Latest posts at Food Freedom News

Millions Against Monsanto: The Food Fight of Our Lives
By Ronnie Cummins
For nearly two decades, Monsanto and corporate agribusiness have exercised near-dictatorial control over American agriculture. Finally, public opinion around the biotech industry’s contamination of our food supply and destruction our environment has reached the tipping point.

The Folly of Big Agriculture: Why Nature Always Wins
By Verlyn Klinkenborg
Instead of urging farmers away from uniformity and toward greater diversity, the USDA is helping them do the same old wrong thing faster In its short, shameless history, big agriculture has had only one big idea: uniformity. The obvious example is corn. The U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts that…

Two years later: the oil is still here and so are we
By healthygulf1
Two years ago the BP drilling disaster began, killing 11 workers and threatening an ecosystem and the unique communities which rely upon it. Musicians, GRN supporters and community members are reminding you that BP’s oil is still affecting the people and…

Monsanto and Big Tobacco knowingly poisoned Argentinian workers; caused birth defects
By Iulia Filip
Monsanto, Philip Morris and other U.S. tobacco giants knowingly poisoned Argentinean tobacco farmers with pesticides, causing “devastating birth defects” in their children, dozens of workers claim in court.

Superfoods you can easily grow at home
By The Green Man
We are all looking for that dietary edge, foods that are intensely nutritious and life-extending. Print and electronic media are absolutely awash with superfoods lists (and The Vancouver Sun is no exception). What I notice perusing those endless lists is that superfoods cost a fortune and most are…

Richmond, BC poised to ban genetically modified crops
By Randy Shore
The City of Richmond is poised to join a growing number of B.C. municipalities that oppose the cultivation of genetically modified crops and plants within their boundaries. A resolution has been working its way through city hall since June…

NC Butterball Workers Arrested on Animal Cruelty Charges
By Cindy Galli
Six workers at a Butterball turkey farm in North Carolina face criminal charges after an undercover video revealed alleged animal abuse, and a state employee who tipped off Butterball before a police raid on the farm has pled guilty…

Obesity is now a problem for unborn babies
By Gordon Filepas
Obesity isn’t just an American problem; in Britain, doctors have begun administering the diabetes drug metformin to the unborn babies of morbidly obese mothers-to-be to reduce the fetuses’ weight. The reason: dangerously overweight pregnant…

Toxic Torts: Fluoride in the water Great Culling update
By Chris Maple and Paul Wittenberger
This 5-minute video update on the upcoming film trilogy, The Great Culling, includes sections on vaccines and fluoride:

Autism and Disappearing Bees: A Common Denominator?
By Brian Moench
A few days ago the Salt Lake Tribune’s front page headline declared, “Highest rate in the nation, 1 in 32 Utah boys has autism.” This is a national public health emergency, whose epicenter is Utah, Gov. Herbert. A more obscure story on the same day read: “New pesticides linked…

Hidden food in your yard you walk by every day
By Dr Mercola
A major part of achieving optimal health is living in partnership with nature. Growing your own food is a great way to rekindle this connection with nature. But have you thought about eating plants that grow wild—perhaps in your own backyard?…

Roxy Lopez Show: Chemtrails, Morgellons and GMOs
In her inaugural show on American Freedom Radio last night, Roxy Lopez interviewed Dr. Wil Spencer, who treats Morgellons clients; and two Morgellons sufferers, Melanie Vritschan from Brussells and Marie Palac from Sweden. Included in the discussion…

1 in 5 teens will experiment with farming: Know the warning signs
By Know Your Farmers
Digging is a gateway activity to gardening; from gardening many move into farming. “Answer me honestly,” the mother asks, “How long have you been planting?”

Container Gardening With Veggies and Herbs
By Barbara Pleasant
These are among the best food crops for container gardening: artichoke, arugula, bok choy, celery, chard, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, lettuce, onion, pepper, snap bean, pea, tomato and most herbs.

