Federal Court Slams Justice Department Over Obama Comments

Yesterday, we discussed President Obama’s comments on the Supreme Court and the pending health care litigation — comments I viewed as unwise and unfounded. In addition to wrongly suggesting that any justice voting against the law would be a judicial activist, Obama seemed to suggest that the law should be upheld on the ground that it is the result of a democratic process and the will of the majority. Putting aside the fact that all unconstitutional law were passed by a democratic process in this country, I noted that the comments were extremely unwise at a time when the Court appears split on the key issues and currently deliberating the outcome. Well, the Supreme Court is not the only court considering the health care law and the timing could not have been worse for Obama to hold forth on his view of the courts and the Constitution. While I do not agree with the order of the Fifth Circuit for the Administration to respond in writing to the court, some backlash should have been foreseen by the President in going public with the comments.

Continue reading ‘Federal Court Slams Justice Department Over Obama Comments’

NBC Apologizes For Editing Zimmerman Tape

NBC has apologized after being criticized for an editing of the tape of George Zimmerman’s 911 call — an editing that made his comments sound more incriminating and racist. The editing was substantial and the network has said that it is investigating the matter, which constitutes a serious journalist ethical question.

Continue reading ‘NBC Apologizes For Editing Zimmerman Tape’

Day 4-5: Quebec

Our Canadian excursion continued with our final days in Quebec. Yesterday, we went to the Plains of Abraham, the site of the key battle in the Seven Years War. We then walked around Quebec experiencing the shops and cafes. It was a huge amount of fun, though I had to Shanghai the kids into more military historical sites. They proved far more committed in searching for new crêperies and croissants.

Continue reading ‘Day 4-5: Quebec’

[Not] Breaking Away: Police Capture Bicyclist After High-Speed Chase

We have discussed our share of car chase chases on this blog — often debating the wisdom of high-speed chases or issues of liability. This chase by Czech officers is a stand out. They are traveling at 60 mph (100 km/h) in a chase with a guy on a bike. That’s right, a guy is moving at 60 mph and racing a cruiser on the highway.

Continue reading ‘[Not] Breaking Away: Police Capture Bicyclist After High-Speed Chase’

Obama Predicts Health Care Victory, Labels Vote Against Law As “Judicial Activism”

Yesterday, President Barack Obama made the surprising prediction that the Supreme Court would uphold the health care law and further labeled those who would vote against it as judicial activists. I am not sure what he is basing his prediction on, but the comment on judicial activism is both unfounded and unwise.

Continue reading ‘Obama Predicts Health Care Victory, Labels Vote Against Law As “Judicial Activism”’

Day 3-4: Old Quebec

We are continuing our travels this week in Canada and have been in Quebec for two days now. It is truly glorious and I will be posting some pictures on Wednesday. Ironically, however, the highlight so far has not been the incredible buildings, food, and tours that we have experienced. Those have been amazing. However, the problem is that the kids do not want to leave the hotel. We are staying at the Auberge Saint-Antoine, one of the most beautiful hotels in the country.

Continue reading ‘Day 3-4: Old Quebec’

Arizona Passes Sweeping Law Criminalizing Internet Speech

In one of the most sweeping attacks on free speech in America, the Arizona legislature has passed a draconian bill that would criminalize speech on the Internet (“any electronic or digital device”) that prosecutors consider “obscene, lewd or profane language or . . . suggest[ing] a lewd or lascivious act if done with intent to ‘annoy,’ ‘offend,’ ‘harass’ or ‘terrify.’” The law is largely undefined and is in my view facially unconstitutional. The law would drive a stake in the heart of free speech. Yet, people like Bill Clinton have been calling for such a crackdown on Internet speech for years.

Continue reading ‘Arizona Passes Sweeping Law Criminalizing Internet Speech’

Italian Supreme Court Rejects Father’s Claim That Beating Daughter Is Permissible In The Islamic Culture

As I have discussed previously, I often speak about the cultural defense with a group of experts around the country, including judge Delissa Ridgway. This defense is used in both criminal and civil cases to argue that an individual did not have true intent to commit a crime or should have a mitigated sentence due to a cultural motivation or belief. There are limits however as a father discovered last week in Rome, Italy.

Continue reading ‘Italian Supreme Court Rejects Father’s Claim That Beating Daughter Is Permissible In The Islamic Culture’

Toure de Force: CNN and MSNBC Personalities Clash Over Coverage Of Martin Killing

Tongues are wagging over a confrontation between CNN’s Piers Morgan and MSNBC’s Toure (a journalist who appears to go by just one name like Cher or the Artist Formerly Known As Prince). At issue was whether Morgan should have been tougher on George Zimmerman’s brother in an interview or conversely whether journalists like Toure have discarded their neutrality and objective distance in declaring Zimmerman a murderer. Putting aside the childish rhetoric, it is a serious question of whether journalists are crossing the line into advocacy in declaring the guilt of someone like Zimmerman. The controversy has also raised long-standing uncertainty of the role of anchors and journalists in actively supporting a claim, cause or movement.

Continue reading ‘Toure de Force: CNN and MSNBC Personalities Clash Over Coverage Of Martin Killing’

Tunisia Rejects Sharia As Basis For New Constitution

Over the years, I have not hidden my opposition to Sharia-based legal systems and the types of grotesque forms of justice that they mete out to their citizens. There is little good news from this area of the world as revolutions in Libya and Egypt go careening toward Islamic states. However, this week we have a modicum of good news. Tunisia’s governing Islamist party has decided to oppose a move to make sharia law the main source of legislation in a new constitution. They appear to be doing better than our allies in Iraq and Afghanistan who are increasingly applying harsh Islamic principles.

Continue reading ‘Tunisia Rejects Sharia As Basis For New Constitution’

Day 1-2: Montreal

I am traveling on business this week in Canada and Vermont. I decided to bring the family and, as in the past, I thought I would share some of what we saw and experienced from any of our blog regulars traveling in this direction. We began the journey by driving up to Montreal from Virginia (11 hours). While this is a working trip for me, we are packing in a lot of sight-seeing and, when I am working, Leslie and the kids are out and about with their iPhones at the ready.

Continue reading ‘Day 1-2: Montreal’

Teachers Under A Morality Microscope

Below is my column this morning in The Los Angeles Times on the increasing number of cases where teachers are punished for comments or activities in their private lives — often under nebulous disruption or moral turpitude grounds. While the recent case of a teacher moonlighting as a porn star in California raises understandable concerns for school officials, most of these cases involve either past conduct or clearly protected speech. This is part of a broader number of cases that we have been following dealing with public employees ranging from city managers to police officers to firefighters. The question is how much our public employees must confirm their political and social activities to satisfy members of the public.

