Archive for December, 2009
Published 1, December 31, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Congress , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Environment , International , Justice , Lawyering , Media , Military , Politics , Religion , Society , Supreme Court 19 CommentsVOTE NOW: HOURS TO GO TO THE CLOSING OF THE ABA POLLS!
Published 1, December 31, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Columns , Congress , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Environment , International , Justice , Lawyering , Media , Military , Politics , Religion , Society , Supreme Court , Things That Tick Me Off , Torts 27 Comments The final day is here in the galactic struggle for blog dominance. This afternoon, voting will end and, while the vote count has now been hidden by the ABA, we cannot give up our righteous battle.
China Executes Mentally Disturbed Briton
Published 1, December 31, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Media , Politics , Society 11 CommentsDespite international calls for mercy, China executed Akmal Shaikh, a mentally disturbed British citizen, for possession of 4 kilograms (8.8 pounds) of heroin at the Urumqi Airport in September 2007.
Continue reading ‘China Executes Mentally Disturbed Briton’
Bad Bet: Vultures Face Extinction in South Africa As Gamblers Smoke Their Brains
Published 1, December 31, 2009 Bizarre , Environment , International , Religion , Society 12 CommentsVultures are disappearing in South Africa. This is not because of pollution or global warming or development. Vultures are disappearing because gamblers are literally smoking their brains. That’s right. Smoking their brains.
Continue reading ‘Bad Bet: Vultures Face Extinction in South Africa As Gamblers Smoke Their Brains’
.708 Proof: Woman in South Dakota Sets Record in Blood Alcohol Test
Published 1, December 31, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 9 CommentsMarguerite Engle, 45, has clearly left her mark on the world. The South Dakota police have recorded Engle as having the highest ever blood-alcohol level of .708 percent in the state’s history.
Continue reading ‘.708 Proof: Woman in South Dakota Sets Record in Blood Alcohol Test’
Fighting For Pork: Obama Breaks Promise on Wasteful Spending in Defense Bill
Published 1, December 31, 2009 Congress , Politics , Society 44 CommentsIn August, President Obama proclaimed that he would not tolerate pork in the defense budget by declaring “If a project doesn’t support our troops, we will not fund it.” He is being accused again of a substantial gap between his rhetoric and the reality of his politics. He just signed the 2010 Defense Appropriations Bill with an estimated $4.2 billion in pork contained in 1,720 earmarks.
Continue reading ‘Fighting For Pork: Obama Breaks Promise on Wasteful Spending in Defense Bill’
California Man Kills Woman’s Dog and Then Runs Naked Through San Clemente
Published 1, December 31, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 6 CommentsFirst the story. Bayron Reyes Lopez, 26, ran up to a woman, grabbed her mini shnauzer and beat it and choked it to death. He then ran naked to a tennis court and poured hot water on himself. Here what is fascinating. The story barely made the Los Angeles Times — just another random dog-killing, naked crazed man in the City of Angels.
Continue reading ‘California Man Kills Woman’s Dog and Then Runs Naked Through San Clemente’
Drunken Florida Man Arrested After Calling Police for Ride to Bar
Published 1, December 30, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 4 CommentsGregory J. Oras, 37, may want to find a designated driver . . . other than the 911 operator. After calling the police for a ride, he ended up tasered and arrested.
Continue reading ‘Drunken Florida Man Arrested After Calling Police for Ride to Bar’
Separate But Unequal: Ahmadinejad Moves for Segregation of Sexes Throughout Iranian Society
Published 1, December 30, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , International , Politics , Religion , Society 22 CommentsAs his security forces continue to beat and kill pro-democracy protesters in the streets, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stepped up a plan to strictly segregate the sexes throughout Iranian society in business and public buildings. It is part of his continued radical Muslim agenda with the hard-right religious leaders that support his regime.
Fifty-Nine-Year-Old Man Looking For Hard-Right Woman With Good Demographics and Vicious Disposition
Published 1, December 30, 2009 Bizarre , Politics , Society 21 CommentsLooking for the perfect arch-conservative with a frisky and fun side? Well, ladies, you are in luck: Karl Rove is now available for dating.
Continue reading ‘Fifty-Nine-Year-Old Man Looking For Hard-Right Woman With Good Demographics and Vicious Disposition’
Honor Killing: Father and Brother in Germany Kill Woman After Learning That She Is Not a Virgin
Published 1, December 30, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Religion , Society 19 CommentsWe have yet another “honor killing.” In Germany, a Kurdish man, 50, was sentenced to ordering the murder of his own daughter after learning that the 20-year-old woman named Gulsum Semin was no longer a virgin. He reportedly preferred a dead daughter and convinced his son to murder his own sister.
Continue reading ‘Honor Killing: Father and Brother in Germany Kill Woman After Learning That She Is Not a Virgin’
Bad Bunny: Former Playboy Model of the Year Convicted of Beating Fellow Hostess with Toilet and Then Has Meltdown in Courtroom
Published 1, December 30, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Society 11 CommentsStimulus Backhand: Public Gets Served After City Spends Stimulus Money on New Tennis Courts
Published 1, December 30, 2009 Bizarre , Politics , Society 13 CommentsCritics have long maintained that much of the stimulus package in Congress was a thinly veiled opportunity for members to spend wildly on pet projects in their states without fear of debt ceilings or backlash. Montana appears almost eager to prove the critics right. Bozeman City, Montana spent a chunk of its stimulus money to install new tennis courts in a park. They did not even use local contractors but went out of state for the work.
