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woman holding sign

Arizona Goes to the Supreme Court

Marshall Fitz and Jeanne Butterfield detail the legal and social implications of the Supreme Court's hearing on the Arizona anti-immigration law.

» Legal background

» Divisive national consequences

» Interactive map of state laws

House GOP presenting budget
CAP Action

House Republicans Open New Front in the War on Women

Katie Wright charts how the House-passed Republican budget guts federal programs supporting women and children.

foreclosure sign

Sharing the Pain and Gain in the Housing Market

John Griffith and Jordan Eizenga explain why Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency should embrace a targeted principal-reduction program for certain deeply underwater loans it owns or guarantees.

barack obama

Not Even Close

Ian Millhiser explains why the case against the Affordable Care Act won’t hold up before the Supreme Court.

» What Happens If the Individual Mandate Is Struck Down?

» Paul Clement's Fake Constitution

» 3 Reasons Why the Health Care Lawsuit Is an Easy Case

The Latest

Media | April 5, 2012

John Bolton and the Problem with On-the-One-Hand Objectivity

Eric Alterman demonstrates why John Bolton defines the problem of on-the-one-hand objectivity in the so-called liberal media.
Global Economy | April 5, 2012

International Job Creation Policy Menu

Worker assembling a wind turbine The Just Jobs Network highlights job creation ideas from select advanced and developing economies.
Religion & Values | April 4, 2012

Moral Economy Quiz: Can You Match the Quote with Its Famous Speaker?

mahatma gandhi Catherine Woodiwiss and Alexandra Scheeler ask you to pair up historical figures and individuals with their quotes advocating for responsible capitalism.
Progressive Movement | April 4, 2012

Voter Suppression 101

vote sign Scott Keyes, Ian Millhiser, Tobin Van Ostern, and Abraham White expose the voter suppression efforts underway across the country.
Energy & Environment | April 4, 2012

Winds of Change in Maryland

Kiley Kroh and Erin Gustafson outline how offshore wind is a good long-term investment for the state and its residents.


A Closer Look

Better Care in Your Community

How Health Reform Is Helping Your State

u.s. map

Map from Emily Oshima lets you see how the Affordable Care Act has improved health care in your neck of the woods.


How Inequality Weakens Nations

Daron Acemoglu Daron Acemoglu, MIT professor of economics and co-author of the New York Times best-selling book Why Nations Fail, explains how inequality threatens the United States and why we will overcome it.

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Life as an Undocumented Immigrant

silhouette of woman Report from Angela S. García and David G. Keyes paints a picture of everyday life for the undocumented in locations with strict immigration laws.

  • Toward 2050 in California: Julie Ajinkya looks at the lessons learned in California’s San Joaquin Valley from demographic change that will soon be true for the rest of the nation.
  • Toward 2050 in California: Julie Ajinkya looks at the lessons that Los Angeles’s experience with demographic change holds for the rest of the nation.

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