Continue reading ‘Teachers Under A Morality Microscope’

MK 269


Respectfully submitted by Lawrence Rafferty (rafflaw)-Guest Blogger

I know what you may be thinking.  Just what is that title all about?  It is not the serial number of the C-124 picture here.  It is an address of sorts, but you can’t find it on Google maps or with your GPS system.  It also represents a destination, of sorts, for myself and my family.  It took over 61 years to get this address and on last Monday, March 26th, 2012, my family took possession of this address for the first time. Continue reading ‘MK 269′

A Small Victory Against Corporatism

by Gene Howington, Guest Blogger

On Friday, a small victory was had against the ever encroaching corporatism threatening our democracy.  Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D – MD) brought suit against the FEC last year. In his suit, Van Hollen charges that in 2007 the FEC created a loophole allowing undisclosed donors to contribute money for “electioneering communications” to organizations like Karl Rove’s 501(c)(4) advocacy group Crossroads GPS and to 501(c)(6) business associations like the Chamber of Commerce for the purposes of by willfully misinterpreting disclosure requirements in the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (a.k.a. McCain-Feingold). ”Electioneering communications”  are broadcast ads that refer to a federal candidate in the period 60 days before a general election or 30 days before a primary election.  These ads may call for either the election or defeat of a specific candidates.

In 2007, the FEC added a regulation that complicated the situation. The rule in question – C.F.R. Title 11 § 104.20 (c)(9) – (found at 2 U.S.C. 434(f)) - says “If the disbursements were made by a corporation or labor organization pursuant to 11 CFR 114.15, the name and address of each person who made a donation aggregating $1,000 or more to the corporation or labor organization, aggregating since the first day of the preceding calendar year, which was made for the purpose of furthering electioneering communications.”  Clearly the FEC is saying that disclosure is only required if a donation is explicitly made “for the purpose of electioneering communication.”  Being that few, if any, donors to these groups ever earmark their donation for a specific election expense there has been little or no disclosure of the donors to these groups.

There is a problem with that regulation though.

Continue reading ‘A Small Victory Against Corporatism’

Audio Experts: Cries For “Help” On 911 Tapes Not Zimmerman’s

By Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

The  chair emeritus for the American Board of Recorded Evidence, Tom Owen, and Ed Primeau, a Michigan-based audio engineer and forensics expert, have independently concluded that the furtive pleas for help clearly heard on the 911 tapes are not George Zimmerman’s. Both acknowledged experts used voice enhancing software, but different techniques, to rate the probability of the voice being Zimmerman’s at no more than 48%.  A 90% match is considered scientifically reliable.

Continue reading ‘Audio Experts: Cries For “Help” On 911 Tapes Not Zimmerman’s’

Defending Our Freedoms?

Submitted by: Mike Spindell, Guest Blogger

A recurring meme used in American society by leaders and politicians is that certain acts must be done to “Defend Our Freedoms”. The use of this meme has occurred repeatedly in our history as a justification for certain governmental actions, particularly in defense of war. In some cases like our Revolution, or World War II its usage has been right on point, in others like Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan it’s been used as untruthful propaganda. On national and local levels the meme has also had a mixed history. It has been used to persecute radicals, as a States Rights justification of “Jim Crow” and post 9/11 to enact “security” legislation that many of us think actually diminishes freedom in the name of saving it. Continue reading ‘Defending Our Freedoms?’

The Evolutionary Gorilla In The Room

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

One common tactic in the creationist’s war against evolution is to falsify evolution by demonstrating a counterexample. If such a counterexample existed, it would indeed spell the demise of evolution. The Precambrian Rabbit would be such a counterexample. After failing to find even one counterexample, some creationists have given up trying to falsify evolution and now seek to disabuse evolution by claiming it is not falsifiable. Other creationists, unable to falsify evolution, get all metaphysical and point out that the principle of falsifiability is not falsifiable. Continue reading ‘The Evolutionary Gorilla In The Room’

Judy In Disguise (With Glasses)

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

We present John Fred and his Playboy Band in glorious STEREO!

The Case of the Cruciferous Vegetable, the Cornhusker Kickback, Justice Scalia, Right-Wing Talking Points, and the Affordable Care Act

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

Roy Blount, Jr.—author, humorist, poet, reporter, performer, and frequent guest on Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me!—once wrote the following:

The local groceries are all out of broccoli,


It’s a terse rhyming couplet that probably expresses the way many people feel about the green cruciferous vegetable. I don’t know how Antonin Scalia feels about eating broccoli—but I do know that the nutritious vegetable has been getting a lot of press lately due to remarks that the Justice made about it and the health care mandate during the recent Supreme Court hearings on the Affordable Care Act:

“Could you define the market — everybody has to buy food sooner or later, so you define the market as food,” Scalia said, discussing a hypothetical. “Therefore, everybody is in the market; therefore, you can make people buy broccoli.”

He added, “Does that expand your ability to, to issue mandates to the people?”

Some journalists and bloggers believe that Justice Scalia didn’t come up with that bad broccoli analogy on his own. They think he may be echoing GOP and conservative media talking points on the ACA.

Continue reading ‘The Case of the Cruciferous Vegetable, the Cornhusker Kickback, Justice Scalia, Right-Wing Talking Points, and the Affordable Care Act’

Leave The Driving To Google

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

I know it’s supposed to be safer, but …

Incense And Peppermints

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger 

For you listening enjoyment, we present Strawberry Alarm Clock in glorious STEREO!

Exit Olbermann

By Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

Current TV and its biggest star have parted ways – and none too amicably. Following months of tension, the cable brainchild of former Vice-President Al Gore and legal services magnate/Democratic kingpin, Joel Hyatt, delivered a letter of termination to bombastic Keith Olbermann ending their 5 year, $50 Million deal after barely a year. In an open letter to viewers, Gore and Hyatt blamed a difference in values for the break-up:

We created Current to give voice to those Americans who refuse to rely on corporate-controlled media and are seeking an authentic progressive outlet. We are more committed to those goals today than ever before. Current was also founded on the values of respect, openness, collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers. Unfortunately these values are no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we have ended it.

Olbermann immediately shot back on Twitter in the blame game and threatened to sue:

Continue reading ‘Exit Olbermann’

Pinch Me: First Truck Spills Millions of Coins All Over Highway, Second Truck Covers The Money In Candy . . . Men Wait Anxiously For Moosehead Beer Truck

Talk about an attractive nuisance. This week a currency truck spilled Canadian “loonies and toonies” all over a highway. The accident then caused a candy truck to crash and spill candy on top of the money. I can just picture two Canadian guys saying “Give it a second, eh, there has got to be a Moosehead Beer truck coming along.”
Continue reading ‘Pinch Me: First Truck Spills Millions of Coins All Over Highway, Second Truck Covers The Money In Candy . . . Men Wait Anxiously For Moosehead Beer Truck’

Minnesota Woman Arrested For Using Puppies As Weapons

In Minnesota, Gabrielle Tywon Allen, 20, is being held on a rather odd crime — using puppies as a weapon. The Anoka County woman grabbed three 1-week-old pit bull puppies to throw at her boyfriend David Peter Remme, 25. Remme was arrested on suspicion of assault after breaking her nose and she was arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty.