Illinois GOP Senate Candidate Calls Out Rep. Kirk For Alleged Homosexuality
Published 1, December 29, 2009 Bizarre , Media , Politics , Society 48 CommentsThe Senate race is already heating up in Illinois after GOP primary candidate Andy Martin (left) ran a negative ad accusing Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) of being gay.
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Fugitive U.S. Doctor Found Living in Tent 6000 Feet Up in the Italian Alps
Published 1, December 29, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society , Torts 18 CommentsInternational fugitive and former millionaire nose doctor, Mark Weinberger was captured while living in a tent at 6000 feet up in the Italian Alps. Weinberger tried to take his own life with a small knife that he hid in his underwear.
Continue reading ‘Fugitive U.S. Doctor Found Living in Tent 6000 Feet Up in the Italian Alps’
Four Arrested in Christmas “Lynching”
Published 1, December 29, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Politics , Society 14 CommentsFour men have been arrested in a bizarre Christmas day “lynching” in Indian Land, South Carolina. The victim was Ronnie Gene Wallace, 42, shown to the left.
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Chinese Student Freezes to Death After Being Forced to Stay Outside by Teacher Who Went Out Drinking
Published 1, December 29, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , International , Society , Uncategorized 7 CommentsYang Guangsheng, principal of Wujing Junior Middle School in Linqu county of Shandong province, and Wang Dongping, vice-principal, were suspended after Student Zhang Jixin, 14, was found dead after freezing to death. He was told to stand outside in the cold all night by a teacher as punishment. The teacher went out drinking and forgot about the student.
Continue reading ‘Chinese Student Freezes to Death After Being Forced to Stay Outside by Teacher Who Went Out Drinking’
Parking in Pink: Extra Wide Parking Places Are Offered to Women in China
Published 1, December 29, 2009 Bizarre , International , Politics , Society 6 CommentsChina appears to be following the trend in other countries to offer women wider parking spaces. We saw this controversial practice emerge in countries like South Korea. Now, a shopping center in Hebei province will offer the same widened spaces for female drivers.
Continue reading ‘Parking in Pink: Extra Wide Parking Places Are Offered to Women in China’
Minnesota Man Racks Up 20th DUI Offense
Published 1, December 29, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 1 CommentPaul D. Garay, 55, has racked up his 20th drunken-driving offense but will not face a felony charge for the DUI arrest on Christmas Eve.
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Balloon Boy’s Parents Sentenced to Total of 110 Days in Jail
Published 1, December 28, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 20 CommentsBalloon Boy’s parents Richard and Mayumi Heene have been sentenced for this hoax. Larimer County, Colo. Judge Stephen Schapanski sentenced the couple to a total of 110 days in jail and eight years probation. He also prohibited the couple from making any money off the balloon boy fiasco during that time.
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Whistleblower Cop Charged in Russia After Blog Appeal to Putin
Published 1, December 28, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Media , Politics , Society 4 CommentsWe have another blogger being prosecuted for embarrassing a government. The Russian prosecutors have charged former police major Alexei Dymovsky who achieved international acclaim with his video blogs accusing colleagues of corruption and forcing witnesses to accuse innocent people. He appealed to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to do something. He did, it appears. Dymovsky has been charged with abuse of office.
Continue reading ‘Whistleblower Cop Charged in Russia After Blog Appeal to Putin’
There are some heros who go unheralded. You have seen Bicycle Man. Now there is Parking Man.
Continue reading ‘Parking Man To The Rescue’
Dead Man Walking: Coroner Stops Autopsy Have Found Man Alive
Published 1, December 28, 2009 Bizarre , International , Society , Torts 8 CommentsThe medical examiner in Caracas, Venezuela faced an odd situation this week when the man they were cutting began to bleed — an indication that he was very much alive. Carlos Camejo, 33, was declared dead after a highway accident and taken to the morgue. They were wrong.
Continue reading ‘Dead Man Walking: Coroner Stops Autopsy Have Found Man Alive’
High School Officials Allegedly Cuts Science Program Because It Primarily Benefits White Students
Published 1, December 28, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Politics , Society 81 CommentsBerkeley High School is in the midst of a difficult debate over the elimination of science labs and five science teachers to shift resources to help struggling students. Some have objected that the science courses primarily help white students and should be reduced to add greater “equity” for struggling and minority students.
Continue reading ‘High School Officials Allegedly Cuts Science Program Because It Primarily Benefits White Students’
Was Baucus Drunk on Senate Floor or Are Conservatives Seeing This Video Through Beer Goggles?
Published 1, December 28, 2009 Bizarre , Politics , Society 18 CommentsConservative bloggers are running this video and accusing Senator Max Baucus, Finance Chairman, of being drunk on the Senate floor during the health care debate (and accusing the media of ignoring the story, here). This has triggered a hilarious debate over whether Baucus was drunk. What do you think?
Published 1, December 27, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Congress , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Environment , International , Military , Politics , Religion , Society , Supreme Court , Things That Tick Me Off , Torts 10 Comments We are now four days short of the finish line in the ABA top blog competition. While the vote count has now been hidden by the ABA, we must learn to fight blindfolded and trust our senses, Little Grasshoppers.
