Individual Health Insurance Plans

by Admin on February 1, 2012

Health InsuranceAny individual struggling to manage their finances in a less-than-robust economy will certainly try and acquire the best possible insurance plan to cover their needs. Those who are managing their own businesses as entrepreneurs have an even more critical need to cover their risks regarding medical costs should the unexpected situation arise. Keeping the rising expense of premiums down, as well as having to face the consequences of dealing with any catastrophic illness requires a good understanding of individual health insurance plans.

Health Insurance Categories and Types

Choosing the most adequate health insurance plan certainly depends on an individuals particular need, preferences, and of course, budget flexibility. The health insurance business as a whole is certainly complex and competitive, and as the multitude of insurance providers each strive for market dominance, the differences or similarities in each type of medical plan offered can appear a bit confusing to say the least.

In a simple breakdown, health insurance coverage can be sorted into two primary categories: traditional and managed care. Brought down further, four more specific varieties of health care plans are available within those two primary categories:

  • Traditional Insurance Plans – currently referred to as ‘fee-for-service’
  • Preferred Provider Organizations – commonly referred to as PPOs
  • Point-of-Service Plans – commonly referred to as POSs
  • Health Maintenance Organizations – commonly referred to as HMOs

Three decades ago, the predominant type of health care coverage was known as traditional indemnity coverage, though the terminology has been altered to mean ‘fee-for-service’ to suit current policy configurations. These plans are designed to provide protection much like auto insurance, where an individual covers the front-end medical costs via a certain deductible amount, and the insurer pays the remaining majority of the expense for each claim. Since modern medicine produces the higher cost of health care, as well as extending people’s life-spans, insurers have designed the ‘managed–care’ concept as a means to reduce the operational expenses of doing business.

Fee-for-Service: This type of plan gives an individual the opportunity to choose the particular doctor, hospital, or other medical service provider they prefer. Opting for specialists is also permitted without seeking insurer permission. This type of plan generally demands a higher deductible, and typically insurers only cover what is described as ‘reasonable and customary’ medical expenses, though stipulate an expense cap for out-of-pocket fees paid by the individual policy holder.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs): This type of plan is designed to allow individual policyholders a lower fee structure, but within an established network of medical service providers. While this coverage may not include many preventative care options, the in-network restriction provides an inexpensive co-pay system, requiring far less out-of-pocket or up-front payment risk, as well as smaller premiums and less paperwork. Going outside the network would result in the individual having to pay out the entire expense before receiving reimbursement from the insurer.

Point-of-Service (POS): While somewhat designed like the PPO, this form of managed care requires the oversight of a Primary Care Physician, and within the auspices of a network as well. Again, the costs are based on the incentive to stay with providers within a network, which represent lower out-of-pocket charges, less paperwork, though if the primary physician elects to refer an individual to a specialist outside of the network, the insure will generally pick up the entire expense. In addition, more extensive preventative care options are covered as well, such as wellness improvement programs, nutrition, smoking cessation, and other incentives.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs): This type of plan is considered the least expensive managed care option, and generally are designed for groups rather than individuals. It is an in-network system, with a primary care physician, and offer a low co-pay, low premium, minimal paperwork form of coverage. These plans also offer the best preventative and health improvement program coverage as well.


Options in Sliding Windows for Your Home

by Frenchy on April 1, 2012

There are some window frames which are better suited for sideways opening windows rather than vertical windows. These not only offer better architectural form. They can also offer a more attractive way to open the windows. By having a window that glides open, you will be able to have an open space which goes from the base of the window to the top. These kinds of windows have a few different options you will be able to choose from. You can choose from those which are two panels. This kind of window slides one window panel in front, or behind, the other. You can also choose a three panel design in which the center panel is stationary and the two outside panels can open towards the center. This leaves you with two open spaces on either side of the window.

Installing these windows is easy to do whenever you choose the right Cincinnati window company. They will be able to come in and remove the old window while fitting the frame for the new one. This will allow you to have better protection against the elements. Of course, to get the best window Cincinnati has to offer, you will need to take your time in going to the website of the window company of your choice. Peruse the different windows that they have available so that you can choose something which will truly fit in your home. After you do, the contractor will visit your home to look at the window frame. They will be able to offer you a detailed estimate of what it will cost to remove the old window and install the one you have chosen. This will allow you to be able to get the help you need so that you will be able to have a great looking window which is different from the rest.


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