Continue reading ‘Minnesota Woman Arrested For Using Puppies As Weapons’

Sgt. Dennis Weichel, American Hero

Sgt. Dennis Weichel, 29, gave the world a measure of the bravery and humanity of our soldiers serving abroad this week. Weichel, a father of three from Rhode Island, gave his life to save an Afghan girl from being run over by a 16-ton armored fighting vehicle this week. While Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called all Americans “Demons” , Weichel did not hesitate to give his life for a little girl in danger.

Continue reading ‘Sgt. Dennis Weichel, American Hero’

Meet Johanna Quaas: 86-Year-Old Gymnast

This is Johanna Quaas who (at 86 years) can still perform with remarkable agility.

Continue reading ‘Meet Johanna Quaas: 86-Year-Old Gymnast’

Thin Blue Lie? Florida Police Under Fire After Tape Surfaces Contradicting Arrest Reports and Later Sworn Testimony

In Florida, two Coral Springs police officers — Nicole Stasnek and Derek Fernandes — have been accused of false statements against a woman after an audio recording surfaced contradicting their claims about a roadside arrest of Susan Mait, 60.

Continue reading ‘Thin Blue Lie? Florida Police Under Fire After Tape Surfaces Contradicting Arrest Reports and Later Sworn Testimony’

Video: Escaped Prisoner Convinces Louisiana Officer That He Is Merely Out For A Jog

I just saw this video from 2006 where escaped inmate Richard McNair convinced a Louisiana police officer that he is just out for a jog. I love the officer’s statement to McNair that when he first spotted him he thought “how lucky can I be?” Apparently not that lucky.

Continue reading ‘Video: Escaped Prisoner Convinces Louisiana Officer That He Is Merely Out For A Jog’

U.S. Troops Given “Guarding Angels” To Protect Them In Afghanistan . . . From Our Allies

While our troops are being gunned down by Afghan allies and the President of Afghanistan is calling Americans “demons,” the Administration remains committed to spending billions in that country and keeping U.S. troops in harm’s way. The solution? Have U.S. troops serve as “Guardian Angels” to protect other U.S. troops so our allies do not kill them while they sleep.

Continue reading ‘U.S. Troops Given “Guarding Angels” To Protect Them In Afghanistan . . . From Our Allies’

The Immaculate Assault? Police Video Shows Zimmerman Without Obvious Injuries

Last night, the police released this video showing George Zimmerman shortly after he killed an unarmed Florida teen. I discussed the legal significance of the video on Countdown last night.

Continue reading ‘The Immaculate Assault? Police Video Shows Zimmerman Without Obvious Injuries’

Lion Tries To Eat Man Found In Bean Soup, Bear Tries To Eat Lion, Man Now In Paradise

Robert Biggs, 69, was in the Bean Soup Flats near Whisky Flats and wanted to get back to Paradise. The California man was watching a family of bears and had decided to go home when he was attacked by a mountain lion. However, before the lion could kill him, the mother bear ripped the lion off of him and fought the lion until it ran off. The mother bear then went back to her cubs and left Biggs alone.

Continue reading ‘Lion Tries To Eat Man Found In Bean Soup, Bear Tries To Eat Lion, Man Now In Paradise’

Divided on Division? Supreme Court Justices Seem Split on Health Care’s Severability Claim

Some of the Supreme Court appear skeptical of the claim that, if they strike down the individual mandate provision, they must strike down the entirety of the Act. Early accounts of the justices from the courtroom appeared to be favoring severability but new reports have cast doubt – yet another example how artificial the denial of cameras and live coverage has become. As the argument unfolded, conservative justices appear to suggest that it really is an all-or-nothing proposition.

Continue reading ‘Divided on Division? Supreme Court Justices Seem Split on Health Care’s Severability Claim’

Debt U: Study Ranks Law Schools With Greatest Debt Load For Students

A new report is out that the average education debt for law graduates at private schools last year was nearly $125,000. The list of the top schools in the debt competition may surprise you.

Continue reading ‘Debt U: Study Ranks Law Schools With Greatest Debt Load For Students’

11,000,000: Turley Blog Hits New High

Well, it is official. Yesterday we passed the 11 million mark for “hits”.  We continue to be ranked in the top ten most visited legal blogs in the world by AVVO. We are also just short of 5000 followers on Twitter.

Continue reading ’11,000,000: Turley Blog Hits New High’

Elderly Couple In Hiding After Spike Lee Wrongly Tells Followers That Zimmerman Lives At Their Address

An elderly Florida couple in Sanford, Florida is living through a nightmare after director Spike Lee sent their address to his 250,000 followers on Twitter — wrongly stating that this was the address of George Zimmerman, the man who killed an unarmed black teen, Trayvon Martin, in Florida. It was a uniquely stupid act by Lee and invited the very type of vigilante response that Zimmerman has been accused of. The question is whether there is liability for such negligence as David McClain, 72, and his wife Elaine, 70, live in fear of threats and packages arriving at their home.

Continue reading ‘Elderly Couple In Hiding After Spike Lee Wrongly Tells Followers That Zimmerman Lives At Their Address’

Little High, Little Low: DUI Suspect Performs Bohemian Rhapsody In Custody

It appears that this DUI suspect had the right but not the inclination to remain silent. Instead, he offers a full performance of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. I must say that the selection of the song was pure genius.

Continue reading ‘Little High, Little Low: DUI Suspect Performs Bohemian Rhapsody In Custody’

Key Supreme Court Justices Express Skepticism Over Constitutionality Of Health Care Law

It appears that the Supreme Court justices did not hear about the results of the GW Supreme Court deliberations. Key conservative justices expressed notably skepticism about the constitutionality of the health care law. The statements of Roberts and Kennedy are particularly interesting. I will also note that the continued refusal of these justices to allow cameras into the courtroom is indefensible and insulting. The fact that millions of Americans have to wait for individuals to offer second-hand accounts is a ridiculous exercise that, I believe, would have been viewed as positively moronic by the Framers.

Continue reading ‘Key Supreme Court Justices Express Skepticism Over Constitutionality Of Health Care Law’

“Supreme Court” Upholds Health Care Law

As I mentioned on Countdown last night, my Supreme Court class (which reviews the leading cases of the term and deliberates as an alternative Supreme Court) ruled on the constitutional challenge over the individual mandate provision (we will be considering the other issues in a separate class). The class ruled 12 to 2 to reverse the 11th Circuit and uphold the health care law. The class also voted on the ethical question of Kagan’s recusal as well as their prediction of what that other Court would do. The associate justices were not sway by the stated concerns of the Chief Justice (here and here) over the future of federalism if the Act is constitutional.

