president. "If you don't understand this is a secular country, you should get out of the race," Cenk says.

Jayar Jackson on Fox's defensive strategy: 'I didn't say President Obama was a Muslim, I just made you say it'
Fox News says no host on their network has ever said that President Obama is a Muslim. Jayar Jackson shows Cenk Uygur ample evidence that while a host never directly misidentified Obama's religion, their guests and packaging certainly led many viewers down the wrong path.

[BLOG] From the show: covering the Illinois primary and why Republicans still believe Obama is Muslim

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Watch YouTube Clips from March 19

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TYT on Current TV March 19 Highlights

Local NAACP leader: FBI should take over investigation into Florida shooting of Trayvon Martin
Cenk talks to NAACP Seminole County chapter president Turner Clayton about the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman. "This particular case here is the first case since this chief has been in office that they're attempting to use the self-defense," Clayton says. "In the past they just did shoddy investigations." Clayton says that the the black community in Florida believes the FBI -- which told TYT that the determination of a bias crime is made at the federal level, not locally -- should take over the case.

In New York, Occupy Wall Street protesters aren't the violent ones -
- the police are
Cenk talks to reporter Rosie Gray about the NYPD's brutal response to Occupy Wall Street protesters who gathered Saturday night. "No cops ever get punished, no mayors ever get punished. If you go out there to exercise your First Amendment rights, should you expect an ass-kicking by your own police that you paid for?" Cenk asks. Gray says, "Unfortunately the reality of 2012 in New York City is that this is a city where the police can get away with a lot of things."

Severance for the 1 percent: Gannett's CEO lost $1.7 billion, gets $32 million buyout and lifetime financial advice
Gannett, the largest newspaper chain in the U.S., lost $1.7 billion under CEO Craig Dubow. But Dubow's severance package includes $32 million, stock awards, secretarial assistance for life -- and financial counseling. "Well, he does need the financial counseling, because apparently he sucks at finance," Cenk says. "This is what's wrong with our society. These guys have rigged the system to get everything to their benefit and they give you nothing in return."

[BLOG]  From the show: The GOP's disastrous JOBS act and new tensions at Occupy NY

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Watch YouTube Clips from March 16

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TYT on Current TV March 16 Highlights

Meet Ilya Sheyman, 25, a true Illinois progressive on track to win primary for Congress
Cenk talks to Ilya Sheyman, one of four "bold progressive" picks for Congress that Adam Green told us about in Janaury. Sheyman, running in Illinois' densely Democratic 10th district, is a 25-year-old community organizer who is polling at 45 percent to mainstream Democrat Brad Schneider's 27 percent for the primary on March 20. "What's happening in Washington isn't working," Sheyman says. "We need Democrats who are willing to stand up for the progressive values that actually built the middle class."

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock on Superman's politics and who wins GOP primary -- in a comic book
Cenk talks to documentary-maker Morgan Spurlock and costume designer Holly Conrad about "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope," designing outfits for TYT's heroes, Superman's politics and who would win the GOP primary in a comic book.

Santorum's gay porn obsession, Cenk goes fist-pumping with `Jersey Shore' & more from `The Young Turks'
The dumbest criticism of the president ever, Cenk meows over the GOP cat-fight, and the cast of "Jersey Shore" invites us all to Jenk's, their favorite party place of the year. "I have done some fist pumping back in the day in Jersey," he admits.

[BLOG] From the show: Lobbyists and tea party freshman resort together and Morgan Spurlock talks Comic-Con

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