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  1. Activity
  2. 4/19/12: VT Becomes 1st State to Call for an Amendment to End to Corporate Personhood & Money as Speech! #MoveToAmend
  3. Salt Lake City MTA Victory Speech - 11,400 sigs should get our measure on the ballot no prob.
    • Linda Foster, Jeannie Bedra and 142 others like this.
      • Patty Bills Snyder Correction though...It was not NINE Supreme Court Justices who decided that corporations are people. It was actually FIVE: Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Scalia, Stevens and Kennedy. The other four dissented.
      • Frankie Boy Well done , and I thought that Utah was awash with right wing Republicans.
  4. We need Bernie Sanders to change his amendment proposal. Learn why. #MoveToAmend
      • Tom Hoffmann - Music of Tom Hoffmann
        The headline. It may in fact not be an "attack" as you put it, I more saw it as a dis, but it may be an attack. Repetitively drumming headlines like that might make it seem like an attack. How are we reading words on a page to know, there... are no inflections or other indications to go by? Comments in that vein are not very welcoming either. Why not delineate the differences on a brief list in two columns and post it that way?, teaching and embedding the information and make a call for your amendment then, (here*** is the reason why this amendment....) recalling that there are other amendments out there too, we are trying to reach different parties including the independent party, we are currently working with, Occupy, Independents, Dems, Progressives, Tea Party Patriots and will work with them because we have a common enemy and it's not each other. Blurting out why so and so blah, blah, blah... that is a turn off and frankly I've had enough of that kind of division and I'm not saying it's coming from you, just look at mass media and the major parties going at each other..., so much so that I tune it out. I'd rather stay with this, as the cause speaks for itself. In the words of my wife "Occupy a New Paradigm, Another World IS possible." (~sv) ~ TH, Prof. Emeritus, UMA (in the great state of Maine).See More
      • Erika Miller we come!
  5. Salt Lake City Move to Amend turned in 11,400 signatures to qualify their resolution for the ballot. 7,142 were needed. Way to go SLC MTA!!
    • Gwen B. Fischer, Rema Loeb and 153 others like this.
      • Keith Lajoie Silly liberals. You don't get to pick who and what the constitution applies to. Nice try.
      • Jeanette Bill-Cole Silly conservatives, its we the people, not we the corporations, of the United States. When corporations can DIE for their country, then they can have equal rights with human beings. Until then. no.
  6. Intern with Move to Amend! Application deadline is April 27.
    • Eileen Slade, Chuck Mullin and 27 others like this.
      • Move To Amend Carey, at this time our internships are only Spring and Fall. Next year we might do summer interns again but for such a short period it is harder - as soon as folks learn the ropes it is time to go.
      • Toni Miles I am applying and I have a best friend who may want to go too! She sent me this link! Sonja Barrett.
  7. Vermont State Senate voted 26 to 3 to call for an amendment to the Constitution to abolish corporate personhood! 4/11/12 #movetoamend
  8. VT State Senate just passed our resolution 26-3! Poised to be first state to vote to abolish corporate personhood! #movetoamend
    • Gwen B. Fischer, Keven D. Franklin and 559 others like this.
  9. Our electoral system was badly broken BEFORE Citizens United.
  10. Supreme Court agrees to take up Montana case. Doesn't change a thing - Corporate Personhood was here before Citizens United and it has been wrong all along. We shall see...

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