Continue reading ‘“Supreme Court” Upholds Health Care Law’

Trayvon Martin’s Mother Reportedly Moves To Trademark Son’s Name and Phrases

There is a new report that the mother of Trayvon Martin is seeking trademark ownership for the phrases like “I Am Trayvon” and “Justice for Trayvon.” I have long been a critic of scope of claims under our trademark and copyright laws. Despite my sympathy for the family, I fail to see why anyone should have trademark ownership over “Justice for Trayvon.” Moreover, I would think that there would be a preference for unlimited and widespread use of such terms.

Continue reading ‘Trayvon Martin’s Mother Reportedly Moves To Trademark Son’s Name and Phrases’

Baltimore Moves To Sell Off Historic Sites

The great American selloff continues with cities and states selling parks, government buildings, and other sites (here and here and here and here and here) to raise money — as we continue spend billions in Iraq and Afghanistan where our allies have called us “demons” and sought to create governments that deny basic rights to citizens. Even national parks are being pushed on the chopping block. The latest such example is Baltimore which is preparing to selloff over a dozen historic sites.

Continue reading ‘Baltimore Moves To Sell Off Historic Sites’

New York City Department of Education Bans References To Dinosaurs To Avoid Insulting Creationists

This story is so bizarre that I had to check it twice to make sure it was not an early April Fool’s joke. The New York City Department of Education has barred the use of “Dinosaur” on tests to avoid upsetting people who believe creationism. Putting aside the fact that creationists do not deny that dinosaurs existed, the decision is to bar the use of a reference to an entire species because a fact might insult religious sensibilities.

Continue reading ‘New York City Department of Education Bans References To Dinosaurs To Avoid Insulting Creationists’

Hoodie and the Blowfish: Geraldo Calls For Crackdown on Killer Hoodies

While the parents of Trayvon Martin are saying that he is wearing a hoodie in heaven, Geraldo Rivera went on the air to denounce hoodies as evil garments causing the death of teenagers across the country.

Continue reading ‘Hoodie and the Blowfish: Geraldo Calls For Crackdown on Killer Hoodies’

Is Paul Clement Destined For A Wet Willy? Lead Attorney In Health Care Case Calls Arguments On First Day Was “Practical Joke” Pulled By Justices On Nation

Was the first day of arguments over the health care law historic . . . or just a giant practical joke? Paul Clement, representing the 26 states challenging the law, said the first day of arguments in the litigation was “a kind of practical joke that the court is playing on the public.” It would not seem the most politic comment to make when you will be seeing these nine jokers in the morning.

Continue reading ‘Is Paul Clement Destined For A Wet Willy? Lead Attorney In Health Care Case Calls Arguments On First Day Was “Practical Joke” Pulled By Justices On Nation’

Meet Jonathan Antoine

Sometimes great things come in big packages.

Continue reading ‘Meet Jonathan Antoine’

A Court of Two: Supreme Court Takes Up Health Care With Scalia and Kennedy In The Spotlight

This week, the Supreme Court will take up its historic three-day consideration of the health care law. My Supreme Court class will be spending two weeks on the four insular issues before the Court, including the question of federalism.

Continue reading ‘A Court of Two: Supreme Court Takes Up Health Care With Scalia and Kennedy In The Spotlight’

New Witness Reportedly Comes Forward In Support Of Zimmerman’s Account in Martin Shooting

The facts behind the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida continue to slowly emerge. I have previously stated that I view critical facts as murky for a prosecution — even though I believe that there was sufficient evidence to arrest George Zimmerman at the scene. While we have still not seen some of the forensic evidence, a new report indicates that police may have based their initial decisions in part on the statement of a witness. We have been discussing the maddening gap in witness testimony at the critical moment of the confrontation. Now a new report suggests that there may have been a witness to the struggle and that witness reportedly told police that it was Martin who was on top of Zimmerman before the fatal shot was fired.

Continue reading ‘New Witness Reportedly Comes Forward In Support Of Zimmerman’s Account in Martin Shooting’

How-To Beat Your Wife: Book Details The Need and Method For a Proper Beating Of A Muslim Wife

Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi has a blockbuster on his hands. The Islamic writer has a book that has sold out in many bookstores in India. The book lays out in detail how Muslim husbands should beat their wives.
Continue reading ‘How-To Beat Your Wife: Book Details The Need and Method For a Proper Beating Of A Muslim Wife’

Punch Drunk: Danish Television Captures the President Delivering The Same Back-Handed Compliment To A Series Of “Little Countries”

This foreign news segment has gone viral and frankly it is pretty embarrassing. If you wonder why other countries view us as insincere and artificial, just listen to these clips of President Obama complimenting a series of “little countries” for “punching above their weight.” It is insulting on so many levels but Obama appears entirely clueless.

Continue reading ‘Punch Drunk: Danish Television Captures the President Delivering The Same Back-Handed Compliment To A Series Of “Little Countries”’

The Precambrian Rabbit In The Room

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

In a recent op-ed, entitled The Elephant in the Room, Rick Santorum, Republican candidate for President, decided to take on evolution and claimed that “the scientific consensus becomes an ideology that trumps the pursuit of truth.” According to Santorum, the “High Priests of Darwinism” challenged his amendment that suggested there is controversy surrounding evolution

Continue reading ‘The Precambrian Rabbit In The Room’

Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice — On Acid!

By Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

NASA researchers wondered what would happen to spiders if treated to a variety of mind altering substances. The drugs chosen were LSD, Speed, Marijuana, and Caffeine. To test their faculties the researchers administered the drugs then let spiders be spiders and build their webs. Here are the results: Continue reading ‘Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice — On Acid!’

It’s Just A Matter Of Time

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

For your listening enjoyment, we present Brook Benton in glorious STEREO!

Sarcasm and the Vagina Vigilantes…or Who’s Funny Now?: Yucking It Up in the Battle of the Sexes

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

Back in 2007, Christopher Hitchens penned an article for Vanity Fair titled Why Women Aren’t Funny. In it he wrote:

Men are overawed, not to say terrified, by the ability of women to produce babies. (Asked by a lady intellectual to summarize the differences between the sexes, another bishop responded, “Madam, I cannot conceive.”) It gives women an unchallengeable authority. And one of the earliest origins of humor that we know about is its role in the mockery of authority. Irony itself has been called “the glory of slaves.” So you could argue that when men get together to be funny and do not expect women to be there, or in on the joke, they are really playing truant and implicitly conceding who is really the boss…

If I am correct about this, which I am, then the explanation for the superior funniness of men is much the same as for the inferior funniness of women. Men have to pretend, to themselves as well as to women, that they are not the servants and supplicants. Women, cunning minxes that they are, have to affect not to be the potentates.