As a special gift to Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, I wanted to show that his denouncing of atheism was not ignored. He clearly touched this creature.
Continue reading ‘THE PIOUS PRAIRIE DOG’
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels Accuses Atheism as Cause of Holocaust and Other Great Crimes Against Humanity
Published 1, December 27, 2009 Bizarre , Media , Politics , Religion , Society 36 CommentsThe global campaign against the scourge of secularism continues. As we previously saw how the Chief Rabbi and the former prime minister of England attacked secularism as the threat to Western Civilization. Now, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is adding his voice to this chorus — singling out atheists as responsible for the greatest crimes of the last century.
Continue reading ‘Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels Accuses Atheism as Cause of Holocaust and Other Great Crimes Against Humanity’
Putting the Bad Into Hyderbad: 86-Year-Old Governor Resigns After Sex Tape With Three Women
Published 1, December 27, 2009 Bizarre , International , Politics , Society 8 CommentsIn Hyderabad, India, Narain Dutt Tiwari knows exactly how Carrie Prejean feels. A sex tape has surfaced showing Tiwari in bed with three women. The difference is that he is 86 and the governor of a southern Indian state and a leader in the Congress party. He resigned after it surfaced that he was pressing the flesh with the wrong types of constituents.
Continue reading ‘Putting the Bad Into Hyderbad: 86-Year-Old Governor Resigns After Sex Tape With Three Women’
I just saw this video of Minister Kerney Thomas who basically preaches that being full of faith is a lot like eating really really hot Mexican food.
Continue reading ‘The Scream of Faith’
Peppermint Pusher: Ten-Year-Old Girl Suspended From School For Bringing Peppermint Oil To School
Published 1, December 27, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Politics , Society 23 CommentsSchool officials have suspended a 10-year-old girl in New York for bringing peppermint oil to the John Mandracchia-Sawmill Intermediate School and giving drops to her fifth grade friends to flavor their water. The Commack School District insists that the oil “is an unregulated over-the-counter drug.”
The Wheels of Justice: Chinese Man Fights Thieves With Bicycle
Published 1, December 27, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Society 3 Comments A Chinese man is being celebrated as a hero after stopping thieves by throwing his bike at them.
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Maru’s Moments — In Slow Motion
Published 1, December 26, 2009 Bizarre , Environment , International 7 CommentsThis guy really loves this cat. I have to admit that the jumping in slow motion is pretty cool.
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Perhaps this is why they do not spell out Sports Utility Vehicle and just let owners get by with SUV.
Continue reading ‘SUV-CHALLENGED’
Four Irish Bishops Resign in Wake of Abuse Report
Published 1, December 26, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Politics , Religion , Society 8 CommentsThe Irish are running low on Catholic bishops after two more bishops resigned on Christmas Eve in the wake of a report on the cover-up of sexual abuse. Two bishops previously resigned. Bishops Eamonn Walsh and Raymond Field offered their resignations to Pope Benedict on December 24th.
Continue reading ‘Four Irish Bishops Resign in Wake of Abuse Report’
Ok, I admit I find this really cool despite the promise of a host of injuries. This guy mounted a camera on his RC plane and filmed as his kids tried to shoot it down with fireworks.
Continue reading ‘Into the Air Junior Birdman . . .’
China Set To Execute Mentally Ill British Man for Drug Smuggling
Published 1, December 26, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Politics , Society 9 CommentsChina is moving forward with the execution of a mentally ill British man for trafficking drugs. The British government has been protesting the treatment of Akmal Shaikh, whose family insists that he was duped into going to China by promises of becoming a singer and star. A Chinese gang used him to smuggle drugs.
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Merry Christmas from India
Published 1, December 26, 2009 Bizarre , International , Religion , Society 7 CommentsThis one seems to have escaped us . . .
China Sentences Human Rights Leader to 11 Years in Jail For Drafting Pro-Democracy Paper
Published 1, December 26, 2009 Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Environment , International , Politics , Society 9 CommentsSecretary of State Hillary Clinton has insisted that the Obama Administration will not fight with China over human rights and instead seek a “more practical” approach that emphasizes trade issues, here. Yesterday, China showed the world that it doesn’t feel any pressure to allow free speech or basic rights to its citizens. It sentenced leading human rights advocate Liu Xiaobo to 11 years in prison for calling for the rule of law and democracy in China.
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Justice Delayed and Denied: Police Chief Receives Only 6 Months and $20 for Assault of 14-Year-Old Girl
Published 1, December 26, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , International , Lawyering , Society 1 CommentThere is a horrible case out of India where a former senior police officer has been able to openly flaunt and manipulate the legal system after molesting a 14-year-old girl. SPS Rathore allegedly used his authority to harass the family of Ruchika Girhotra and obstruct the investigation into the assault of the promising tennis player. Now, the outrage has grown after Rathore was given a mere six months sentence and told to pay 1,000 rupees ($20). Ruckika was not in the court room when Rathore reportedly laughed at the sentence. She committed suicide after years of harassment by the police.
