the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
Maryland’s getting pride of place because it’s a) where I live and b) has actual, non-Presidential primaries tonight. Presidential primary results here: Maryland’s state results are going to be… here, I guess. Looks like (as of 8:30 PM) Romney won DC & MD; Dan Bongino is ahead in the MD-SEN nomination; and the may-not-recognize-her-luck Nancy Jacobs is ahead in the absolutely vital* MD-02 race. Polls close at 9 PM in Wisconsin.
Open election thread.
He’s a Producer/Director for KLCS-TV/DT, The Education Station. We know because he used his work address.
From: brian.heffron@lausd.net
Subject: Congratulations!
Date: April 3, 2012 4:18:44 PM EDT
To: contact@redstate.comCongratulations, Gentlemen! (We know that no decent woman would be caught dead in your offices. Right on!) Your site has won the coveted Most Bigoted , Misogynist & Racist Website on the Entire Internet Award!
What a tremendous accomplishment! And you certainly could not have done it without all the many dark and vicious comments from knucklehead commenters on your site who hail from over the southern, former slave state, portion of this great nation!
This singular recognition means you will go down in history as the most intolerant, evil, and backward website ever run by wing nuts who could speak in complete sentences! Keep up the bad work and you will definitely wind up never having any effect at all, none at all, on any issue in our wonderful country! Why? Because as us regular Americans learn more about just how base and moronic your 1% ideas and greedy plans truly are, they will continue to turn their backs on you “republics” in droves!~ Wave bye-bye to the Independent vote and the Hispanic vote, although they may bow to your blustery hatred of emigrants, they will most certainly not vote for your candidate! Even if you pick a Hispanic VP. They’ll see right through that, plus Cubans are different from the rest of the Hispanic world, but you would not know any thing at all about a subtlety like that or you wouldn’t win this wonderful award!!
No way, Jose! : )
Please send $2000 for your trophy and certificate which depicts a lynching from the good old days!
Promoted from diaries.
Last year while governors across the Midwest worked to reform broken public union laws, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) slandered them in a speech that could have easily been written by one of the millionaire “leaders” at SEIU, NEA, or AFSCME.
During one of his stemwinders about the wondrous things unions do, Sherrod dropped a reductio ad Hitlerum on Governor Kasich (OH), Governor Walker (WI), and Governor Christie (NJ):
Bizarrely, Sherrod claims he’s not comparing Kasich, Walker, and Christie to Hitler, Stalin, and Mubarak in the middle of comparing them to Hitler, Stalin, and Mubarak. While he’s conflating overdue reforms with mass murder, Sherrod also repeats one of his favorite deceptions by pretending government unions are the same as private industry unions.
The 5th Circuit laid the smack down on President Obama today. And NBC doctored 911 tapes in the Trayvon Martin shooting.
I’ll delve into it all tonight.
Listen live right here and call in at 1-800-WSB-TALK.
Consider this an open thread.
I like and appreciate both Moe Lane and Leon Wolf. I’ve been rewarded vastly beyond my limited abilities getting to front page on this blog with them both. However, they’ve each made a serious error in judgment this week which I’ll hopefully rectify in today’s issue of Repair_Man_Jack.
Leon and Moe have both weighed in on Admiral Obama’s reckless sortie athwart the iniquitous US Supreme Court. Leon harkens back to the old USSC decision Marbury v. Madison, and claims our Commander-In-Chef slept through that one in High School Government Class just like the rest of us working stiffs. (Never you naysayers mind that he was snoring away in The Punahou Academy). Or even that he dozed through it a 2nd time in Jolly Old Harvard Law.
Today is April 3rd. On this date in 1860, the Pony Express began service. It lasted until October of 1861, when Kevin Costner finally defeated General Bethlehem. Also on this date, in 1996 suspected “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski was arrested at his remote shack in the woods of Montana. His main beef was with technology and “industrial society,” and he was eventually sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. I, too, once had a manifesto, but it dealt mainly with tacos. Finally, on this date in 1882, Jesse James was shot and killed at the age of 34 by Robert Ford, a member of his gang. It is widely believed Ford was hired by Sandra Bullock. Consider this an Open Thread.
Occupy.com- A Gift from the 1 Percent | Newsbusters
“While Occupy is known for their claim to represent the 99 percent, suave parties and Hollywood money are what made this venture possible.”
Doubly Dishonest | Washington Free Beacon
“President Obama’s latest campaign advertisement makes a number of questionable claims about domestic energy production under his watch.”
There Obama goes again | Human Events
“Once again this week, the president was out on the campaign trail bashing and oil and gas companies. And he continued to spread major falsehoods about this industry, which I guess is the polite way to put it.”