So—according to Hitchens—women are really “the bosses” because they are the baby makers. Men are the funny ones because they mock the authority of women who have wombs…and, therefore, the power! Who knew?

I get it. I think this explains why so many men in the GOP these days are proposing reproductive legislation.  These male vagina vigilantes—“uterati” is what I call them—must believe that their extreme legislation will give them (the funny guys) authority over women (the humorless baby makers). They’re trying to gain authority over the opposite sex by taking control of contraception…and women’s bodies.

Continue reading ‘Sarcasm and the Vagina Vigilantes…or Who’s Funny Now?: Yucking It Up in the Battle of the Sexes’

Stony Brook Calendar Changes Trample On Religious Privilege

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Stony Brook University (SBU), in an effort to “maximum instruction for students in the most efficient and effective manner,” will no longer cancel classes on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and will not include Good Friday and Passover in their spring break. The American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) has sent a letter to Dr. Samuel L. Stanley, Jr., President of SBU, threatening noting that ACLJ attorneys have argued before the Supreme Court.

Continue reading ‘Stony Brook Calendar Changes Trample On Religious Privilege’

Find The Kitteh Contest

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Click to enlarge.

Solution below the fold.  Continue reading ‘Find The Kitteh Contest’

Bad To Me

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Break out your headphones/earbuds for Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas in glorious STEREO!

Haughty Couture: Geraldo Rivera Blames Hoodie For Trayvon Martin Slaying

By Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

With leaders from all sides of the political spectrum coming together and calling for a Grand Jury investigation into the senseless slaying of teenager Trayvon Martin, surely there has to be one wacky voice. And who better than Fox & Friends contributor, Geraldo Rivera. On the show, Continue reading ‘Haughty Couture: Geraldo Rivera Blames Hoodie For Trayvon Martin Slaying’

House Passes Tort “Reform” Measure That Would Slash Recovery By Medical Malpractice Victims

The House of Representatives has passed a controversial tort reform bill that contains serious flaws that would limit recovery of people harmed or kill by acts of malpractice. H.R. 5, the “Protecting Access to Healthcare Act” would impose a cap of $250,000 that would severely cut the damages of victims and make it far more difficult for such victims to secure contingency counsel. THe bill passed 223 to 181 with seven Democrats joining Republicans to pass the bill.
Continue reading ‘House Passes Tort “Reform” Measure That Would Slash Recovery By Medical Malpractice Victims’

Top Drug Prosecutor In Michigan Disbarred For Soliciting False Testimony

The former chief drug prosecutor for Wayne County, Michigan has been disbarred for her role in soliciting false testimony. Former Wayne County assistant prosecutor Karen Plants had originally been suspended for only two years, but the Attorney Discipline Board on reconsideration bumped the penalty up to full disbarment on reconsideration of her case due to her “lack of reflection.”

Continue reading ‘Top Drug Prosecutor In Michigan Disbarred For Soliciting False Testimony’

Florida Court Dismisses Stabbing Case Under The “Stand Your Ground” Law

Last night I was on Countdown discussing Florida’s “stand your ground law” and the recent shooting case of the Trayvon Martin case. We discussed yesterday’s ruling in the the case of Greyston Garcia and the dangerous ambiguity created by these laws. The second-degree murder charges against Garcia were thrown out by a Florida judge under the Stand Your Ground law despite the fact that he did not just stand his ground, but ran after a man who tried to steal his car radio and proceeded to stab the unarmed man to death.

Continue reading ‘Florida Court Dismisses Stabbing Case Under The “Stand Your Ground” Law’

Sarkozy Proposes To Arrest People Who Visit “Terrorist” Websites

We have previously discusses alarming moves in France to limit or deny speech through blasphemy prosecutions to hate speech to barring “antihistorical” speech. Now, in the wake of the recent killings by a Muslim extremist, the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy is proposing a new law that would jail repeat visitors to extremist web sites. It is a measure that strips away core free speech rights of citizens and gives the government a new ambiguous power to arrest people for the things that they read.

Continue reading ‘Sarkozy Proposes To Arrest People Who Visit “Terrorist” Websites’

Mitchell Adjunct Law Professor Arrested For Exposing Himself To Student

Former William Mitchell sports law professor Clark Calvin Griffith, 70, has been charged with indecent exposure in a meeting with a 24-year-old student. The son of the former owner of the Minnesota Twins, Griffith resigned from the faculty and denies the charges.

Continue reading ‘Mitchell Adjunct Law Professor Arrested For Exposing Himself To Student’

Meet Juror No. 4361: Denver Author Charged With Perjury After Faking PTSD

Susan Cole thought she had a clever way out of jury duty. The author and Denver cosmetologist dressed up as a mentally unstable homeless person suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder from military service and domestic violence. It worked . . . at least until Cole called a radio station to brag about her dubious success. Now, the former Juror No. 4361 has returned to court now as a criminal defendant.

Continue reading ‘Meet Juror No. 4361: Denver Author Charged With Perjury After Faking PTSD’

Stolen Value: Former Seal Sues Fake Seals Over Selling Seal Experience

Former Navy SEAL Don Shipley is outraged. Barry “Bear” Silverman has been running a business called “Tactical Deterrence” in Broward County that allegedly sells SEAL training by people who falsely claim to be former SEALs. Such profiteering on the SEAL experience should go to . . . well . . . Shipley who runs his own faux SEAL training camp in Virginia. Shipley has filed a lawsuit that is basically Stolen Valor meets Stolen Value on who gets to sell the SEALS.

Continue reading ‘Stolen Value: Former Seal Sues Fake Seals Over Selling Seal Experience’

Fallen Saints: NFL Punishes The Team and Coaches of The New Orleans Saints Over Bounty System

New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton has been suspended without pay for the 2012 season by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams was banned indefinitely for the team’s infamous bounty system on opposing players. However, Goodell said that he will review Williams’ status after next season. While I used to live in New Orleans and often cheer on the team (when the Bears are not playing), I think Williams should have received a lifetime ban and I am not sure Payton did not also deserve such a ban over the disgraceful practice. I also do not understand why the defensive line players who took this money have not also been punished, but Goodell said that he will address them separately. Goodell did fine the Saints $500,000 and took away their second-round draft picks this year and next year — sending a clear message to all teams.