Published 1, December 25, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Congress , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Environment , International , Media , Military , Politics , Religion , Society , Supreme Court , Testimony , Things That Tick Me Off , Torts , USA Today 38 CommentsBest wishes to everyone celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah. To paraphrase Tiny Tim, “And God bless us, everyone . . . even Legal Satyricon.” Continue reading ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’
Woman Knocks Down the Pope At Christmas Mass
Published 1, December 25, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Media , Politics , Religion , Society 27 CommentsI thought that I could get through this day without an actual Christmas tort worth noting. However, an astonishing breach of security occurred Thursday night in the Vatican. Somehow a mentally unstable woman was able to jump the barriers in St. Peter’s Basilica and knock down Pope Benedict XVI as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass at the Vatican.
Continue reading ‘Woman Knocks Down the Pope At Christmas Mass’
Santa Spotted In Micronesia
Published 1, December 24, 2009 Bizarre , Environment , International , Politics , Religion , Society 48 CommentsThe good people of Norad are tracking the jolly fat man and spotted him in Micronesia, here.
Continue reading ‘Santa Spotted In Micronesia’
Blasphemy Blog: Egyptian Court Upholds Four-Year Sentence of Blogger for Criticizing Islam
Published 1, December 24, 2009 Constitutional Law , Criminal law , International , Politics , Religion , Society 7 Comments An Egyptian court has affirmed the four-year jail sentence imposed on blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman for posting writings critical of Islam and the government. The sentencing comes after the Obama Administration caved into pressure from Egypt to support a resolution that recognizes the basis for such blasphemy prosecutions, here.
Man on a White Horse: Idaho Gubernatorial Candidate Rex Rammell Holds Closed Meetings with LDS Elders on the “White Horse” Prophecy
Published 1, December 24, 2009 Bizarre , Media , Politics , Religion , Society 26 CommentsRex Rammell may be running for Idaho’s governorship, but he is clearly preparing for (or at least thinking of) something more grand. The Mormon candidate will be holding closed door meetings with elders from the Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) on the rather apocalyptic predictions by Joseph Smith called the “White Horse” prophesy that leads to Mormons saving the nation by taking over the government.
Continue reading ‘Man on a White Horse: Idaho Gubernatorial Candidate Rex Rammell Holds Closed Meetings with LDS Elders on the “White Horse” Prophecy’
PETA Publishes Photos of Elephant Abuse Taken By Late Trainer
Published 1, December 24, 2009 Environment , Media , Politics , Society 4 CommentsPETA has released photos taken by a former elephant trainer with the circus of a baby elephant being taught to perform — and hit with sharp metal hooks when it fails to do so. The photos were reportedly taken by trainer who died recently and wanted them published.
Continue reading ‘PETA Publishes Photos of Elephant Abuse Taken By Late Trainer’
No School Left Behind: Taliban Blows Up School for Girls in Pakistan
Published 1, December 24, 2009 Bizarre , International , Religion , Society 3 CommentsThe Taliban gave the world another example of why its educational programs are so low cost and effective. In the Khyber District of Pakistan the Taliban blew up a girls’ school. This was a moderate response for the organization, which is known to throw acid in the faces of girls trying to go to school.
Continue reading ‘No School Left Behind: Taliban Blows Up School for Girls in Pakistan’
Police Enter Backyards of Citizens Without Permission or Notice in Exercise and Shoot Man’s Dog When It Attacks
Published 1, December 24, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Society , Torts 3 CommentsIn Chilliwack, B.C., the Mounties are facing heavy criticism after they decided to use the backyards of citizens for an exercise without either notice or permission. Fendi, a six-year-old pit bull, was not happy when armed men and tracking dogs appeared around his yard. When he attacked one of the police dogs, the Mounties shot him — leaving his owner Brian Hackner with a great deal of questions and one dead dog.
A Place to Hang His Hat: Man Walks Into Diner With Knife Stuck in His Chest
Published 1, December 23, 2009 Uncategorized 24 CommentsA man walks into a diner with a knife stuck in his chest and orders coffee . . .
No, this is not a lead up for a joke.
Continue reading ‘A Place to Hang His Hat: Man Walks Into Diner With Knife Stuck in His Chest’
Vampire Jailed for Threatening to Torture and Kill Judge and His Family
Published 1, December 23, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Politics , Religion , Society 17 CommentsJonathan Sharkey, 44, was once a proud vampire who ran for president and other public offices while leading the Vampyre Nation. Now, he has been arrested for allegedly threatening to torture and kill Judge David Certo.
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Au Mauvais Pain: New York EMTs Allegedly Refuse to Help Dying Women Because They Were On Coffee Break
Published 1, December 23, 2009 Bizarre , Society , Torts 20 CommentsAn Au Bon Pain shop in Brooklyn has become the scene of a disturbing case in which a pregnant woman died after two EMTs allegedly refused to help because they were on a coffee break. The EMTs, Jason Green and Melissa Jackson are accused of sitting by and telling people to call 9-11 after an employee, Eutisha Revee Rennix, collapsed. The mother of three later died with her unborn baby.
Thirteen-Year-Old Boy: Tequila Saved My Life
Published 1, December 23, 2009 Bizarre , Society 11 CommentsIt appears that Dr. José Cuervo has saved another life. Last May, 13-year-old Evan Hamilton downed eight shots of tequila on a dare from his friends at McCaffrey Middle School in Galt, California. He passed out and was rushed to the hospital. It was then that the doctors discovered a brain tumor just in time to save his life.
