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April 4, 2012
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Someone You Love: Coming to a Gulag Near You

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“My name is Kenneth Chamberlain. This is my sworn testimony. White Plains police are going to come in here and kill me.” And that’s just what they did.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  4 COMMENTS
A Holy Week Entreaty

It’s hard not to notice that Christianity hasn’t been presented in its own best light during this election year because Christians have not exactly been putting forward their best selves.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE
Project Glass: See the World Through Google’s Eyes

We still know very little about Google’s plan to take its services directly to the face, but from this promotional video we can determine that layabout New Yorkers need a lot of help managing their mid-afternoon jaunts.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE
New Trial in the Works for KSM

Remember the name Khalid Sheik Mohammed? KSM, as he became known in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, is still accused of masterminding those attacks a decade later and is still being detained at Guantanamo Bay, but Wednesday brought news of movement in his case.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  9 COMMENTS
Former Police Officers Get Jail Time for Post-Katrina Shootings

Five ex-officers from the New Orleans Police Department found themselves on the other side of the law Wednesday, as they were sentenced to jail for their respective roles in the shootings of six unarmed civilians in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in 2005.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT
Romney Blasts Obama’s Rhetoric as Editors Look On

Mitt Romney sure is acting like a man who has it in the bag, and he practically does after racking up more wins lately in the GOP primary sweepstakes. That means, of course, that it’s time to show President Obama what he’s got, and on Wednesday he threw down by accusing Obama of ... “rhetorical excess.” Wait, what?

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  2 COMMENTS
Pepper Spray Sends 2 to Hospital During College Protest

Two people were hospitalized Tuesday evening after Santa Monica (Calif.) College police officers allegedly pepper-sprayed a crowd of students and others protesting tuition increases outside a meeting of the college’s board of trustees. An investigation to determine who released the spray is under way.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  3 COMMENTS
‘Daily Show’: On Palin’s ‘Today’ Show Infiltration

How are we to process the media-made spectacle that was Sarah Palin’s cameo on Tuesday’s “Today” show? Do we care? Not really, but it does make good material for Jon Stewart and his “Daily Show” cohorts, particularly the hilarious John Oliver, who has the entertaining (if alarming) task of interviewing Palin’s fans outside 30 Rock.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE
Conservatives Really Do Hate Science

Trust in science as a means of discovering and understanding reality has declined among self-identified conservatives since the mid-1970s, sociologists at the University of North Carolina found, and even more so in recent years if they held high level university degrees.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  6 COMMENTS
Data Mining for a New American World

I was out of the country only nine days, hardly a blink in time, but time enough, as it happened, for another small, airless room to be added to the American national security labyrinth.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  4 COMMENTS
Hoodie Politics: Trayvon Martin and Racist Violence in Post-Racial America

The killing of a young African-American boy, Trayvon Martin, by an overzealous white Hispanic security guard who appears to have capitulated to the dominant post-racial presumption that equates the culture of criminality with the culture of blackness, has devolved into a spectacle.

Posted on Apr 4, 2012 READ MORE  |  6 COMMENTS
Nominate Our Next Truthdigger of the Week

Who made your week by speaking truth to power, blowing the whistle or standing up to injustice? Let us know here.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT
We’re Fatter Than We Thought

New study, new round of bad news. Researchers have determined that the level of obesity in the U.S. is being dramatically underreported. The current, too-conservative estimate already says that one in three Americans is obese, so this may be one time you don’t want to click “Read more.”

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  7 COMMENTS
Romney, Romney, Romney Sweeps Tuesday Primaries

Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Wisconsin all went for Mitt on Tuesday night, making Rick Santorum look even more like a party crasher.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  2 COMMENTS
Apple Products Are Core for Economy

Throughout the recession, Apple’s growth has brought hope to many; China’s creative class and human capital cannot catch up to the U.S.’; meanwhile, Western intervention in Afghanistan has obviously failed, but by how much? These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE
Toulouse Killings Send Tremors Through French Presidential Election

Francois Hollande is not action-man, and his presence on the scene in Toulouse inevitably was one of passive observer.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  9 COMMENTS
‘Colbert Report’: The Beefstate Governors

The meaty slurry we now know of as “pink slime” is being unfairly disparaged, according to governors of beef-forward states like Texas (hi there, Rick Perry!), and this grievous mischaracterization of the chemically treated fleshy detritus that was previously earmarked for America’s dogs must be righted at once.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  3 COMMENTS
Obama: GOP Budget Plan Is ‘Social Darwinism’

In case Paul Krugman’s comparison between the GOP’s prized budget plan and pink slime wasn’t a strong enough indication of its reception among the opposition, here comes President Obama with a descriptive attack of his own.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  2 COMMENTS
FBI Launches ‘Parallel Investigation’ Into Trayvon Martin Case

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is officially involved in the Trayvon Martin case, conducting its own inquiry into the Feb. 26 killing of the teenager in Sanford, Fla., to determine, for one, whether shooter George Zimmerman zeroed in on Martin for any racially motivated reasons.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  5 COMMENTS
He’ll Still Be the Mitt We Know

The problem for Mitt Romney, assuming he eventually wins the GOP nomination, is that a general election campaign isn’t really like an Etch A Sketch. Alas, traces from the primaries linger.

Posted on Apr 3, 2012 READ MORE  |  9 COMMENTS
Foxconn Pledges to Ease Up on Factory Workers

Electronics manufacturer Foxconn has taken some considerable hits to its public image in recent years as reports about shocking labor conditions at the Apple supplier’s factories cropped up with more frequency than new iPad product launches. On Sunday, Foxconn’s chairman said that the company is changing its ways.

Posted on Apr 2, 2012 READ MORE  |  4 COMMENTS
Suu Kyi’s Party Claims Victory in Burma

She’s attracted international attention to her cause, and now she’s bringing change to her native Burma, as pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi led her political party, the National League for Democracy, to claim 40 of 45 parliamentary seats up for the vote in last weekend’s by-elections.

Posted on Apr 2, 2012 READ MORE  |  3 COMMENTS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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