Continue reading ‘Fallen Saints: NFL Punishes The Team and Coaches of The New Orleans Saints Over Bounty System’

Things That Tick Me Off: Excessive Celebration

It is time again for me to vent and add another item to my “Things That Tick Me Off” list. Today’s gripe is excessive celebration. I started thinking about this recently as the father to two fencers. In attending fencing competitions, I have been shocked by the practice of some to scream after scoring a point. I will return to that practice is a second. Then I saw this click of Pete Weber winning his fifth PBA U.S. open title — screaming at the crowd. I realize that this is (hopefully) an unguarded moment of someone caught in the euphoria of his win. However, it raised again for me the concept of excessive celebration in football (my favorite sport) and the need for such a rule in fencing (below). I believe all sports should have rules like the NFL’s, but fencing (with so many young players) should make it a priority to establish a rule against screaming celebrations as shown below.

Continue reading ‘Things That Tick Me Off: Excessive Celebration’

Florida Shooting Forces Debate Over The “Stand Your Ground” Law

Federal authorities have announced that they are now intervening in the investigation of the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida. That will certainly enhance the completion of forensic evidence, which we discussed earlier as critical to a case like this one. I have previously cautioned that this is not such an easy case as has been suggested, even with the 911 tapes. One of the greatest barriers is the Florida “Stand Your Ground” law.

Continue reading ‘Florida Shooting Forces Debate Over The “Stand Your Ground” Law’

The Rubens Regulation: Knesset Tells Skinny Models To Eat Or Starve

The Israeli Knesset became the latest legislative body to ban skinny models. The new law prohibits both Israeli and foreign ads with “underweight” models and requires disclosure of when pictures have been manipulated to make the model look thinner.

Continue reading ‘The Rubens Regulation: Knesset Tells Skinny Models To Eat Or Starve’

Russian Court Bans Scientology Books As “Extremist”

A court in Moscow has upheld a lower court decision declaring books on Scientology to be extremist literature and banning publication or distribution of such books. This decision follows moves by other countries against Scientology as a criminal or fraudulent enterprise as well as testimony against the church by former high-ranking church members.

Continue reading ‘Russian Court Bans Scientology Books As “Extremist”’

Karzai: Americans Are “Demons”

We have previously discussed Afghan President Hamid Karzai stated inclinations toward the Taliban and harsh treatment of women. Then there was Karzai’s recent position that women are worth less than men — presumably even those American women keeping Karzai and his corrupt family and friends in power. This week Karzai has added that Americans are “demons” and no better than the Taliban. Karzai then called for divine intervention to defeat the Americans and the Taliban — a dangerous call in a nation known for religious fanaticism: “Let’s pray for God to rescue us from these two demons. There are two demons in our country now.”

Continue reading ‘Karzai: Americans Are “Demons”’

Unexplained Phenomenon: Leading North Carolina Physics Professor Arrested In Argentina For Allegedly Smuggling Cocaine

Professor Paul Frampton of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is not in his classroom his week because he is sitting in Devoto Prison in Buenos Aires for allegedly smuggling cocaine in his luggage. Frampton insists that he is innocent and that he will return to his research into “phenomenology” at the physics department. Frampton is an accomplished physicist and an adviser to the National Republican party, including drafting the science portion of the Republican platform for the 1988 Convention.

Continue reading ‘Unexplained Phenomenon: Leading North Carolina Physics Professor Arrested In Argentina For Allegedly Smuggling Cocaine’

My Sleep Number is 911: Miami Officer Suspended For Hauling Mattresses On Patrol Car

This curious picture was taken in Miami. Officer Sandra Lyles has now been relieved of duty for hauling mattresses with her patrol car.

Continue reading ‘My Sleep Number is 911: Miami Officer Suspended For Hauling Mattresses On Patrol Car’

Biden: Killing of Bin Laden Most Audacious Plan in 500 Years

Vice President Joe Biden is known for yielding to rhetorical over factual observations. He was in fine form this week when he told an audience at the fundraiser that the plan to kill Osama Bin Laden was the greatest and most audacious plan in 500 years. While the Bin Laden raid was incredible, there are a few raids that may have equal or greater claim to that title. To put that into perspective, the raid surpassed such minor skirmishes as the Battle of Trenton, Doolittle Raid on Tokyo, and the Raid at Cabanatuan – just to name U.S. operations. There are also a few notable foreign rivals like Operation Eiche (Oak) to rescue Mussolini, the Dambusters Raid on Ruhr, the Pegasus Bridge landing, Operation Chariot to destroy the St Nazaire dry dock, and the Entebbe raid to rescue Israeli hostages.

Continue reading ‘Biden: Killing of Bin Laden Most Audacious Plan in 500 Years’

Chicago Police Arrest Two Journalists For Willful Commission of “Whatever”

The same week that a video showed a Chicago police officer choking a young man on St. Patrick’s Day, this video shows police arresting reporters outside of a hospital without apparent justification. The video shows Photographer Donte Williams and WGN Reporter Dan Ponce complying with orders and seeking to work out the disagreement on their presence at the scene. The officer proclaims “Your First Amendment rights can be terminated if you’re creating a scene or whatever.” This appears to be the “whatever” category.

Continue reading ‘Chicago Police Arrest Two Journalists For Willful Commission of “Whatever”’

Two Federal Courts Reach Opposite Results On The Constitutionality Of The New Graphic Cigarette Images

We have been following the constitutional challenges to the new cigarette advertising regulations requiring graphic images on packages. I have been highly critical of those images and agree with the constitutional and policy concerns raised by the regulations. Now we have two decisions — one from the Sixth Circuit and one from the D.C. district court — reaching opposing results on the constitutionality of regulations. The district court decision sets up the possibility of a split in the circuit with the appeal now going to the D.C. Circuit.

Continue reading ‘Two Federal Courts Reach Opposite Results On The Constitutionality Of The New Graphic Cigarette Images’

Video: Chicago Police Officer Chokes Young Man Mouthing Off At St. Patrick’s Day

The video below is from St. Patrick’s day in my hometown Chicago. A young man, who may be drunk, is mouthing off to a Chicago police officer. The officer then escalates the confrontation by choking the young man and throwing him to the ground.

Continue reading ‘Video: Chicago Police Officer Chokes Young Man Mouthing Off At St. Patrick’s Day’

Ever Wonder Where All The Buffalo Went?

I just saw this photo on Reddit and I had to share it. This is a picture from the mid-1870s of a pile of American bison skulls waiting to be ground for fertilizer.

Continue reading ‘Ever Wonder Where All The Buffalo Went?’