Continue reading ‘Thirteen-Year-Old Boy: Tequila Saved My Life’
Harlem Hospital Sued After Misdiagnosing Woman With Advanced AIDS, Hepatitis, and Herpes
Published 1, December 23, 2009 Bizarre , Lawyering , Society , Torts 4 CommentsThe Harlem Hospital is facing a horrific lawsuit where its staff allegedly misdiagnosed Maria Osorio, 54, as having advanced AIDS as well as hepatitis and herpes. It ruined her marriage and her life until the hospital called to say “opps, you’re perfectly healthy.” She says the hospital never even apologized, but there is still some room for regret. She is suing under negligence and emotional distress. By the way, you will love the explanation of the staff for the later diagnosis of perfect health.
Expecting a Court Martial: General Announces New Policy to Court Martial Pregnant Women in Iraq
Published 1, December 22, 2009 Bizarre , Military , Politics , Society 49 CommentsMaj. Gen. Anthony Cucolo has announced that getting pregnant or impregnating a fellow soldier is an offense punishable by a court-martial in Iraq. He has stated that he will not charge women who are raped.
Continue reading ‘Expecting a Court Martial: General Announces New Policy to Court Martial Pregnant Women in Iraq’
Lawyers Rise Up Against Arpaio and Thomas to Fight For the Rule of Law in Arizona
Published 1, December 22, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Justice , Lawyering , Media , Politics , Society 20 CommentsWhile many of us have been following the de-evolution of the Arizona law system in Maricopa County recently (here), lawyers are taking to the street to protest against the assault on the rule of law by Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Hundreds of lawyers took to the street to call for an end of the embarrassing reign of Thomas who has made his office an international mockery. Thomas has joined Arpaio in charging the judge who stood up to the sheriff with three felony counts — bribery, obstructing a criminal investigation, and hindering prosecution.
Continue reading ‘Lawyers Rise Up Against Arpaio and Thomas to Fight For the Rule of Law in Arizona’
Let Them Eat Cake: Rise in Divorces Leads To Creative Niche for “Divorce Cake”
Published 1, December 22, 2009 Bizarre , Society , Torts 5 CommentsNow, this is a particularly wonderful way to celebrate your divorce.
Continue reading ‘Let Them Eat Cake: Rise in Divorces Leads To Creative Niche for “Divorce Cake”’
The Pub and the Penitent Man Sermon
Published 1, December 22, 2009 Bizarre , Religion , Society 7 CommentsIn light of Father Jones’ advising to the spiritual shoplifters (here), I wanted to offer my own spiritually lifting story for the holiday.
Continue reading ‘The Pub and the Penitent Man Sermon’
Shopping with Father Jones: Priest Supports Faithful Turning to Five-Finger Discount
Published 1, December 22, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Religion , Society 29 CommentsFather Tim Jones, 41, (on the right) surprised his congregation this month with a novel holiday sermon in which he advised poor people to go out and shoplift. Jones reportedly stopped his sermon at St. Lawrence Church in York to give the divine endorsement for the five-finger discount. The clergy is not amused.
Leading Minnesota Lawyer and Bar Official Arrested for Rape of Minor Boy
Published 1, December 22, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Lawyering , Politics , Society 11 CommentsAaron F. Biber, 46, a leading attorney and former treasurer of the state bar (and a leading candidate for the presidency) has been arrested after giving an underage boy alcohol and raping him. The boy is reportedly mentally handicapped.
Continue reading ‘Leading Minnesota Lawyer and Bar Official Arrested for Rape of Minor Boy’
We Bring Good People To Court: Leading Physician Warns That Patients May Be Dying From Drug So General Electric Silences Him With a Libel Lawsuit
Published 1, December 21, 2009 Academics , International , Politics , Society , Torts 11 CommentsDr. Henrik Thomsen is one of Europe’s leading radiologists who has been alarmed over patients who have contracted a rare and potentially fatal disease, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF). It turns out that the patients were reportedly given a drug to help images become more pronounced during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. It is Omniscan and manufactured by GE Healthcare, a subsidiary of General Electric. The response of GE was to sue Thomsen for libel and effectively stop him from speaking about the dangers. It is another example of how England’s defamation laws are out of control. Companies tend to sue in England, which tends to favor corporations (particularly given the English rule that imposes legal costs on the loser in such litigation).
Continue reading ‘We Bring Good People To Court: Leading Physician Warns That Patients May Be Dying From Drug So General Electric Silences Him With a Libel Lawsuit’
Sarah Palin Denounces Climate Talks as Example of “Arrogance of Man”
Published 1, December 21, 2009 Bizarre , Environment , International , Politics , Religion , Society 132 CommentsAccording to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, climate talks are simply evidence of the “arrogance of man.” It is expected that next week Palin will announce her campaign to dismantle all dams, re-irrigation programs, and forest fire suppression programs in part of her “de-arrogancing of man.”
Continue reading ‘Sarah Palin Denounces Climate Talks as Example of “Arrogance of Man”’
California Court Strikes Down State Law Criminalizing Possession of Body Armor By Ex-Felons
Published 1, December 21, 2009 Congress , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Politics , Society 7 CommentsA California appellate court has struck down the state law barring ex-felons from possessing body armor. The law was passed in 1998 and the Congress passed a similar federal law in 2002.
