About Gold Star Families for Peace

Founded in January 2005 in the United States where its offices are based, the GSFP, short for the Gold Star Families for Peace consists of people who lost a member of their family in the Iraq War.

GSFP's Spokeswoman Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan, sometimes called Peace Mom (born 10 July 1957 in Los Angeles ) is an American peace activist, and an ex-member and icon of the Democratic Party built in the movement against the Iraq war by the U.S. peace movement. Her son, Casey Sheehan, was a soldier sent to Iraq in April 2004. While his unit is assigned to the security of a plan to install water pipes in the streets of Sadr City, he was killed with seven of his companions on 4 April 2004, only five days after his arrival. He was 24. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal and Purple Heart.

In July 2004, after a meeting with President George Bush, which she qualifies as the worst of her life, she decided to found Gold Star Families for Peace. She then focused her attention by camping 26 days as from 6 August 2005 in Crawford on the ranch of President George W. Bush in Texas, she asked to meet again, and was initially rejected. However, she received by the president's advisers. The organization managed to make its own camp, Camp Casey Peace Institute, supported by actors of Hollywood, singers, religious representatives, war veterans, parents of soldiers and members of Congress.

The organization has since participated in a large number of anti-war events along with several other organizations. Visit the GSFP website on http://www.gsfp.org/ for more information.