Cloudy With A Chance of Dismissal? Weatherman Sues CBS Over Gender and Age Discrimination

Kyle Hunter, a television weatherman, has sued CBS for sex and age discrimination for what he claims is an overriding preference given to young attractive women to give the weather forecasts. We have followed this controversy in earlier stories over whether attractive looks can be an appropriate (even an overriding) criteria for anchors, waitresses, or other professions. Hunter insists that he encountered a cold front at every term.
Continue reading ‘Cloudy With A Chance of Dismissal? Weatherman Sues CBS Over Gender and Age Discrimination’

The Corruption Curve: Study of All 50 States Show No Curve Breakers When It Comes To Transparency and Honesty

A study by the Center for Public Integrity, Global Integrity and Public Radio International paints a rather dim picture of the state of transparency and honesty among the several states. Eight state governments received a failing F grade while no state received an A. Thus, in this class, getting a B tops you in the top ten percent of the class.

Continue reading ‘The Corruption Curve: Study of All 50 States Show No Curve Breakers When It Comes To Transparency and Honesty’

Court Bars Representation By Counsel Who Offered His Own New York City Loft As Collateral On Bond For Accused Madam in Prostitution Case

A New York City lawyer has been removed from a case involving a high-end prostitution ring because the judge, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan found his relationship with the accused “Madam” to be “murky.” Attorney Peter Gleason had put up his own $2.5 million New York City loft as collateral on the $2 million bond for Anna Gristina (shown here in a photo with her husband).

Continue reading ‘Court Bars Representation By Counsel Who Offered His Own New York City Loft As Collateral On Bond For Accused Madam in Prostitution Case’

Dutch Report: Boy Castrated in 1950s After Accusing Priests of Abuse . . . In Order To Cure His Homosexual Tendencies

There is a horrific Dutch story out this week. In the 1950s, a boy named Henk Heithuis came forward to allege abuse by priests. He was interviewed, put into a Catholic psychiatric facility, and then castrated to cure him of his homosexual tendencies.

Continue reading ‘Dutch Report: Boy Castrated in 1950s After Accusing Priests of Abuse . . . In Order To Cure His Homosexual Tendencies’

Meet Donald Citron: The Alleged “Crapper Scrapper” of Denver

They called him the “crapper scrapper” — a man who was stealing toilet parts from bathrooms in the Denver metro area for cash. Donald Allen Citron, 48, faces 18 charges, including burglary and theft.

Continue reading ‘Meet Donald Citron: The Alleged “Crapper Scrapper” of Denver’

The Zimmerman Tapes: 911 Recordings Released From Shooting Of Teen In Florida By “Watchman”

We have been following the investigation into the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. The shooter, George Zimmerman, 28, has not been charged and reported a suspicious character to 911. Martin was returning from a 7-11 after buying Skittles. He was carrying the candy, a small amount of cash, and an iced tea. The family and many others have called for the arrest of Zimmerman, though the accounts of the shooting have been murky. Previously, we discussed the need to hear the 911 tapes, which have now been released and are linked below.

Continue reading ‘The Zimmerman Tapes: 911 Recordings Released From Shooting Of Teen In Florida By “Watchman”’

How Patriotic is the Patriot Act?

Respectfully submitted by Lawrence Rafferty (rafflaw)-Guest Blogger

When the Patriot Act was signed into law back in 2001, there was significant discussion about and distrust in the broad powers granted to the FBI and other intelligence gathering agencies. I won’t go into the uproar that ensued back then, but I do want to discuss the latest events pertaining to the infamous Section 215 of the Patriot Act.  Section 215 of the Patriot Act is the section that has been dubbed as the “business records” provision of the Act.  In the last few days, two United States Senators reconfirmed their concern over the possible misuse of the broad powers granted to the government in Section 215.  Senator Ron Wyden and Senator Mark Udall have made public their recent letter to Attorney General Holder expressing their grave concerns on just how Section 215 is being interpreted and used to spy on Americans. Continue reading ‘How Patriotic is the Patriot Act?’

Professor “Defends” Sandra Fluke As Mere Extortionist or Prostitute Not Slut; Students React Creatively

 By Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

Seems the far Right just can’t stay out of  – or quit throwing – the muck. The Huffington Post reports that  University of Rochester econ professor, Steve Landsburg, has launched his own attack on Georgetown law school student, Sandra Fluke, who had the temerity to speak her mind to a congressional committee discussing contraceptive services.  Landsburg apparently dabbles in English grammar when his dismal graphs Continue reading ‘Professor “Defends” Sandra Fluke As Mere Extortionist or Prostitute Not Slut; Students React Creatively’

This Could Happen To You

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

This video of Collinsville, Illinois K9 officer Michael Reichert violating the civil rights of two guys returning from a Star Trek convention.

Continue reading ‘This Could Happen To You’

Bird Dog

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

For your listening pleasure, we present The Everly Brothers in glorious STEREO!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of the leprechauns of the blog from the Turley Clan.
Continue reading ‘HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!!’

Coming Soon To A Protest Near You . . .

Submitted by Gene Howington, Guest Blogger

It is a truism that most technology is a two-edged sword. Something created with a beneficial use can and (due to human nature) turned into something harmful is the way the scenario usually plays out. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule where the inverse is true and something harmful turns out to have a beneficial application. To illustrate this point, here is the Vortex Gun.

You saw correctly. This is a gun that can fire concentrated blasts of tear gas, pepper spray or any other aerosol agent moving at 90 miles per hour at targets up to 150 feet away.  The “smoke rings” are still moving at 60 miles per hour reaching targets over 90 feet away.  What possible benefit could come from such a weapon? Let’s look at the non-military application of the weapon before jumping the gun (pun fully intended).

Continue reading ‘Coming Soon To A Protest Near You . . .’

A Real History of the Last Sixty-Two Years?

Submitted by: Mike Spindell, Guest Blogger

Being in my late 60’s and having grown up in a liberal family, politics and history have been always among my greatest interests. Those much younger than I would no doubt list 9/11 as the most traumatizing historical event of their lifetime. While 9/11 of course affected me greatly, no historical event in my life has affected me as much as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I believe that it traumatized my generation so extensively that most of us have not been able to fully believe in our country and its government since that tragic day and its aftermath. Most Americans alive today, who were born in 1960, or afterwards, have only second hand accounts of the total turbulence of the 60’s and the trauma experienced by those who lived through it. There is no doubt that 9/11 has traumatized this nation, but initially it drew most of us together, only to have that unity frittered away by the Bush Administration. The 60’s did that for my generation and that trauma led directly to our current political chaos and deep distrust of government as my generation took the reins of political power.

