Did O’Reilly’s Hitman Jesse Watters Penetrate Atheist Rally – Or Screw It Over?
Watters Penetrates Atheist Rally: 'Are You Afraid You're Going to Hell?' screamed the headline on FoxNation.com one day last week. After Bill O’Reilly sent his stalker-in-chief – and editor of Foxnation.com – Jesse Watters to cover the atheist Reason Rally in Washington, DC., Watters put together a short video for his Watters’ World segment on The Factor. Some atheists found the video slanted and offensive, and others were okay with it. We present both the Watters’ World video, and an unedited clip of one of the Reason Rally interviewees after the jump. Did Watters’ edit make atheists look silly or was it just some lighthearted fun? We report, you decide! Video after the jump
Read morePraise God & Roger Ailes! Lee Greenwood Song Back In School Program!!
Yesterday, I reported on the newest Fox & Friends "outrage" over how the elimination of the word God, from the line "God Bless the USA," in a Lee Greenwood song to be sung at a Bellingham MA assembly, led to the elimination of the song from the program. Well praise the lord and thanks be to Roger Ailes, the school has reversed course and will allow the song to be sung, although students have the option to not sing the line "God Bless the USA." (Such blasphemy!) On "America Live," Megyn Kelly informed us that the song was reinstated after it "touched off a firestorm."
Read moreOMG, Steve Doocy Is Working On Good Friday
Steve Doocy is a very devout Catholic who was chagrined and appalled by Stony Brook University's decision to no longer cancel classes on Good Friday. He suggested that parents advise their children against attending Stony Brook because of this policy which, according to Steve, interferes with religious duties on this Christian holy day. Given Doocy's religious fervor, one would expect that Doocy's posterior would be affixed to a church pew on Good Friday as opposed to the curvy couch on the set of Fox & Friends. Thus, I was stunned and amazed when I did some morning channel surfing and found Steve Doocy doing his usual wall of genius thing on this morning's Fox & Friends. What is responsible for this calumny - or is it blasphemy!
Read moreFox News Uses Santa Monica Pepper Spraying To Advance Its War On Public Education
Neil Cavuto welcomed David Horowitz yesterday to discuss the pepper spraying of students protesting tuition hikes at Santa Monica College, a community college. Horowitz called it “mob rule” and called for the students to be expelled or put on probation. He added, "They want free education. We're going to have free contraceptives so why not free education, free food, free shelter? That's where this is going and what's driving it is the anarchist, communist left, the occupy movement across the country which was involved also in the UC Davis incident where there was pepper spray. You can't have mobs running around like that."
Read moreSteve Doocy Pushes Right Wing Study: College Students Indoctrinated By Liberal Professors
In the world of Fox News, our educational system is being taken over by libruls who are using their godless agenda to destroy America as we know it. A common refrain is that colleges are full of librul professors who are foisting their radical views on our innocent youth. This morning, as part of the Fox right wing propaganda series, "The Trouble With Schools," Steve Doocy interviewed a right wing political scientist who is part of The National Association of Scholars, a right wing front group that was "founded to bring together conservatives in academia to fight the "liberal bias" on college and university campuses and to target multiculturalism and affirmative-action policies." Naturally, Doocy didn't mention the political orientation of his guest, Peter Berkowitz, who spoke of a study that purports to show that "radical faculty members and politicized courses have compromised the quality of education in the University of California." So not only did Doocy get to promote the meme of evil librul education - but promote the meme of that evil Sodom otherwise known as California.
Read moreBirther Trump Lectures Obama About Respect For Supreme Court
I don’t know which was worse last night: birther Donald Trump lecturing our president that he isn’t respectful enough to the Supreme Court or On The Record host Greta Van Susteren letting him do it without noting the hypocrisy.
Read moreFox Friends "Outraged" Over Omission Of "God" In Lee Greenwood Song
"Real" Americans revere Jesus, the American Flag, and Lee Greenwood whose ultra schlocky "God Bless the USA" has become the unofficial national anthem for true American patriots. As such, there is, according to Fox & Friends, "outrage" over the decision of a school in evil librul, gay loving Massachusettsto change the last words of Greenwood's sacred song to "we love the USA" rather than "God bless the USA." Thanks to Fox's resident Christian culture clubber Todd Starnes, this egregious action is now the great, big lede story on Fox Nation, a secondary lede on the Fox News website, and a topic on the God's very own morning program, Fox & Friends who have never seen a wedge issue that they didn't love.
Read moreSean Hannity Joins The George Zimmerman Defense Team And Ditches The Trayvon Martin Case Facts
Just as I predicted, the father of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman appeared on Hannity last night for a lengthy interview that went beyond softball to outright advocacy on his behalf. Sean Hannity spent much of the 16 minutes decrying a “rush to judgment” against Zimmerman while simultaneously promoting his own obvious judgment. Nobody who knows his history of jumping to defend white guys in racial trouble and race-baiting against African Americans will be surprised to learn that Hannity's main goal seemed to be to prove Zimmerman wasn’t a racist – and to suggest that President Obama and all the black leaders who have taken up Martin’s cause are the real racists. Sadly, Hannity was all too happy to distort and misrepresent the facts as he went along.
Read moreCavuto Hearts Kasich’s Fetish For “Judeo-Christian” Cutting
Neil Cavuto spoke with Ohio Governor John Kasich to talk about tax cuts, energy policy, Vice Presidential possibilities, and other issues earlier this week (4/2/12). Kasich may be deeply unpopular among his constituents but not on Fox! It was a softball interview from the get go. But Governor Kasich’s last statements, about six or seven minutes into the interview, about the need to “modernize” entitlements and “fix” public education really wowed Cavuto.
Read moreO’Reilly Still Pushing The Myth Of The Government’s $16 Muffin
Last night, Bill O’Reilly took to his talking points to complain that taxpayer money is being wasted “at a colossal rate.” It's not hard to discern that what he really meant was that it’s the Obama administration doing the wasting. Because while O’Reilly seizes again on that fictitious $16 muffin – with the suggestion that this is what has caused our financial mess – he has conveniently overlooked a huge waste of money caused by the Bush administration: The Iraq War. UPDATED AND CORRECTED: O'Reilly noted that the $16 cost was not for the muffin, alone.
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