Van Jones: “They hate the brown folk, the gays, the lesbians” | Right Scoop
“Sometimes I just wish Van Jones would come out and say it. He’s a socialist/communist type just like Obama who hates the idea that freedom and responsibility belonging to the individual is the cornerstone of American society. And that’s exactly what he is saying here in this video”
Latest ABC News scoop: It doesn’t matter that previous scoops contradict each other | Jim Treacher
“One problem: this report directly contradicted Gutman’s report from just a few days earlier, declaring that there were no signs of injury.”
Today’s Word of the Day comes via Dictionary.com.
zeitgeber (TSAHYT-gey-ber): noun An environmental cue, as the length of daylight, that helps to regulate the cycles of an organism’s biological clock.
The storm that erupted yesterday when Barack Obama woke up and discovered the Supreme Court of the United States was not only not elected but it could overturn “duly passed” laws, even those passed in the dead of the night by the barest of purchased majorities, has been more than adequately covered on these pages and others by actual lawyers and those who think they are.
I’m pretty sure Obama knows what Marbury v. Madison is, even though yesterday he gave a darned good impression of being a total goober in regards to our Constitution. The simplest explanation is that he knows how the vote went on Friday and is working to change that vote, failing that he is setting the predicate for running against the Supreme Court in November.
From the diaries…
Foreign Firms Take Millions in Recovery Act Cash
April 3, 2012 — Since 2009, a wind-power company in Devens, Mass. has taken $21.7 million in Recovery Act awards, sent the bulk of that taxpayer-funded stimulus to French firms, fallen victim to industrial espionage and fired American workers.
American Superconductor was once a paragon of so many promising alternative energy companies, a shining example of the scores of green enterprises that – we were told – needed but a helping hand in order to realize their potential. Yet since the Department of Energy first pegged American Superconductor as a winning business, the company has sent millions of taxpayer dollars to French companies, lost trade secrets to state-owned companies in China and lost American jobs.
Far from a story of successful public investments, American Superconductor’s story is an exhibition of the unintended and often perverse consequences of government-directed attempts to chart the course of American innovation.
The company, now superconducting business as AMSC, is a developer of wind turbine components and power grid systems based in Devens, Mass. The firm received $21.7 million in grants and contracts from the Department of Energy in 2009 and, according to Recovery.gov, has since subcontracted $12.1 million of its taxpayer-funded stimulus to Nexans France of 4 Rue Mozart, Clichy, France and Air Liquide, a major distributor of gases based in France.
The Republican-controlled House is currently operating under a moratorium on earmarking. But if several GOP earmarxists have their say, this will change in the near future.
Throughout the past decade, most of the arguments against earmarks have been focused on wasteful spending, corruption, cronyism, and self-ingratiating monuments. Robert Byrd’s monuments and the Bridge to Nowhere became symbols for such bad behavior. To that end, even some conservative advocates of earmarks have lodged a counterargument. They contend that earmarks are only “pocket change,” and that by declining to earmark specific funding bills, we are ceding more power to the Obama administration. In order to preclude any extravagant earmarks and cronyism, they are proposing reforms and limitations to the process that will supposedly put an end to things like the Bridge to Nowhere.
All of these arguments completely ignore the most potent problem with any and every form of earmarking. Ironically, it is the supporters of earmarks that have articulated the reason why earmarks must never be resurrected in Congress. Here are some quotes from a couple of big-government Republicans as cited in a widely circulated Reuters article last Friday:
I really continue to be stunned by the number of reporters I interact with on a daily basis who really have no idea what conservatives are thinking, reading, etc.
I’m always happy to answer those questions. Many of those questions, particularly from print reporters (sorry guys), really seem to start from the premise that conservatives are not thinking about particular topics. Even worse, many reporters regardless of media, seem to think conservatives only thing about things in one way.
One of the great things about the Morning Briefing is that it is not just directed at conservative activists and talk radio, but also at the large number of reporters who read it to get a sense of what conservatives are talking about. But the Morning Briefing really is from the viewpoint of conservative activists.
Reporters also need a conservative public policy perspective.
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On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Brad Jackson and Ben Domenech are joined by Patrick Louis Knudsen to discuss Paul Ryan’s new budget, Obama’s attacks on it and whether or not it lives up to Ryan’s own standards.
We’re brought to you as always by BigGovernment and Stephen Clouse and Associates. If you’d like to email us, you can do so at coffee[at]newledger.com. We hope you enjoy the show.
Related Links:
Obama: Paul Ryan budget plan is ‘Trojan horse’
Paul Ryan’s budget plan betrays his own views on income inequality
Paul Ryan stumps for Romney, accuses Obama of ‘cash for clunkers economics’
The Ryan Budget: Confronting the Nation’s Spending Crisis
CBO Shows Obama’s Budget Produces More Staggering Spending and Debt
Patrick Louis Knudsen at the Heritage Foundation
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