To most people growing up in the 50’s, on its surface America was the land of opportunity. The USA was a great democracy, unparalleled in human history in the prosperity of its citizens and its standing among nations. For many though, there were obvious cracks in this version of the America Myth. If you were a Black American you faced the viciousness of “Jim Crow” in the South and the somewhat more “genteel” racism pervading the rest of the country. People of Spanish speaking heritage also faced the status of second class citizenship. Native American’s were treated just as badly as they had been from the first European landing on these their shores. Women were, with few exceptions, expected to be subservient to male expectations and were uniformly portrayed as being intellectually inferior. Homosexuals were viciously and violently persecuted. And so it went in 1950’s America. Some great white writers like Mailer, Kerouac, Steinbeck and many others were taking on the myth of the America Dream. Africa American writers like Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and James Baldwin were standing on the shoulders of their predecessors from the Harlem Renaissance, in exposing the oppression Black people faced. There was among many Americans a weariness of the canards of the Eisenhower Administration, the fear based militarism of the Cold War and a recognition that all was not well with a good portion of the population. There was also for many, a hope for purposefulness in their own lives, beyond marriage, house in the suburbs, new car and two kids.

Arriving on the scene, promising to revitalize the country, was JFK, a brilliant speaker, handsome man and charismatic leader. He won a close election against the unlikable Richard Nixon and proceeded to galvanize the nation with the dreams of his New Frontier. JFK also was the source of great enmity among the Washington Establishment. Seen as nouveau riche by the plutocracy, too idealistic and naïve by the Defense, State Departments and CIA, hated by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, too “Nigra Friendly” for Southern racists and a threat to the “business as usual” Corporate status quo. He was murdered on a Friday Afternoon in 1963 as my University suspended activities and I sat with friends stunned with grief listening to a car radio and puffing Marlboro’s. That day is etched permanently in my mind and the disturbing events that followed it throughout those turbulent 1960’s forever changed the way I viewed the world. Lee Harvey Oswald was improbably murdered as I watched on TV that Sunday; a flawed Warren Commission Report arrived filled with holes; the murder of Martin Luther King and then Bobby Kennedy; along with the prosecution of a vicious and illegal war; with all this my faith in American Democracy and exceptionalism faded into skeptical disbelief. Life for us ordinary citizens, however, still went on and pleasure, friends, lovers, spouses, families and careers took up most of our time and attention.  Nevertheless I devoured everything I could read about the JFK murder and indeed about the history taking place as I lived my mundane life. Recently a book brought all those strange feelings back to the surface and provided a possible explanation why our world seems so much crazier these days. Continue reading ‘A Real History of the Last Sixty-Two Years?’

The Wearing of the Green

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

Continue reading ‘The Wearing of the Green’

Rutherford B. Hayes – Early Adopter

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

Time once again for a history lesson. During a speech in Maryland President Obama compared Republican skepticism of alternative energy to President Rutherford B. Hayes’ dismissal of the telephone. In this anecdote, Hayes said, “It’s a great invention, but who would ever want to use one?” President Reagan repeated the same anecdote in a speech before the National Technology Awards in 1985.

According to Nan Card, curator of manuscripts at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Ohio, just the opposite is true. Card has heard the story before but has no idea where it started. Continue reading ‘Rutherford B. Hayes – Early Adopter’

Piece Of My Heart

-Submitted by David Drumm (Nal), Guest Blogger

We present the 45 single version of Big Brother and the Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin) in glorious STEREO!

Could The End Of Political Hate-Speech Be Due To a Fluke?

By Mark Esposito, Guest Blogger

Georgetown University Law Schooler Sandra Fluke may have been able to do something George Soros’ millions, a whole gaggle of Democratic strategists, and Al Franken’s book, Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot, couldn’t do – dethrone the King of Caustic in the court of public opinion.  She may have done something else, too. Something truly unexpected in red-blue battlefield where American politics is played. The feisty feminist may have just made political discourse civil again.

Continue reading ‘Could The End Of Political Hate-Speech Be Due To a Fluke?’

New York Times Under Fire Over Denial Of Anti-Islam Ad After Running Anti-Catholic Ad

There is an interesting controversy in New York where The New York Times ran an ad calling on Catholics to leave their church, but refused to run a similar ad targeting Muslims. Conservatives have jumped on what they say is a double standard. They may have a point.

Continue reading ‘New York Times Under Fire Over Denial Of Anti-Islam Ad After Running Anti-Catholic Ad’

Pornographic Politics: Santorum Pledges To Prosecute The Country Into a Better Moral State

Rick Santorum is continuing his faith-based campaign with a pledge to wipe out pornography in his Administration. The problem is that pornography is lawful and now a multi-billion dollar industry. It is obscenity that can be criminalized, but what is obscene remains exceptionally vague and ill-defined. Indeed, many may find parts of this presidential campaign to border on the obscene.

Continue reading ‘Pornographic Politics: Santorum Pledges To Prosecute The Country Into a Better Moral State’

Alabama Accuses Grandmother Of Senseless Killing of Granddaughter . . . Then Seeks To Kill Grandmother

An Alabama prosecutor has announced that the state will seek the death penalty for Joyce Garrard, 46, who is accused of killing 9-year-old Savannah Hardin by making the child run for hours as punishment for eating candy. The charge raises the question of the evolution of the standard set by the Supreme Court

Continue reading ‘Alabama Accuses Grandmother Of Senseless Killing of Granddaughter . . . Then Seeks To Kill Grandmother’

The Good News Is Jersey Shore Is Set To Be Cancelled, The Bad News Is . . .

. . . so is the entire actual Jersey shore. A Princeton study has found that global warming is causing a rise in sea levels that is far greater and more accelerated than previously thought. The report predicts that the Jersey shore could be underwater in a matter of decades and low-lying areas thrashed by increasing storm surges.

Continue reading ‘The Good News Is Jersey Shore Is Set To Be Cancelled, The Bad News Is . . .’

Someone Just Cut My First Music Video

ZZ Top look out. One of my friends at the law school sent me this YouTube video, which appears to be a collection of quotes from me set to music. We do not know who put this together but it is the closest thing I will ever have to a music video. Honestly, I appreciate the gesture though I am not sure on how these particular quotes were selected.

Continue reading ‘Someone Just Cut My First Music Video’

Twenty Additional Law Schools Accused Of Cheating On Employment Figures

New York lawyer David Anziska has been one of the attorneys pushing litigation against law schools over inflated or erroneous employment figures. He has now released a list of 20 law schools accused of fudging the books. Two top 50 schools — Pepperdine and American University — are listed. No evidence for the inclusion on the list has been given and these schools have not had the opportunity to respond. Some of the schools have been previously accused of such fudging of data in the now hyper-competitive annual rankings.

Continue reading ‘Twenty Additional Law Schools Accused Of Cheating On Employment Figures’

NOTICE: Status of WordPress Trouble Ticket

Submitted by Gene Howington, Guest Blogger

Some people are still experiencing the “log in” problem when trying to post this morning.  Please be patient.  The problem was only reported last night, but we are hoping to hear from WordPress Support today.  If you really feel compelled to post and are one of the victims of this unfortunate problem, you can try using an alternate email address.
Continue reading ‘NOTICE: Status of WordPress Trouble Ticket’

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