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Pants to Die For: Killer Trips on Baggy Pants and Falls To His Death
Published 1, December 21, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 12 CommentsWe have been following jurisdictions which have moved to outlaw baggy and low-riding pants (here). The problem is that, if wearing baggy pants is criminal, only criminals will have baggy pants. A story out of New York indicates that police may not want to see the style outlawed after all – as a criminal fighting tool. Hector Quinones entered a New York apartment on a killing spree, only to fall to his own death when he tripped over his baggy pants.
Continue reading ‘Pants to Die For: Killer Trips on Baggy Pants and Falls To His Death’
Guardian: Israel Admits To Harvesting Organs From Dead Palestinians
Published 1, December 21, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , International , Politics , Religion , Society 36 CommentsFor months, the government of Israel has demanded the retraction of a story by a Swedish paper that said that Israeli doctors had harvested the organs from dead Palestinians without the consent of their families. The Israeli government canceled visits to Sweden and called the article anti-Semitic. Now, the Guardian is running a new story that says that the allegations are true.
Continue reading ‘Guardian: Israel Admits To Harvesting Organs From Dead Palestinians’
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Country Attorney Thomas Charge Judge Who Sent Deputy to Jail
Published 1, December 21, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Lawyering , Media , Politics , Society 20 CommentsWe have been following the latest controversy of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in his support of a deputy who committed an outrageous act in rifling through the papers of a criminal defense attorney and then removing and copying notes about her client (here). Many questioned the actions of County Attorney Andrew Thomas who has supported Arpaio rather than the rule of law in the matter. Now, Thomas has joined Arpaio in charging the judge who stood up to the sheriff with three felony counts — bribery, obstructing a criminal investigation, and hindering prosecution.
Continue reading ‘Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Country Attorney Thomas Charge Judge Who Sent Deputy to Jail’
Cospirazione! Popular Italian Video Says Berlusconi Attack Was One Big Falsificazione
Published 1, December 21, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Politics , Religion , Society 1 CommentIn the United States, there is the second gunman on the grassy knoll, the belief that the Moon landing was faked, and the ongoing debate of the true cause of the Twin Towers collapsing. Around the world, there is the debate whether Lenin in Lenin’s Tomb is really a wax dummy and whether Kim Yong-Il is actually a double who replaced the leader after his death. Now, Italians have their own conspiracy theory as captured in this YouTube video that has gone viral with over a half million hits in a very short period of time. The creator suggests that the attack on Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, 73, was faked and offers evidence similar to what continues to be debated in the Kennedy assasination.
FLOG THE BLOG: Vote Now or the Orcs Will Inhabit the Blog
Published 1, December 20, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Congress , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Environment , International , Justice , Lawyering , Media , Military , Politics , Religion , Society , Supreme Court , Things That Tick Me Off , Torts 135 CommentsIt has come to this. We are facing a 50 vote deficit with ten days left in the battle for the blogoshere. It is time to pull out the video that most captures the moment (as supplied by Mespo). You are not the first to face an overwhelming army with many assuming certain defeat.
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In light of the lawsuit against Green Mountain College over co-ed bathrooms, this picture is proof that the problem goes far beyond our species.
Continue reading ‘Peeping Tom Cats’
Death By Zhu Zhu: Target Fires Seven Employees For Buying Popular Toy
Published 1, December 20, 2009 Bizarre , Society , Torts 23 CommentsWe previously followed the allegations that the popular Zhu Zhu Pets are toxic. Now, they can not only allegedly make you sick but make you jobless. Just ask David Lawrinowicz of Lancaster, Pa.
Continue reading ‘Death By Zhu Zhu: Target Fires Seven Employees For Buying Popular Toy’
Student Sues Green Mountain College Over Co-Ed Bathrooms
Published 1, December 20, 2009 Academics , Society , Torts 7 CommentsJennifer Weiler, 19, of Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vermont has filed a lawsuit contesting the use of co-ed bathrooms at the school. The lawsuit names the Department of Public Safety and notes such things as flimsy curtains as shower doors and men using toilets without closing the door.
Continue reading ‘Student Sues Green Mountain College Over Co-Ed Bathrooms’
Iran to Sue for World War II Reparations
Published 1, December 20, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , International , Politics , Society , Torts 11 CommentsIranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sent a letter to the United Nations announcing the intention for Iran to seek compensation for World War II damages. Putting aside his country’s support of terrorism around the world and repressions at home, Ahmadinejad believes the world owes his country for invading Iran in defeating the Nazis. Iran remained neutral as the world fought fascism.
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D.C. Detective Admits to Pulling Gun after His Hummer was Hit with Snowballs – Internal Affairs Head Clears Officer and Insists It Was a Cellphone
Published 1, December 20, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Media , Society 16 CommentsA D.C. police detective is under fire today after he allegedly pulled his service weapon after kids hit his Hummer with snowballs. In addition, the head of internal investigations for D.C. Assistant Chief Peter Newsham is being criticized for telling the public that the detective never pulled his weapon and only had a cellphone in his hand. However, on the videotape below the detective admits that he pulled his weapon. The officer in the video identifies himself as Detective “Baylor” (spelling?) and, when confronted with the claim that he pulled his gun, says “yes I did because I was hit with snowballs.”
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A Glint in a Titan’s Eye
Published 1, December 19, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , International , Society 17 CommentsRep. Grayson Asks Holder to Prosecute On-Line Critic at “”
Published 1, December 19, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Criminal law , Justice , Politics 22 CommentsRep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) has written Attorney General Eric Holder to ask that he investigate and prosecute Republican activist Angie Langley for her website “” In his letter below, he claims that Langley has misrepresented the purpose of the site in raising funds against him.
