World News

Capitalism with a Feminine Face

  Historically the IMF and World Bank, like the WTO, have been characterized by “faceless”...

Where’s the criminal investigation of the Murdoch Empire? Shareholders to the rescue

By Michael Collins There was something tawdry and disgusting about the phone hacking by Rupert...

Inconvenient Details About the Afghan 17 Massacres

  Since the appearance of a March 27th article by sociology professor James Petras on...

Psychiatric Bias and Bigotry in Mainstream Corporate Media

by Don Weitz In a democratic system of thought control…[it is] necessary to take over...

War and Peace

The unclassified Zelikow torture memo as evidence of crimes

“My colleagues were entitled to ignore my views,” he [Zelikow] continued. “They did more than...

College Board silent: US wars, NDAA, ‘non-academic and unsuitable,’ AP Govt topics???

“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then...

War crimes in Libya and the March shift

By Michael Collins Foreign Policy just published a roundup of weapons contributed to the Libyan...

Dr. King’s 2 minute message to you: ‘Silence is betrayal… speak as one who loves America’

with video here. A year before the US government assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, he...


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Who bombed Judi Bari? It wasn’t the government

Picture of Judi Bari’s car after it was bombed A new film...

Oops, We’re Doomed!

By Michael Collins We don’t have a substantial cushion between today’s climate...

Michigan citizens fight totalitarianism in new proposed zoning laws

 picture of the Saugatuck Dunes forest Citizens of Michigan and those following...


California attorney general’s office has stated that the Santa Monica Junior College two-tier course pricing proposal is illegal.

   Picture of Harrison Wills, student body president of Santa Monica College   On April...

Senators Harkin &Hagan propose restricting abusive marketing practices by for profit colleges

 On April 18, 2012 US Senators Tom  Harkin and Kay Hagan introduced a bill to prohibit all colleges  from using...

Welcome to Wisconsin: Howard Fuller and taking away ‘public choice’ in education, abdicating reasoning and critical thinking as necessities for creating the new neo-feudal economic arrangement

From Larry Miller’s Blog: The following is from Larry Miller’s blog out of Wisconsin. You can readmore about Howard Fuller...

Students at the University of Maryland talk social issues, about racism and oppression

Published on Apr 15, 2012 by YourWorldNewsMedia These college students from the University of Maryland sit down for an extremely...

New allegations of racist practices at for profit colleges emerge

  On Wednesday April 11 2012 Courthouse news reported Joseph Simpson, a former dean at for profit school Anthem Career...

Critical thinking and the unschooled mind

The following was written in 1995 and is posted here for readers.  How profundly to the right this country has...

College Board silent: US wars, NDAA, ‘non-academic and unsuitable,’ AP Govt topics???

“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win.” – unsourced and...

The Bully Politics of Education Reform

America is a bully nation. America is the embodiment of might-makes-right. When another country (USSR) invades Afghanistan, America is filled...

A Play about For-Profit Colleges

Aaron Calafato is a playwright and actor. Like many people who choose that line of work, however, he has a...

The Great Dumbing Down: NY Department of Education calls for censorship

Uploaded by LeakSource2012  March 29, 2012 03/28/2012 If banning books by right-wing reactionaries is not enough, then how about asking...

College Board bars AP Government from teaching US Constitution and US wars

I have been removed from the Advanced Placement (AP) Government listserve for documenting US Constitution promises compared with these recent...

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