Hey! Here's a permalink to the Daily Kos comics page! AND be sure to visit the new store, featuring SIGNED BOOKS and GLOW IN THE DARK SHIRTS!
Speaking of the 1970s

This is just about the most awesome thing ever — a trailer for a 1936 version of Logan’s Run (via Mike Lynch).

… adding, because there was some confusion, yes, I understand this is not a real movie trailer.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 1:35 PM | link
A forgotten corner of comic strip history

Awhile back at a tag sale, I picked up a strange artifact of a bygone era — a collection of Woody Allen newspaper comic strips from 1978. Who knew that Woody Allen had a newspaper comic? I’m somewhat baffled as to where it might have run (as you probably will be after you see a couple samples), but according to the afterword, the strip was “syndicated in newspapers throughout the United States,” as well as in sixty foreign countries. The nineteen-seventies, go figure.

(Click thumbnails to embiggen.)



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posted by Tom Tomorrow at 1:15 PM | link
Reader feedback

Well, this made my day:

… adding, there are still some signed copies in stock at the store.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:49 AM | link
Latest boner from Romney campaign


Ann Romney’s remarks came during an interview with Baltimore radio station WBAL, during which the host asked her, “And one of the things, Ann Romney, that folks talk about with your husband, Mitt Romney, and I’ve seen him in casual conversation-He comes off very smooth and okay. But sometimes he comes off stiff. Do you have to fight back some criticism, like ‘My husband isn’t stiff, OK?’”
Laughing, Ann Romney responded, “Well, you know, I guess we better unzip him and let the real Mitt Romney out because he is not!”

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 8:31 AM | link
Catching up

Click to embiggen.

March 21, 2012
The asteroid


Also: newest cartoon here.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:58 PM | link
A bit of good news

The Santa Barbara Independent dropped TMW for the usual budget reasons not too long ago. I never even got around to mentioning it here, but reader response in the area was apparently both immediate and vocal, and I’m happy to say the cartoon returns to the paper after a mere two week hiatus. Many thanks to the editors there, and of course overwhleming thanks to the readers who spoke up and made a difference. Don’t let anyone tell you that sort of thing doesn’t matter. Just because something doesn’t work every time, doesn’t mean it never works.

Closer to home (for me), the Advocate papers could still use some nudging.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 2:35 PM | link
A color blind society

So glad we live in one. [/snark]

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 10:48 AM | link
Fact and fiction

First let me start with a true story that some of you might remember (I blogged it at the time): a couple years ago, I was in the ground floor studio of my old house, which sat maybe seven or eight feet from a heavily trafficked street. I remember specifically that I was working on the first Middle Man cartoon, when there was this huge crash and the whole room shook and I jumped up out of my seat so quickly that my drawing tablet fell on the floor and cracked open (I had to buy a new one later, and they’re not cheap). Was it an earthquake? An explosion? What the fuck? I ran out the front door and saw that an old Buick had run up over the curb and crashed into the side of my house. The driver, an elderly woman, was sitting in the front seat dazed, and I ran over — and here’s the really crazy part — I immediately recognized her as my eleventh grade art teacher from Iowa! She was many years older, of course, and everything was insanely out of context, but she’d been hugely important to me as a young artist, and there was no question in my mind that it was her. “Mrs. McGillicuddy!” I shouted –

Read the rest of this entry »

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 7:32 PM | link
An example for us all

Genuine email from a reader:

I laughed out loud today and so it was a $10 donation.

I’d take my chances in an LOL-based economy…

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 4:16 PM | link
And the latest toon

Over at the Great Orange Satan.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:42 PM | link

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