@LarryOConnor I have said the same thing to many people for many months. @liberty_chick
I don't know a lot. But I do know that @Liberty_Chick has always been there when I needed her. That is all.
7-14-11: The day Andrew Breitbart received a menacing phone call from someone claiming to be "Eric" from Media Matters.
@Part_Deux You have 11,111 tweets. This means, of course, that you can never tweet again.
Why rational people don't sue pathetic, lying losers for defamation: no damages.
@Stranahan Conservatism is trusting individuals instead of government.
@19k0011 I appreciate the tweets. Very much.
I'm sorry...was there an ant somewhere? Should I be careful not to step on it? Nah...
The ant told the elephant: I will lay off for now. But after the election, I plan to do the unmentionable to you -- from behind! Haha!
@19k0011 It's a noble thought. But there are many others who are being wronged. Many will have to show forgiveness.
@19k0011 It's more than one person and they continue to betray me and other good people with dishonesty.
@xRedRoverx I will accept guesses as to who the three obvious assholes are. I may not confirm, but feel free to hazard a guess...
@RBPundit My only consolation is that I always had reservations about each of the three assholes. These reservations probably protected me.
@RBPundit It's striking how many instances of this I can cite over the last year. Three off the top of my head.
You ever reach out to someone and then regret it because it turns out the person you reached out to is an asshole?
You ever try your level best to help someone and then regret it because it turns out the person you helped is an asshole?
@m_mcaulay They exaggerate and lie about everything. Standard M.O. @rbpundit @occupyrebellion
Am I the only one who thinks it's a little creepy that @OccupyRebellion just went on an unhinged rant about me on Twitter?
@Pablo4200 Porn blogger Darrah Ford. Pseudonym. DOB 7-4-81. @rsmccain @occupyrebellion
@Patterico hasn't tweeted yet.
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