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California Man Triggers Protests After Creating Lawn Display of Jesus Shooting Santa
Published 1, December 19, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Politics , Religion , Society 34 CommentsThere is a controversy brewing in Nipomo, California over the right of a resident Ron Lake to display a decoration on his lawn depicting Jesus shooting Santa Claus. Neighbors want the display removed, but Lake insists that it is a work of art.
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North Carolina Commissioner Refers to “De-Infesting” Areas of Gays
Published 1, December 19, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Criminal law , Politics , Religion , Society 20 CommentsAt a hearing concerning domestic partner benefits, Republican Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James took a slightly different tact on the issue: referring to gays as if they were vermin. James spoke of the effort to “de-infest” areas where gays “congregate.”
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The Divine Referral: Christian Scientists Lobby for Faith Healing To Be Covered As Part of the National Health Care Plan
Published 1, December 19, 2009 Bizarre , Congress , Constitutional Law , Lawyering , Politics , Religion , Society 16 CommentsOne of the provisions proposed for the current health care bill has received little attention in the media: mandatory coverage for faith healers. Christian Science advocates are pushing for the inclusion in the bill under a provision barring discrimination against religious based healing. They previously won support from both Republicans and Democrats for the astonishing provision that would require insurance companies to pay religious healers in the same way as radiologists.
Cafe Delicto: Virginia Man Convicted of Indecent Exposure For Appearing Naked Inside His Home While Making Coffee
Published 1, December 18, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 20 CommentsWe previously followed the case of Erick Williamson, 29, who was charged with indecent exposure when he was spotted by two women naked inside his house. He says that he was making coffee and they say he was exposing himself. Well, a Virginia jury has rejected his coffee-based defense and convicted Williamson.
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Face Off: North Face Sues South Butt in a Trademark Action
Published 1, December 18, 2009 Bizarre , Lawyering , Society , Torts 12 CommentsThe North Face Apparel Co. is not amused. Jimmy Winkelmann wanted to make fun of people and companies fueling the market for name brand clothing, so he named his company South Butt, as a parody on North Face. North Face is now suing for trademark infringement. Once again, I am mystified why we have allowed trademark and copyright laws to get so expansive as to make such claims even remotely credible.
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Remote-Controlled Murder: Husband Sentenced for Killing Wife With 4 Ounce Remote
Published 1, December 18, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Society 6 CommentsThe judges of the Old Bailey in England have a fascinating criminal case before them. Paul Harvey, 46, has pleaded guilty to manslaughter after killing Gloria Laguna, a former American diplomat in India. The weapon was the television remote. It is difficult to see why Harvey was charged with manslaughter in the case given the unique elements in the case.
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Thieves Steal Infamous Auschwitz “Arbeit Macht Frei” Sign
Published 1, December 18, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Politics , Religion , Society 12 CommentsPolish police are searching for one of history’s most recognized and most infamous relics: the sign above the entrance gate of the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp reading “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Sets You Free”). Thieves stole the sign this week before dawn.
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Flash Tort: Teenage Girl Flashes Motorist Who Loses Control of Car and Hit Her
Published 1, December 18, 2009 Bizarre , International , Society , Torts 10 CommentsThis is an excellent case for exploring the limits of comparative and contributing negligence. Cherelle May Dudfield, 18, is a New Zealand teenager who decided to flash passing cars. With her friends egging her own, she lifted her shirt. She succeeded in distracting one man who lost control of the car and ran her over.
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Who Killed Diane de Poitiers?
Published 1, December 18, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Society , Torts 7 CommentsIt may be one of the oldest product liability cases in the world. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) has published findings suggesting that Diane de Poitiers, a famous mistress of 16th-century French King Henry II, may have died from consuming too much drinkable gold.
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The High-Fiber Legal Diet: Video Shows Robbery Suspect Eating Bank Note
Published 1, December 17, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Justice , Lawyering , Media , Society 13 CommentsThis video belongs in the Hall of Criminal Fame. John H. Ford, 35, was arrested on suspicion of bank robbery. The police grabbed what they thought was the bank robbery note, but put it next to Ford’s mouth on the police cruiser as they cuffed him. He proceeded to eat it.
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Hairy Tater Tot: Texas School Suspends Four-Year-Old Boy For Growing His Hair Long for Cancer Patients
Published 1, December 17, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Politics , Society 67 CommentsTaylor Pugh, 4, (known as Tater Tot) is a bit too hairy for Floyd Elementary School’s principal. Taylor and his Dad are growing their hair to donate it for wigs for cancer patients. The suburban Dallas school district, however, insists that boys cannot have long hair and it has suspended him from classes since last month.
Sheriff Finds No Basis for Charges After Boy Shoots Himself With Gun Left By Parents Behind Christmas Tree
Published 1, December 17, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 19 CommentsIn Cortez, Colorado, police are not going to charge the parents of a 12-year-old Colorado boy who shot himself after playing with a loaded pistol left by his parents behind a Christmas tree. Montezuma County Sheriff Gerald Wallace insists that he does not see any basis for a charge in the case.