Ruling in federal raw milk case may bring boost for producers
By Matt Kelley
A federal judge in Sioux City, Iowa, has thrown out a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s ban on bringing unpasteurized raw milk across state lines. FDA says it won’t enforce raw milk sales ban against individuals.

Monsanto threatens to sue Vermont if GMO food label bill passes
By Will Allen and Ronnie Cummins
What it really comes down to this: Elected officials are abandoning the public interest and public will in the face of corporate intimidation.

Game preserve owner: ‘There is no feral hog problem in Michigan’
By Kim Hartke
Michigan agency creates hardship for heritage pig farmers, hunting preserves, say legal experts. Dept. of Natural Resources stars enforcing controversial swine Invasive Species Order.

TX scalar square, HAARP ring precede tornado outbreak
By Rady Ananda On 2 April 2012, Dutch Sinse uploaded a video capture of odd weather patterns which, he predicted, would turn out some nasty weather including tornadoes. The next day, Dallas-Ft. Worth saw 18 tornadoes.

FDA ‘deleted comments’ story inaccurate
By Alex Duncan
You may have seen a claim that the FDA “deleted” the more than 1 million comments we submitted to the FDA last week. This story is incorrect and highly misleading. We ask that you please not link to or share this misleading story on your websites or social media.

Are Boys Turning in to Girls Because of Synthetic Chemicals?
By Dak
Cases of accelerated puberty in young girls and the “transgender” phenomenon are occurring with increasing frequency. Endocrinologists have found out that endocrine disruptor found in common synthetic chemicals like DES, dioxin, PCBs…

Obama moves to stop kids from helping on family farm
Fox News interviews Kansas Senator Jerry Moran
Seeking input from the public on whether to ban 4H training, the Dept of Homeland Stupidity wants to stop kids from rounding up cattle, operating farm machinery, or otherwise helping out on the family farm, because after…

Michigan Ag draws guns at pig-banning meeting with farmers
By Kimberly Hartke
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) scheduled a meeting and sent 10 people. Two armed men, 1 plainclothesman with automatic pistol and a Kevlar jacket were among them, sent to monitor the proceedings.

Canada promotes transgenic goats at Ag Museum
Genetically Modified Goats on Display at Ottawa Experimental Farm: Family Outing Turns to Shock
“Seeing the transgenic goats gave me a horrible, sick feeling inside. I just think it’s wrong,” said Beatriz Oliver, who brought her four-year-old daughter and two-and-a-half-year old son.

Multiple Sclerosis: The Cause and Solution Uncovered
By Woodrow Monte
An exhaustive analysis of the medical and scientific literature, authored by a uniquely qualified food scientist, persuasively reveals the cause of MS and describes a path to recovery and prevention.

Unacceptable Levels: New film about toxins in our food, cosmetics & environment
“Unacceptable Levels” is a feature length film, in conjunction with learned scientists, doctors, and experts in the field, who will reveal the truth about toxins in the environment, and in ourselves.

Hang onto your DNA – the 1% wants that, too
By Scott Johnson
First, they took your manufacturing, then your jobs, then your homes, then the whole economy. But all that is not enough. They want more of what is yours and they are going even deeper. They want to take over your DNA.

Poland’s Monsanto action lays 1000s of dead bees on Govt steps
Ag Ministry begins process to ban MON810
By Rady Ananda
On March 15, over 1,500 beekeepers and their allies marched thru the streets of Warsaw, depositing thousands of dead bees on the steps of the Ministry of Agriculture, in protest of genetically modified foods and their requisite pesticides which are killing bees, moths and other agriculturally-beneficial insects around the globe.

Much more at Food Freedom News

We’ve Moved! Launch of new Food Freedom site

By Rady Ananda
Food Freedom

As promised, and thanks to several donations including a payment arrangement for my articles at Activist Post, we’re proud to launch the new website for Food Freedom.

There are still some kinks to work out, but if you don’t mind the dust, just don your hard hat and take a look:

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