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  1. @CatholicMomVA Nope!
  2. @guypbenson @RBPundit @cynicusprime Avail for traveling press is different than set-up Q&A
  3. RT @reidepstein: Since Super Tuesday, Mitt Romney has done one press avail and it was in Puerto Rico.
  4. RT @BenjySarlin: It'll be sad when Blackberry's gone and there are no more butt tweets
  5. @samsteinhp nominated for WORST WEEK IN WASHINGTON #utterfailure
  6. RT @Choire: Starting to think this whole Longreader bullshit is just a conceptual meta-trolling.
  7. It's not much of a college town. RT @BuddyRoemer: Which college(s) should I visit on my Boston trip? @umairh
  8. This is a train wreck. No, a plane wreck. RT @JeffreyToobin: awze
  9. qzin't RT @JeffreyToobin: qzat
  10. Palin beats Couric in TV ratings, which means she retroactively wins the 2008 election. Congratulations!
  11. @DLoesch I really can't figure out what GOOD those Rosenberg tweets do for the organization.
  12. How do people who suck the grease off their fingers know to sit down and eat near where I'm working?
  13. RT @PounderFile: And @PressSec inability to defend Obama's comments on SCOTUS will keep this story alive.
  14. The "Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson" reference in "You Get What You Give" gets funnier every year.
  15. Crucial! MT @reidepstein: Waukesha County: Not on the cutting edge of counting votes.
  16. @chrisargyris It has everything. Two jacked midgets...
  17. @ToTenleytown With two sandwiches, you get a free warm bucket of... tea.
  18. Limbaugh today explaining that Obama doesn't know much Constitutional law beyond 14th amendment "agitator" stuff
  19. @ToTenleytown You have inspired me to launch a new business: A sandwich food truck named "Veep Steaks."
  20. RT @ToTenleytown: @daveweigel What gets a bigger reaction from Beltway media--possible Veepstakes argument or a new food truck?