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Virginia Man Sentenced For Killing Wife After She Refused to Take Down Christmas Light
Published 1, December 17, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 8 CommentsForrest M. Smythers Jr., 54, really wanted those Christmas lights taken down. Smythers was convicted of murdering his wife Dawn Smythers, in a dispute over the lights during which she allegedly hit him with a Christmas angel and he shot her between the eyes with a .22 caliber rifle.
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Arizona GOP Director Accused of Stalking Woman in Phoenix
Published 1, December 17, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Politics , Society 7 CommentsThe executive director of the Arizona GOP, Brett Mecum, 30, is embroiled in a bizarre criminal investigation where a woman has accused him of using the “Voter Vault” system to track her down in Phoenix. She is a young Republican and a former volunteer for John McCain.
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Devil in the Details: Televangelist Rod Parsley Calls on the Faithful to Give Him Cash After Devil Took His Money
Published 1, December 17, 2009 Bizarre , Courts , Media , Politics , Religion , Society , Torts 49 Comments With Oral Roberts “called home,” televangelist Rod Parsley appears to have taken up his message of “give me money or Satan will win.” This bizarre video below shows Parsley explaining that he is in need of cash because the Devil was trying to financially ruin him and left him with little operating capital. He does not mention that the church was just hit with a $3 million award in a child abuse case. The Devil appears in the details.
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Former Lawmaker Convicted of Raping His Daughters Copyrights His Name to Bar Its Use by Daughters and Reporters
Published 1, December 16, 2009 Bizarre , Congress , Constitutional Law , Courts , Criminal law , Lawyering , Media , Politics , Society 16 CommentsFormer South Dakota lawmaker Ted Klaudt does not like all of the stories being written about him. Most politicians are delighted with coverage but Klaudt is best known for raping his foster daughters. Klaudt’s solution (after failing to prove innocence) was to copyright his name and demand that newspapers ask his permission to use his name 20 days before any article or face millions in penalties for unauthorized use.
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Friends Don’t Let Friends Deduct: Drunk Driver Allowed to Deduct Cost of Truck Damaged in DUI Violation
Published 1, December 16, 2009 Bizarre , Courts , Criminal law , Lawyering , Society 6 CommentsFinally, an upside to DUI? A judge with the U.S. tax court has ruled that a man who drove drunk and totaled his truck could claim the damage as a write off.
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Separation Anxiety: English High Court Rules Jewish School Violated Anti-Discrimination Laws By Excluding Students on Basis of Religion
Published 1, December 16, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , International , Politics , Religion , Society 9 CommentsThere is an interesting ruling out of England’s highest court, which found that a Jewish school was guilty of race discrimination by refusing to admit pupils who are not considered ethnically Jewish. The ruling is the latest example of the collision course between anti-discrimination laws and free exercise of religion (and free association). For a prior paper on that conflict, click here.
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Megabyte: Israeli Border Police Shoot Laptop of American Student
Published 1, December 16, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Criminal law , International , Military , Politics , Society 27 CommentsAmerican student Lily Sussman, 21, likely has a new appreciation for our TSA personnel after encountering the Israel Border Police. Israeli officers allegedly interrogated her after she entered Israel via Taba, Egypt two weeks ago and ended up shooting her Apple laptop computer. It appears that the Border Police are PC people.
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The Not-So-Speedy Trial: Turkish Trial Ends After 28 Years
Published 1, December 16, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Criminal law , International , Lawyering , Military , Politics , Society 4 CommentsWe often struggle with speedy trials in the United States, arguing over whether the Sixth Amendment can be honored in 160 days or less. The standard in Turkey appears a bit more flexible where they appear to measure speed in years rather than days. A panel of judges have found 39 people guilty in a trial that began on March 15, 1982 — roughly 28 years ago.
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The Accidental Tourist: Art Student Arrested in London for Photographing “Iconic Sites” as Terrorist Threat
Published 1, December 16, 2009 Bizarre , Constitutional Law , Criminal law , International , Politics , Society 14 CommentsItalian student Simona Bonomo has become the latest tourist to be nabbed in England for taking pictures of historic or “iconic” landmarks. Police community support officers (PCSOs) stopped Bonomo under anti-terrorism after she took pictures of buildings and arrested her under anti-terrorism laws. She was held in a jail cell and later released after paying a fine.
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Shots in the Line of Duty: Chinese Officer Declared As Martyr of the Force After Drinking Himself to Death
Published 1, December 16, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , International , Society 6 CommentsAccording to the government, Chen Lusheng, 38, in Shenzhen, China “died in the line of duty” as a “martyr” according to the government. If you are thinking of a shoot-out with drug dealers or a police chase gone bad, think again. Chen literally drank himself to death at an official dinner.
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The Perils of Canadian Ice Fishing
Published 1, December 15, 2009 Bizarre , Environment , International , Society 7 CommentsThis is the effect of drinking unlimited quantities of Moosehead beer and haddock.
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Rinse, Do Not Repeat: Texas Man Arrested After Breaking Into House and Taking a Bath
Published 1, December 15, 2009 Bizarre , Criminal law , Society 14 CommentsMilwaukee Teacher Fined After Cutting Off Seven-Year-Old’s Braids As Punishment
Published 1, December 15, 2009 Academics , Bizarre , Criminal law , Politics , Society 42 CommentsA first-grade teacher has been charged with disorderly conduct after she cut off the braids of 7-year-old Lamya Cammon after the girl continued to play with them in class. However, she might not face criminal charges.
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